Surnames Gs through H






Guest, Donald A.


NoK Mrs. Nellie Guest, 1263 Franklin St., Otsego, MI (hometown); served with Co. M, 128TH Inf.; KIA 20 (30) Aug. ’18; interred at Oise-Aisne American Cemetery


Guide, Fred


NoK Mrs. Anna Gordon Guide, 1452 S. Komensky Ave., Chicago, IL (hometown); served with Co. L, 128TH Inf.; KIA 3 Aug. ’18


Guilligan, Earl Philip (Gilligan)


born ca. 1896; Camp Douglas, WI; served with Co. F, 107TH Fld. Sig. Bn.; Alsace, Château-Thierry; DW 8 Aug. ’18 at age 22; repatriated and re-interred ca. 8 Aug. ’21; namesake of Earl Guilligan Post No. 133 of American Legion at   Camp Douglas, WI


Gullo, Sam


NoK Mrs. Carmela Gullo, Linguaglossa, Cantania, Italy (nativity); hometown in MI; served with Co. A, 127TH Inf.; DD (DW) 8 May ’18; interred at St. Mihiel American Cemetery


Gunnells, Grover Cleveland


born 6 Feb. ‘93 at Madison, GA (hometown); son of Elijah T. ‘Lige’ and Martha S. ‘Bettie’ Gunnells; entered service on 28 May ‘18; trained at Camp Gordon, GA; sailed for France on 27 Jul. ‘18; served with Co. F, 125TH Inf.; WIA 6 Oct. ‘18; DW 19 Oct. ‘18 at age 25; repatriated and re-interred at Pleasant Grove Baptist Church Cemetery, Hull, GA on 23 Jul. ‘21; namesake of Grover Cleveland Gunnells Post No. 39 of American Legion, Danielsville, GA; not listed in 32D Div. in WW


Gustafson, Alfred Israel


born 29 May ’96 at Eveleth, MN; son of Fred and Tiklai S. Gustafson, Cook, MN; NoK Theila Gustafson, Cook, MN; resided at Chisholm, MN (hometown); entered service 25 May ’18; served with Co. I, 125TH Inf.; KIA 11 Oct. ’18;


Gustafson, John Edwin ‘Edwin’


born 18 Feb. ’93 (’94); son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph ‘Joe’ Gustafson, Tofte, MN (hometown); trained at Camp Lewis; sailed for France Aug. ’18; DD (DW), pneumonia, 15 (16) Feb. ’19 (’18) near Coblenz, Germany at age 25, 3 (2) days shy of his 26th birthday; 10 Mar. ’19 casualty list;


Guth, Carl E.


father Emil H. Guth, NoK, 324 Moll St., Lockland, OH (hometown); served with Co. I, 126TH Inf.; KIA 9 Oct. ’18


Gutowski, Walter Frank (Gutowsky)


born ‘93; 4121 35th St., Detroit, MI (hometown); served with Btry. F, 119TH FA Regt.; WIA during Aisne-Marne, ca. 30 Jul.-6 Aug. ‘18; DW in ‘18 ca. age 25; listed as severely WIA on 4 Oct. ‘18 casualty list; listed as DW on 13 Jan. ‘19 casualty list; repatriated ca. 28 Jul. ‘21; interred at Holy Cross Catholic Cemetery, Detroit, MI; not listed in 32D Div. in WW


Guyton, Joseph W.


born 10 Jun. ’89 at Evart Township, MI; NoK Mrs. Agnes Winona Guyton, wife, Evart (Ebart), MI (hometown); served with Co. I, 126TH Inf.; KIA near midnight on 24 May ’18 by machinegun fire while he was a machine gunner at Petty Post 9, an OP; he was 1st from 32D Div. KIA in France; 1st U.S. Soldier KIA on German soil, Alsace was part of Germany when the war started; earned Croix de Guerre w/silver star, Order No. 297, 25 May ’18, HQ, 9th French Inf. Div., “The soldier, Joseph W. Guyton, of the 126th American Infantry Regiment, on guard in the first line was killed by a machine gun bullet. He is the first soldier of the 32nd American Division to fall fighting for the cause of right and liberty on Alsacian soil, beside his French comrades.”; he was the 1st 32D Div. Soldier to be decorated; the award was forwarded to his wife by Maj. Gen. William G. Haan, 32D Div. cdr.; a duplicate of the award was given to the 126TH Inf., accepted by Col. Joseph B. Westnedge; initially interred in the cemetery of a nearby German church at Gildwiller, he was repatriated in 1921; in May of ’21, President Warren G. Harding placed a wreath on his flag-draped coffin during a ceremony for 5,000 repatriated American remains at the pier in Hoboken, NJ, where he said: “In the name of the republic, I bestow this tribute on the casket of the first soldier who perished on the soil of the enemy… I chose it because I am offering the tribute to the one returned whose death on enemy soil marked the day when our civilization went face forward and the assault on our present day civilization knew it had failed. May 24, 1918, is the date on which this soldier was killed, and the name is that of Joseph W. Guyton, Company I of the 126th Infantry, a resident patriot and hero of the State of Michigan of the United States of America.”; after the ceremony, he was transported to his hometown of Evart, MI, where he was re-interred at Forest Hill Cemetery; 10,000 people turned out for his funeral in that tiny community on 5 Jun.; the local VFW Post, a park, and a bridge were named in his honor


Guzal, Anthony J.


mother Mrs. Mary Guzal, NoK, R. F. D. 4, Box 126, Pinconning, MI (hometown); served with Co. I, 125TH Inf.; KIA 31 Jul. ’18


Guzman, Jesus


Hispanic American; NoK Mrs. J. Cortez, sister, Corpus Christi, TX (hometown); NoK Eusoba Guzman, Corpus Christi, TX; may have survived Tuscania, assigned to Camp Travis Det. 2; served with Co. C, 125TH Inf.; KIA 22 Oct. ’18; 31 Mar. ’19 casualty report; repatriated and re-interred at Arlington National Cemetery 18 Aug. ’21; namesake of Jesus Guzman Post No. 3249 of VFW at Corpus Christi, TX (when organized, it was 1 of 2 VFW posts in Tex. organized for Hispanic American veterans of the World War; [may have been born 21 Jan. ’88 at Randado, TX and resided at Jim Hogg Co., TX ca. ’17-’18]


Haas, Alvin A.


hometown in OH; served with Btry. D, 322D FA Regt., attached to 32D Div.; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery; KIA 15 (16) Oct. ’18


Hadtrath, Byron J.


NoK Charles Hadtrath, Ortonville, MN (hometown); served with Co. C, 128TH Inf.; DW 10 Oct. ’18; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery


Hagan, John J.


hometown in NY; served with HQ Co., 121ST MG Bn.; KIA 27 Oct. ’18; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery


Hagen, George C.


born 20 Aug. ’94 at Waseca Co., MN; son of Mr. and Mrs. Severt Hagen, Blooming Grove, MN (hometown); entered service 25 May ’18; sent to Camp Lewis, WA; assigned to 160TH Inf., 40TH Div.; sent to Camp Kearney, CA; sent to Camp Mills, Long Island; sailed for France early Aug. ’18; transferred to Co. D, 127TH Inf.; WIA 14 Oct. ’18 and DW 24 Oct. ’18; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery; not listed in 32D Div. in WW


Hagen, Norman

Band Cpl.

born 26 Dec. ’91; hometown Chippewa Falls, WI; enlisted in Band, HQ Co., 4TH Wis. Inf., WNG, at Chippewa Falls 2 Jun. ’17; assigned to 107TH Tr. HQ & MPs (107TH MP) when 32D Div. was organized; sailed for France 9 Feb. ’18; attained rank of drum major; DD, pneumonia, 19 Oct. ’18 at Nantes at age 26; interred at Prairie View Cemetery, Hallie, WI; not listed in 32D Div. in WW


Hagerstrom, Charles R.


born ca. 1895; NoK Wm. Hagerstrom, 549 10th Ave. S., Wisconsin Rapids, WI (hometown); WNG; served with Btry. B, 120TH FA Regt.; seriously WIA 7 Aug. ’18 by shell fragment near St. Gilles; DW 7 (9) Aug. ’18 in the ambulance at age 23


Haines, Richard B.


father Mr. W. W. Haines, NoK, Aptos (Watsonville), CA (hometown); served with Med. Det., 125TH Inf.; KIA 6 Aug. ’18; interred at Oise-Aisne American Cemetery


Hall, Charles A.


NoK Sarah D. Hall, sister, R. F. D., Weston, WV (hometown); served with Co. L, 125TH Inf.; KIA 9 Oct. ’18


Hall, Floyd


mother Mrs. Frank Hall, NoK, Fenton, MI (hometown); served with Co. A, 128TH Inf.; DW 2 Aug. ’18


Hall, Henry Byron


born ca. 1895 at Rockvale, KY; son of Henry and Ida May Hall, mother NoK, Hardinsburg, KY (hometown); enlisted in Mich. NG in Apr. ’17; original member of Co. D, 125TH Inf., when organized on 30 Sep. ’17; severely WIA 4 Aug. ’18; DW 2 Sep. ’18 at Base Hosp. 18, APO 731, at age 23; “wounded severely” on 20 Sep. ’18 casualty report; “died of wounds – previously reported severely wounded” on 16 Oct. ’18 casualty report; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery; not listed in 32D Div. in WW


Hall, James


born 15 Apr. ’95 (’96) at Cleo, OK, on a farm; father J. W. Hall; family (father and brother) moved to NV in ’06; moved to Fallon, NV (hometown) in ’15; married Mary Blakeney on 24 Nov. ’17; entered service 24 Jun. ’18; trained at Camp Lewis, WA, 24 days; trained at Camp Kearny, CA, 10 days; spent 4 days at New York before sailing for France; served with Co. A, 127TH Inf.; DD 9 Oct. (12 Oct.) ’18 at Base Hospital No. 44, Nevers, at age 23 (22), influenza; interred at Churchill County Cemetery (formerly Fallon Cemetery), Churchill Co., NV; not listed in 32D Div. in WW


Hall, John L.


born ca. 1897; hometown Granton, WI; enlisted in Co. A, 3D Wis. Inf., WNG, at Neillsville, WI; served with Co. A, 128TH Inf.; overseas; DD, pneumonia, 6 Apr. ’18 at age 21; not listed in 32D Div. in WW


Hall, Oliver


mother Mrs. Mary Nightingale, NoK, Turner, MI (hometown); served with Co. L, 125TH Inf.; KIA 31 Aug. ’18


Hallopeter, Charles C. (Hollopeter)


born 1 Jan. ’96 at Ainsworth (Amsworth), NE; son of Curtin (Curtis) and Josephine Hallopeter (Hollopeter), Bruce, WI (hometown); enlisted 8 Jul. ’17 at Stanley, WI, likely Co. B, 4TH Wis. Inf., WNG; served with Co. L, 128TH Inf.; participated in all the battles of the 32D Division; KIA 7 Nov. ’18 at age 23


Halvorsen, John


father Erick Halvorsen, NoK, Meridian, WA (hometown); served with Co. F, 127TH Inf.; DW 7 Oct. ’18


Hamel, Louis William (Lewis)


born ‘99; NoK Mrs. Peter Hamel, McBain (McBay), MI (hometown); parents may have been Peter Franklin and Annetta (Van Meter) Hamel; Mich. NG; assigned to Co. C, 126TH Inf., when 32D Div. was organized; WIA 11 Oct. ‘18; DW in ’18 ca. age 19; listed on 21 Nov. ‘18 casualty list; repatriated ca. 28 Jul. ‘21; re-interred at Mount View Cemetery, McBain, MI; not listed in 32D Div. in WW


Hamilton, Bert (Burr)


NoK Rosa Hamilton, Alpena, AR (hometown); served with Co. I, 126TH Inf.; KIA 5 Oct. ’18; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery


Hamilton, Ivan R.


NoK Mrs. Hugh Thayer, 859 4th St., Grand Rapids, MI (hometown); Mich. NG; served with MG Co., 126TH Inf.; KIA 31 Jul. (1 Aug.) ’18


Hamilton, Jay O.


father Emmett Hamilton, NoK, Decatur, MI (hometown); served with HQ Co., 119TH FA Regt.; KIA 30 Sep. ’18


Hamilton, Nevel H. (N.)


father Matt. Hamilton, NoK, Enavesta (Envista), VA (PA) (hometown); served with Co. A, 126TH Inf.; KIA 5 Oct. ’18


Hammond, Charles Allan

1st Lt.

born 11 Jan. ‘87 at Port Huron, MI (hometown) or Fort Gratiot Township, St. Clair Co., MI; son of Robert and Sarah Hammond, father Irish immigrant; NoK John J. Hammond, 785 15th St., Detroit, MI; NoK Robert A. Hammond, Port Huron, MI (some references list his as brother, others as father; resided at 2437 Gratiot Ave., Port Huron, MI; worked as machinist; enlisted in ‘10; Lt. with Co. C, 33D Mich. Inf., Mich. NG, Port Huron, MI by ‘15, he was capt. of unit’s marksmanship team at that time, they won ‘15-‘16 championship; served during Mexican Border Crisis; assigned to Co. L, 125TH Inf., when 32D Div. was organized; KIA 31 Jul. ‘18 at Hill 212 near Sergy at age 31; listed on 6 Sep. ‘18 casualty list; earned DSC for his actions 31 Jul. ‘18 at Hill 212 near Sergy; earned Croix de Guerre w/guilt star, Order No. 12.334 “D”, 15 Dec. ‘18, GHQ, French Armies of the East, “On July 31, 1918, near Sergy, although wounded in the arm he refused to go to the first-aid station to be bandaged. He received two other wounds, the last being fatal. His courage, endurance and keenness were a fine example for his men.”; repatriated and re-interred at Lakeside Cemetery, Port Huron, MI ca. 24 Jul. ‘21; namesake of Charles A. Hammond Post No. 8 of American Legion at Port Huron, MI


Hammond, Harley Vivian


age 25; Hortonville, WI; WNG; served with Med. Det., 127TH Inf.; Alsace, Ronchères, Fismes, Juvigny, Argonne; DW 25 Oct. ’18; interred at Suresnes American Cemetery; not listed in 32D Div. in WW


Hammond, Mervin F.


father T. J. Hammond, NoK, Oregon City, OR (hometown); served with Co. B, 128TH (127TH) Inf.; KIA 2 Aug. ’18; interred at Oise-Aisne American Cemetery


Hampton, Robert


born ca. 1896; father Harry Hampton, NoK, 926 N. 10th St., Manitowoc, WI (hometown); WNG; served with Co. H, 127TH Inf.; Château-Thierry; DW 4 Aug. ’18 at age 22


Hanger, Fred Loasby

2d Lt.

born 18 May ‘93 at Waupun, WI; NoK Mrs. Chas. Hanger, Waupun, WI (hometown); attended U. of Wis. ca. ‘13, was 2nd year student in agricultural course at that time; resided at Clarksdale, AZ when he registered for the draft in Jun. ‘17; worked as clerk at United Verde Copper Co., Clarksdale, AZ; served with Co. A, 127TH Inf.; Meuse-Argonne; KIA (DW) 15 Oct. (14 Oct.) ‘18 at age 25; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery; namesake of Fred L. Hanger Post of American Legion, Clarkdale, AZ


Hanlon, Patrick Leo


born 18 Jan. (1 Jan.) ‘94 (‘98) at Albion, MI (hometown); son of Patrick H. and Frances O. (Robbins) Hanlon, father NoK, 813 Burr Oak St., Albion, MI; graduated Albion H. S. in ‘13; enlisted in Mich. NG at Jackson, MI on 7 Jul. ‘17; assigned to Co. G, 126TH Inf., when 32D Div. was organized; KIA 28 Aug. ‘18 at age 24 (20); Sgt. Richard Lander, also from Albion, saw him fall, Lander was later KIA 2 Oct. ‘18; parents received telegram on 26 Sep. ‘18; listed on 4 Oct. ‘18 casualty list; interred at Oise-Aisne American Cemetery; also memorialized at Riverside Cemetery, Albion, MI; namesake of Patrick Leo Hanlon Post No. 55 of American Legion, Albion, MI; a newspaper article on 31 Jan. ‘32 stated: “Several years ago a party of Albion tourists under the direction of the late Dr. William P. Pearce of the First Baptist church carried dirt from the local grave of Private Steffe to the grave of Corporal Hanlon in France and returned with some French soil which was placed on the grave here.” [Other Soldier was likely Cpl. Paul E. Steffe, Co. F, 126TH Inf., severely WIA 29 Aug. ‘18, DW 30 Aug. ’18.]


Hanrahan, Martin F.


NoK James L. Hanrahan. Providence, RI (hometown); served with Co. M, 128TH Inf.; KIA 5 Oct. ’18; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery


Hansen, Frank Ralph


hometown Westport, CT (presumed); served with HQ Co., 119TH FA Regt.; DW 16 (14) Aug. ’18; interred at Willowbrook Cemetery, Westport, CT


Hansen, Jay B.


born ca. 1887; hometown Marinette, WI; served with 126TH Fld. Hosp., 107TH San. Tr.; DD, empyema, 16 Feb. ’19 at age 31; not listed in 32D Div. in WW


Hansen, Ray H.


NoK Mrs. Clare Hansen, sister-in-law, 851 Halcolm Ave., Detroit, MI (hometown); served with Co. C, 125TH Inf.; KIA 29 Aug. ’18; interred at Oise-Aisne American Cemetery


Hansford, Morie


hometown in MI; served with Co. E, 125TH Inf.; MIA, presumed KIA, 31 Jul. ’18; memorialized on Tablets of the Missing at Aisne-Marne American Cemetery


Hanson, Leo (Hansen)


born ‘97; hometown Peshtigo, WI; WNG; assigned to 126TH Amb. Co., 107TH San. Tr. when 32D Div. was organized; landed in France 10 Feb. ‘18(?); DD 21 Feb. ‘18 at Camp MacArthur, TX at age 20; interred at Riverside Cemetery, Peshtigo, WI; I suspect he may be same man as Pvt. Leo Hanson (Hansen), Racine, WI, 127TH Amb. Co.; WGSL states he DD at age 20, but Racine Co. in the World War states he survived the war; lists him as above, born ‘97, from Peshtigo, 126TH Amb. Co., died in ‘18 (about age 21); not listed in 32D Div. in WW


Hanson, Carl Edmund


born 28 Dec. ’88 (’89) at Norway, WI; son of Thomas E. and Louisa Nicolena (Larson) Hanson; also had ties to Waterford, WI; enlisted in Btry. F, 1ST Wis. FA Regt., WNG, at Racine, WI on 26 Jul. ’17; assigned to Btry. F or Sup. Co., 121ST FA Regt. when 32D Div. was organized; DD, pulmonary hemorrhage, 29 Nov. ’17 at Waco, TX at age 28 (27), he was injured in an accident, either a street car accident or the collision of a car with “the conveyance he was driving,” maybe they meant riding instead of driving; interred at Norway Lutheran Cemetery, Norway, WI; not listed in 32D Div. in WW


Hanson, O. A.


born ca. 1894; hometown Superior, WI; served with 127TH Inf.; DD, pneumonia, 31 Mar. ’18 at age 24; [possibly Oscar A. Hanson, born 1893, Pvt. in Co. G, 127TH Inf., interred at Graceland Cemetery, Superior Village, WI] ; not listed in 32D Div. in WW


Haralobas, Vasilian


father Vasilios Haralobas, NoK, Isle of Cyprus (nativity); served with Co. M, 125TH Inf.; KIA 12 Oct. ’18


Harden, James


NoK William Harden, Shelley, ID (hometown); served with Co. D, 128TH Inf.; KIA 15 Oct. ’18


Harding, Howard Stirling


born ‘94; son of Rev. Merritt S. and Ursilla (Burk or Burke) Harding, mother NoK, Box 202, Corunna, MI (hometown); father served during Civil War, 23D Mich. Inf.; enlisted in Mich. NG at Owosso, MI, likely Co. G, 33D Mich. Inf.; assigned to Co. M, 125TH Inf., when 32D Div. was organized; WIA 31 Jul. ‘18; DW 31 Jul. (1 Aug.) ‘18 in hosp. ca. age 24; listed as severely WIA on 31 Aug. ‘18 casualty list (his brother was listed as KIA on same list); at some point, the parents were “Notified officially that their son, Pvt. Howard S. Harding, had died of wounds received in France, July 31. Rev. and Mrs. M. S. Harding, of Corunna, queried the war department and received the last of the week [12 Oct. ‘18] a message in confirmation, giving August 1 as the date of the young man’s death. However, the parents have not yet given up their boy, but cling to the hope a mistake has been made, since no word regarding his effects has been received. After their son, Cpl. Ward Harding, had been killed in the same battle in which his brother was wounded, the parents received word directing them in disposal of his effects.”; listed as DW on 14 Oct. ‘18 casualty list; interred at Pine Tree Cemetery, Corunna, MI; not listed in 32D Div. in WW; brother served with same unit and was KIA on the same day, Cpl. Ward M., Mich. NG, Co. M, 125TH Inf., KIA 31 Jul. ‘18; 2 other brothers also served


Harding, Lloyd


born 14 Oct. ’94; Mrs. Jennie Harding, 312 4th St., Bay City, MI (hometown); served with Co. I, 125TH Inf.; KIA 10 (9, 11) Oct. ’18; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery; also memorialized at Pine Ridge Cemetery, Bay City, MI; might be namesake of Harding-Olk-Craidge Post No. 18 of American Legion at Bay City, MI (Cpl. Robert E. Craidge, from Bay City and assigned to Co. I, 125TH Inf., was a namesake; the other namesake was Pfc. John E. Olk, from Bay City and assigned to 128TH Amb. Co., 107TH San. Tr.; seems rare to (possibly) find a post named in honor of 3 Soldiers from same div., and possibly all from NG)


Harding, Stacy (Stacey) Ludden

2d Lt.

born 20 Sep. ’92 at Waltham, MA; mother Mrs. Juliette S. (C.) Harding, Antioch, CA (hometown); grandfather, J. R. Coates, was Civil War veteran, credited with organizing Co. A, 15TH Maine Inf., started as Sgt., finished the war as Col.; graduated U. of Calif. in ’15, economics; worked as clerk at Commercial Bank of Santa Barbara and resided at Rockwood, Mission Canyon, Santa Barbara, CA in ’16-’17; assigned to 347TH FA Regt., 91ST Div. (1 reference states he was assigned to Co. H, 83D Inf.); transferred to Btry. B, 120TH FA Regt.; survived Tuscania; earned DSC for his actions 26 Sep.-11 Oct. ’18 near Malancourt and Nantillois; KIA 11 Oct. ’18, his runner, Pvt. Albert Quillen, was WIA while on liaison duty with 127TH Inf.; the event may have occurred 10 Oct., “Lieut. Stacy L. Harding, “B” Battery and Private Quillen, Hqrs. Co. who have been on liaison duty with 127th Inf. are missing. Relief sent to take their places on 10th, reports they cannot be found.”; on 15 Oct. HQ speculated they may have been captured by Germans; on 19 Oct. HQ learned that Lt. Harding had been KIA 11 Oct. near Cote Dame Marie and buried by 128TH Inf. Chaplain, no information about Pvt. Quillen; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery; mother wrote poem, “The Unreturning”, which appears in 120FA Diary


Harding, Ward Montgomery


born ‘91; son of Rev. Merritt S. and Ursilla (Burk or Burke) Harding, father NoK, Box 202, Corunna, MI (hometown); father served during Civil War, 23D Mich. Inf.; enlisted in Mich. NG at Owosso, MI, likely Co. G, 33D Mich. Inf.; assigned to Co. M, 125TH Inf., when 32D Div. was organized; KIA 31 Jul. ‘18 ca. age 27; listed as KIA on 31 Aug. ‘18 casualty list (his brother was listed as severely WIA on same list); interred at Pine Tree Cemetery, Corunna, MI; brother served with same unit and DW on the same day, Pvt. Howard S., Mich. NG, Co. M, 125TH Inf., DW 31 Jul. (1 Aug.) ‘18


Hardlicks, James


NoK Mrs. Nellie Hardlicks, Stewartville, MN (hometown); served with Co. E, 125TH Inf.; KIA 29 Aug. ’18


Hardy, Arthur H.


NoK Mrs. Wesley Conke, sister, Flint, MI (hometown); served with HQ, 125TH Inf.; DW 5 Oct. ’18


Harem, Andrew R.


born 20 Jan. ’90 at Trondheim (Trondhjem), Norway (nativity); NoK Mrs. Anna Harem, Trondheim (Trondhjem), Norway; hometown in WA; registered for draft at Shoshone, ID; served with Co. A, 127TH Inf.; KIA 15 Oct. ’18; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery


Hargis, Marion D.


hometown Tracy City, TN or Mesa, AZ; served with Co. F, 128TH Inf.; DW 15 Oct. (Sep.) ’18; interred at Oak Grove Cemetery in Marion Co., TN


Harkins, James


NoK Patrick Harkins, brother, 1609 Sterling Place, Brooklyn, NY (hometown); may have entered service from MT; served with Co. H, 126TH Inf.; interred at Oise-Aisne American Cemetery; KIA 29 (28) Aug. ’18


Harmon, Frederick F. (Frederic) (A.)


born 9 Jun. ‘95 at Somerville, MA (hometown); son of Frederic A. and Minnie Farnsworth (Kimball) Harmon, 109 Cross St., Somerville, MA; worked as baggage man, South Terminal Station, Boston, MA; entered service 12 Nov. ‘17; assigned to 151ST Dep. Bde.; transferred to Repl. Draft, Camp Devens, on 17 Feb. ‘18; overseas 27 Feb. ‘18; transferred to Co. C, 116TH Fld. Sig. Bn., on 23 Mar. ‘18; transferred to Co. C, 107TH Fld. Sig. Bn., on 20 Apr. ‘18; transferred to Co. M, 125TH Inf., on 6 May ‘18; WIA 31 Aug. ‘18 near Soissons; listed as WIA on 1 Nov. ‘18 casualty list; returned to duty; severely WIA near Gesnes while serving as Bn. runner; DW (KIA) 18 Oct. ‘18 at age 23; listed as DW on 6 Jan. ‘19 casualty list; repatriated and re-interred at Central Cemetery, Randolph, MA on 23 Oct. ‘21


Harms, Ufkie


born 5 Oct. ’94 at Humboldt, NE (hometown); father Harry H. Harms, NoK, R. F. D. 3, Humboldt (Humbolt), NE (MI); served with Co. I, 127TH Inf.; KIA 3 Sep. ’18; interred at Mound Cemetery, Humboldt, NE


Harper, Archie N.


born ca. 1897; son of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Harper, Bangor, WI (hometown); served with 121ST MG Bn.; Alsace, 2Marne, Soissons, Noyon; DD, pneumonia, 29 Dec. ’18 at NY at age 21, a few days after returning from France; interred at Burns Cemetery, Bangor, WI; not listed in 32D Div. in WW


Harper, Fred B.


born 7 May ’98 at Richland Co., WI; son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Harper, R. F. D. 3, Thorp, WI (hometown); enlisted in Co. B, 4TH Wis. Inf., WNG, at Stanley, WI on 28 Apr. ’17; served with Co. A, 125TH Inf.; 163D Inf. (not sure what this reference is for, it is unlikely he would have been transferred to the 163D Inf. because the 41ST Div. was designated a replacement unit when it reached France and many of its Soldiers were transferred to the 32D Div.); 2Marne, Juvigny, Soissons, Château-Thierry; KIA 4 (3) Sep. ’18 by shell fragments near Terny-Sorny at age 20; initially reported MIA; interred at Sylvan Cemetery, Reseberg, WI; military honors were conducted by Cecil Tormey Post No. 118 of American Legion in Thorp


Harper, Henry P.


NoK Mrs. Nancy Harper, Scott, AR (hometown); served with Co. A, 128TH Inf.; KIA 11Nov. ’18; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery


Harpham, Bert E. (L.)


mother Mrs. A. Harpham, NoK, Council, ID (hometown); may have entered service from IA; served with Co. C, 121ST MG Bn.; KIA 31 Aug. ’18; interred at Oise-Aisne American Cemetery


Harridge, Elmer


NoK Wilbert F. Harridge, Prairie Hill, MO (hometown); served with Co. A, 107TH Engr. Regt.; DD 15 Feb. ’18


Harris, Clarence G.


mother Mrs. Ellen Harris, NoK, R. F. D. 2, Oakley, MI (hometown); served with Co. M, 126TH Inf.; DW 1 Aug. ’18


Harris, Clifford O.

2d Lt.

born ca. 1895 at Vancouver, WA; son of William R. and Elsie B. Harris, mother NoK, 95 E. 72nd St., Portland, OR (hometown); graduated Mt. Tabor School in ’10; attended Oreg. State U.; enlisted in Oreg. NG in ’13; served during Mexican Border Crisis; transferred to Co. G, 128TH Inf. Regt.; KIA 1 Sep. ’18; earned DSC, posthumously, for his actions 1 Sep. ’18 near Juvigny; interred at Oise-Aisne American Cemetery


Harris, George De Witt (George W.)

2d Lt.

born 28 Dec. ‘76 at Franklin, KY (hometown); son of George Calvin and Amanda Jane (Downey) Harris, 307 W. Cedar St., Franklin, KY; graduated U. of Mich., Dept. of Law, in ‘99; practiced law at St. Louis, MO, resided at 112 N. 4th; completed Second Officers’ Training Camp, Ft. Sheridan, IL, 27 Aug.-28 Nov. ‘17, attached to 1ST Btry.; commissioned 2d Lt.; sailed for France on 24 Dec. ‘17; assigned to AEF Arty. School; transferred to Arty. HQ; transferred to Btry. A, 120TH FA Regt. in Jun. ‘18; seriously WIA 7 Oct. ‘18 near Épinonville (Gesnes), shell fragment, while rescuing his severely wounded Cdr., Capt. James G. Swift; DW 13 Oct. ‘18 at age 41; family notified ca. 9 Nov. ‘18; listed on 17 Nov. ‘18 casualty list; earned wound chevron, HQ, 120TH FA Special Order No. 211, 28 Nov. ‘18; recommended for DSC for his actions on 7 Oct. ‘18, “On the afternoon of 7 Oct. ‘18, Lt. Harris displayed extraordinary heroism at Ivoiry, France. The entire area of the battery position was under constant and exceedingly heavy shell fire. His battery commander was severely wounded and it was necessary that he have medical attention immediately. Lt. Harris, assisted by two others, placed the wounded officer on a stretcher and regardless of danger, tried to carry him to the station of the Medical Officer. Shells of large calibre were landing all about, and before they got out of the danger zone, Lt. Harris himself was severely wounded. He urged the two men however, to continue on with his captain, and then to seek cover for themselves. His courage and self possession were an inspiration to all the men of his command, and he died as a result of the wound thus received.” (I haven’t found anything to suggest whether he was actually decorated); the men who assisted him were Sgt. William H. Butler and Pfc. Frederick W. Stroschin, after they dropped off Swift, they returned to rescue Harris, both were also recommended for DSC, both were downgraded to Silver Star Citation; repatriated and re-interred at Green Lawn Cemetery, Franklin, KY on 29 Jul. ‘21; brother served during WWI, Downey L., Med. Corps


Harris, George H.


born 21 Jan. ’92; hometown Houston, TX; served with Co. H, 126TH Inf.; DD, typhoid, 20 (2) Nov. ’18; interred at Forest Park Cemetery, Houston, TX


Harris, Ray H.

1st Sgt.

born ca. 1892; hometown Tomah, WI; WNG; served with 121ST MG Bn.; Cierges, Bellevue Farm, Fismes, Juvigny; DD, pneumonia, 11 Oct. ’18 at age 26; not listed in 32D Div. in WW


Harris, Walter S.


mother Mrs. G. R. (Christine) Cassidy, NoK, 413 16th St., Milwaukee, WI (hometown); served with Btry. A, 120TH FA Regt.; DD in ’18; interred at Glen Oaks Cemetery, Milwaukee, WI


Harris, William H.


served with Co. I, 127TH Inf.; KIA 4 Oct. ’18


Harrison, Frank


NoK Mrs. Samuel Harrison, 164 Northampton St., Easton, PA (hometown); may have entered service from WA; served with Co. C, 128TH Inf.; KIA 1 Aug. ’18; interred at Oise-Aisne American Cemetery


Harrison, George Little (Harrison, Little)


born 16 Sep. ’87 at Columbus, TX; son of Dr. Robert H. and Hattie (Little) Harrison, father NoK, 215 1/2 Dennis St., Houston, TX (hometown); attended St. Edwards College; attended Agricultural & Mechanical College of Tex. Sep. ’04 to Jun. ’06; salesman for Glidden Co.; field artillery reserve corps; appointed Capt., artillery, 15 Aug. ’17 at Officers Reserve Training Camp at Fort Logan H. Roots, AR, he was assigned to 2D Btry.; assigned to 32D Div., asst. chief of staff, at Camp MacArthur, TX; sailed 6 Jan. ’18; detailed as disembarkation officer at Liverpool for 2 mos.; attended arty. school in France; assumed cmd. of Btry. E, 119TH FA Regt.; his btry. went into action 16 Jun. ’18; seriously WIA 12 Jul. ’18 by artillery near Bellersdorf (Marvillais), Alsace; DW 14 (15) Jul. ’18 in hosp. at nearby Morvillars; interred at Glenwood Cemetery, Houston, TX


Harrison, John


mother Margaret Alice Harrison, NoK, Bleasdale Lane, Nr. Garstang, England (nativity); family were farmers; he emigrated to U.S. ca. ’14; worked on farm at Alden, IL ca. ’16; worked on Brodensen farm at Huron, SD (hometown) when he registered for draft 4 Jun. ’17; brief stay in England on his way to France in Aug. ’18, after reaching Liverpool from New York aboard the S.S. Nestor; served with Co. B, 127TH Inf.; MIA, presumed KIA, 25 (7) Oct. ’18; memorialized on Tablets of the Missing at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery


Harrison, Oscar B.


father William B. Harrison, NoK, Greeneville, TN (hometown); served with Co. C, 125TH Inf.; KIA 22 Oct. ’18; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery


Hart, Joseph H. ‘Joe’


born 17 Jun. ‘99; son of Milton and Maud Hart; hometown Wren, OH; served with Btry. F, 5TH FA Regt., 1ST Div.; DW 7 Oct. ‘18 at age 19; interred at Clark Chapel Cemetery, Adams County, IN; not sure why he is listed in 32D Div. in WW, but, given that the 1ST Div. was fighting abreast of the 32D Div. at the time, it is possible that he died in 1 of their fld. hosps. and they listed him in their casualty reports to record the approximate time and location of his battlefield death and interment


Hartman, Leland O.


NoK A. M. Hartman, R. F. D. 2, Stanwood, MI (hometown); Mich. NG; served with Co. I, 126TH Inf.; MIA, presumed KIA, 2 Oct. ’18; memorialized on Tablets of the Missing at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery


Hartz, Benjamin Joseph


born 26 Feb. ’90 at Delong, IN (hometown); also had ties to Monterey, IN; son of Nicholas and Elizabeth Hartz; worked for Chicago & Erie Railroad; entered service 24 May ’18 at Rochester, IN; trained at Camp Taylor, KY, Camp Beauregard, LA, and Newport News, VA; initially assigned to 17TH Co., 5TH Training Bn., 159TH Dep. Bde.; sailed for France Aug. ’18; assigned to Co. H, 126TH Inf.; WIA 14 Oct. ’18; DW 15 Oct. ’18; family notified ca. 3 Jan. ’19; interred at Leiters Ford IOOF Cemetery, Leiters Ford, IN; brother Fred DD 23 Oct. ’18 at Ft. Benjamin Harrison; not listed in 32D Div. in WW


Harvey, Arthur Nelson


born ca. 1899; NoK Mrs. Bessie Fields, sister, 172 Ferry St., Eau Claire, WI; hometown Chippewa Falls, WI; served with Co. A, 107TH Sup. Tr.; KIA 5 Feb. ’18 (sinking of Tuscania) at age 19; interred at Kilnaughton, Isle of Islay, Scotland, 9 Feb. ’18; not listed in 32D Div. in WW


Harvey, Roy E.


mother Louise Harvey, NoK, Walnut Ridge, AR (hometown); served with Co. F, 125TH Inf.; KIA 12 Oct. ’18


Haslick, Charles


NoK Clarence Haslick, brother, R. F. D. 1, Brown City, MI (hometown); served with Co. E, 125TH Inf.; KIA 4 Sep. (28 Aug.) ’18; interred at Oise-Aisne American Cemetery


Hassell, Walter E.


NoK L. A. Hallell, Stockholm, WI (hometown); served with Co. H, 125TH Inf.; KIA 13 Oct. ’18


Hastings, Walcott Brown

1st Lt.

born 1 Nov. ‘93 at Niagara Falls, NY; son of Arthur Chapin and Alice Walcott (Brown) Hastings, father NoK, 100 W. 59th St., New York, NY; hometown Holyoke, MA; graduated Cornell U. in ‘15; attended Harvard Law School ‘15-‘17; completed Officers’ Training Camp at Plattsburg Barracks Aug.-Nov. ‘17, commissioned 1st Lt. on 27 Nov. ‘17; assigned to 312TH Inf. at Camp Dix, NJ; assigned to Inf. Repl. Camp, Camp Gordon, GA 15 Dec. ‘17; transferred to 1ST, 2D, or 6TH Inf. Repl. Regt. on 22 Jul. ‘18; sailed for France 24 Aug. (22 Aug.) ‘18; transferred to Co. I, 161ST Inf., 41ST Div. on 22 Sep. ‘18; transferred to Co. I, 127TH Inf. on 14 Oct. ‘18; KIA 16 Oct. (18 Oct.) ‘18 near Romagne (near Bantheville) at age 25, only his 3rd day with the unit (5th day with the unit); listed on 30 Nov. ‘18 casualty list; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery; 2 brothers, 1st Lt. Arthur C., Jr. and 2d Lt. Orlando B. also served, the latter in Mass. NG


Hatch, Harold F.


mother Mrs. Evelyn Hatch, NoK, Cobbs Creek, VA (hometown); served with Co. G, 127TH Inf.; DW 6 Oct. ’18; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery


Hatlestad, Joseph


born 15 Sep. ‘95 at Dugdale, MN; son of John E. and Sarah Hatlestad, R. F. D. 1, Fertile, MN (hometown); entered service 27 May ‘18; served with 128TH Inf.; WIA at Issodun, right leg; listed on 21 Dec. ‘18 casualty list; DD 26 Feb. ‘19 at Bordeaux, pneumonia, at age 23; listed on 31 Mar. ‘19 casualty list; interred at Hitterdahl Cemetery, Maple Bay, MN; not listed in 32D Div. in WW


Haugen, Oscar O. (C., I.)


born ca. Jan. ’92 at MN; son of Ole J. (I.) and Kari Haugen, father NoK, Hanska, MN (hometown), parents Norwegian immigrants; enlisted in Minn. NG in ’16, possibly Co. H, 2D Minn. Inf. at Mankato, MN; served during Mexican Border Crisis; served with Co. E, 127TH Inf.; earned Silver Star Citation, 64TH Inf. Bde. GO No. 4, 16 Apr. ’19, signed by Brig. Gen. Edwin B. Winans; Sgt. Alvah T. Lathrop, 1 of 49 recipients on the list, didn’t know he had earned it until 1941, he implied all were assigned to 127TH Inf. and earned it for their actions as liaison/message runner, he wondered if others didn’t know they had earned it; KIA 17 Oct. ’18; family notified ca. last week of Jan. ’19; 3rd man from Hanska, MN to die in combat; namesake of Oscar O. Haugen Post No. 365 of American Legion at Hanska, MN


Haugen, Otto A.


born ca. ‘94 at WI; son of Thomas P. and Hannah (Anderson) Haugen, Clay St., Neillsville, WI (hometown), both Norwegian immigrants, both preceded him in death; graduated Neillsville H. S. in ‘13; enlisted in Co. A, 3D Wis. Inf., WNG, Neillsville, WI; served during Mexican Border Crisis; 5 of his brothers served with the same unit, Sgt. Joseph P., Pvt. Herman, Pvt. Nelvin L., Pvt. Otto A., Pvt. Thorneil R. (earlier there had been 8 brothers in the unit, until Lt. Rangwald (Rangwall) moved to MT and Theodore moved to SD) (in Neillsville the brothers were known as Herman, Oop, Frank, Ted, Ki, Sol, Otto, Tunk, Nelvin and Tom); Pfc. with the unit when it mobilized again on 15 Jul. ’17; assigned to Co. A, 128TH Inf., when 32D Div. was organized; SN 283294; KIA 1 Aug. ‘18 on Hill 230 near Cierges at age 24, he had just taken cmd. of his squad after their Cpl. was severely WIA; brother, Sgt. Arthur J., assisted with the battlefield burial; some references list him as the “1st soldier from Clark Co. to die in the World War”; interred at Oise-Aisne American Cemetery; not listed in 32D Div. in WW; 5 brothers served during WWI, 2d Lt. Arthur J., WNG, HQ Co., 128TH Inf., Cpl. Herman, WNG, likely Co. A, 128TH Inf., 1st Lt. Joseph P., WNG, assigned to 26TH Div. after he completed First Officers’ Training Camp, Pvt. Rangwall, 166TH Dep. Bde., Pvt. Thorneil R., WNG, transferred to Co. E, 2D Sup. Tr., 2D Div. after being commissioned; at least 2 brothers served during WWII, Sfc. Herman, 2101ST Area Svc. Unit, Thomas A., Army


Haught, Thomas M.


NoK William Haught, Sincerity, WV (hometown); served with Co. B, 128TH Inf.; DW 15 Oct. ’18


Havey, Wallace M.


born ca. 1891; hometown Lyndon Station, WI; may have had ties to Chester, MT; served with 127TH Inf.; DW 17 Oct. ’18 at age 27; not listed in 32D Div. in WW


Hawes, Harold E.


born 9 Nov. ’96; son of Fred E. and Catherine L. (Smith) Hawes; hometown Whitewater, WI; served with Co. K, 128TH Inf.; Alsace, Marne, Juvigny; DW 17 Oct. (13 Oct.) ’18 at age 21; interred at interred at Hillside Cemetery, Whitewater, WI; not listed in 32D Div. in WW


Hawes, Wales Tucker (Wiles)


born 27 Jan. ‘97 at Boston, MA (hometown); son of Silas G. and Minnie L. (Harley) Hawes, mother NoK, 141 Austin St., Cambridge, MA; enlisted in Co. C, 9TH Mass. Inf., Mass. NG, on 28 May ‘17; transferred to Co. C, 5TH Mass. Inf., on 3 Sep. ‘17; transferred to HQ Co., 26TH Div., on 19 Sep. ‘17; overseas 22 Sep. ‘17; transferred to Co. C, 101ST Inf., on 3 Nov. ‘17; casual 28 Nov. ‘17; transferred to 3D Co., 4TH Training Bn., Borgeau, France, on 15 Mar. ‘18; transferred to HQ Co., 128TH Inf., on 27 Apr. ‘18; DW 23 Oct. ‘18 at age 21; listed on 28 Dec. ‘18 casualty list; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery


Hawkes, Milburn H.


born 13 May ’83 at Tecumseh, MI; son of George C. and Amelia (McNeil) Hawkes; attended Tecumseh H. S.; graduated Brown’s Business College in Adrian in ’02; worked at Equitable Life Insurance in Detroit; worked for American Radiator Company in Detroit Mar. ’06 to Apr. ’11 then to U.S. Radiator Co. until ’16; married Edith C. Doveland, NoK, on 20 Aug. ’10 in Ludington and resided at 201 N. Ferry St., Ludington, MI (hometown); 2d Lt. of Co. A, 1ST Mich. Inf., Mich. NG, 10 Aug. ’14; 1st Lt. of Co. A, 31ST Mich. Inf. 23 Jun. ’15; Capt. 5 Aug. ’17; 1st cdr. of Co. D, 125TH Inf. when organized on 30 Sep. ’17; KIA 30 Sep. ’18; interred at Lakeview Cemetery, Ludington, MI


Hawkins, Marvin


father Floyd Hawkins, NoK, Davy, WV (hometown); served with Co. M, 126TH Inf.; KIA 2 (1) Aug. ’18


Hawkins, Roscoe T.


born 1896; son of Levi and Sarah Ludora (Davis) Hawkins, father NoK, R. F. D. 2, Murrayville, IL (hometown); served with Co. L, 127TH Inf.; DW 11 Nov. ’18; interred at New Manchester Cemetery, Manchester, IL


Hawks, Emery M.


born Whittemore, MI; son of Charles L. and Elizabeth (Wismer) Hawks, father NoK, 317 Pasadena Ave., Flint, MI (hometown); NoK Charles Hawks, brother; also had ties to Genoa, IL; SN 262185; served with Co. E, 125TH Inf.; KIA 8 (9) Oct. ’18; earned DSC, posthumously, for his efforts to rescue wounded comrade 8 Oct. ’18 near Romagne;


Hawks, John


born 1 Jul. ’90 at Almira, WA; mother Mrs. Jos. Gardnier (Belle Gardner), NoK, R. F. D. 3, S. Norwich (Pinehurst), WA (hometown); entered service 3 Nov. ’17 at Camp Lewis; transferred to Co. I, 162D Inf., 41ST Div. at Camp Mills a week later; transferred to Co. M, 126TH Inf. after reaching France; KIA 2 (1) Aug. ’18; brother, Wagoner Fred Hawks, served with 20TH Engrs. in France


Hawley, James Patrick


born 13 Mar. ’96 at Neenah, WI (hometown); son of John and Katherine (Cathrin) ‘Kate’ (Ryan) Hawley, mother NoK, 415 4th St., Neenah, WI; lived at 1420 College Ave., Racine, WI, in ’17; druggist at Kraton Drug Co. at Racine; enlisted in Amb. Co. No. 2 (Racine Amb. Co.), WNG, at Racine, WI; Cpl. when unit left for Camp Douglas, WI; served with 1ST San. Sqd., 107TH Sup. Tr.; KIA 5 Feb. ’18, sinking of Tuscania; interred at Kilnaughton, Isle of Islay, Scotland, on 12 Feb. ’18; 1st Soldier from Neenah killed in WWI; namesake of James P. Hawley Post No. 33 of American Legion in Neenah, WI; not listed in 32D Div. in WW


Hayden, Frank J.


NoK Mrs. Catherine Hayden, 4 Lowell St., Lawrence, MA (hometown); served with Btry. C, 147TH FA Regt., attached to 32D Div.; KIA 29 Sep. ’18


Hayes, Harrison G.


born 1 Jan. ’95 at Memphis, MI; son of David and Macelia M. (Chillson) Hayes; Flint, MI (hometown); served with Co. C, 125TH Inf.; KIA 30 Jun. ’18; interred at Memphis Cemetery, Memphis, MI


Hayes, William James


NoK Alexander Hayes, 475 Grand River Ave., Detroit, MI (hometown); served with 125TH Inf.; DW 25 Oct. ’18; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery; not listed in 32D Div. in WW


Haynes, Lynn Lewis


born 5 Dec. ’98 at Jackson, MI; son of Lewis (Louis) H. and Grace G. (Christman, Cristman) Haynes, father NoK, 1301 Lerry (Leroy) St., Jackson, MI (hometown); worked at telephone exchange at Jackson, MI; enlisted in Co. L, 31ST Mich. Inf., Mich. NG, shortly after war was declared; served with Co. F, 126TH Inf.; transferred to HQ Co., 126TH Inf.; cited for his actions at Aisne-Marne, “Again and again Pvt. Edward Karpinski of Detroit and Pvt. Lynn L. Haynes of Jackson, Mich., went out upon a bridge which was being shelled to repair telephone wires. Their bravery won the plaudits of the entire regiment.” not sure which decoration he may have received, if any; KIA 10 Oct. ’18 at age 20; family received telegram 18 Nov. ’18; interred at Woodland Cemetery, Jackson, MI; listed twice in 126WwG


Hayton, Joseph K.


father William Hayton, NoK, R. F. D. 1, Bristol, VA (hometown); served with Co. L; 125TH Inf.; KIA 9 Oct. ’18


Hayword, Wayne


served with Co. M, 125TH Inf.; KIA 21 Oct. ’18


Hazelton, Patrick


born ca. 1892; NoK Mrs. M. Hazelton, Eau Claire, WI (hometown); served with Co. C, 128TH Inf.; Montfaucon; KIA 20 (21) Oct. ’18 at age 26; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery


Healey, Charles G.


mother Mrs. Vashti Healey, NoK, Church View, VA (hometown); entered service 18 Sep. ’17; served with Co. L, 126TH Inf.; KIA 9 Oct. ’18


Heasley, Henry C.


father Henry Heasley, NoK, Ree Heights, SD (hometown); served with Co. B, 127TH Inf.; KIA 11 Oct. ’18; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery


Hecht, Paul Richard


born 1896; son of Charles L. and Elfreda Hecht; hometown Racine, WI; also had ties to Fond du Lac, WI and Peoria, IL; enlisted in Amb. Co. No. 2 (Racine Amb. Co.), WNG, at Racine, WI; Pvt. in unit when left Racine for Camp Douglas, WI on 29 Jul. ’17; entered fed. service 1 Aug. ’17; assigned to 127TH Amb. Co., 107TH San. Tr. when it was organized; sailed for France 10 Feb. ’18; DD 25 Mar. (28 Feb.) ’18 at age 22; interred at Rienzi Cemetery, Town of Empire, Fond du Lac Co., WI; not listed in 32D Div. in WW


Heesaker (Heesacker), William


born 17 Oct. ’93 at Green Bay, WI; son of Peter John and Cornelia ‘Kate’ (Verhagen) Heesakker; hometown West De Pere, WI; served with 128TH Inf.; KIA 19 Jul. ’18 near Soissons at age 24; interred at Allouez Catholic Cemetery and Chapel Mausoleum, Green Bay, WI; namesake of American Legion post, De Pere?; not listed in 32D Div. in WW


Hefferan, Thomas E. M.

1st Lt.

born 24 Oct. ’96 at Chicago, IL (hometown); son of Mr. and Mrs. William S. Hefferan, Ashland Block Bldg., Chicago, IL.; studied at U. of Wis. and Harvard U.; served overseas with the U. of Wis. Amb. Unit for 5 months; returned to U.S. and completed Second Officers Training Camp at Fort Sheridan, IL, 27 Aug.-28 Nov. ’17, assigned to 22D Co.; sailed for France 11 Jan. ’18; initially assigned as instructor for 37mm guns at service school; requested transfer to a line unit; assigned to Co. I (K), 126TH Inf. on 2 Jul. ’18; transferred to Co. M, 126TH Inf. on 18 Jul. ’18; KIA 1 (4) Aug. ’18 at Bois de Jomblets near Cierges (Château-Thierry);


Heffron, Peter Joseph


born ca. 1889; NoK James J. Heffron, brother, 415 Grand Ave., Milwaukee, WI (hometown); served with Btry. A, 121ST FA Regt.; Badricourt, Dravegny; DW 21 (28) Aug. ’18 at age 29


Hegelan, Christ


NoK Mrs. Mary Haller, cousin, Grandin, MO; hometown Woodland, CA; HQ Co., 127TH Inf.; KIA 10 Oct. ’18; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery


Heier, Phillip P.


father Mr. Philip Heier, NoK, Glen Ullin, ND (hometown); served with Co. D, 128TH Inf.; KIA 15 Oct. ’18; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery


Heinecke, Frank H.


father Henry Heinecke, NoK, New Athens, IL (hometown); served with Co. E, 127TH Inf.; KIA 4 Oct. ’18


Heis, Roman J.


mother Mrs. Harriett Heis, NoK, 1432 Clay St., Cincinnati, OH (hometown); served with Co. K, 127TH Inf.; KIA 15 Oct. ’18


Heise, Harry H.


hometown Shiawassee or Owosso, MI; served with 125TH Inf.; DW 7 Aug. ’18; interred at Oise-Aisne American Cemetery; not listed in 32D Div. in WW


Helmke, William


hometown (possibly) Holgate, OH; served with Co. E, 125TH Inf.; KIA 31 Jul. ’18


Hendrikson, Henry B. (Hendrickson)


born ca. 1898; father John B. Hendrikson, NoK, R. F. D. 4, Verndale, MN; hometown Marshfield, WI; enlisted in WNG, likely Co. A, 2D Wis. Inf. or Co. K, 6TH Wis. Inf. at Marshfield, WI; assigned to Co. A, 127TH Inf. when 32D Div. was organized; KIA 5 Aug. ’18 near Fismes at age 20


Henniger, George


served with 128TH Inf.; DW 11 Nov. ’18


Henning, William Robert


born 13 Jan. ’94; son of William and Wilhelmina Henning, R. F. D. 3, Mt. Clemens, MI (hometown); served with Co. D, 126TH Inf.; KIA 31 Jul. ’18; interred at Clinton Grove Cemetery, Clinton Township, MI


Herber, August W.


NoK Mrs. Elizabeth School, 425 McGivan Ave., Akron, OH (hometown); served with Co. G, 126TH Inf.; KIA 28 Aug. ’18


Herbert, Leon S.


father Renny S. Herbert, NoK, Perry, LA; hometown Port Arthur, TX; served with Co. K, 126TH Inf.; KIA 28 Aug. ’18


Herbst, Fred B.


NoK Celia Louise Herbst, wife, Park Ave., Bexley, OH (hometown); served with Co. A, 125TH Inf.; 9 Oct. ’18; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery


Herigstad, Nels


father Nels N. Herigstad, NoK, Silverton, OR (hometown); served with Co. I, 126TH Inf.; WIA 29 Aug. ’18; DW 29 (30) Aug. ’18


Herman, Irving E.


born ca. 1895; married; NoK Mrs. D. Herman, 421 River St., Janesville, WI (hometown); enlisted in Co. M, 1ST Wis. Inf., WNG, at Janesville, WI; assigned to Co. M, 128TH Inf. when 32D Div. was organized; 2Marne, Soissons; KIA 30 Aug. ’18 at age 23


Herrold, Carl E.


NoK Raymond Herrold, brother, R. F. D. 6, Seward, NE (hometown); served with MG Co., 125TH Inf.; KIA 29 Aug. ’18


Hestekind, Timon (Hesterkind, Timmon)


born ca. 1892; NoK Mrs. Henry Ricken, friend, Cedar Rapids, NE (NoK); hometown Ashland, WI; served with MG Co., 127TH Inf.; Fismes; MIA, presumed KIA, 4 Aug. ’18 at age 26; memorialized on Tablets of the Missing at Aisne-Marne American Cemetery


Hewitt, George E.


NoK Mrs. Laura Hewitt, 122 Merrill St., Detroit, MI (hometown); served with Co. G, 126TH Inf.; KIA 5 (2) Aug. ’18


Heyenga, Lubbert L.


NoK Lubbert L. Heyenga, grandfather, Ridott, IL (hometown); served with Co. D, 127TH Inf.; KIA 12 Oct. ’18; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery


Hibbard, Albert L.


born ca. 1893; mother Mrs. O. L. Hibbard, NoK, 905 4th St., Beloit, WI (hometown); WNG; served with Co. L, 127TH Inf.; Fismes, Juvigny, near Verdun; KIA 16 Oct. ’18 at age 25; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery


Hickey, John J.


born ca. 1895; NoK Mrs. Sophia Hickey, 22 N. Bassett St., Madison, WI (hometown); served with Co. G, 127TH Inf.; KIA 4 Aug. ’18 near Fismes at age 23; interred at Oise-Aisne American Cemetery


Hickey, John J.


hometown in MI; served with 125TH Inf.; MIA 29 Aug. ’18; memorialized on Tablets of the Missing at Oise-Aisne American Cemetery; not listed in 32D Div. in WW


Hieatt, Aaron C.


NoK Aaron Hieatt, Smithfield, KY (hometown); served with Co. M, 128TH Inf.; KIA 8 Nov. ’18


High, Willie D.


mother Mary R. High, NoK, R. F. D. 1, Crystal Hill, VA (hometown); served with Co. E, 125TH Inf.; KIA 9 Oct. ’18


Highfil, James Guthrie


born 4 Feb. ’96 at Crittenden Co., KY; son of Lafayette F. ‘Lafe’ and Mary Alice ‘Mollie’ or ‘Molly’ (Funkhouser) Highfil; hometown Tolu (Toly), KY; served with Co. M, 125TH Inf.; KIA 21 (31) Oct. ’18; interred at Whites Chapel Cemetery, Irma, KY


Higley, Earl Lile


born 20 Jul. ’95 at Beaver Center, PA; son of Frederick ‘Fred’ and Mary Susan (Knox) Higley, 26 State St., Struthers, OH (hometown); also had ties to Fulton Co., OH and Conneautville, PA; entered service 24 Jan. ’18 at Youngstown, OH; assigned to Co. A, 322D MG Bn.; transferred to Co. C, 15TH MG Bn. ca. 21 Feb. ’18; transferred to Co. C, 6TH Inf., 5TH Div. ca. 3 Sep. ’18; DW 15 (17) Oct. ’18; interred at Conneautville Cemetery, Conneautville, PA


Hildebrand, William F.


father A’ava H. Hildebrand, NoK, Guide Rock, NE (hometown); served with Co. E, 127TH Inf.; KIA 2 Sep. ’18


Hiler, Edward


son of Mr. and Mrs. Giles P. Hiler, mother NoK, 639 Jackson St., Grand Haven, MI (hometown); member of Co. F, 32D Mich. Inf., Mich. NG, at Grand Haven, MI, when it mobilized 15 Jul. ’17; served with Co. L, 126TH Inf.; KIA (DW) 31 Jul. ’18; 1st combat death in Co. L; his father, Giles Hiler, had served with the old Co. F during Spanish-American War


Hilferink, Hubert


NoK Mrs. M. Hilferink, R. F. D. 11, Grand Rapids, MI (hometown); served with Sup. Co., 120TH FA Regt.; DD 23 Mar. ’18; interred at Oak Grove Cemetery, Paris Township, MI


Hill, Grover Melvin


born 3 Sep. ’88; hometown Oxford, MI; served with Co. A, 120TH MG Bn.; DW 12 Oct. ’18; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery; also memorialized at Aaron Webster Cemetery, Auburn Hills, MI; not listed in 32D Div. in WW


Hill, Henry Root (Robt.)


born 20 Jun. ’76 at Quincy, IL (hometown); son of Frederick T. and Cecelia (Cecilia, Cevilia) (Root) Hill, mother NoK, 516 Maine St., Quincy, IL; owned and managed F. T. Hill Co., a carpet and furniture store started by his father; enlisted as Pvt. in Co. F, 5TH (4TH) Ill. Inf., Ill. NG, at Quincy, IL in ’94; 1st Sgt. of Co. F when mobilized for Spanish-American War in ’98, unit did not deploy overseas; commissioned 2d Lt. 26 May ’99; promoted Capt. 18 Aug. ’02; Lt. Col. 12 Nov. ’08; Brig. Gen. 2 Dec. ’14 at age 38, one of the youngest to hold that rank; assigned cdr. of 2D Ill. Bde.; served during Mexican Border Crisis, cdr. of 2D Bde., 12TH Provisional Div., Camp Wilson, TX; assumed cmd. of 65TH Inf. Bde. when 33D Div. was organized at Camp Logan, TX; sailed for France with 33D Div. 1 May ’18; relieved as cdr. of 65TH Inf. Bde. by Maj. Gen. George Bell, Jr., div. cdr., on 13 Jul. ’18 “under circumstances so abasing and trivial that their very triviality suggests premeditated spite”; he had been given the choice of returning to the U.S. and being separated as a Brig. Gen. or be assigned a Col. billet in the SOS; he turned down the former outright and is said to have responded to the later stating he “would rather serve as a private soldier in the front lines than as a colonel in the rear”; he accepted a commission as Maj. on 29 Aug. ’18 and was assigned as cdr. of 2D Bn., 128TH Inf.; KIA 16 Oct. ’18 by machinegun fire while leading his unit near Romagne-sous-Montfaucon; earned DSC, posthumously, for his actions 16 Oct. ’18; repatriated and re-interred at Woodland Cemetery, Quincy, IL, 3 Sep. ’21; namesake of the Henry Root Hill Memorial Hospital at the Ill. Soldiers and Sailors Home at Quincy, IL; a memorial fountain in Quincy, IL was dedicated in his honor; namesake of Henry R. Hill Post of American Legion at Quincy, IL; some references imply his rank of Maj. Gen. may have been restored when he was repatriated;


Hill, James


NoK Quinn Hill, Van Buren, AR (hometown); served with Co. F, 128TH Inf.; KIA 10 Oct. ’18


Hill, Phillip


NoK Mrs. Augusta Hill, grandmother, 6th & Arizona St., Huron, SD (hometown); served with Co. B, 127TH Inf.; KIA 19 (13) Oct. ’18; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery


Hillery, John


born ca. ‘96 at County Clare, Ireland (nativity); NoK Michael Hillery, brother, 650 S. Broadway, Akron, OH; resided at 345 N. Union St., Akron, OH (hometown); entered service 1 Apr. ‘18; SN 2429711; assigned to 37TH Co., 10TH Training Bn., 158TH Dep. Bde.; transferred to Co. A, 323D MG Bn., 83D Div. on 21 Apr. ‘18; landed in France on 12 Jun. ‘18; 83D Div. was designated a replacement div. when it reached France; transferred to MG Co., 126TH Inf. on 8 Aug. ‘18; promoted Pfc. on 10 Sep. ‘18; Oise-Aisne, Meuse-Argonne, Army of Occupation; ACC (DW, DD) 18 Feb. ‘19 (‘18), self-inflicted gunshot wound, not LOD; interred at Arlington National Cemetery


Hillman, Anton Friedrich August ‘Tony’ (H.) (Hillmann)


born 14 Jul. ‘90 (‘92, ‘91) at Deshler (Delsher), NE; son of Otto Theodor Johann and Bertha Alvina Ernestine (Harder) Hillmann, Deshler, NE, mother German immigrant; married Fernanda Schulze at Milwaukee, WI on 8 Mar. ‘17; hometown Reedsburg, WI; worked at Reedsburg Broom Works; enlisted in Co. A, 1ST Wis. Inf., WNG, Reedsburg, WI on 6 Jun. ‘16; served during Mexican Border Crisis; promoted to Pfc. on 15 Jul. ‘17 (‘18); assigned to Co. A, 128TH Inf., when 32D Div. was organized; sailed for France 18 Feb. ‘18; DD, diphtheria, 12 Mar. (13 Mar.) ‘18 at Pontanezen Barracks Hosp., Dept. Finistere, Base Section No. 5, at age 27 (25, 26); wife received telegram on 18 Mar. ‘18; parents received telegram 19 Mar. ‘18; listed on 19 Mar. ‘18 casualty list; repatriated and re-interred at Green Wood Cemetery, Reedsburg, WI in May ‘20


Hilt, Frank E.


born Oct. ’98 (’96) at Janesville, WI (hometown); son of William J. and Frances Jane (Churchill) Hilt; enlisted in Co. M, 1ST Wis. Inf., WNG, at Janesville, WI; assigned to Co. M, 128TH Inf. when 32D Div. was organized; DD, empyema (pneumonia), 16 Mar. ’18 at Camp MacArthur, TX at age 19 (21); 1st Janesville Soldier to die in the war; interred at Oak Hill Cemetery, Janesville, WI; namesake of Kienow-Hilt Post No. 1621 of VFW at Janesville, WI; not listed in 32D Div. in WW


Hilton, Robert I.


born 1895; hometown Yocana, AR; served with HQ Co. (Co. F), 128TH Inf.; KIA 17 Oct. ’18; interred at Concord Cemetery, Ink, AR


Hintz, Fred Emil


age 25; father August Hintz, NoK, 901 S. Peach St., Marshfield, WI (hometown); WNG; served with Co. A, 127TH Inf.; Fismes, Soissons, Verdun; KIA 7 Oct. ’18; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery


Hintz, John A.


hometown in MI; served with Co. B, 125TH Inf.; KIA 31 Aug. (Jul.) ’18; interred at Oise-Aisne American Cemetery


Hirst, Claude W.


born ca. ‘95; son of William A. and Myrtle Hirst, mother NoK, Beloit, WI; 60 Hayes Ave., Beloit, WI (hometown); served with Co. G, 127TH Inf.; Sergy; DW 2 Aug. ‘18 at age 23; family notified ca. 27 Aug. ‘18 that he had been severely WIA; listed as Severely WIA on 3 Sep. ‘18 casualty list; listed as DW on 27 Dec. ‘18 casualty list; interred at Aisne-Marne American Cemetery; not listed in 32D Div. in WW


His-horse-is-fast, Isaac


Native American; NoK Robert His-horse-is-fast, White Horse, SD (hometown); served with Co. C, 128TH Inf.; KIA 1 Aug. ’18 near Bellevue Farm, part of the attack for Hill 230; Co. C went into the attack 200 strong, when it was reorganized after the battle only 65 remained


Hitchcock, Floyd M.


father Edward Hitchcock, NoK, Gillespie, IL (hometown); served with Co. M, 127TH Inf.; KIA 20 Oct. ’18


Hix, James C.


born ca. 1894 at Knoxville, TN; NoK Henry W. Hix, brother, 136 (130) Grave (Grove) Ave., Detroit, MI (NoK); resided at 114 W. Grand Ave., Beloit, WI (hometown); SN 274210; served with Co. F, 127TH Inf.; Fismes, Verdun; earned DSC while rescuing wounded comrades while under fire on 30 Jul. ’18 near Ronchères; WIA 30 Jul. ’18; KIA 7 (9) Oct. ’18 at age 24; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery


Hodder, Jesse C.


mother Sarah Navess, NoK, Tawas City, MI (hometown); served with Co. F, 125TH Inf.; KIA 3 Sep. (29 Aug.) ’18; interred at Oise-Aisne American Cemetery


Hodges, Fred


NoK Mrs. Fannie F. Hodges, Blytheville, AR (hometown); served with Co. D, 126TH Inf.; KIA 16 Oct. ’18; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery


Hodgins, Ernest R.


hometown San Bernardino or Santa Barbara, CA; served with Co. I, 125TH Inf.; DW 22 Aug. ’18; interred at Santa Barbara Cemetery, Santa Barbara, CA


Hodson, Floyd F.


mother Velma Russel, NoK, Bellaire, MI (hometown); served with Co. A, 125TH Inf.; DW 28 Aug. ’18


Hoefer, Michael


born ca. 1898; father Matt Hoefer, NoK, 2102 Thomas St., Marinette, WI (hometown); served with Co. I, 127TH Inf.; Château-Thierry sec.; KIA 31 Jul. ’18 at age 20


Hoeppner, Herbert O.


father Theodore Hoeppner, NoK, Desmond, NE (hometown); served with Co. M, 127TH Inf.; KIA 2 Sep. ’18


Hofele, Henry


hometown San Francisco, CA or Salt Lake City, UT; served with Co. B, 127TH Inf.; DW 8 Oct. ’18; not listed in 32D Div. in WW


Hoff, Charles A.


NoK Mr. Sam C. Hoff, Fort Ransom, ND (hometown); served with Co. D, 128TH Inf.; KIA 15 Oct. ’18


Hoffman, Edward Aubrey

2d Lt.

born 24 Aug. ’85 at Crown Point, IN; son of Joseph G. and Matilda E. Hoffman, 1121 Ford Bldg., Detroit, MI (hometown); also spent some of his early years in St. Louis and Chicago; traveling salesman for Great Western Cereal Co., Chicago before moving to Detroit; graduated Detroit College of Law Jun. ’11; served at least 1-year with Mich. NG Cav.; practiced law in Detroit until he entered First Officers Training Camp at Fort Sheridan, IL; commissioned 2d Lt. and transferred to Camp Grant, IL; assigned to Co. H, 338TH Inf.; sailed for France with 85TH Div. 23 Jul. ’18; unit designated replacement div. upon arrival in France; detailed on special duty in Paris; transferred and assigned cdr. of HQ Co., 2D Bn., 125TH Inf. (HQ Co., 125TH Inf.) ca. Sep. ’18; seriously WIA by shrapnel to chest in Argonne 8 (6) Oct. ’18; DW 10 (11, 12) Oct. ’18 at Mobile Hospital No. 2; interred at Maplewood Historic Cemetery, Crown Point, IN; namesake of Hoffman-Schmidt Post of American Legion at Crown Point, IN; namesake of Lt. Edward A. Hoffman Post No. 116 of VFW at Detroit, MI (2nd post organized in MI);


Hoffman, Frank Martin ‘Shorty’


born 18 Jul. ‘85 (‘87) at Sheboygan, WI (hometown); son of Jacob and Elizabeth (Bebeau) Hoffmann; she remarried after Jacob passed away, becoming Mrs. Victor Jackett, NoK, 1024 St. Clair St., Sheboygan, WI; step-father was Civil War veteran; worked at Crocker Chair Co.; enlisted in Co. C, 2D Wis. Inf., WNG, at Sheboygan, WI on 26 Jun. ‘16; Pvt. Theobald A. enlisted in same unit about the same time, not sure if related; served during Mexican Border Crisis; Pvt. when mobilized again on 15 Jul. ‘17; assigned to Co. C, 127TH Inf. when 32D Div. was organized; promoted to Cpl.; Ronchères to Fismes, Soissons; KIA (DW) 1 Sep. (31 Aug.) ‘18 near Juvigny, artillery shrapnel to head, at age 33 (31); Cpl. Joseph C. Browne was KIA by same shell; family received telegram on 14 Oct. ‘18; interred at Arlington National Cemetery


Hoffman, Russell L.


father Jacob Hoffman, NoK, Clinton, IL (hometown); served with Co. D, 128TH Inf.; DW 16 Oct. ’18


Hoffman, Theobald A.


born 1 Jul. ‘96 at Sheboygan, WI; son of Joseph and Mary (Bauknecht) Hoffman, father German immigrant and served with 7TH Ill. Inf. during Civil War; she remarried after Joseph passed away, becoming Mrs. Frederick Heronimus; NoK Mrs. Isabel Hoffman, wife, 1423 S. 8th St., Sheboygan, WI (hometown); enlisted in Co. C, 2D Wis. Inf., WNG, at Sheboygan, WI in Jun. ‘16; Pvt. Frank M. enlisted in same unit about the same time, not sure if related; served during Mexican Border Crisis; Pvt. when mobilized again 15 Jul. ‘17; assigned to Co. C, 127TH Inf. when 32D Div. was organized; Ronchères to Fismes, Soissons; severely WIA 30 Aug. ‘18 ca. 1930 hours (newspaper said 0730) by heavy artillery fragments near Valpriez Farm, 2 km west of Juvigny; fragments amputated left foot, partially amputated right foot, and struck him in forehead, which crushed his skull and knocked his eyes out; his comrades heard him calling for first aid about 2100 hours; evacuated to 127TH Fld. Hosp. at Mantoise, Aisne, where he DW (KIA) morning of 31 Aug. (30 Aug., 1 Sep.) ‘18 (newspaper said 1430 hours) at age 22; Chaplain Jerome O. Williams, possibly Div. Chaplain, wrote letter of condolence to wife, published in paper 5 Mar. ’19; repatriated and re-interred at Calvary Cemetery, Sheboygan, WI on 19 May ‘21, same day as Cpl. Joseph C. Browne, same unit


Hofner (Hoffner), Herman


born ’91 at NY; hometown Louisville, KY; married, father of 1, son he never met; assigned to Btry. E, 322D FA Regt. 24 May ’18; attached to 32D Div.; KIA 10 Oct. ’18 by German counterbattery fire near Marre; shell killed 3 and wounded 4 members of 1 gun crew and wound 1 from a 2nd gun; Pfc. James R. Naylor was also KIA outright and Pvt. Charles Hope died in amb. enroute to hosp.; these were the Btry.’s 1st casualties


Hohn, Joseph A.


born 29 Nov. ’95; father John Hohn, NoK, Westmoreland, KS (hometown); served with Co. L, 125TH Inf.; KIA 31 Jul. ’18. at Château-Thierry; interred at St. Bernard’s Cemetery, Wamego, KS


Hokanson, Carl A.


NoK Mrs. Victoria Munkvold, sister, Sioux Falls, SD (hometown); may have been S. Dak. NG, seeing as 147TH FA Regt. was organized from 4TH S. Dak. Inf.; served with Btry. D, 147TH FA Regt.; attached to 32D Div.; KIA 31 Aug. (1 Sep.) ’18 by aerial strafing near Valpriez Farm


Holcomb, Frank J.


father James H. Holcomb, NoK, Centerville, SD (hometown); may have been S. Dak. NG, seeing as 147TH FA Regt. was organized from 4TH S. Dak. Inf.; served with Btry. D, 147TH FA Regt.; attached to 32D Div.; KIA 4 (3) Aug. ’18 by shell fire near Cohan


Holewinski, Leo


born 1896; father Peter Holewinski, NoK, Roberts (Robbins), WI; served with Co. L, 127TH Inf.; Fismes, Juvigny, Verdun; KIA 16 Oct. ’18 at age 22; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery


Holland, Harold


father John Holland, NoK, 1523 E. Jefferson St., Seattle, WA (hometown); served with Co. D, 127TH Inf.; KIA 6 Oct. ’18


Hollenberger, Floyd Scott (H.)


born 22 (23) Mar. ‘96; son of William and Flora (Harrington) Hollenberger, mother NoK, Plymouth, WI (hometown); enlisted in Trp. M, 1ST Wis. Cav., WNG, at Sheboygan, WI; served with Sup. Co. (HQ Co.), 120TH FA Regt.; overseas; ACC (DR) 8 Jun. ‘18 at age 22, drowned while swimming in Loire River at Saumur; listed on 11 Jul. ‘18 casualty list; interred at Woodlawn Cemetery, Plymouth, WI


Hollingsworth, Chester Bane


NoK Helen H. Hollingsworth, Mineral, AR (hometown); served with Co. M, 126TH Inf.; WIA 4 Oct. ’18; DW 6 Oct. ’18; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery


Hollis, Charlie (Charles)


NoK Henry N. Hines, Gravel Ridge, AR; hometown Simsboro, LA; served with Co. D, 128TH Inf.; MIA, presumed KIA, 10 Nov. ’18; memorialized on Tablets of the Missing at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery


Hollonsbad, Hoyt


NoK Mrs. Bessie Brady, 707 Prospect St., Flint, MI (hometown); served with Co. E, 125TH Inf.; KIA 31 Jul. ’18


Holmes, Floyd Dillon


NoK Wellington Holmes, 1133 W. 4th St., Marion, IN (hometown); may have been Mich. NG; original member of Co. D, 125TH Inf., when organized from Co. D and Co. K, 31ST Mich. Inf., Mich. NG, on 30 Sep. ’17; KIA 31 Jul. ’18


Holt, Walter W.


NoK Miss Mary Cartallo, 2911 San Fernando Rd., Los Angeles, CA (hometown); served with Btry. D, 119TH FA Regt.; earned Silver Star Citation for rescuing wounded comrades 10 Sep. ’18 near Juvigny; ACC 1 Oct. (29 Sep.) ’18; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery; not listed in 32D Div. in WW


Holtke, Herbert


born 20 Nov. (May) ’97 (’95) at Akron Township, Peoria Co., IL; son of William and Fredericka C. (Schnoor) Holtke, Edelstein, IL (hometown); worked on farm in MN, likely near Lake Wilson; entered service Nov. ’17 at MN; served with Co. E, 125TH Inf.; KIA 31 Jul. ’18 near Cierges at age 21 (23); first one from Edelstein, IL to die in the war; interred at Prospect Cemetery, Dunlap, IL; namesake of Herbert Holtke Post No. 285 of American Legion at Lake Wilson, MN


Holton, Guy H.


born ca. 1888; Ashland, WI; enlisted in WNG, likely MG Co., 2D Wis. Inf. at Ashland, WI; served with MG Co., 127TH Inf.; Alsace, Marne, Juvigny; DW 21 Sep. ’18 at age 30; interred at Suresnes American Cemetery


Holtz, Frank F.


age 21; NoK George Holtz, brother, 26 Lathrop Ave., Beloit, WI (hometown); enlisted in WNG, likely Co. L, 1ST Wis. Inf. at Beloit, WI; served with Co. L, 127TH Inf.; KIA 4 Aug. ’18


Holub, Floyd C.


born ca. 1897; NoK Mrs. Anna Holub, 998 14th St., Milwaukee, WI (hometown); enlisted in 1ST Wis. Fld. Hosp. (Wis. Fld. Hosp. Co. No. 1), WNG, at Milwaukee, WI; served during Mexican Border Crisis; assigned to 128TH (126TH) Fld. Hosp. when 107TH San. Tr. was organized; Meuse-Argonne, defense sector; KIA 19 Oct. ’18 at age 25


Holzhueter (Holzhieter), Herbert Adam


hometown Detroit, MI; served with Co. A, 125TH Inf.; KIA (ACC) 8 Aug. ’18


Holzschuh, George


born ca. 1894; hometown Hilbert, WI; served with Co. F, 125TH Inf.; near Courmont and Cierges; KIA 31 Jul. ’18 at age 24


Honaker, Jason


hometown 705 Fort St., Sault Ste. Marie, MI; served with HQ Co., 125TH Inf.; KIA 28 Aug. ’18; interred at Oise-Aisne American Cemetery


Hood, Harold H.


NoK Mrs. Harold Hood, wife, 120 W. Washington St., Ann Arbor, MI (hometown); Mich. NG; served with Co. E, 126TH Inf.; KIA 1 Aug. ’18


Hood, James Miller (W.)


hometown in AR; served with Co. K, 128TH Inf.; KIA 10 Oct. ’18; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery


Hooker, Sam


father J. Y. Hooker, NoK, Prescott, AR (hometown); served with Co. E, 125TH Inf.; 18 Oct. ’18


Hooten, Floyd


NoK Minnie Hooten, Burlington, IA (hometown); served with Co. H, 125TH Inf.; KIA 4 Aug. ’18


Hope, Charles E.


hometown Wichita Falls, TX; sailed for France with an inf. regt. in Feb. ’18; hospitalized with typhoid for 3 mos.; upon release he was sent to arty. camp at Angers; assigned to Btry. E, 322D FA Regt. in Jul. ’18 at Messac, France; attached to 32D Div.; KIA 10 Oct. ’18 by German counterbattery fire near Marre; died in amb. enroute to hosp.; shell killed 3 and wounded 4 members of 1 gun crew and wound 1 from a 2nd gun; Pfc. James R. Naylor and Pvt. Herman Hofner were KIA outright; these were the Btry.’s 1st casualties; repatriated and re-interred at Riverside Cemetery, Wichita Falls, TX on 27 Jul. ’21


Hopkins, Albert


mother Mrs. William Hopkins, NoK, 7504 Claasn Ave., Cleveland, OH (hometown); served with 308TH Trench Mort. Btry.; attached to 32D Div.; KIA 23 Oct. ’18


Hopkins, Arden


father Tobatha Hopkins, NoK, R. F. D. 1, Giles, WV (hometown); served with Co. M, 128TH Inf.; KIA 8 Nov. ’18


Hopkins, Harry


NoK Mrs. Ela Freder, Russell St., Saginaw, MI (hometown); served with Co. H, 125TH Inf.; KIA 12 Oct. ’18; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery


Hopkins, Thomas R.


NoK Mrs. Mary E. Hopkins, Milan, MO (hometown); served with Co. C, 128TH Inf.; KIA 1 Aug. ’18


Hopland, Obert (Hopeland)


born May ‘98 near Mondovi, WI; son of Emil Olson and Caroline J. (Vigoren) Hopland (Hopeland), father NoK, Eleva, WI (hometown), father Norwegian immigrant; WNG; served with Co. E, 127TH Inf.; Sergy and Dravegny; KIA 3 Aug. ’18 at age 20; listed on 17 Aug. ‘18 casualty list; repatriated and re-interred at Eleva Cemetery, Eleva, WI; namesake of Obert Hopland Post No. 310 of American Legion, Eleva, WI


Hopp, Roy


born ca. 1899; father Matt P. Hopp, NoK, 335 13th St., Milwaukee, WI (hometown); enlisted in WNG, likely Co. F, 1ST Wis. Inf. at Milwaukee, WI; served with Co. F, 127TH Inf.; Alsace, Château-Thierry, Sergy; KIA 31 Jul. ’18 at age 19; interred at Oise-Aisne American Cemetery


Horn, Nelson J.


born 31 Jul. ’98 at Rock Co., WI; son of Edward D. and Carrie Edith (Crandall) Horn, father NoK, 551 N. Chatham St., Janesville, WI (hometown); enlisted in Co. M, 1ST Wis. Inf., WNG, at Janesville, WI; assigned to Co. M, 128TH Inf. when 32D Div. was organized; 2Marne, Soissons; KIA 30 Aug. (31 Jul.) ’18 at age 20; interred at Oise-Aisne American Cemetery; also memorialized at Oak Hill Cemetery, Janesville, WI; Sgt. James P. Horn, WNG, served in same unit, not sure how related


Horn, William L.


NoK Andy J. Horn, Green Spring, WV (hometown); served with Co. H, 125TH Inf.; KIA 21 (18) Oct. ’18; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery


Hornaday, Paul William


born 24 Apr. ’96 at Connersville, IN; son of Henry and Beatrice Hornaday, Indianapolis, IN (hometown); may have also had ties to Brownsburg, IN, Ferndale, MI, and Royal Oak, MI; entered service spring ’18 at Indianapolis, IN; served with Co. B (HQ), 120TH MG Bn.; DD 9 Jun’18; might be namesake of Paul W. Hornaday Post No. 1407 of VFW at Ferndale, MI


Hosler, Clifford C.


NoK Mrs. Kate Hosler, East Jordan, MI (hometown); served with Co. H, 125TH Inf.; KIA 9 (11) Oct. ’18; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery


Hostettler, William Higgins (D.)


born 5 Feb. ’95 at Stockbridge, WI; son of Charles and Rose Hostettler; hometown Hilbert, WI; served with 127TH Inf.; DD, pneumonia, 24 Nov. ’17 (12 Jan. ’18) at Camp MacArthur, TX at age 22; namesake of William D. Hostettler Post No. 128 of American Legion at Stockbridge, WI; interred at Saint Mary’s Cemetery, Stockbridge, WI; not listed in 32D Div. in WW


Hottenstein, Lonnie


father P. S. Hottenstein, NoK, Moore, MT (hometown); served with Co. D, 126TH Inf.; KIA 3 Oct. ’18


Hottinger, Benedict J.


NoK George Mcgonegal, 243 E. Jefferson Ave., Detroit, MI (hometown); Mich. NG; served with Co. G, 126TH Inf.; KIA 28 Aug. ’18; interred at Oise-Aisne American Cemetery


Hourcaillon, Jean B. (Hourcaillou)


NoK John Hourcaillon (Hourcaillou), brother, 1055 Valencia, San Francisco, CA (hometown); served with Co. D, 127TH Inf.; KIA 31 Jul. ’18; interred at Oise-Aisne American Cemetery


House, Forest (Forrest) G.

Bnd. Cpl.

NoK Mrs. Hettie House, Lee Center, NY (hometown); served with HQ Co., 125TH Inf.; KIA 6 Aug. ’18; interred at Oise-Aisne American Cemetery


Houser, William M.


NoK Forest Houser, 200 S. Main St., Keyser, WV (hometown); entered service 19 Sep. ’17; served with Co. L, 126TH Inf.; KIA 28 Aug. ’18


Houshin, Ward W.


father Thomas Houshin, NoK, Hosterman, WV (hometown); served with MG Co., 127TH Inf.; KIA 2 Oct. ’18


Hovercamp, John


NoK Charles Hovercamp, brother, R. F. D. 1, Ensign, MI (hometown); served with Co. L, 125TH Inf.; KIA 2 Aug. (31 Jul.) ’18; interred at Oise-Aisne American Cemetery


Howard, Alva


born ‘96; hometown Rhinelander, WI; NoK Mrs. Ann Christ, Thompsonville, MI; also had ties to Watersmeet, MI; enlisted in Co. L, 2D Wis. Inf., WNG, at Rhinelander, WI; served during Mexican Border Crisis; assigned to HQ Trp. when 32D Div. was organized; transferred or attached to Co. B, 326TH Tank Bn. (326TH Bn., Tank Corps); that unit was later redesignated 344TH Tank Bn. (344TH Bn., Tank Corps), he was still with Co. B; earned Silver Star Citation for his actions 29 Sep. ‘18 near Apremont, he braved heavy fire to go to the aid of a wounded officer; DW 11 Oct. ‘18 at age 23; listed on 5 Dec. ‘18 casualty list; repatriated ca. 28 Jul. ‘21; re-interred at Thompsonville Cemetery, Thompsonville, MI; not listed in 32D Div. in WW


Howard, Glenn L.


born 1 May ’96 (’94) at Neillsville, WI (hometown); father John Howard, NoK, Neillsville, WI; enlisted in Co. A, 3D Wis. Inf., WNG, and served during Mexican Border Crisis; returned home, moved to St. Paul, MN, and worked as a street car conductor; when was declared he returned to Neillsville and re-joined Co. A; assigned to Co. A, 128TH Inf. when 32D Div. was organized; 2Marne; KIA 1 Aug. ’18 on Hill 230 at age 22 (24); repatriated and re-interred at Neillsville City Cemetery, Neillsville, WI on 7 Aug. ’21, same day and place as Pfc. Fred Schwitzenberg, who had been KIA near Pvt. Howard


Howard, Ray A.


age 29; father George A. Howard, NoK, 506 W. Washington St., Harvard, IL; hometown Beloit, WI; served with Co. L, 127TH Inf.; near Fismes; KIA 4 Aug. ’18


Howard, William Raphall


born ca. 1893; hometown Milwaukee, WI; served with Co. C, 107TH Fld. Sig. Bn.; DD, meningitis, 13 Feb. ’18 at age 25; interred at Arlington National Cemetery; not listed in 32D Div. in WW


Howe, Frank


mother Ellen Howe, NoK, 1203 Hamilton St., Saginaw, MI (hometown); served with Co. G, 127TH Inf.; KIA 5 Oct. ’18; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery


Howell, Eldridge R.


NoK May Howell, sister, Grubbs, AR (hometown); served with Co. F, 125TH Inf.; KIA 9 Oct. ’18; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery


Hrdlicka, James L.


mother Mrs. Nellie Hrdlicka, NoK, Stewartville, MN (hometown); served with Co. E, 125TH Inf.; KIA 31 Aug. ’18


Hubbard, Joseph James


born 9 Apr. ’92 at Mobile, AL; mother Mrs. Mary A. Hubbard, NoK, Forest Ave., Neenah, WI (hometown); enlisted in WNG, likely Co. I, 1ST Wis. Inf. at Neenah, WI; served with Co. I, 128TH Inf.; 2Marne, Juvigny; KIA 10 (1) Nov. ’18 at age 26; interred at Saint Patrick’s Cemetery, Neenah, WI


Hubert, Don


father M. Hubert, NoK, Redford, MI (hometown); served with Co. A, 125TH Inf.; KIA 29 Aug. ’18


Hudson, Elza O.


born 6 Feb. ’91; NoK Mr. Albert Hudson, Midway, WV (hometown); served with Co. B, 128TH Inf.; KIA 20 Oct. ’18; interred at Lunsford Cemetery, Eleanor, WV


Huff, Lawrence Sylvester


born 13 Nov. ’88; son of Joseph L. and Emma (Duddleston) Huff, Columbus, OH (hometown); worked for a railroad; served with Btry. A, 323D FA Regt., 83D Div.; attached to 32D Div.; DD 1 Jan. ’19 at Germany; repatriated and re-interred at Green Lawn Cemetery, Columbus, OH on 19 Jul. ’20


Huff, William McKinley


born 3 Aug. ’96 at Lee Co., IL; son of Charles Isaac and Susan Mary (Gilbert) Huff, mother NoK, R. F. D. 2, Sand Lake, MI (hometown); Mich. NG; served with MG Co., 126TH Inf.; MIA, presumed KIA, 31 Jul. (1 Aug.) ’18; memorialized on Tablets of the Missing at Aisne-Marne American Cemetery


Huggins, Robert C.


father Milus Huggins, NoK, R. R. 7, Owensboro, KY (hometown); served with Co. M, 128TH Inf.; KIA 5 Oct. ’18; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery


Hughes, Forrest


born 28 May ’94 at Brashear, KY; son of William and Nora (Waters) Hughes; family moved to Patriot, IN (hometown), in ’00; entered service Sep. ’17; went overseas with Co. H, 128TH Inf.; KIA 3 Aug. ’18


Hughes, James D.


born ca. 1894; NoK Jeanette Hughes, sister, 280 1/2 Pearson St., Milwaukee, WI (hometown); served with Co. M, 127TH Inf.; Alsace, Fismes, Juvigny; KIA 1 Sep. ’18 at age 24; interred at Oise-Aisne American Cemetery


Hughes, Richard C. (Jr.)


born ca. 1899 at Denver, CO; father Richard J. Hughes, NoK, Denver, CO; father had served with Canadian Royal Northwestern Mounted Police; he and father worked at John Thompson grocery store; left East Denver H. S. to enlist in Colo. NG in May ’17; trained at Camp Kearny; transferred to Co. C, 127TH Inf.; father served in same unit; KIA 31 Jul. ’18; interred at Mount Olivet Cemetery, Wheat Ridge, CO


Hulet, Moses Arthur


born 16 Feb. ’90 at Santa Clara, UT; son of Sylvester Silas and Sarah Ann (Dalley) Hulet, Driggs (Triggs), ID (hometown); attended Utah Agr. College, was junior in ’11-’12 school year; served with Co. L, 125TH Inf.; KIA 9 Oct. ’18; repatriated and re-interred at Pratt Cemetery, Alta, WY or Driggs Cemetery, Driggs, ID in ’21 (3 listings on, photos from both cemetery’s listings depict identical monument, both cemeteries located in close proximity); namesake for the Moses A. Hulet Post No. 95 of American Legion at Teton Co., ID


Hulick, Roy Thomas


born ca. 1900; mother Mrs. Emily Hulick, 1217 Cold Spring Ave., Milwaukee, WI (hometown); enlisted in 107TH Fld. Sig. Bn. at age 17, likely enlisted in 1ST Wis. Sig. Corps Bn., WNG, at Milwaukee, WI, then assigned to 107TH Fld. Sig. Bn. when 32D Div. was organized; DW (DD, pneumonia) 25 Nov. ’18 at age 19; references are split on cause of death, but article in ’21 states “died in French hospital of wounds received in action”; repatriated, reached NY ca. 4 Jan. ’21, expected in Milwaukee a few days later; not listed in 32D Div. in WW


Humphrey (Humphreys), Avery Collins


born 5 Apr. ’89; hometown Trinity Co., TX; served with Co. F, 128TH Inf.; KIA 10 Nov. ’18; interred at Clapp Cemetery, Walker Co., TX


Humphrey, David H.


NoK Mrs. Pline E. Humphrey, Eugene (Ctow Stage), OR (hometown); served with Co. F, 128TH Inf.; KIA 20 Oct. ’18


Humphreys, Burey


NoK Betty Humphreys, Trinity, TX (hometown); served with Co. F, 128TH Inf.; KIA 10 Nov. ’18


Hunsinger, William A.


mother Mrs. Mary Hunsinger, NoK, 1423 West 60th St., Seattle, WA (hometown); served with Co. A, 127TH Inf.; KIA 7 Oct. ’18; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery


Hunt, Richard R.


father Charles Hunt, NoK, 68 Foster St., Pontiac, MI (hometown); served with Co. A, 128TH Inf.; KIA 1 Aug. ’18; interred at Oise-Aisne American Cemetery


Hunt, Willard


NoK Mrs. John Lacy, friend, 209 N. Horton St., Jackson, MI (hometown); Mich. NG; served with Co. F, 126TH Inf.; KIA 9 Oct. ’18; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery


Hunter, Alger Russell


born 28 Aug. ’90; son of Albert C. and Allie Hunter, Mt. Clemens, MI (hometown); enlisted in Mich. NG at Detroit, MI in Feb. ’16; served with Co. H, 126TH Inf.; overseas in Feb. ’18; WIA 29 Jul. ’18; DW 21 (22) Aug. ’18; interred at Oise-Aisne American Cemetery


Huntington, Harry Clifford


born 9 Jul. ’97 at Shawano, WI; son of Bertie ‘Bert’ Ernest and Anna Lisette (Kenschel) Huntington, Morgan Siding, WI (hometown); also had ties to Gresham, WI; enlisted in Co. F, 4TH Wis. Inf., WNG, at Shawano, WI ca. Jun. ’17; assigned to Co. F when 127TH Inf. was organized; DD, appendicitis, measles, and/or pneumonia, 9 Jul. ’18 at Camp Merritt, NJ, on his 21st birthday; first Co. F Soldier to die during the war; interred at Woodlawn Cemetery, Shawano; not listed in 32D Div. in WW


Hurst, Karl


hometown possibly Cornville (Carnville), AZ; served with Co. B, 107TH Sup. Tr.; DD 18 Oct. ’18


Hurst, Robert H.


mother Lucy Hurst, NoK, Mackoy, KY (hometown); served with Co. F, 128TH Inf.; DW 7 Oct. ’18


Hurt, William J.


born 28 Jul. ‘88 (‘87) at Paris, TN (hometown); father John Will Hurt, NoK, R. F. D. No. 9, Paris, TN; worked as brakeman for Louisville & Nashville (L&N) railroad; entered service at McGill, NV 1 Jun. ‘18; assigned to 47TH Co., 12TH Bn., 166TH Dep. Bde., Camp Lewis, WA; transferred to Co. K, 160TH Inf., 40TH Div. on 19 Jun. ‘18; promoted to Pfc. on 17 Jul. ‘18; overseas 8 Aug. ‘18; 40TH Div. designated a replacement unit when it reached France; transferred to Co. B, 127TH Inf. on 10 Sep. ‘18; KIA 19 Oct. ‘18 at the Bois de Bantheville, between Landres-et-St. Georges and Bantheville at age 30 (31); repatriated and re-interred at Wright Cemetery, Henry Co., TN on 5 Mar. ‘21


Huschke, Bernard H.


hometown Payette, ID or Deer Park, WA; served with Co. E, 103D Engr. Regt., 28TH Div.; DW 5 Aug. ‘18; listed on 26 Aug. ‘18 casualty list; interred at Oise-Aisne American Cemetery; not sure why he is listed in 32D Div. in WW, but, given that the 32D Div. relieved the 28TH Div. on 30 Jul. ‘18, it is possible that died in a 32D Div. fld. hosp. and they listed him in their casualty reports to record the approximate time and location of his battlefield death and interment


Hutcheson, Clarence E. (Hutchinson)


born ca. 1896 at MO; son of William L. (T.) and Sarah Hutcheson, father NoK, Bentonville, AR (hometown); enlisted in Co. A, 2D Ark. Inf., Ark. NG, at Springdale, AR; trained at Camp Beauregard, LA; assigned to 142D FA Regt. when 39TH Div. was organized; ca. May ’18 he volunteered for early deployment to France as a replacement; landed in France ca. 27 Jul. ’18; assigned to HQ Co., 121ST FA Regt.; KIA 1 Aug. ’18, the unit was halted along a road near Jaulgonne, at about 2100 hours (some references state it was morning) an airplane approached, the men thought it was American so they did not seek cover and stood in the middle of the road to watch, it turned out to be a German aircraft which dropped several bombs; he was the 1st combat death in the 121ST FA Regt. and the only man from Bentonville, AR KIA; interred at Oise-Aisne American Cemetery; namesake of Riddle-Hutcheson Post No. 77 of American Legion at Bentonville, AR


Hutchins, Otis Edgar

QM Sgt.

born 12 Oct. ‘95 at Independence, WI; son of Sylvester E. and Jennie L. (Arnold) Hutchins, Whitehall, WI (hometown); graduated U. of Valparaiso, pharmacy; worked as a drug clerk at St. Paul, MN when he entered service; served with HQ Co., 107TH Sup. Tr.; KIA 5 Feb. ‘18, sinking of Tuscania at age 22; interred at Port Charlotte, Islay, Scotland 8 Feb. ‘18; repatriated and reinterred at Arlington National Cemetery; namesake of Otis E. Hutchins Post No. 191 of American Legion, Whitehall, WI; not listed in 32D Div. in WW;


Hutchinson (Hutchison), John Henry (Hutchinson, Henry)


hometown Grayling, MI; served with Co. B, 120TH MG Bn.; DW 2 (3) Sep. ’18; interred at Oise-Aisne American Cemetery


Hyland, Harold Wilson

2d Lt.

born 28 Oct. ‘18 at Weymouth, MA (hometown); son of Thaddeus G. and Emma J. (Brumbaum) Hyland, 47 King Ave., Weymouth, MA; graduated Weymouth H. S. in ‘09; graduated Mass. Agricultural College (M. A. C.) in ‘13; student instructor of zoology while earning master’s degree at Oreg. Agricultural College ‘13-‘15; taught high school chemistry at Hemet, CA; attended Officers’ Training School, Camp Upton, NY, Dec. ‘17; entered service at Riverside, CA on 5 Jan. ‘18; assigned to Co. H, 307TH Inf., 77TH Div.; promoted to Cpl. on 16 Apr. ‘18; sailed for France 1 Apr. ‘18; promoted to Sgt. on 3 Jun. ‘18; commissioned 2d Lt. on 13 Jul. ‘18; served with Co. F (Co. E), 127TH Inf.; WIA at Juvigny, ca. 30 Aug. ‘18; DW 1 Sep. (7 Sep.) ‘18; family received telegram on 29 Mar. ‘19; listed on 5 Apr. ‘19 casualty list; interred at Oise-Aisne American Cemetery; also memorialized at Union Cemetery, Scituate, MA; namesake of Harold W. Hyland Post No. 53 of American Legion, Hemet, CA; the intersection of Rt. 18 and Rt. 53 at Weymouth, MA was named Harold W. Hyland Square in his honor