Surnames Mp through Pe






Mrvalevitch, Nickola


NoK Mrs. Nickola Mrvalevitch, San Diego, CA (hometown); served with Co. I, 125TH Inf.; DW 9 Oct. ’18


Mueller, Arthur James


born ca. 1898; father Paul Mueller, NoK, 1312 25th St., Milwaukee, WI (hometown); WNG; served with Btry. D, 121ST FA Regt.; DW 8 Aug. (5 Oct.) ’18 at age 20


Mueller, Ernest Grover


born ca. 1895; mother Mrs. Magdalena Mueller, NoK, Monroe, WI (hometown); WNG; served with Co. H, 127TH Inf.; DD, pneumonia, 27 Oct. ’18 at age 23; not listed in 32D Div. in WW


Mueller, Herman


born 1 Oct. ‘85 (‘87) at Germany (nativity); son of August and Wilhelmina (Kuhlow) Mueller, father NoK, Box 302, Sheboygan Falls, WI (hometown) (some references state Sheboygan, WI); Pvt. in Co. C, 2D Wis. Inf., WNG, Sheboygan, WI when mobilized 15 Jul. ‘17; brother, Cpl. Carl W., enlisted in same unit earlier and served during Mexican Border Crisis, does not appear to have been with the unit when it mobilized again; assigned to Co. C, 127TH Inf. when 32D Div. was organized; promoted to Pfc.; Fismes, Soissons, Juvigny, near Verdun; member of scout patrol when KIA 9 Oct. (4 Oct.) ‘18 at age 33 (31), severe shrapnel wound to leg, died from loss of blood before medics could reach him; listed on 28 Nov. ‘18 casualty list; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery; also memorialized at Sheboygan Falls Cemetery Sheboygan Falls, Sheboygan County, WI


Mulcahy, Richard W.

1st Lt.

born ca. 1887; NoK Mr. Dan. Mulcahy, Jefferson St., Portage, WI (hometown); enlisted in Co. F, 3D Wis. Inf., WNG, at Portage, WI; Sgt. with that unit during Mexican Border Crisis; assigned to Co. F when 128TH Inf. was organized; Oise-Aisne, Meuse-Argonne; KIA 10 Nov. ’18 at age 31


Mulcare, John M.


NoK Miss Lilly Mulcare, 2139 W. 7th St., Cleveland, OH (hometown); served with Co. D, 128TH Inf.; DW 2 Sep. ’18; interred at Oise-Aisne American Cemetery


Mules, Harley


born 31 Dec. ‘96; son of George F. and Ella M. (Reed) Mules, Hart Prairie, WI; hometown Elkhorn or Whitewater, WI; also had ties to Palmyra, WI; enlisted in WNG at Janesville, WI; served with Co. C, 120TH MG Bn.; DW 2 Aug. ‘18 at age 21; parents received telegram on 20 Aug. ‘18; interred at Round Prairie Cemetery, La Grange, WI; not listed in 32D Div. in WW


Muller, Louis


NoK Miss Charlotte Muller, 2149 N. Clark St., Chicago, IL (hometown); served with HQ Co., 128TH Inf.; KIA 6 Oct. ’18; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery


Mulligan, Francis L.


NoK James Mulligan, R. F. D. 1, Cambridge, NY; resided at 55 Ball St., Hoosick Falls, NY (hometown); served with Co. B, 121ST MG Bn.; DW 8 Aug. ’18


Mulligan, Fred T.


born ca. 1888; NoK Joseph Mulligan, 752 Logan St., Janesville, WI (hometown); enlisted in Co. M, 1ST Wis. Inf., WNG, at Janesville, WI; assigned to Co. M, 128TH Inf. when 32D Div. was organized; Alsace, 2Marne, Soissons, near Verdun; MIA, presumed KIA, 5 Oct. ’18 at age 30; memorialized on Tablets of the Missing at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery


Munch, Cyril Carlos


born 1890 at OH; son of Joseph and Mary A. Munch, father NoK, 201 Main St., Toledo, OH; hometown Wayne, MI; traveling salesman for Winch Brothers Co. for 7 years, his territory was IL and MO; assigned to Co. A, 125TH Inf.; transferred to Co. E, 128TH Inf.; DW 4 Sep. ’18; interred at Aisne-Marne American Cemetery


Munksgard, Chester H.


NoK Mrs. Katie Pederson, sister, 6 Cedar St., Warren, PA (hometown); served with Co. A, 125TH Inf.; DW 13 Oct. ’18


Murawski (Mureowski), Walter


mother Mrs. Anna Murawski (Mureowski), NoK, 162 44th St., Pittsburgh, PA (hometown); entered service from OH; served with Co. C, 107TH Fld. Sig. Bn.; KIA 3 Oct. ’18; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery


Murawski, Charles


mother Mrs. Sophie Murawski, NoK, 6920 Rathbun Ave., Cleveland, OH (hometown); served with 308TH Trench Mort. Btry., attached to 32D Div.; KIA 23 Oct. ’18


Muri, Lincoln D.


father D. J. Muri, NoK, Forsythe, MT (hometown); served with Co. K, 125TH Inf.; KIA 30 Aug. ’18


Murphy, Cornelius


mother Margaret Patterson, NoK, 274 Avenue B, New York, NY (hometown); served with Co. L, 128TH Inf.; KIA 7 Nov. ’18


Murray, Clayton


NoK Alonzo Murray, Mackinaw City, MI (hometown); served with Co. H, 125TH Inf.; KIA 7 Oct. ’18


Murray, Frank


NoK Mrs. R. DuBois, Kerman, CA (hometown); hometown Butte, MT; served with Co. D, 126TH Inf.; KIA 31 Jul. ’18


Murray, Fred W.


NoK Miss Josephine Murray, sister, Menominee, MI (hometown); served with Co. I, 127TH Inf.; DW 6 Aug. ’18


Murray, John E.


NoK Ames Murray, brother, 65 Pine St., Green Island, NY; hometown in MI; served with Co. B, 125TH Inf.; KIA 12 Oct. ’18; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery


Murray, Mike


born ca. 1894; mother Mrs. M. Murray, NoK, Central Junction, Chippewa Falls, WI; Oconto Falls, WI; WNG; served with Co. H, 127TH Inf.; Alsace, Fismes, Juvigny; DD, paratyphoid, 14 Sep. ’18 at age 24; interred at Suresnes American Cemetery


Murry (Murray), Henry W.


father James Albert Murry (Murray), NoK, Haworth, OK; hometown in AR; served with Co. E, 125TH Inf.; KIA 11 (18) Oct. ’18; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery; listed twice in 32D Div. in WW; once as Murray KIA 18 Oct. ’18 and once as Murry date of death 11 Oct. ’18, cause unknown


Murry, Sent W.

2d Lt.

NoK Mrs. Lucy W. Murray, 825 28th St., Newport News, VA (hometown); served with Co. I, 127TH Inf.; DW 13 Oct. ’18


Musgjerd (Musgerd), Carl N. (Nicolai)


born 1896; son of Lars T. and Anna Marie (Nelson) Musgjerd, Kenyon, MN (hometown); served with Co. G, 128TH Inf.; DW 8 Oct. ’18; interred at Holden Lutheran Cemetery, Kenyon, MN


Musier, Henry


mother Mrs. Emma Musier, NoK, 802 Clarence St., Cleveland, OH (hometown); served with 128TH Inf. Regt., Co. D; KIA 1 Sep. ’18; interred at Oise-Aisne American Cemetery


Muth, Karl


hometown Seattle, WA; served with Co. K, 125TH Inf.; KIA 31 Jul. ’18; interred at Arlington National Cemetery


Muzzall, Cleatis (Cleater) E.


born 14 Nov. ’91; father Mr. J. O. Muzzall, NoK, 712 Walnut St., Fulton, KY (hometown); had ties to Claremont, CA, and TN; served with Co. B, 125TH Inf.; KIA 28 (29) Aug. ’18; interred at Mount Moriah Cemetery, Weakley County, TN


Myers, George W.


father Charles Myers, NoK, 525 N. Gratiot Ave., Alma, MI (hometown); served with Co. K, 125TH Inf.; KIA 31 Jul. ’18


Myers, Howard Salathiel


born 17 Nov. ’95 at Moore, WV; son of Benjamin Franklin and Mary C. (Phillips) Myers, mother NoK, Hendricks, WV (hometown); registered for the draft on 5 Jun. ’17; worked for L.H. Wiebel, Hendricks, WV; served with Co. K, 127TH Inf.; KIA 15 Oct. ’18


Myers, Robert F.


NoK Mrs. James C. Myers, Valleton, CA (hometown); served with Co. H, 128TH Inf.; ACC 21 Apr. ’19; interred at Arlington National Cemetery; not listed in 32D Div. in WW


Nadler, Emil John


born 8 Jan. ‘90 (‘92, ‘91) at Sauk Co., WI; son of Frederick Joachim Johann and Mary Louise Charlotte (Licht) Nadler, father NoK, 701 N. Walnut St., Reedsburg, WI (hometown), both German immigrants; enlisted in Co. A, 1ST Wis. Inf., WNG, Reedsburg, WI on 21 Jun. ‘16; served during Mexican Border Crisis; promoted Cpl. 9 Nov. ‘16; assigned to Co. A, 128TH Inf., when 32D Div. was organized; landed in Europe on 18 Feb. ‘18; Soissons, and others; KIA 1 Sep. ‘18 at age 28 (27, 26); listed on 15 Oct. ‘18 casualty list; interred at St. John’s Cemetery, Reedsburg, WI; brother served with same unit and was WIA 11 Nov. ‘18, Pvt. Fred, WNG, Co. A, 128TH Inf.


Nadolski, Walter N.


NoK Julian Nadolski, 1214 S. Monroe St., Bay City, MI (hometown); served with Co. I, 125TH Inf.; KIA 31 Jul. ’18


Naranjo (Naronjo), Joe R.


father Manuel (Nanuel) Naranjo, NoK, Española, NM (hometown); may have entered service from UT; served with Co. B, 127TH Inf.; KIA 19 Oct. ’18; interred at Santa Fe National Cemetery, NM


Narbon, Joseph


father Louis Narbon, NoK, 1210 Princeton Ave., Princeton, NJ (hometown); entered service from NY; served with Co. L, 128TH Inf.; KIA 7 Nov. ’18; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery


Narlock, Frank J.


born ca. 1897; hometown Milwaukee, WI; served with HQ Co., 128TH Inf.; DD, pneumonia, 18 Mar. ’18 in U.S. at age 21; not listed in 32D Div. in WW


Narodzonek, Stanley


mother Minnie Narodzonek, NoK, 24 Stovel Place, Detroit, MI (hometown); served with Co. A, 125TH Inf.; KIA 5 Aug. ’18; interred at Oise-Aisne American Cemetery


Nascadi, Angelo


served with Co. L, 127TH Inf.; died 18 Oct. ’18, cause unknown


Naylor, James R.


mother Mrs. Lonell T. Naylor, NoK, R. F. D. 4, Conway, AR (hometown); served with Co. E, 128TH Inf.; KIA 10 Nov. ’18; [a Soldier named James Robert Naylor from Conway, AR, was WIA and survived the war; born 14 Aug. ’91 at Faulkner Co., AR; son of Robert and Sarah (Carter) Naylor, both parents passed away before 1900; had a sister-in-law named Mrs. Lonell Theodore (Ottie Sarah) Naylor; died 13 Sep. ’77 at Faulkner Co., AR; interred at Crestlawn Memorial Park, Conway, AR]


Naylor, James Roger


born 28 May ’95; son of Ephraim G. and Sarah Elizabeth (Baxter) Naylor, R. F. D. 1, Finleyville, PA; hometown Malta, OH; assigned to Btry. E, 322D FA Regt. 13 Dec. ’17; attached to 32D Div.; KIA 10 Oct. ’18 at 1400 hours by German counterbattery fire near Marre; shell killed 3 and wounded 4 members of 1 gun crew and wound 1 from a 2nd gun; Pvt. Herman Hofner was also KIA outright and Pvt. Charles Hope died in amb. enroute to hosp.; these were the Btry.’s 1st casualties; repatriated and re-interred at Monongahela Cemetery, Monongahela, PA on 23 Oct. ’21


Nehrbass, Henry


born 27 Feb. ’96 at Jackson, WI; son of John and Magdalene (Horn) Nehrbass, father NoK, R. F. D. 1, Athens, WI (hometown); served with Co. F, 127TH Inf.; KIA 31 Jul. ’18 at age 22


Nehring, William Gustave


born 27 Jan. ‘99 (’98) at Wauwatosa, WI (hometown); son of Emil John and Emma (Wagner) Nehring, father NoK, 82 4th Ave., Wauwatosa, WI; worked as florist for Charles Koch, Greenfield Ave., Wauwatosa, WI; enlisted in 1ST Wis. Cav., WNG, Milwaukee, WI in Jul. ‘17; assigned to Btry. F, 120TH FA Regt., when 32D Div. was organized; fell ill on the troop train (railroad) traveling from Camp MacArthur to Camp Merritt, detrained at Pittsburg, KS on 9 Feb. ’18 and taken to Mt. Carmel Hosp.; DD 18 Feb. ‘18, pneumonia, at Pittsburg, KS at age 19 (20); according to the Cherryvale Republican on 22 Feb. ’18, “Pvt. William Nehring died among strangers, but among friends in a common country, the people of Pittsburg demonstrated today when they gave the young Wisconsin artilleryman, victim of pneumonia, a public funeral. Hundreds of persons from all walks of life attended the services held in the city’s largest church, under the direction of the Red Cross. Soldiers at home on furloughs acted as pall bearers, and after the services formed an escort to the station.”; 1 reference states that he died “in February 1918 from a ruptured appendix while training in Texas for deployment to France.”; another reference states that he died at Camp Green, NC; brother served during WWI, 2d Lt. Albert H., Co. G, 11TH Inf., 5TH Div.


Neilson, Arnold


NoK Alice Neilson, sister, Overton, NE (hometown); served with Co. G, 125TH Inf.; KIA 7 Oct. ’18


Neilson, Ray S. (Neilsen, Nielson, Nielsen)

Stab. Sgt.

born 12 May ’97; hometown Kennan, WI; Pvt. in Sup. Co., 6TH Wis. Inf., WNG, at Price Co., WI; assigned to Co. B, 119TH MG Bn., when 32D Div. was organized; transferred to 107TH Tr. HQ & MPs (107TH MPs); served as Wag.; promoted to Stab. Sgt.; DD, tuberculosis, 17 May ’18 at age 20; interred at Kennan Cemetery, Kennan, WI; namesake of Ray S. Neilson-John H. Winter Post No. 362 of American Legion, Kennan, WI; not listed in 32D Div. in WW;


Neimann (Nieman, Niemann, or Nieman), Paul F.


born 10 Mar. ’96 at Shell Lake, WI (hometown); son of Paul E. R. and Mathilda (Schultz) Neimann; father served in Prussian army; parents emigrated to U.S. in 1884, settled on 160 acre farm in Town of Bashaw near Shell Lake; may have enlisted in Co. E, 6TH Wis. Inf., WNG, at Spooner, WI; served with 128TH Inf.; Alsace, Marne, Juvigny, Argonne, Bantheville; DW (KIA) 8 Nov. ’18; interred at Shell Lake Cemetery, Shell Lake, WI; namesake of Francis Bergin-Paul Nieman Post No. 225 of American Legion at Shell Lake, WI; the other namesake was Pvt. Francis M. Bergin, WNG, Co. B, 26TH Inf., KIA 9 Oct. ’18; not listed in 32D Div. in WW


Nell, John


father George Nell, NoK, Edinburg, IL (hometown); served with Co. B, 125TH Inf.; KIA 13 Oct. ’18; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery


Nelson, Albert L.


born ca. 1894; NoK Sam Dyrland, Chetek, WI (hometown); served with Co. L, 128TH Inf.; KIA 6 Aug. ’18 at Fismes at age 24


Nelson, Arthur C.


born ca. 1895; son of Ole and Randi Nelson; hometown Elk Mound, WI; served with Co. H, 128TH Inf.; Cantigny, 2Marne; DW 22 Jul. ’18 at age 23; interred at Oise-Aisne American Cemetery; ABMC lists unit as 28TH Inf., 1ST Div., but not listed as casualty of 28TH Inf. in History of 1ST Div. During World War; not listed in 32D Div. in WW


Nelson, Berg (Burg)


born ca. 1887; NoK Art DeGraff, Sharon, WI (hometown); WNG; served with Co. E, 128TH Inf.; Alsace, Château-Thierry; KIA 31 Aug. ’18 near Soissons at age 31; interred at Arlington National Cemetery


Nelson, Edward M.


mother Martha Kregan Nelson, NoK, 2010 W. Ohio St., Chicago, IL (hometown); served with HQ Co., 128TH Inf.; KIA 30 Jul. ’18; interred at Oise-Aisne American Cemetery


Nelson, Elmer Burdett

1st Lt.

born 18 Oct. ’83 at Skiddy, KS; son of Albert Alexander and Carrie D. (Hunt) Nelson, father NoK, R. F. D. 4, Pontiac, MI (hometown); married Nora E. Looney 20 Nov. ’07 at Mohapac, MI, father of (at least) 1; served with Co. A, 120TH MG Bn.; KIA 30 Jul. ’18 when a shell hit a house in Courmont that was CP of 110TH Inf. while leaders coordinating for a relief-in-place scheduled for that night; Capt. James J. Cook, 126TH Inf., was also KIA and the 1ST Bn., 125TH Inf. cdr. and his staff were WIA; interred at Mount Avon Cemetery, Rochester, MI; namesake of Cook-Nelson Post No. 20 of American Legion in Pontiac, MI


Nelson, Fritichof


father August Nelson, NoK, 514 Chapin St., Iron Mountain, MI (hometown); served with Co. A, 128TH Inf.; KIA 1 Jul. (1 Aug.) ’18; interred at Oise-Aisne American Cemetery


Nelson, George


NoK Mrs. Helen Nelson, Angela, MT (hometown); entered service from ND; served with Co. C, 128TH Inf.; KIA 12 Oct. ’18; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery; listed twice in 32D Div. in WW, 2 identical listings


Nelson, Harold C.


born 16 Aug. ’97 at Algoma, WI; son of William O. and Alvina W. Nelson, 828 Lake St., Rice Lake, WI (hometown); family moved to Rice Lake when he was 10; enlisted in WNG 25 Mar. ’17, likely in MG Co., 3D Wis. Inf., at Rice Lake, WI; served with Co. A, 121ST MG Bn.; Juvigny; DW 1 Sep. ’18 at age 21; interred at Nora Cemetery, Rice Lake, WI


Nelson, John Bastian ‘Jack’

2d Lt.

born 15 Nov. ’83 at Eau Claire, WI (hometown); graduated U. of Wis., Class of ’14 (’15), numerous extracurricular activities; after graduation became editor of Appleton Crescent at Appleton, WI; completed First Officers Training Camp at Fort Sheridan, IL, assigned to 8TH Co., 10TH Regt. (Mich. & Wis. P.T.R.), and commissioned 2d Lt. ca. mid-Aug. ’17; married Miss Ella Tronsdal of Eau Claire on 21 Aug. ’17, wife NoK; resided at 822 Main St., Eau Claire, WI; assigned to 338TH Inf., 85TH Div., at Camp Custer, MI; 85TH Div. was designated a replacement unit when it reached France; transferred to Co. A, 127TH Inf.; KIA 7 (8, 18) Oct. ’18 by machinegun fire near Romagne at age 35; repatriated and re-interred at Lakeview Cemetery on 26 Sep. ’21


Nelson, Medos (Medes) Alex


born 9 Jul. ’94 at Au Sable Forks, NY (hometown); son of Isaac and Clara M. (Yelle) Nelson, mother NoK, Au Sable Forks, NY; worked in pulp mill of J. & J. Rogers Co.; entered service 21 Sep. ’17; trained at Camp Devens, MA; served with Co. G, 125TH Inf.; KIA 7 Oct. ’18 by shrapnel while acting as stretcher bearer; family received telegram 23 Jan. ’19; family received letter of condolence from cdr., Capt. Joseph M. Donnelly; repatriated and re-interred at Holy Name Cemetery, Clinton Co., NY, 16 Oct. ’21; namesake of Medos A. Nelson Post No. 504 of American Legion at Au Sable Forks, NY


Nelson, Raymond


NoK Oscar C. Ransom, Manton, MI (hometown); Mich. NG; served with Co. C, 126TH Inf.; KIA 5 Oct. ’18; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery


Nelson, Walter C.


NoK William Nelson, Marshall, MN (hometown); served with Co. F, 128TH Inf.; KIA 10 Oct. ’18; interred at Arlington National Cemetery (monument erroneously lists div. as 52D Div.)


Netcher, William A.


mother Mrs. C. S. Netcher, NoK, Trenton, UT (hometown); served with Co. G, 127TH Inf.; DW 11 Sep. ’18


Netzel, Edward F.


born ca. 1897; father Alex Netzel, NoK, Crivitz, WI (hometown); WNG; served with Co. I, 127TH Inf.; Château-Thierry to Fismes, Laon to Juvigny, near Verdun; WIA 4 Aug. ’18; KIA 4 Oct. ’18 at age 21


Neverdahl, Lawrence Walter


born 21 Mar. ’98 at Dunn Co., WI; NoK Tom Neverdahl, 221 16th Ave., Menomonie, WI (hometown); served with Co. H, 128TH Inf.; Alsace, St. Gilles, Juvigny, Romagne; WIA 30 Aug. ’18; KIA 20 (12) Oct. ’18 at age 20


New, Thomas Frank


born Apr. ‘97 at Harrison, GA; son of John Morgan and Annie Laura (Coleman) New, Graymont, GA; married Jadie May Lamb; hometown Emanuel, GA; entered service 6 Jul. ‘17; overseas 21 Jun. ‘18; served with Btry. D, 119TH FA Regt.; KIA 29 Sep. ‘18 at age 21; listed on 6 Nov. ‘18 casualty list; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery; not listed in 32D Div. in WW


Newman, Robert E.


mother Mrs. Emma Newman, NoK, Valley Station, KY (hometown); served with Co. A, 125TH Inf.; KIA 18 (16) Oct. ’18; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery


Nichols, Benjamin


NoK Mary Nichols, Englewood, TN (hometown); served with Co. C, 125TH Inf.; KIA 22 Oct. ’18; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery


Nichols, Claud A.


father Jackson R. Nichols, NoK, R. F. D. 1, Tupelo, MS (hometown); served with Co. L, 125TH Inf.; KIA 9 Oct. ’18


Nichols, Fredick (Frederic) H.


NoK Edward Nichols, 221 Congress St., Detroit, MI (hometown) or 17 Sunnyside St., Ecorse, MI; served with Co. C, 107TH Sup. Tr.; ACC 1 Feb. ’18


Nichols, Howard


father Allen Nichols, NoK, R. F. D. 1, Weidman, MI (hometown); served with Co. H, 126TH Inf.; WIA 28 Aug. ’18; DW 30 (31) Aug. ’18


Nichols, Raymond (Ramond) L.


born 1899; mother Mrs. W. N. Nichols, NoK, 1615 Schiller Court, Madison, WI (hometown); served with Co. G, 127TH Inf.; KIA 3 Aug. ’18 near Fismes at age 19; interred at Resurrection Cemetery, Madison, WI


Nicholson, Ray (Roy) Uel (R., A.)


born 27 Nov. ’98 at Clackamas Co., OR; son of James Madison and Nevada May (Cleek) Nicholson; hometown Scotts Mills, OR, also had ties to Marion, OR; served with Co. K, 126TH Inf.; DD, pneumonia, 30 Jun. ’18; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery


Nickerson, Howard Bentley (Niskerson)


born 20 Oct. ‘93 at Curtis, NE; son of James Hawley and Clarissa A. ‘Clara’ (Stevens) Nickerson; father preceded him in death, mother married Benjamin Marion Messersmith (mother listed as Mrs. Marion Messersmith in some references); mother NoK, sometimes listed as Mrs. Clara A. Nickerson or Mrs. Cora A. Messersmith; hometown Farnam, NE; served with Co. C, 128TH Inf. (brother served with same unit, Pvt. Clifford); KIA 12 Oct. ‘18; family received telegram ca. 28 Nov. ‘18; listed on 2 Dec. ‘18 casualty list; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery


Niebuhr, George F.


born 26 Nov. ‘92 (‘94) at Sauk Co., WI; son of Jurgen Heinrich and Catherina Maria Elisabeth (Meyer) Niebuhr, both German immigrants, both preceded him in death; NoK William Niebuhr, brother, Lime Ridge, WI (hometown); also had ties to Washington, WI; enlisted in Co. A, 1ST Wis. Inf., WNG, Reedsburg, WI on 22 Apr. ‘17; assigned to Co. A, 128TH Inf., when 32D Div. was organized; landed in Europe on 18 Feb. ‘18; KIA 1 Sep. ‘18 at age 25 (23); listed on 12 Oct. ‘18 casualty list; interred at St. Paul Lutheran Cemetery (Old), Hill Point, WI


Niedbalski (Niebalski), Frank


born Aug. ’93 at La Crosse, WI (hometown); son of Walenty L. and Mary Niedbalski; enlisted in Co. B, 3D Wis. Inf., WNG, at La Crosse, WI; Pvt. in that unit during Mexican Border Crisis; unit returned home 14 Dec. ’16; mobilized again Mar. ’17 to guard key infrastructure; his unit was guarding the large railroad bridge over the Chippewa River between Pepin and Nelson, WI; ACC 21 Jun. ’17 near Trevino, WI at age 24; he was returning to the bridge from Nelson on a railroad hand car at about 2200 hours when he was killed by a Chicago Burlington & Quincy (CB&Q) passenger train in a dense fog; interred at Catholic Cemetery of La Crosse, La Crosse, WI; there was a spent .50 cal. casing at the base of his monument when it was photographed 7 Sep. ’13,; not listed in 32D Div. in WW


Niehaus, Fred


NoK Adolph Coerling, brother-in-law, 222 Este Ave., Wenton Pl., Cincinnati, OH (hometown); served with Co. E, 126TH Inf.; WIA 4 Oct. ’18; DW 5 Oct. ’18; interred at St. Mihiel American Cemetery


Nielson, Niels


father Jens Nielson, NoK, 1822 Duane St., Astoria, OR (hometown); served with Co. B, 125TH Inf.; KIA 29 Aug. ’18


Ninneman (Ninnemann), John


born ca. 30 Apr. ’91 (’81); son of John Herman (Herman) and Minna (Moeser) Ninneman, father NoK, 611 Garfield Ave., Wausau, WI (hometown); served with Sup. Co., 128TH Inf.; 2Marne, Soissons sector; KIA 29 Aug. ’18 near Nantes at age 27 (37); mother, Mrs. George Ninneman, 607 Garfield Ave., Wausau, WI, placed ad in American Legion Weekly on 28 May ’20 seeking information of his death (this woman’s name conflicts with the parents’ names above, he did have a brother George, maybe the sister-in-law placed the ad (there are several discrepancies with this family tree))


Noble, Clarence George (S.)

1st Lt.

born 29 Aug. ’95 at Reedsville, WI; son of John H. and Wilhelmina B. Noble, 1026 S. Webster (Wensmer) Ave., Green Bay, WI; hometown Soperton, WI; was 2d Lt. in Co. H, 4TH Wis. Inf., WNG, at Crandon, WI when it mobilized 15 Jul. ’17; served with Co. G, 128TH Inf.; DW (KIA) 4 (3) Aug. ’18; earned DSC, posthumously, for his effort to aid a wounded Soldier during a heavy bombardment on 3 Aug. ’18 near St. Gilles, he was struck by a shell and killed; interred at Aisne-Marne American Cemetery; namesake of Clarence Noble Post No. 2037 of VFW at Green Bay, WI


Noel, George


born at France (nativity); French soldier; served with No. 21, 237TH FA, French army, attached to 32D Div.; DW 2 Sep. ’18


Nord, Samuel Kornelius

1st Lt.

born 21 Jan. ’92 at Rice Lake, WI (hometown); son of Rev. and Mrs. J. E. Nord, Rice Lake, WI; completed several semesters at U. of Wis. (College of Agriculture) before entering service; completed First Officers Training Camp, 7TH Co. (Co. L), 10TH Regt. (Mich. & Wis. P.T.R.), 15 May to 15 Aug. ’17 at Fort Sheridan, IL, and commissioned 2d Lt.; assigned to duty at Camp Custer, MI, 1 Sep. ’17 to 12 Jul. ’18; sailed from Camp Mills, NY, 21 Jul. ’18, with Co. E, 338TH Inf., 85TH Div.; that unit was designated a replacement div. when it reached France; transferred to Co. K, 128TH Inf.; promoted 1st Lt. 3 Nov. ’18; KIA morning of 10 (9) Nov. ’18 by machinegun bullets near Brandeville at age 26; the Bn. was being pushed back at the time so his unit was unable to bury him; it is believed that the Germans buried him where he fell; memorialized on Tablets of the Missing at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery; also memorialized at Nora Cemetery, Barron County, WI; not listed in 32D Div. in WW


Norris, Alexander


mother Anna Norris, NoK, 1191 Harrison Ave., Cincinnati, OH (hometown); served with Co. H, 127TH Inf.; KIA 13 Oct. ’18; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery


Norris, Clifford


born 20 Jun. ’89 at Manawa, WI; son of Orin E. and Julia (Klotzbuecher) Norris, 817 S. Pearl St., New London, WI (hometown); served with Co. D, 107TH Sup. Tr.; KIA 5 Feb. ’18, sinking of Tuscania; initially interred at Port Charlotte, Islay, Scotland on 8 Feb. ’18; repatriated and re-interred at Little Wolf Cemetery, Manawa, WI; not listed in 32D Div. in WW


Norris, William


born 1 Jan. ‘94 at Turman Township, Sullivan Co., IN; son of Whitman and Mary Norris; NoK Mrs. Anna Norris, wife, Shelburn, IN (hometown), father of Floyd E.; entered service at Sullivan Co., IN on 27 May ‘18; trained at Camp Taylor, KY and Camp Beauregard, LA; overseas 7 Aug. ‘18; transferred to Co. F, 125TH Inf.; KIA (DW) 4 Oct. ‘18; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery


Norton, William Lee


born ‘88 on family ranch at Linda Township, Yuba Co., CA; son of William L. and Mary Kelly Norton, Marysville, CA (hometown); farmer; entered service 6 Sep. ‘17 in the first draft; trained at Camp Lewis; assigned to 363D Inf., 91ST Div.; overseas in May ‘18; transferred to Co. I, 128TH Inf.; KIA 23 Oct. ‘18 ca. age 30; listed on 8 Feb. ‘19 casualty list; repatriated and re-interred at Yuba City Cemetery on 19 Sep. ‘21; not listed in 32D Div. in WW


Notting, Joseph Bernard


born 9 Apr. ’95 at Port Washington, WI; son of Bernard and Margaret (Scheid) Notting; NoK Miss Rose Notting, sister, 1185 27th St., Milwaukee, WI (hometown); enlisted in WNG at Milwaukee, WI on 7 Apr. ’17, likely Co. F, 1ST Wis. Inf.; assigned to Co. F when 127TH Inf. was organized; battles included Alsace, Château-Thierry; KIA 31 Jul. ’18 near Cierges; may have been 1st Ozaukee Co. Soldier killed during the war;


Novak, Frank E. (Novek)


born ca. ‘95 at Chicago, IL; mother Mrs. Elizabeth Novak (Novek), NoK, 3414 S. Irving Ave., Chicago, IL; NoK Miss Gladys Scheer or Scherr, friend, Clara Ave. or Georgia Ave., Sheboygan, WI (beneficiary of his insurance); resided at 514 N. 9th St., Sheboygan, WI (hometown); may have also had ties to San Diego, CA; enlisted in Co. C, 2D Wis. Inf., WNG, Sheboygan, WI; served during Mexican Border Crisis; Pvt. when mobilized 15 Jul. ‘17; assigned to Co. C, 127TH Inf. when 32D Div. was organized; promoted to Pfc.; KIA 1 Aug. ‘18 near Cierges by shellfire at age 23, shell that killed him also wounded Cpl. Robert Thomas and dented Capt. Paul W. Schmidt’s (Cdr.) helmet; Gladys Scheer or Scherr received telegram ca. 27 Aug. ‘18; listed as KIA on 30 Aug. ‘18 casualty list (Sheboygan); listed as KIA on 8 Mar. ‘19 casualty list (Chicago); listed as Wounded (Degree Undetermined), Previously Reported KIA on 10 Mar. ‘19 casualty list (Sheboygan); interred at Saint Adalbert Catholic Cemetery, Niles, IL


Novitski, Walter A. (Novitske, Novitzke)


born ca. ‘95; NoK Mrs. M. Novitske, Ripon, WI (hometown); served with Co. B, 128TH Inf.; SN 285573; Dravegny, Juvigny; KIA 3 Sep. (31 Aug.) ‘18 at age 23; interred at St. Patrick Catholic Cemetery, Ripon, WI


Nowack, Fred C.


father Ferdinand Nowack, NoK, R. F. D. 1, Big Lake, MN (hometown); served with Co. H, 128TH Inf.; KIA 10 Nov. ’18; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery


Nowak (Nowack), John M.


born 18 Nov. ’92; mother Mrs. Mary Nowak (Nowack); NoK Mrs. Rose Nowak (Nowack), wife, 884 Warren Ave., Milwaukee, WI (hometown); enlisted in Co. K, 1ST Wis. Inf., WNG, at Milwaukee, WI on 23 Jun. ’16; SN 274797; Cpl. in that unit during Mexican Border Crisis; assigned to Co. K when 127TH Inf. was organized; Gardelle sector, Alsace, Stockette; KIA 4 Aug. ’18 near Fismes at age 26; earned DSC, posthumously, for his actions 4 Aug. ’18 near Fismes, severely WIA, he refused med. treatment, continued to advance, and was helping to reorganize his company under heavy machinegun fire when he was struck and killed; interred at Oise-Aisne American Cemetery


Nowatny, John


born ca. 1899; father Albert Nowatny, NoK, R. F. D. 2, Wautoma. WI (hometown); WNG; served with Co. B, 128TH Inf.; KIA 9 Jul. ’18 at age 19


Nusbaum, Willis


father Daniel Nusbaum, NoK, R. F. D. 4, Bluffton (Sluffton), OH (hometown); served with Co. A, 128TH Inf.; KIA 10 Nov. ’18


Nystrom (Nystrum), Caleb (Galebo) O.


born ca. 1897; hometown Havre, MT; member of Havre Typographical Union; served with Co. B, 127TH Inf.; DW 1 Aug. ’18 at age 25; interred at Arlington National Cemetery


Oakey, Howard G.


born ‘95; mother Mrs. Clara E. Oakey, NoK, 1214 W. Washington Ave. or 1916 Jefferson St., Madison, WI (hometown); graduated Madison H. S. in ‘16; worked for Monarch Typewriter Co.; enlisted in Co. G, 1ST Wis. Inf., WNG, at Madison, WI; Pvt. in that unit during Mexican Border Crisis; Lee (Leo) E. and Sam F. served in same unit; assigned to Co. G, 127TH Inf., when 32D Div. was organized; Château-Thierry, Alsace, Soissons; KIA 31 Aug. (10 Oct.) ‘18 at age 22 (21); family received telegram 3 Oct. ‘18; listed on 4 Oct. ‘18 casualty list; repatriated and re-interred at Forest Hill Cemetery, Madison, WI on 2 Jan. ‘21, same day as Cpl. Harvey D. Manson, from same unit


Oakley, George Morrison


born 13 Mar. ’93 at Sevier Co., AR; son of D. A. and Hannah Oakley, Idabel, OK (hometown); NoK B. A. Oakley, Idabel, OK; entered service 28 Jun. ’17; assigned to Co. I, 128TH Inf.; transferred to Co. K, 128TH Inf.; KIA 10 Nov. ’18 by artillery shell; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery


Oakley, Harley R.


mother Mrs. Ella Oakley, NoK, R. F. D. 1, Humboldt, IL (hometown); served with Co. F, 125TH Inf.; KIA 17 Oct. ’18; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery; also memorialized at I.O.O.F. Cemetery, Humboldt, IL


Oas, Otto Gerhard Mueller

1st Lt.

born 13 Aug. ’93 at Alban, WI; son of John O. and Elizabeth H. (Eggen) Oas, 866 N. 14th St., Manitowoc, WI (hometown); enlisted in Co. H, 2D Wis. Inf., WNG, at Manitowoc, WI; served with that unit during Mexican Border Crisis, Pvt. when they mobilized, Cpl. by the time unit mustered out; assigned to Co. H when 127TH Inf. was organized; WIA 4 Aug. ’18, machinegun bullet to lung; transferred to Base Hosp. No. 6 at Bordeaux on 6 Sep. ’18; DW 3 Jan. ’19 at Bordeaux at age 25; brother, Sgt. Herbert L., served in same unit, was also WNG, WIA (date unknown), and saw him fall on the battlefield; younger brother Phillip M. served during WWII; nephew Lt. Herbert L., Jr. served during WWII, B-17 pilot, captured by Germans; repatriated and re-interred at Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc, WI on 9 Nov. ’20; namesake of Otto Oas Post No. 659 of VFW at Manitowoc, WI


Oates, Morley Stewart

2d Lt.

NoK W. R. Oates, Detroit, MI (hometown); had ties to Oakland, CA; served with Btry. F, 119TH FA Regt.; KIA 22 Aug. ’18; interred at Oise-Aisne American Cemetery


O’Brien, Frank


born ca. 1889; mother Mrs. Mary O’Brien, NoK, R. F. D. 2, Avoca, WI (hometown); served with Co. A, 128TH Inf.; 2Marne, Soissons; KIA 1 Sep. ’18 at age 29; interred at Oise-Aisne American Cemetery


O’Brien, Maurice Clifford J.


born 6 Jan. ’01 at South Milwaukee, WI; son of Patrick J. and Elizabeth (Gill) O’Brien, mother NoK, 805 Michigan Ave., South Milwaukee, WI (hometown); may have had ties to Clintonville, WI; worked as steam hammer operator at Bucyrus Co. at South Milwaukee, WI; entered active service with WNG at Appleton, WI in Jul. ’17; served with Co. F, 127TH Inf.; Alsace, Aisne-Marne, Château-Thierry, Cierges; KIA 1 Aug. ’18 at age 17; earned Purple Heart; interred at Holy Sepulcher Cemetery, Cudahy, WI; listed twice in WGSL


O’Connell (O’Connel), Jeffrey (Jeffery) A.


born 5 Oct. ’87 at East Boston, MA (hometown); son of Jeffrey and Catherine A. O’Connell, both preceded him in death; NoK Mrs. Mary McGloan (McGora), sister, 427 Saratoga St., East Boston, MA; worked as a printer at East Boston, MA; entered service 26 Apr. ’18, assigned to 151ST Dep. Bde.; transferred to Co. M, 301ST Inf. ‘Boston’s Own,’ 76TH Div. on 23 May ’18; overseas 6 Jul. ’18; 76TH Div. was designated a replacement unit when it reached France; transferred to Military Special Co. 1, Depot Div. on 31 Jul. ’18; transferred to 107TH Engr. Tr. on 16 Aug. ’18; DD 20 Feb. ’19 (’18), some references state DW 8 Aug. ’18; interred at Arlington National Cemetery; namesake of Jeffrey A. O’Connell Square at intersection of Saratoga St. and Chelsea St., East Boston, MA


O’Connell, John V.


mother Mrs. Margaret O’Connell, NoK, 998 2nd Ave., New York, NY (hometown); served with MG Co., 126TH Inf.; KIA 31 Jul. (1 Aug.) ’18; interred at Oise-Aisne American Cemetery


O’Connor, Eddie


mother Mrs. Mary O’Connor, NoK, Dunlap, IA (hometown); served with Btry. A, 119TH FA Regt.; KIA 10 Aug. ’18


O’Connor, Frank J.


born 18 Jan. ‘95; son of John and Ellen O’Connor, father NoK, Berlin, WI (hometown); enlisted in Co. G, 5TH Wis. Inf., WNG, Berlin, WI, 16 Jun. ‘17; assigned to Co. C, 128TH Inf., when 32D Div. was organized; SN 283545; promoted to Cpl. on 16 Dec. ‘17; overseas 18 Feb. ‘18; Alsace, 2Marne; KIA 1 Aug. ‘18 at age 24; listed on 27 Aug. ‘18 casualty list


O’Connor, Frank J.


born ‘92; son of James T. and Mary (Neilan) O’Connor, father NoK, 421 Sheldon Ave., Grand Rapids, MI (hometown), father Canadian immigrant; also had ties to Manistee, MI; worked as orderly at Mercy Sanitarium; served with HQ Co., 125TH Inf.; SN 264192; according to the Manistee Daily News in Jul. ‘18, “Sgt. Frank O’Connor, of Manistee, one of the ‘fightingest Irishmen’ Uncle Sam ever got from western Michigan, whose feat of going over the top with Jack Anderson, another Manistee boy, has been awarded the ‘croix de guerre’ by the French government for gallantry in action.”; KIA 11 Oct. ‘18 by a sniper ca. age 26; repatriated and re-interred at St. Andrew’s Cemetery on 6 Sep. ‘21


O’Day, Charles H.


mother Mrs. R. M. O’Day, NoK, Adrian, MN (hometown); entered service from MT; served with Co. B, 127TH Inf.; KIA 11 Oct. ’18; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery


Odee, John J.


born 28 Nov. ’98 at Beaver Dam, WI; son of John and Rose (Lemarnski) Odee, mother NoK, 1120 8th Ave., Milwaukee, WI (hometown); entered service 22 Oct. ’18 at Milwaukee, WI; served with Co. D, 127TH Inf.; Alsace, Château-Thierry, Fismes; KIA 31 Jul. ’18 at age 19


O’Dell, Lynn (O’ Dell, ODell, Odell)


born ’95; son of Horace Edward and Emma Odell (O’ Dell, ODell, Odell), Mauston, WI (hometown), father NoK; WNG, likely enlisted in Co. D, 3D Wis. Inf., Mauston, WI; served with Co. D, 128TH Inf.; DD, diphtheria, 24 Mar. ’18, soon after landing overseas, at age 22, listed on 27 Mar. ’18 casualty list; listed as KIA on 21 Nov. ’18 casualty list; interred at Mauston Cemetery, Mauston, WI


Odermatt, August A.


born 2 Jun. ’91 at Switzerland (nativity); son and step-son of Mr. and Mrs. August Odermatt, Monroe, WI (hometown); NoK Mrs. Charles Shutt (Schott), sister, Monroe, WI; resided at Freeport, IL when he registered for the draft in Jun. ’17; enlisted in Co. H, 1ST Wis. Inf., WNG, at Monroe, WI on 7 July ’17; assigned to Co. H when 127TH Inf. was organized; WIA twice, Château-Thierry and Argonne; DW 13 Oct. ’18; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery


O’Donnell, Francis ‘Frank’


born 27 Apr. ’94; son of Dominick and Mary O’Donnell, Morgan, PA (hometown); also had ties to Bridgeville, PA; enlisted 25 May ’18; served with 126TH Inf. Regt., Co. E; KIA (DW) 9 Oct. ’18; repatriated and re-interred at Saint Agatha Cemetery, Bridgeville, PA on 18 Oct. ’21; not listed in 32D Div. in WW


O’Donnell, Lawrence E.


mother Mrs. John O’Donnell, NoK, 307 Buchmann (Buchanan) St., Phoenixville, PA; hometown Laquin, PA; served with Co. E, 126TH Inf.; DW (KIA) 9 (18) Oct. ’18; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery


Oehler, Fred G.


born ca. ‘90 at Cheebrorm, Germany (nativity); NoK Paul F. Oehler, Uhrichsville, OH; hometown Billings, MT; enlisted in Co. K, 2D Mont. Inf., Mont. NG, at Lewiston, MT on 6 Apr. ‘17; his unit initially mobilized to guard railroads; promoted Pfc. 18 May ‘17; assigned to Co. K, 163D Inf., when 41ST Div. was organized; trained at Fort Harrison and Camp Mills; overseas 15 Dec. ‘17; 41ST Div. was designated a replacement unit when it reached France; transferred to Co. E (K), 127TH Inf. on 15 Mar. ‘18; transferred to HQ Co., 127TH Inf. on 13 Apr. ‘18; promoted Cpl. 13 Aug. ‘18; Château-Thierry, Soissons; KIA 30 Aug. ‘18 at Juvigny, shrapnel, at age 28; listed on 17 Oct. ‘18 casualty list; interred at Oise-Aisne American Cemetery


Oertel, Emil Lewis (Louis)


age 24; father Paul Oertel, NoK, R. F. D. 1, Box 51, Rozellville, WI (hometown); also had ties to Dancy, WI; was Pvt. in Co. A, 127TH Inf. when it was organized, seeing as he lived near Marshfield, WI, it is possible that he enlisted in Co. A, 2D Wis. Inf. or Co. K, 6TH Wis. Inf., WNG, at Marshfield, WI; KIA 4 Aug. ’18 near Fismes; interred at Arlington National Cemetery


Ogden (Ogdin), Guy


born ca. 1890; NoK Mrs. Geo. L. Ogden (Ogdin), 402 2nd St., Edgerton, WI (hometown); WNG; served with Co. M, 128TH Inf.; 2Marne, Soissons; KIA 30 Aug. ’18 at age 28


Ogletree, Cecil E.


NoK Mrs. Dora Merrow,458 Distel Ave., Detroit, MI (hometown); served with Co. C, 120TH MG Bn.; KIA 1 Aug. ’18


Olawson (Olewson, Olofson), Leif (Laef)


born 24 Aug. ’95 (’94) at NY; father Jens Olofson, NoK, Milwaukee, WI (hometown); may have had ties to Pinole, CA; enlisted in 1ST Wis. Fld. Hosp. (Wis. Fld. Hosp. Co. No. 1), WNG, at Milwaukee, WI in ’16; was Pvt. in that unit during Mexican Border Crisis; served with 125TH Amb. Co., 107TH San. Tr.; WIA, gassed, 1 Jun. ’18; DD, tuberculosis, 19 Oct. ’18 at Gen. Hosp. No. 8 at Otisville, NY (where he had been treated since 1 Sep.) at age 23 (24); interred at Riverside Cemetery, Stoughton, WI; not listed in 32D Div. in WW


Oldenburg (Oldenberg), Ernest F.


born 1896; hometown Milford or Wixom, MI; served with Co. M, 125TH Inf.; KIA 18 Jun. (19 Jun.) ’18 a squad from Co. M was occupying a petty post in no-mans-land when a German shell hit, Pvt. Carl J. Geney, Pvt. John Wade, Cpl. John Quinn, and others were WIA by the same shell; interred at Wixom Cemetery, Wixom, MI; namesake of Ernest F. Oldenburg Post No. 216 of American Legion at Milford, MI


Oles, Frank H., Jr.


born 1891; son of Frank H., Sr. and Addie (Beach) Oles; hometown La Crosse, WI; also had ties to Stevens Point, WI; enlisted in WNG, likely Co. B, 3D Wis. Inf. at La Crosse, WI; assigned to Co. B when 128TH Inf. was organized; DD, measles & double pneumonia, 6 Feb. ’18 in Army hospital at Camp McClellan, AL at age 27; his unit was enroute from Camp MacArthur, TX to the east coast to embark for France; he was taken off the train at Anniston, AL after he fell ill; interred at Oak Grove Cemetery, La Crosse, WI; not listed in 32D Div. in WW


Olin, Charles Corb


NoK Ethel Olin, wife, 202 George St., Marion, OH (hometown); served with Co. E, 128TH Inf.; KIA 14 (15) Oct. ’18; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery


Oliver, Wilson Herbert


born 22 Nov. ’91 at Montgomery City, MO; son of Joseph James and Ollie Francis (Painter) Oliver, father NoK, New Florence, MO (hometown); entered service at Montgomery Co., MO on   8 Sep. ’17; SN 2178314; assigned to Co. A, 354TH Inf.; transferred to 2D Co., 4TH Inf. Tng. Bn. on 9 Mar. ’18; transferred to Co. B, 128TH Inf. on 27 Apr. ’18; DW 1 (4) Sep. ’18 at age 26; interred at New Florence Cemetery, New Florence, MO


Olk, John E.


born 1898; father Casimer Olk, NoK, 801 S. Jackson St., Bay City, MI (hometown); may have enlisted in 2D Mich. Amb. Co., Mich. NG, at Bay City, MI; served with 128TH Amb. Co., 107TH San. Tr.; KIA 29 Aug. ’18 by artillery shell near Juvigny, Pfc. Erwin E. Carl, Sgt. Carl H. Smith, and Sgt. Ben Zielinski were WIA by the same shell as the 4 men were trying to place a wounded Soldier in an ambulance; interred at Saint Stanislaus Kostka Cemetery, Bay City, MI; namesake of Harding-Olk-Craidge Post No. 18 of American Legion at Bay City, MI (Cpl. Robert E. Craidge, from Bay City and assigned to Co. I, 125TH Inf., was another namesake; the 3rd namesake may have been Cpl. Lloyd Harding, from Bay City and assigned to Co. I, 125TH Inf.; seems rare to (possibly) find a post named in honor of 3 Soldiers from same div., and possibly all from NG)


Ollrich (Ollnich), Harry John


born 2 Sep. ’92 at Detroit, MI; son of Henry and Mary Ollrich, father NoK, 470 Cass Ave., Mt. Clemens, MI (hometown); either he or his father worked at Mt. Clemens Savings Bank; entered service at Camp Custer 6 Sep. ’17; SN 262315; served with Co. E, 125TH Inf.; earned DSC, posthumously, for his actions as a message runner 31 Jul.-4 Aug. ’18 between Cierges and Fismes; awarded French Croix de Guerre with gilt star, Order No. 12.334 “D,” 15 Dec. ’18, GHQ, French Armies of the East, “He distinguished himself during the combat to the south of the Vesle from July 31 to August 4, 1918, in carrying messages through a barrage, displaying absolute contempt for danger. During a combat near Fismes he attempted to carry a message over a bombarded terrain and was killed in the course of the action.”; KIA 4 Aug. (31 Jul.) ’18 at Fismes; interred at Clinton Grove Cemetery, Clinton Township, Macomb Co., MI; namesake of Harry Ollrich Post No. 4 of American Legion at Mt. Clemens, MI


Olsen (Oleson), Axel (Alex.) Ferdinand


born ca. 1893; hometown Racine, WI; enlisted in Amb. Co. No. 2 (Racine Amb. Co.), WNG, at Racine, WI; assigned to 128TH Inf. when 32D Div. was organized; 2Marne, Soissons; WIA near Verdun; DW 12 Nov. ’18 at age 25; not listed in 32D Div. in WW


Olsen, Carl A.


NoK Cecelia Spurkland, 34 8th Ave., Spokane, WA (hometown); served with Co. L, 127TH Inf.; KIA 18 Oct. ’18


Olson, Albert


NoK Andrew Olson, Sheyenne, ND (hometown); served with Co. C, 128TH Inf.; KIA 12 Oct. ’18; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery


Olson, Arne B.


mother Mrs. Thorne Olson, NoK, Castlewood, SD (hometown); served with Co. L, 127TH Inf.; KIA 12 Oct. ’18


Olson, Chester Norm (Norman) (W.)


hometown Cresson, MN; may have been related to Mrs. H. C. Hess, Phelps, WI; may have had ties to Scandinavia, WI; served with Co. M, 125TH Inf.; KIA 31 Jul. ’18; interred at Oise-Aisne American Cemetery


Olson, Edward


born 3 Jun. ’89 at Oconto Co., WI; son of Peter and Anna Johanne (Anderson) Oleson; hometown Gillett, WI; Co. K, 127TH Inf.; KIA 20 Oct. ’18 at age 29; interred at Maple Valley Cemetery, Oconto Co., WI; not listed in 32D Div. in WW


Olson, Wallace R.

Sup. Sgt.

born 1892; son of Thomas and Charlotte Olson, mother NoK, Hartford, WI; hometown Edgerton, WI; WNG; served with HQ, Motor Bn., 107TH Ammo. Tr. (Sup. Co., 127TH Inf.); DD, lobar pneumonia, 26 Sep. ’18 at age 25; interred at Jenson (Jensen) Cemetery, Edgerton, WI; not listed in 32D Div. in WW


Olsson, Herbert T.


father Otto Olsson, NoK, R. F. D. 2, Box 72, Marine-on-St. Croix, MN (hometown); served with Co. K, 125TH Inf.; KIA 30 Aug. ’18; interred at Oise-Aisne American Cemetery


O’Malley, Edward P.


hometown in ND; served with Co. C, 128TH Inf.; KIA 14 Oct. ’18; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery


O’Malley, Martin Lawrence


born 18 Dec. ’81 at Galway, Ireland; son of Patrick and Mary O’Malley; family emigrated in ’83; hometown Superior, WI; enlisted in Co. I, 3D Wis. Inf., WNG, at Superior, WI on 20 Jun. ’16; was Pfc. with that unit during Mexican Border Crisis; assigned to Co. I when 127TH Inf. was organized; Château-Thierry, Juvigny; DW 4 Sep. ’18 at age 36; interred at Calvary Cemetery, Superior, WI


O’Malley, Thomas


resided at 2408 Pulaski St., Baltimore, MD (hometown); served with Med. Det., 322D FA Regt.; KIA 16 Oct. ’18


Opsahl, Colmer T.


father Knut Opsahl, NoK, R. F. D. 2, Spring Grove, MN (hometown); served with Co. D, 127TH Inf.; KIA 10 Oct. ’18


Orquist, Fred (Oquist)


born ca. ‘92; NoK Mrs. A. R. Mix, 162 W. 2nd St., Superior, WI (hometown); served with Co. I, 127TH Inf.; Château-Thierry, Fismes, Laon to Juvigny; KIA 31 Aug. ‘18 at age 26; listed on 20 May ‘19 casualty list; interred at Arlington National Cemetery; someone submitted a request to American Legion Weekly ca. Sep. ‘24 seeking information about the death of Pvt. Fred Oquist “the latter part of August, 1918”; not listed in 32D Div. in WW


Orr, John L.


father Mr. James W. Orr, NoK, 427 Wrightwood Ave., Chicago, IL (hometown); served with Co. A, 128TH Inf.; DW 1 Aug. ’18


Orr, Louis D. (B.)


NoK Eugene Snider, friend, 413 3rd Ave., Great Falls, MT (hometown); served with Co. I, 125TH Inf.; MIA, presumed KIA, 3 Aug. ’18; memorialized on Tablets of the Missing at Aisne-Marne American Cemetery


Orr, Russell A. (P.)


mother Mrs. Catherine Orr, NoK, 922 N. Webster St., Saginaw, MI (hometown); entered service from WA; served with Co. G, 126TH Inf.; KIA 2 (3) Aug. ’18; interred at Oise-Aisne American Cemetery


Orr, Wilfred (Wifred) A.


NoK Robert Orr, 515 Pottowattomee St., Tecumseh, MI (hometown); Mich. NG; served with Co. B, 126TH Inf.; KIA 29 Aug. ’18


Orrick, Jasper H.


born 15 Apr. ’95 at Tate Springs, TN; son of George W. and M. E. Orrick; moved to Montgomery County, IN, in 1917; hometown Morristown, TN; farmer; entered service 28 May ’18 at Crawfordsville, IN; trained at Camp Taylor, KY; overseas 6 Aug. ’18; assigned to Co. C, 126TH Inf.; WIA 4 Oct. ’18 near Cierges; taken to 127TH Fld. Hosp. near Montfaucon where he DW 5 Oct. ’18, initially interred there; repatriated and re-interred at Meadow Branch Cemetery, Bean Station, TN


Ortiz, Concepción (Concepcion, Conception)


Hispanic American; father Linardo (Leonardo) Ortiz, Eagle Pass, TX (hometown); NoK Virginia Ortiz, Eagle Pass, TX; served with Co. I, 125TH Inf.; earned DSC, posthumously, for his actions as a message runner on 11 Oct. ’18 near Romagne; KIA 11 Oct. ’18


Orwski (Orwicki, Orwocke, Orwcke), John


born ca. 1895; NoK Wisconsin Zinc Co., Empire Block, Platteville, WI; hometown New Diggings, WI; also had ties to Milwaukee, WI; likely WNG; served with Co. E, Horsed Bn., 107TH Ammo. Tr.; DR 17 (9) Jul. ’18 near Foussemange, Alsace, at age 23; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery


Osborn, Gilbert R.


father Samuel Osborn, NoK, R. F. D. 6, Robertson, IL (hometown); served with Co. A, 125TH Inf.; KIA 2 Oct. ’18; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery


Osborn, Pearl


born 26 Dec. ’96 at St. Bernice, IN; son of England and Mary Osborn; fireman; entered service 27 May ’18 at Clinton, IN (hometown); trained at Camp Taylor, KY; assigned to Co. E, 153D Inf.; overseas 6 Aug. ’18; 39TH Div. designated replacement div. when it reached France; transferred to Co. K, 126TH Inf.; DD 23 Apr. ’19 at Coblenz, Germany; interred at Sugar Grove Cemetery, St. Bernice, IN; not listed in 32D Div. in WW; 126WwG doesn’t list him as casualty


Oser, Joseph F.


NoK Mrs. Francis Oser, wife, 1443 Walnut St., Cincinnati, OH (hometown); served with Co. H, 127TH Inf.; KIA 7 Oct. ’18; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery


Osier, Guy


born 15 May ’93 (’94); father Harry Osier; hometown Green Bay, WI; WNG; served with 121ST FA; DD, pneumonia, 6 Feb. ’18 at Camp MacArthur, TX at age 23; interred at Woodlawn Cemetery, Allouez, WI; not listed in 32D Div. in WW


Osinski, Adam Joseph (Osinske)


born 22 Dec. ‘94 (‘96) at IL; son of Thomas and Krystyna (Christina, Christine) Osinski; hometown Wild Rose, WI; enlisted in Co. L, 5TH Wis. Inf., WNG, Wautoma, WI on 15 Jul. ‘17; assigned to Co. A, 127TH Inf., when 32D Div. was organized; sailed for France aboard USS George Washington in Feb. ‘18; transferred to HQ Co., 127TH Inf.; Château-Thierry, Fismes, Juvigny, Verdun; WIA 15 Oct. ‘18; DW 17 Oct. ‘18 at Evac. Hosp. No. 14 at age 23 (21); listed as slightly WIA on 26 Dec. ‘18 casualty list; listed as DW on 16 Jan. ‘19 casualty list; interred at Hope Cemetery, Belmont, WI; not listed in 32D Div. in WW


Ostrander, Guy W.


father Albert Ostrander, NoK, R. F. D. 1, Breckenridge, MI; also had ties to Alcona, MI; served with Co. D, 126TH Inf.; KIA 16 Oct. ’18; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery


Ostrander, Levi A. (Levin Amba)


NoK Pearly May Ostrander, sister, 90 Will Willett, Attica, MI (hometown); served with Co. E, 125TH Inf.; KIA 29 (28) Aug. ’18 at Juvigny; interred at Oise-Aisne American Cemetery


Ostrom, Einer (Einar)


NoK Gustav I. Ostrom (Ostron), 22 W. Slottsgatan, Gävle (Gifle or Gefle), Sweden (nativity); resided at 29 Manhasset Pl., Brooklyn, NY (hometown); served with Co. G, 125TH Inf.; KIA 22 Oct. ’18; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery


Osypienski, Wladyslaw


NoK Mrs. Sophia Pytzka, sister, 98 Nagel St., Hamtramck, MI (hometown); served with Co. A, 125TH Inf.; KIA 6 Aug. ’18


Ottinger, Andrew D.


born ca. 1894; father W. D. Ottinger, NoK, Sheridan, OR (IL) (hometown); assigned to 162D Inf., 41ST Div., which was designated a replacement div. when it reached France; transferred to Co. A, 127TH Inf.; KIA 31 Jul. ’18 near Sergy; interred at Oise-Aisne American Cemetery


Overholser (Overholzer), Calvin R.


NoK Mr. Alfred Overholzer, New Carlisle, OH (hometown); served with Btry. D, 324TH FA Regt.; SN 1955612; KIA 13 Oct. ’18 at 1500 hours near Samogneux; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery


Owen (Owens), John Harvey


born 18 Aug. ’93 (’94) at Waupaca Co., WI; son of Henry J. and Carrie (Rodgers) Owen; hometown Mattoon, WI; served with Co. I, 128TH Inf.; KIA 13 Jun. ’18 near Fulleren at age 24; interred at Woodlawn Cemetery, Mattoon, WI; likely namesake of John Owen Post No. 287 of American Legion at Mattoon, WI


Owen, Charles Lemuel


born 19 Jul. ’97 at Cedar Falls, WI; hometown Menomonie, WI; enlisted in Co. H, 3D Wis. Inf., WNG, at Menomonie, WI in ’16; served with that unit during Mexican Border Crisis; assigned to Co. H when 128TH Inf. was organized; battles included Alsace, Aisne-Marne, Meuse-Argonne; WIA 14 Sep. ’18; KIA 20 (15) Oct. ’18; interred at Cedar Falls Cemetery, Cedar Falls, WI


Owens, James


father Daniel Owens, NoK, Pathfork, KY (hometown); served with Co. H, 128TH Inf.; KIA 10 Nov. ’18; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery


Owens, Oliver J.


born 16 Jan. ’87 at Palestine, WV (hometown); father Joshua Allen Owens, NoK, R. F. D. 1, Palestine, WV; SN 246477; served with Co. D, 126TH Inf.; KIA 29 Aug. ’18; 1st Soldier from Wirt Co., WV KIA; interred at Bethesda Baptist Church Cemetery, Palestine, WV


Ozman, James C.


father Mr. Joseph Ozman, NoK, Brookville, PA (hometown); served with Co. F, 126TH Inf.; KIA 9 Oct. ’18; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery


Paccia, Nicola


NoK Mary Domenica Paccia, wife, Cantalupo, Nelsonia, Italy (nativity); served with Co. G, 127TH Inf.; KIA 3 Aug. ’18


Paczesny, Michael


born 9 Sep. ‘96 at Milwaukee, WI; son of John and Victoria (Staboczewska) Paczesny; hometown Milwaukee, WI; served with Co. M, 125TH Inf.; KIA 31 Jul. ‘18 near Ourcq River at age 21; listed as severely WIA on 12 Sep. ‘18 casualty list; listed as “Died from Accident and Other Causes” on 28 Apr. ‘19 casualty list; repatriated and re-interred at Saint Adalbert’s Cemetery, Milwaukee, WI on 9 Aug. ‘21; not listed in 32D Div. in WW


Pada, Walter


mother Mrs. Mathilda Pada, NoK, Menominee, MI (hometown); served with Co. L, 125TH Inf.; KIA 31 Jul. ’18


Paden, Walter E.


born 11 Jun. ‘91; son of John R. and Martha Paden, 303 E. Warren, Princeton, IL (hometown), father NoK; entered service 10 Apr. ‘18 at Camp Bradley, IL; also trained at Camp Jackson, SC, and assigned to heavy field artillery; sent to Camp Merritt, NJ and sailed for France 31 Jul. ‘18; landed in France 31 Aug. ‘18; served with Co. F, 128TH Inf.; KIA 10 Nov. ‘18; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery


Padgett, Urie (Uried) Everett (Eurie Everett) (Everett Urie) (Everett Eurie)


born 20 Dec. ’94; son of George Sylvester Wheatley and Lucy (Cummings) Padgett; NoK Mrs. Rose Padgett, stepmother, Stithton, KY (hometown); served with Co. E, 128TH Inf.; KIA 5 (8) Oct. ’18; earned Purple Heart; interred at Lance Nichols Cemetery, Princeton, KY


Page, George Arthur


born 8 Nov. ’91 at Muchakinock, IA; son of George (Sam) and Mary (Powell) Page, Newton, IA; early years near Oskaloosa, IA; later resided at Hamilton, IA, graduated Hamilton H. S.; hometown Fond du Lac, WI; enlisted in WNG on 13 Aug. ’17, likely Co. M, 5TH Wis. Inf. at Fond du Lac, WI; assigned to Co. D, 121ST MG Bn. when it was organized; sailed for France 18 Feb. ’18; landed in France 1 Mar. ’18; fought at Château-Thierry, Vesle River, Seringes-et-Nesles, Sergy, Cierges, Fismes, and Bois Les Jomblettes (Les Jomblettes Woods); promoted to Sgt. for his bravery in the trenches; in Jul. he was given opportunity to return to U.S. to be machine gun instructor, but decided to stay with his unit; WIA, gassed, 18 Jul. ’18; ca. Aug. or Sep. he was ordered to return to U.S. to be machine gun instructor; visited his parent’s home in Newton, IA for leave before reporting to Camp Funston; DD, pneumonia, 27 Sep. ’18 at parent’s home in Newton, IA at age 26; his illness and death are believed to have been caused by the gas attack he endured; he died the day he was to depart for Camp Funston; interred at Newton Union Cemetery, Newton, IA; brother Dewey H. also served in France; not listed in 32D Div. in WW


Page, Hollis Tracy


born 26 Sep. ‘96 (‘95) at Central City, IA; mother Mrs. Flora E. (Leach) Page, Central City, IA; hometown Coggon, IA; entered service 1 Jun. ‘17, possibly Iowa NG; assigned to Co. H, 168TH Inf., 42D Div.; WIA near Hill 288 and La Tuilerie (Tullerie) Farm, ca. 15 Oct. ‘18; DW 17 Oct. (21 Oct.) ‘18 at 127TH Fld. Hosp. at age 22 (23); listed on 25 Nov. ‘18 casualty list; interred at Mount Clark Cemetery, Central City, IA


Page, Hugh


mother Mrs. Ida Page, NoK, 765 Ellery St., Detroit, MI (hometown); served with Co. H, 128TH Inf.; KIA 30 Aug. ’18


Pagel, George W.


born 16 Nov. ’91; hometown Milwaukee, WI; enlisted in Co. F, 1ST Wis. Inf., WNG, at Milwaukee, WI; was Pvt. in that unit during Mexican Border Crisis; fell ill upon return from TX; recovered enough to mobilize again 15 Jul. ’17; DD, inflammatory rheumatism, 19 Sep. ’17 at age 25; interred at Union Cemetery, Milwaukee, WI; a firing squad from his unit returned from Camp MacArthur, TX for his funeral; not listed in 32D Div. in WW


Pagnani, Nicola


NoK Mrs. O. Pagnani, wife, Campoli, Sppinno, Casenta, Italy (NoK); hometown in MI; served with Co. L, 125TH Inf.; KIA 31 Jul. (2 Aug.) ’18; interred at Aisne-Marne American Cemetery


Paine (Payne), Burley L.


born ca. 1900 at MI; NoK Mrs. Winnie Paine, 52 23rd St., Detroit, MI (hometown); Mich. NG; served with Co. G, 126TH Inf.; KIA 28 Aug. ’18; interred at Arlington National Cemetery


Palmer, Harry Merle


born 27 Apr. ’98 at Carthage, MO; son of Ray and Mary Palmer, father NoK, Madison, NE; hometown Pittsville, WI; enlisted in WNG on 19 May ’17, likely Co. A, 2D Wis. Inf., at Marshfield, WI; assigned to Co. A when 127TH Inf. was organized; Fismes, Soissons, Verdun; KIA 6 Oct. ’18 at age 20; interred at Arlington National Cemetery


Palmer, Jack


NoK Mrs. R. McIntyre, sister, Townsend, MT (hometown); served with Co. B, 127TH Inf.; KIA 4 Aug. ’18; interred at Oise-Aisne American Cemetery


Palmer, James Shrigley (Shringley)


born 8 Jun. ’96; son of Calvin Alexander (Armstrong) and H. May (Shrigley) Palmer, father NoK, 200 Edison Ave., Detroit, MI (hometown); graduated Culver Military Academy in ’13; attended Mich. Agricultural College, engr. course; worked in cost dept. of Ford Motor Co.; served with Co. I, 125TH Inf.; SN 263346; applied for officer training, denied because he was too short; earned Silver Star Citation, likely posthumously; earned Croix de Guerre w/silver star, posthumously, for his actions as platoon leader; KIA 31 Aug. ’18 at Juvigny; interred at Oise-Aisne American Cemetery


Palmer, Joseph LeRoy


born 3 Sep. ‘89 at Troy Township, Whitley Co., IN; son of Samuel L. and Ellen Palmer; farmer; R. R. No. 2, Larwill, IN (hometown); entered service at Columbia City, IN on 25 May ‘18; trained at Camp Taylor, KY and Camp Beauregard, LA; embarked for France 6 Aug. ‘18; served with Co. C, 127TH Inf.; Verdun, Gesnes; KIA 5 Oct. (24 Oct.) ‘18 at age 29; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery; listed as WIA during Meuse-Argonne in C127 in WW; listed as severely WIA on 24 Jan. ‘19 casualty list; not listed in 32D Div. in WW


Palmer, Leonard


NoK John Palmer, 104 Ramsey St., Dawson Springs, KY (hometown); served with Co. C, 128TH Inf.; KIA 20 Oct. ’18


Palmer, Ralph Beaumont


born 11 Oct. ’91; father Gilbert F. Palmer, NoK, Mistletoe, MO (hometown); served with Co. B, 127TH Inf.; KIA (DW) 2 Aug. (7 Aug.) ’18; listed on 12 Sep. ’18 casualty list; interred at Olive Branch Cemetery, Montevallo, MO


Palmiero, Asparo


NoK Mrs. Garigi Salvatore, sister, 12 Stanton St., New York, NY (hometown); served with Co. G, 127TH Inf.; KIA 7 Oct. ’18


Pamperin, Carl F.


born 27 May ’95 at Amherst, WI; son of Frederick W. and Edith I. (J.) (Bandow) Pamperin; hometown Green Bay, WI; WNG; served with Btry. E, 121ST FA; DD, pneumonia, 1 Feb. ’18 at Camp MacArthur, TX at age 22; interred at Fort Howard Memorial Park, Green Bay, WI; not listed in 32D Div. in WW


Pape, Herman


born ca. 1890; NoK Mrs. Martha Pape, Arcadia, WI; hometown Waukesha, WI; served with Co. E, 128TH Inf.; DD, pneumonia, 7 (1) Mar. ’18, 3 days after his unit landed in France, at age 28; interred at Oise-Aisne American Cemetery


Pardee, Herman Otto


born 29 Apr. ’95 at Caseville, MI; son of Phineas Robert and Ellen (Goulait/Gould) Pardee; hometown Bay City, MI; served with Co. E, 125TH Inf.; KIA 4 Aug. (31 Jul.) ’18; interred at Green Ridge Cemetery, Bay City, MI; brother Charles also served in France during the war


Pargawski, Tony


resided at 821 W. 33rd St., Chicago, IL (hometown); served with Co. L, 128TH Inf.; KIA 31 Aug. ’18; interred at Oise-Aisne American Cemetery


Parker, William E. (N.)


born ca. 1897; hometown Park Falls, WI; enlisted in Co. A, 6TH Wis. Inf., WNG, at Phillips, WI; assigned to Co. B, 119TH MG Bn. when 32D Div. was organized; DD, appendicitis, 21 Mar. ’18 (overseas) at age 21; not listed in 32D Div. in WW


Parkinson, Homer Nathaniel (M., R.)


born 21 Nov. ’92 (’91) at Willow Springs Township, Lafayette Co., WI; son of Stephen A. D. and Nancy Ellen (Noble) Parkinson; NoK Dwight E. Baker, friend, Blanchardville, WI (hometown); attended State Normal School, Platteville, WI; enlisted in WNG in Jul. ’17, possibly Co. I, 4TH Wis. Inf. at Platteville, Co. H, 1ST Wis. Inf. at Monroe, or another unit; served with Co. F, 127TH Inf.; battles include Ronchères, Verdun; WIA Jul. ’18; KIA 18 (19) Oct. ’18; earned Silver Star Citation for his actions on 15 Oct. ’18 near Bois de Bantheville; brother Lee N. served with Co. H, 127TH Inf. and DW 4 Oct. ’18; interred at Graceland Cemetery, Mineral Point, WI; mother received letter of condolence from his cdr., Capt. Arthur F. LaRouche; namesake for the Homer & Lee Parkinson Post No. 170 of American Legion at Mineral Point, WI, seems rare to find a post named after brothers


Parkinson, Lee (Leo) Noble


born 13 Feb. ’95 at Willow Springs Township, Lafayette Co., WI; son of Stephen A. D. and Nancy Ellen (Noble) Parkinson; NoK Mrs. Dwight E. Baker, sister, Blanchardville, WI (hometown); joined WNG; served with Co. H, 127TH Inf.; battles include Alsace, Cierges, Fismes, Juvigny; brother Homer N. served with Co. F, 127TH Inf. and was KIA 18 Oct. ’18; interred at Graceland Cemetery, Mineral Point, WI; namesake for the Homer & Lee Parkinson Post 170 of the American Legion in Mineral Point, WI, seems rare to find a post named after brothers


Parks, Charles (Charley, Charlie) A.


NoK J. H. Parks, Hoyt, OK; hometown Sweeney (Sweeny), TX; served with Co. M, 128TH Inf.; DW 1 Sep. ’18; interred at Oise-Aisne American Cemetery


Parks, Clayton A.


father Joseph Parks, NoK, Route 4, Sauk Center, MN (hometown); served with Co. H, 128TH Inf.; KIA 7 Oct. ’18


Parks, Edward John


born 26 Mar. ’91 at Marshfield, WI (hometown); father Stewart Parks, NoK, W. Bakerville (Badersville) St., Marshfield, WI; enlisted in Co. A, 2D Wis. Inf., WNG, at Marshfield, WI in Jul. ’17; assigned to Co. A when 127TH Inf. was organized; KIA 5 Aug. ’18 near Fismes at age 27; family notified 1 Sep. ’18; interred at Oise-Aisne American Cemetery


Parnis, Carlo


NoK Mrs. Benda Terasa, Loggeuno, Per Bosco, Com. Italy; hometown Detroit, MI; served with Co. B, 125TH Inf.; DW 1 Sep. ’18


Parrish, Henry Florence


son of Mr. and Mrs. Martin (Milton) B. Parrish, father NoK, Rightangle or Pilot View, KY (hometown); served with Co. H, 127TH Inf.; DD, pneumonia, 12 Feb. ’19 (’18) at Coblenz, Germany; may have been repatriated and re-interred at Parrish Cemetery, Clark Co., KY


Parthie (Parthe), Carl A. (F.)


born in 1895; son of Fred (Carl, Jr.) and Amelia Parthie, father NoK, Hall Ave., Marinette, WI (hometown); enlisted in Co. I, 2D Wis. Inf., WNG, at Marinette, WI; served with that unit during Mexican Border Crisis; assigned to Co. I when 127TH Inf. was organized; KIA 16 Oct. ’18 at age 23; interred at Forest Home Cemetery, Marinette, WI


Partridge, Merrett Eastman


born 7 Feb. ’99 at Hartford, VT; son of Merritt Eastman and Lucy Emma (Smith) Partridge; NoK Mrs. Emily Partridge, 478 Washington St., East Walpole, MA; hometown Keene, NH; served with HQ Co., 128TH Inf.; KIA 17 Oct. ’18 at age 19; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery


Paseka, Andrew John


NoK Frank Paseka, Wood, SD (hometown); served with Co. C, 128TH Inf.; KIA 12 Oct. ’18; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery


Patrick, Clarence Arthur


born 7 Sep. ’91 at Eminence, IN; son of James Frank and Bessie R. (Brown) Patrick, Cloverdale, IN; also had ties to Quincy, IN; farmer; enlisted with his brother, Archie J., at Greencastle, IN on 28 May ’18, they hoped to serve together, but he was assigned to a different unit; assigned to 31ST Co., 8TH Bn., 159TH Dep. Bde. at Camp Taylor, KY; also trained at Camp Beauregard, LA; sailed for France 6 Aug. ’18; assigned to Co. L, 125TH Inf.; KIA 9 Oct. ’18 on Hill 258 (257) near Cote Dame Marie; interred at Cloverdale Cemetery, Cloverdale, IN


Patterson, Arthur Clifford

1st Sgt.

resided at 409 Huggins St., Owosso, MI (hometown); enlisted in Co. H, 33D Mich. Inf., Mich. NG; promoted Sgt. ca. 20 Apr. ’17; assigned to Co. M, 125TH Inf. when 32D Div. was organized; KIA 31 Jul. ’18; he had a premonition of his death, ca. 15 Jul. ’18 he approached 1st Lt. Charles F. Lahman and said, “Take this coat lieutenant, I won’t ever need it again.”; namesake of Patterson-Dawson Post No. 57 of American Legion at Owosso, MI, the other namesake was Sgt. Albert M. Dawson, likely also Mich. NG, same unit, DW 1 Aug. ’18


Patterson, Arthur F.


mother Mrs. Elizabeth Patterson, NoK, 1183 (1273) Ashland Ave., Columbus, OH (hometown); may have also had ties to Franklin, OH; served with Co. E, 126TH Inf.; DW 2 Oct. ’18; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery; not listed in 32D Div. in WW


Patterson, George


NoK Mary Kimon, sister, 299 Linwood Ave., Detroit, MI (hometown); original member of Co. D, 125TH Inf. when organized from Co. D and Co. K, 31ST Mich. Inf., Mich. NG, on 30 Sep. ’17; very likely Mich. NG; DW 30 Aug. ’18; interred at Oise-Aisne American Cemetery


Patterson, Oscar Merle


born 3 Sep. ‘94 at Wood Co., OH; son of Henry A. and Sarah Jane (Welch) Patterson, father NoK, R. F. D. 6, Mt. Pleasant, MI (hometown); Pvt. with Btry. C, 119TH FA Regt., when 32D Div. was organized; served with Co. M, 128TH Inf.; KIA 6 Aug. ‘18 at age 23; listed on 5 Sep. ‘18 casualty list; interred at Oise-Aisne American Cemetery


Paulson (Poulson), Otto August


born 2 Apr. ’95 at Malvern, IA; NoK C. A. Paulson, Malvern, IA (hometown); also had ties to Gilmore City, IA; served with Btry. C, 120TH FA Regt.; SN 997313; WIA 28 Oct. ’18 by counterbattery fire near Gesnes; Cpl. Lawrence Cramer, Cpl. Donald McFadzen, and Pvt. Glen Card were also WIA, Pvt. Card DW 29 Oct. ’18; earned 1 wound chevron, HQ, 120TH FA Special Order No. 176, 28 Nov. ’18; DW 29 Oct. ’18; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery; also memorialized at Malvern Cemetery, Malvern, IA


Payne, Everette L.


NoK Elle Russell, Hand, AR (hometown); served with Co. D, 126TH Inf.; KIA 10 Oct. ’18


Payne, Ira


NoK Mrs. Alice Payne, R. F. D. 6, Richmond, VA (hometown); served with Co. K, 128TH Inf.; DW 6 Oct. ’18


Payson, Carl Frederick


born 14 Jun. ’96 at Paulding, OH; son of Garrett (step-father) and Minnie Timberman, mother NoK, 1022 E. 2nd St., Monroe, MI (hometown); worked as welder at Van Blerck Motor co.; enlisted in Mich. NG at Monroe, MI, the Monroe Light Guard, ca. ’14; served with Co. C, 125TH Inf.; earned DSC, posthumously, for his actions on 1 Aug. ’18 near Cierges; awarded Croix de Guerre w/palm, Order No. 12.335 “D,” 15 Dec. ’18, GHQ, French Armies of the East, “During the attack of Cierges on August 1, 1918, although mortally wounded in the head he nevertheless succeeded in keeping his feet and in accompanying the assaulting wave until he fell. His example of indomitable will and bravery encouraged all his comrades.”; MIA, presumed KIA, 1 Aug. (31 Jul.) ’18 at Cierges, machinegun bullet wound to his head; memorialized on Tablets of the Missing at Aisne-Marne American Cemetery; namesake of Carl F. Payson Post No. 60 of American Legion at Monroe, MI; he was one of Pershing’s 100, 1 of 2 from 32D Div.;


Pearson, Bernard N.


born 27 Jan. ’87 at WI; NoK Carl (Charles) M. and Emma Pearson, 37 5th Ave., Oshkosh, WI (hometown), father preceded him in death; entered service from Pueblo, CO; served with Co. M, 125TH Inf.; MIA, presumed KIA, 31 Jul. ’18; memorialized on Tablets of the Missing at Aisne-Marne American Cemetery


Pearson, Ernest W.


born 1898; hometown Wausau, WI; served with 128TH Inf.; DD, pneumonia, 14 Dec. ’18 at age 19; interred at Pine Grove Cemetery, Wausau, WI; not listed in 32D Div. in WW


Pearson, William B.


NoK A. M. Pearson, brother, Gordon, AL (hometown); served with 125TH Inf.; KIA 22 Oct. ’18; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery


Peatroski, Stanley


NoK Mrs. Helen Tilipiak, sister, 148 Jacob St., Hamtramck, MI (hometown); served with Co. E, 126TH Inf.; KIA 2 (1) Aug. ’18


Pedersen (Pederson), Harry J.


NoK Peder Pederson, Skudesnes, Blikshavn, Norway (nativity); hometown in ND; served with Co. C, 128TH Inf.; KIA 15 Oct. ’18; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery


Pederson, Nels S.


NoK Anna Abrahamson, Wilmar, MN (hometown); served with Co. M, 127TH Inf.; KIA 4 Aug. ’18


Pederson (Peterson), Oscar


born ca. 1897 at WI; son of P. O. and Ellen Pederson (Peterson), Wells, MI (hometown); worked at Bisdee Drug Store at Wells, MI; enlisted in Co. L, 33D Mich. Inf., Mich. NG, 1 May ’17 while it was guarding ore docks in Escanaba 12 Apr. to 31 Jul. ’17; assigned to Co. K when 125TH Inf. was organized; KIA 1 Aug. (31 Jul.) ’18 at age 21, 2nd day in front line trench during Aisne-Marne, shot in neck by German sniper when he peaked over the top of the trench; 1st Soldier from Wells, MI killed in the war; family notified 21 Aug. ’18; repatriated 30 Jul. ’21 and re-interred at Lakeview Cemetery, Escanaba, MI on 2 Aug. ’21


Peebles, Charles E.


born 6 Jan. ’86 at Festus or Crystal City, MO; son of William Mason and Laura Belle (Walton) Peebles, Crystal City, MO (hometown); entered service at Jefferson Barracks on 28 Jan. ’15; SN 2298600; assigned to 1ST Co., CAC at Ft. Columbia, WA; transferred to School for Bakers & Cooks, Presidio of San Francisco, CA on 2 Jun. ’17; transferred to Bakery Co. 36 on 28 Aug. ’17; transferred to Bakery Co. 324 at Camp Greene, NC; transferred to Co. L, 163D Inf., 41ST Div. on 3 Nov. ’17; landed overseas 22 Mar. ’18; 41ST Div. was designated a replacement unit when it reached France; transferred to Co. M, 125TH Inf. on 27 Apr. ’18; KIA 31 Jul. ’18 at Cierges; interred at Gamel Cemetery, Festus, MO; namesake of Peebles-Vaughn-Wideman Post No. 253 of VFW at Festus, MO


Peezy (Piezy), Lawrence


hometown Detroit, MI; served with Co. B, 125TH Inf.; KIA 4 Oct. ’18; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery


Pegues, Nick T.


NoK Mrs. Maude Pegues, Earle, AR (hometown); served with Co. K, 128TH Inf.; KIA 10 Nov. ’18


Pelagalle, Marco


hometown Genesee Co., MI; had ties to Piedmonti, Di Garano Ciserta, Italy; served with Co. E, 125TH Inf.; KIA 31 Jul. ’18 near Cierges, machinegun wound to abdomen, died enroute to hospital; interred at Oise-Aisne American Cemetery


Pelissero, Guiseppe


born ca. 1889 at Italy (nativity); NoK August Pelissero, 354 Middle St., Kenosha, WI (hometown); served with Co. H, 125TH Inf.; KIA 31 Jul. ’18 at age 29


Pellegrino (Pelligrino), John


father Francisco Pelligrino, NoK, San Vito La Capo, Italy (nativity); hometown in MI; served with Co. G, 125TH Inf.; KIA 29 Aug. ’18; interred at Oise-Aisne American Cemetery


Pellington, James Church


born 31 Aug. ’88 (’90) at Sharon, WI (hometown); son of William H. and Cora Bell (Yates) Pellington; WNG; served with 107TH Fld. Sig. Bn.; DD, pneumonia, 15 (10, 16, 17) Jan. ’18 (’19) at Camp Sevier, SC at age 30 (28); 1st Soldier from Sharon, WI to die in the war; interred at Oakwood Cemetery, Sharon, WI


Pelowski, Joseph


NoK Miss Pauline Pelowski, sister, 799 Riopelle St., Detroit MI (hometown) served with Co. E, 126TH Inf. (128TH Inf.); KIA 10 Oct. ’18; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery


Penberthy, Ira Gladstone


born 17 Jun. ’86 at Calumet or Houghton, MI (hometown); son of Josiah and Ida (Nancarrow) Penberthy, father Irish immigrant; married Isabelle ‘Belle’; graduated Michigan School of Mines in ’07; mining engineer at Calumet & Hecla Mining Co.; resided at 304 School St. or 2300 Agent St., Calumet, MI; member of Masons, Calumet Lodge No. 271; joined Co. A, Mich. Engrs., Mich. NG, at Calumet, MI; 2d Lt. ca. ’09; 1st Lt. ca. ’11; Capt. in HQ, 1ST Mich. Engr. Bn., Houghton, MI when mobilized 15 Jul. ’17; assigned to 107TH Engr. Regt. when 32D Div. was organized; ACC 25 Mar. ’18; listed on 21 Nov. ’18 casualty list; interred at St. Mihiel American Cemetery; namesake of Ira G. Penberthy Post No. 61 of American Legion at Laurium or Calumet, MI; not listed in 32D Div. in WW


Pennoyer (Penneyer), Hollis W.


father L. A. Penneyer, NoK, Hamilton, MT (hometown); served with Co. D, 126TH Inf.; KIA 5 Oct. ’18; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery


Perdue, William T.


NoK Mrs. Mary Riley, sister, 429 Hicks St., Brooklyn, NY (hometown); served with Co. E, 128TH Inf.; KIA 10 Nov. ’18


Perkins, Elmer J.


born 18 Dec. ’97 at Hancock, MI; son of Alfred E. and Mary A. (Kinsey) Perkins, Houghton, MI (hometown); served with Co. G, 125TH Inf.; KIA 31 Jul. ’18 by a sniper; interred at Forest Hill Cemetery, Houghton, MI; namesake of Elmer J. Perkins Post No. 304 of American Legion at South Range, MI


Perlick, Otto


NoK Mrs. Ida Grill, sister, 283 Townsend Ave., Detroit, MI (hometown); served with Co. H, 128TH Inf.; KIA 11 Nov. ’18; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery


Perou (Peron), Charles A.


hometown Brawley or Los Angeles, CA; served with Co. L or M, 125TH Inf.; KIA 31 Jul. ’18; interred at Oise-Aisne American Cemetery


Perreria (Perreris), John F. (P.)


hometown San Jose, CA; served with Btry. A, 147TH FA Regt.; DD 3 Feb. ’19; interred at San Francisco National Cemetery, CA; not listed in 32D Div. in WW


Perry, Clarence J.


mother Mrs. Kate Shaefer, NoK, Port Clinton, OH (hometown); served with Co. B, 125TH Inf.; KIA 13 Oct. ’18


Perry, Manuel Q.


hometown King City or Gilroy, CA; served with Co. K, 125TH Inf.; DD 25 Oct. ’18; interred at St. Mihiel American Cemetery; not listed in 32D Div. in WW


Perry, Ralph Haney


born 19 Feb. ’95 at Algoma, WI (hometown); son of Melvin W. and Mary J. (Esser) Perry, Algoma, WI; graduated Algoma H. S. in ’11 (’12) at age 16; graduated Northwestern Military Academy of Highland Park and commissioned Lt. in Ill. NG at age 17; graduated U. of Wis. in ’16 at age 21; worked at Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co. at Milwaukee, WI; completed First Officers Training Camp at Ft. Sheridan, IL in Aug. ’17 and commissioned 1st Lt.; assigned to Co. F, 5TH Wis. Inf., WNG, at Sturgeon Bay, WI shortly after they mobilized on 15 Jul. ’17 and shortly before they departed for Camp Douglas, WI on 17 Aug. ’17; assigned to Co. A when 121ST MG Bn. was organized; transferred to 128TH Inf.; sailed for France 16 Feb. ’18; assigned cdr. of Co. B, 128TH Inf. on 28 Aug. ’18; promoted Capt. in Sep. ’18; WIA 11 Nov. (10 Nov.) ’18 by machinegun fire; DW 22 Nov. ’18 at Base Hosp. No. 115 at age 23; interred at Evergreen Cemetery, Algoma, WI; namesake of Ralph Perry Field in Algoma, WI, Mr. and Mrs. Perry donated an entire city block, in memory of their son, to the city of Algoma ca. Aug. ’24 to provide athletic facilities for students of Algoma public schools and students of the Door-Kewaunee State Normal School; might be namesake of Ralph Perry Post No. 3392 of VFW at Kewaunee, WI


Perryman, Fred E.


born 1895; son of George F. (W.) and Laura M. Perryman, mother NoK, 431 N. Main St., Tulsa, OK (hometown); served with Btry. B, 120TH FA Regt.; WIA 18 Oct. (17 or 19 Oct.) ’18 by a German booby-trap, while gathering firewood for the field kitchen, he picked up a piece of wood which had been wired to several hand grenades; DW (KIA) 18 Oct. (17 or 19 Oct.) ’18; interred at Greenlawn Memorial Gardens, Springfield, MO


Pester, Louis


NoK Jake Pester, 2654 E. 67th St., Cleveland, OH (hometown); served with Co. H, 125TH Inf.; KIA 15 Oct. ’18


Peters, Clarence E.


born ca. 1900; mother Mrs. Frank Peters, NoK, 925 Spring St., Beaver Dam, WI (hometown); enlisted in Co. K, 2D Wis. Inf., WNG, at Beaver Dam, WI; served with Co. M, 127TH Inf.; battles include Alsace, Fismes; KIA 5 Aug. (4 Aug.) ’18 at age 18; interred at Oakwood Cemetery, Beaver Dam, WI


Peters, Harry B.

2d Lt.

NoK Mrs. Ida May Peters, Osceola Mills, PA (hometown); served with Co. B, 128TH Inf.; MIA, presumed KIA, 15 Oct. (10 Oct.) ’18; memorialized on Tablets of the Missing at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery


Peters, Oliver D.


mother Mrs. Mary Harrison, NoK, Dewitt, AR (hometown); served with Co. H, 127TH Inf.; KIA 7 Oct. ’18


Peters, Ralph H.


born ca. ’95; hometown Madison, WI; served with 127TH Inf.; DD, diphtheria, 26 Feb. ’18 at sea aboard USS Washington at age 23; first Soldier from 127TH Inf. to die since embarkation; buried at sea, Chaplain Gustav Stearns, 127TH Inf. Chaplain, officiated; not listed in 32D Div. in WW


Peterson, Arnold J.


born ca. 1898; father Anton O. Peterson, NoK, 1025 8th St., Beloit, WI (hometown); enlisted in Co. L, 1ST Wis. Inf., WNG, at Beloit, WI; was Pvt. in that unit during Mexican Border Crisis; assigned to 127TH Inf. when 32D Div. was organized, likely Co. G or Co. L; DW (ACC) 30 Jun. ’18, accidental gunshot wound, at age 20; Chaplain Gustav Stearns, 127TH Inf. Chaplain, officiated his funeral 2 Jul. ’18 at Morvillars


Peterson, Arthur


father Per Nelson, NoK, Nora, Macklaby Oland, Sweden (nativity); hometown in MT; served with Co. H, 127TH Inf.; KIA 30 Aug. ’18; interred at Oise-Aisne American Cemetery


Peterson, Arvie


father J. C. Peterson, NoK, Kenesaw, NE (hometown); served with Co. B, 125TH Inf.; DW 29 Aug. ’18


Peterson, Charles William


born 19 Nov. ‘91; son of Jens P. and Maria Peterson, father NoK, Pine River, Waushara Co., WI (hometown), both Danish immigrants; also had ties to Redgranite and Auroraville, WI; enlisted in WNG at Redgranite, WI on 28 Jun. ‘17, part of Co. L, 5TH Wis. Inf., Wautoma, WI; assigned to Co. A, 127TH Inf., sometime after it was organized and before it embarked for France in Feb. ‘18; Fismes, Soissons, Verdun; KIA 12 Oct. (15 Oct.) ‘18 at age 26; listed on 24 Dec. ‘18 casualty list; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery; also memorialized at Pine Grove Cemetery, Auroraville, WI


Peterson, Einer Fred


born ca. 1895; hometown Racine, WI; enlisted in Btry. F, 1ST Wis. FA Regt., WNG, at Racine, WI; assigned to Btry. F, 121ST FA Regt. when 32D Div. was organized; DD, pneumonia, 19 Nov. ’18 at age 23; not listed in 32D Div. in WW


Peterson, Elmer R.


born 1894; hometown West Prairie, WI; served with Btry. F, 120TH FA Regt.; DD, tuberculosis, 29 Mar. ’19 at age 24; interred at Melvina Cemetery, Monroe Co., WI; not listed in 32D Div. in WW


Peterson, Ernest A.


NoK Gust. Peterson, 7243 Greenwood Ave., Chicago, IL; entered service from MN, hometown possibly Clarissa, MN; served with Co. H, 128TH Inf.; DW 13 Oct. ’18; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery


Peterson, Matt


hometown Crystal Falls, MI; served with Co. L, 125TH Inf.; DW 1 Aug. ’18; interred at Evergreen Memorial Cemetery, Crystal Falls, MI


Peterson, Oliver (Pederson)


born 14 Jun. ‘91 at Town of Home Lake, Norman Co., MN; son of Nils (Nels) and Elsie Peterson (Pederson), Town of Flom, Norman Co., MN (hometown), both Norwegian immigrants; also had ties to Twin Valley, MN; he bought a farm near Havre, MT ca. ‘13; entered service at Havre, MT on 7 Oct. ‘17; trained at Camp Lewis, WA; landed in France 25 Dec. ‘17; served with Co. B, 127TH Inf.; WIA late Jul. ‘18; DW 5 Aug. ‘18 at Base Hosp. No. 43; listed on 10 Sep. ‘18 casualty list; interred at Arlington National Cemetery; not listed in 32D Div. in WW


Peterson, Peter Maurice


born 10 Apr. ’94; hometown Ogdensburg, WI; also had ties to Delavan, WI; WNG; served with 128TH Inf.; Alsace, Marne, Juvigny, Verdun; DW 18 Oct. ’18 at age 24; interred at Ogdensburg Cemetery (a.k.a. Park Cemetery or Park No. 1 Cemetery), Ogdensburg, WI; not listed in 32D Div. in WW


Peterson, Viggo


mother Mrs. Trcona Peterson, NoK, Viborg, SD (hometown); served with Co. G, 126TH Inf.; KIA 12 Oct. ’18


Petitt, George H.


father Charles L. Petitt, NoK, P. O. Box 205, Ashland, IL (hometown); served with Co. M, 127TH Inf.; KIA 15 Oct. ’18


Petri, William Simon


born 21 Oct. ’95; father August Petri, NoK, R. F. D. 1, Rozellville, WI (hometown); enlisted in WNG at Marshfield, WI, likely Co. A, 2D Wis. Inf., or possibly Co. K, 6TH Wis. Inf.; assigned to Co. A when 127TH Inf. was organized; KIA 5 Aug. ’18 near Fismes at age 23; interred at Oise-Aisne American Cemetery


Petro, Anthony


hometown Westville, IL; served with Co. E, 125TH Inf.; DW (KIA) 31 Jul. ’18, hit by machinegun fire to abdomen near Cierges at 1500 hours, died at 2100 hours at the aid station;


Petrowsky, Andrew


NoK Welder Petrowsky, brother, 26 Campbell St., Carnegie, PA (hometown); served with Co. G, 126TH Inf.; KIA 21 Oct. ’18


Petty, John


NoK Will Pickering, Lone Cedar, WV (hometown); served with Co. E, 126TH Inf.; WIA 1 Oct. ’18; DW 2 Oct. ’18


Petty, Pat


NoK Thomas F. Petty, Lonoke, AR (hometown); served with Co. A, 128TH Inf.; KIA 10 Nov. ’18; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery


Pexley, Loren E.


father Guy L. Pexley, NoK, 809 Lawnsdale Ave., Detroit, MI (hometown); served with Med. Det., 125TH Inf.; KIA 6 Aug. ’18