Surnames C






Cabai, Louis (Cabal)


born ca. ‘96; Milwaukee, WI; WNG; served with Co. D, 128TH Inf.; Marne; MIA 5 Aug. ‘18, presumed KIA at age 22 (DW 4 Aug. ‘18); memorialized on Tablets of the Missing at Aisne-Marne American Cemetery


Cadotte, John


born ’99; Native American, Chippewa; son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cadotte; hometown Reserve or Hayward, WI; enlisted in Co. H, 6TH Wis. Inf., WNG, at Hayward, WI; assigned to Co. D, Motor Bn., 107TH Ammo. Tr. when 32D Div. was organized; Alsace, Aisne-Marne, Fismes, Oise-Aisne, St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne, Juvigny; DD, pneumonia, 21 Feb. ’19 in Germany at age 19 (date and location of death might be wrong, he “died immediately following the armistice in a hospital in France, from pneumonia and exposure, and William George, who died at Coblenz some time afterward” according to newspaper article (Pfc. William George DD 10 Feb. ’19); some references list rank as Sgt., but most list it as Pfc.; repatriated and reinterred at Saint Francis Cemetery, Reserve, WI on 10 Aug. ’20; about 2,000 Native Americans attended the joint funeral for him and Pfc. William George; Capt. William W. Wismer, cdr. of Co. D led the firing squad, Hayward American Legion were also well represented; not listed in 32D Div. in WW


Cahoon, Herbert Allston ‘H. Allston’ (Pahoon)


born 22 Jun. ‘92 at West Brewster, MA (hometown); son of Azariah Alston and Bessie U. (Silver) Cahoon; worked as chauffeur; entered service 13 Nov. ‘17; assigned to 151ST Dep. Bde.; transferred to Co. C, 116TH Fld. Sig. Bn., 41ST Div., on 16 Jan. ‘18; overseas 9 Feb. ‘18; transferred to Co. C, 107TH Fld. Sig. Bn., on 20 Apr. ‘18; transferred to Co. M, 125TH Inf., on 5 May ‘18; KIA 31 Jul. ‘18 “on Hill 212 near Sercy” or “near Bierges” at age 26; listed on 11 Sep. ‘18 casualty list; interred at Brewster Cemetery, Brewster, MA; namesake of Herbert Allston Cahoon Memorial Park or H. Allston Cahoon Memorial Park, Brewster, MA


Cairns, William Bateman, Jr. ‘Billy’


born 3 Jun. ‘94 at Ellsworth, WI; father William B. and Dora E. (Bateman) Cairns, NoK, 2010 Madison St., Madison, WI (hometown); attended U. of Wis., Class of ‘17 or ‘19; enlisted in Co. G, 1ST Wis. Inf., WNG, Madison, WI; served during Mexican Border Crisis; assigned to Co. G, 127TH Inf. when 32D Div. was organized; one reference lists rank as 1st Lt., but most state Sgt.; Cierges; KIA 30 Jul. ‘18 near Ronchères at age 24; listed on 28 Aug. ‘18 casualty list; some references list him as the 1st Soldier from Madison killed in the war, other references list Pvt. William M. Coniff as the 1st, he served with Co. F, 127TH Inf. and was KIA 24 Jul. ‘18; namesake of William B. Cairns Post No. 57 of American Legion, Madison, WI; repatriated and reinterred at Forest Hill Cemetery, Madison, WI on 23 Jul. ‘21


Caldie, Thomas D.


born 17 Jul. ‘90; son of Thomas James and Mary (Duame) Caldie, mother NoK, Stiles, WI (hometown); WNG; served with Co. A, 121ST MG Bn.; Hagenbach, Badricourt, Château-Thierry, Fismes, Valpriez Farm, Juvigny, Terny-Sorny, Verdun, Champagne, Gesnes; KIA 9 (7) Oct. ’18 at age 28; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery


Call, Ernest Jonas


born 1 May ’94 at Manchester, NH; son of Silas William and Ella Isabelle (Shirley) Call, father NoK, 728 Lake Ave., Manchester, NH (hometown); served with Co. H, 127TH Inf.; KIA 3 Sep. ’18; interred at Oise-Aisne American Cemetery; also memorialized at Pine Grove Cemetery, Manchester, NH


Caloni, Victor


NoK John Caloni, 1251 Penn Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (hometown); served with Co. G, 126TH Inf.; KIA 22 (28) Oct. ’18; 126TH Inf. history lists him as MIA during Meuse-Argonne; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery


Cameron, Fred Lisle


born ’91; NoK C. B. or Mrs. W. M. Cameron, Bessemer, AL; hometown Milwaukee, WI; attended Milwaukee’s West Division H. S.; WNG; served with Btry. A, 120TH FA; defense sector; KIA at 0430 hrs. on 14 Aug. ’18, at age 27, near Courville by a bomb while on guard duty; Pfc. Warren Fricke and Pvt. Max Murphy were wounded by same bomb; buried where he fell by regt. chaplain; repatriated and reinterred at Forest Home Cemetery, Milwaukee, WI


Camors, Arnold W.


NoK Mrs. Josephine Camors, 1527 Melpomene St., New Orleans, LA (hometown); served with Co. K, 125TH Inf.; KIA 10 Oct. ’18; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery


Campana (Compana), Thomas


hometown Lorain, OH; served with Co. M, 125TH Inf.; DW 10 Oct. ’18; interred at Arlington National Cemetery


Campbell, Archie H.


NoK Archie D. Campbell, 4214 Quigley St., Oakland, CA (hometown); served with Co. F, 127TH Inf.; DD 1 Nov. ’18; interred at Mountain View Cemetery, Oakland, CA; not listed in 32D Div. in WW


Campbell, Cecil E.


mother Mrs. O. G. Campbell, NoK, 2097 Hamilton Blvd., Lansing, MI; hometown Owosso, MI; some references state he resided at 617 E. Mt. Hope Ave., Lansing, MI; enlisted in Co. H, 3D Mich. Inf., Mich. NG, Owosso, MI in or prior to ‘13; assigned to Btry. C, 119TH FA Regt., when 32D Div. was organized; transferred to Btry. A, 119TH FA Regt.; ACC 4 Jul. ‘18; listed as “Died from Accident or Other Causes” on 10 Aug. ‘18 casualty list; listed as MIA on 11 Aug. ‘18 casualty list; interred at Arlington National Cemetery


Campbell, Ernest


NoK Mrs. Rachael A. Campbell, Monroe, VA (hometown); served with Co. D, 126TH Inf.; WIA 1 Jul. ’18; KIA 2 (1) Aug. ’18


Campbell, Fred E.


NoK Mrs. Mary Campbell, 222 S. 2nd St., Onaway, MI (hometown); served with Co. H, 125TH Inf.; KIA 7 Oct. ’18


Campbell, John H.


NoK Henry H. Campbell, 510 Hamlin St., Jackson, MI (hometown); served with Co. I, 128TH Inf.; KIA 16 Oct. ’18; interred at Woodland Cemetery, Jackson, MI


Campbell, Robert H. (F.)


NoK Mrs. Sue Campbell, R. F. D. 1. Wichita, KS (hometown); served with Co. I, 126TH Inf.; KIA 5 (6) Oct. ’18; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery


Campbell, William J.


born Sep. ’95 in MO; hometown Pauls Valley, OK; also had ties to Tuscahoma, OK; entered service in AR, some references state he had ties to Faulkner Co.; served with Co. E, 125TH Inf.; KIA 31 Jul. ’18; interred Oise-Aisne American Cemetery


Canary, James Harry

2d Lt.

born 4 Dec. ’95 at OK; son of James D. and Anola Jane (Gibson) Canary; NoK S. C. Canary, Caney (Casey, Canary), KS (hometown); had some Native American ancestry, listed as 1/64 Cherokee on Dawes Rolls, mother was 1/32; may have entered service from CO; student of college of pharmacy at U. of Mich. in ’14-’15; enlisted as Pvt. in Co. E, 91ST Div. on 20 Oct. ’17; trained at Camp Lewis, WA; commissioned 2d Lt. Jun. ’18; transferred to Camp Lee, VA; overseas Aug. ’18; served with Co. I or Co. M, 125TH Inf.; KIA 11 Oct. (31 Jul.) ’18 near Gesnes at age 23; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery; the bridge over Cheyenne Creek on Hwy. 75 outside Caney was dedicated in his honor, with a metal plaque describing his brief life and sacrifice; the bridge was rebuilt in the ’60s but was not rededicated to him, the metal plaque was relegated to the County Hwy. Dept. shop where it lay forgotten until it was eventually sold as scrap by an unthinking County Commissioner


Canavan, Roy


born 29 (30) Jan. ’88 at Brady Township, Kalamazoo Co., MI; son of Charles and Anna L. (Bond) Canavan, mother NoK, Vicksburg, MI (hometown); father was Civil War veteran; worked at Lee Paper Co. in Vicksburg; Mich. NG, some references state he was first man from Vicksburg drafted; sent to Camp Custer, MI 4 Sep. ’17; sent to Camp McArthur, TX; assigned to Co. C, 126TH Inf.; KIA 1 Aug. ’18 near Château-Thierry while trying to save a wounded comrade, Cpl. Homer D. Swanders also from Vicksburg, when their unit was forced to withdraw; Swanders was wounded in both knees, Canavan and another Soldier started to carry Swanders to safety when the two of them were KIA by a shell burst, Swanders was rescued when their unit was able advance later; first man from Vicksburg killed in the war; repatriated and reinterred at Schoolcraft Township Cemetery, Vicksburg, MI 28 Jul. ’21; military honors provided by Joseph Westnedge Post of American Legion in Kalamazoo; the Roy Canavan Post No. 213 of American Legion in Vicksburg was named in his honor


Canuteson, Otto W.


NoK C. Canuteson, Sterling, MI; hometown Standish, MI; served with Co. M, 126TH Inf.; WIA 3 Oct. ’19; DW 19 Oct. ’18; interred at St. Mihiel American Cemetery


Cappelletti (Cappelleti), Amedio (Amedeo or Amedoe)


mother Mrs. Orsolo Camandra, NoK, Norma, Roma, Italy (nativity); hometown Detroit, MI; may have entered service in OH; served with Co. C, 126TH Inf.; DW 30 (29) Aug. ’18; interred at Oise-Aisne American Cemetery


Caradine, John Gerald


born 25 Apr. ’98; son of Hector N. B. and Sophie Caradine, father NoK, 119 W. Russell St., Monroe, WI (hometown); father Green Co. DA; attended U. of Wis., Class of ’20; enlisted Dec. ’17; assigned to Co. H, 127TH Inf., half of which, Co. H, 1ST Wis. Inf., was originally from Monroe; fought at defense sector (Haute Alsace) and Aisne-Marne (a.k.a. 2Marne); WIA 6 Aug. ’18; DW 12 Aug. ’18 near Cierges at age 25; brother Mahlon H. also served


Carboneau, Arthur L.


father James Carboneau, NoK, East Lake, MI (hometown); served with HQ Co., 125TH Inf.; KIA 10 Oct. ’18; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery


Card, Glen (Glenn) H.


NoK Mrs. Mayme Card, 639 Woodlawn, Owosso, MI (hometown); served with Btry. C, 120TH FA; SN 2302656; WIA 28 Oct. ’18 by counterbattery fire near Gesnes; Cpl. Lawrence Cramer, Cpl. Donald McFadzen, and Pvt. Otto A. Paulson were also WIA, Pvt. Paulson DW 29 Oct. ’18; earned 1 wound chevron, HQ, 120TH FA Special Order No. 176, 28 Nov. ’18; DW 29 Oct. ’18


Carignan, Charles F.


born Dec. ’94 at Langdon, ND; son of John Joseph and Sarah Catherine (Doyle) Carignan, father NoK, Avondale, MT (hometown); served with Co. K, 126TH Inf. (32D Div. in WW states Co. E, listing states 125TH Inf., no co.); KIA 28 (29) Aug. ’18 at about 0700 hrs. by MG fire near Juvigny; family received letter from Pvt. Roy D. Chisolm, his best friend, dated 3 Sep. ’18; repatriated and reinterred at Catholic Cemetery, Olga, ND; namesake of Charles Carignan Post of American Legion in Opheim, MT


Carl, Charles F.


born ca. 1892; hometown Park Falls, WI; enlisted in Co. A, 6TH Wis. Inf., WNG, at Phillips, WI; assigned to Co. B, 119TH MG Bn. when 32D Div. was organized; 2Marne, Juvigny; DD, pneumonia, 6 Oct. ’18; interred at Forest Home Cemetery, Fifield, WI; not listed in 32D Div. in WW


Carlisle, Norman


father William Carlisle, NoK, Elkton, OH (hometown); served with Co. K, 125TH Inf.; KIA 9 Oct. ’18; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery


Carlsen (Carlson), Nels Peter


born ca. ’94; son of Julius and Anna Carlsen, Camp Douglas, WI; hometown Frederic, WI; also had ties to Orange, WI; served with 128TH Inf.; def. sec., Aisne-Marne, Oise-Aisne, Meuse-Argonne; KIA (DD, tuberculosis) 10 Nov. ’18 at age 24 (23); listed twice in WGSL with conflicting information; not listed in 32D Div. in WW


Carlson, Carl


Emil Carlson, Barrett, MN (hometown); served with Co. E, 128TH Inf.; KIA 6 Oct. ’18


Carlson, Elmer R.


born ca. 1894; hometown Peshtigo, WI; served with 127TH Inf.; Château-Thierry to Fismes, Laon to Juvigny, sec near Verdun; DW 14 Oct. ’18 at age 24; interred at St. Mihiel American Cemetery; not listed in 32D Div. in WW


Carnohan (Carnehan), George T.


NoK Mrs. Eva Brown., Snells P.O., Spotsylvania, VA; hometown Post Oak or Fredericksburg, VA; served with Co. H, 126TH Inf.; KIA 9 Oct. ’18; not listed as casualty in 126TH Inf. history; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery


Carollo, Alcide (Corollo) (Aloide)


born 9 May ‘99 at Italy (nativity); son of Terino (Martino) ‘Martin’ and Piarina (Pierina) Carollo, father NoK, Lohrville, WI (hometown), both Italian immigrants; family emigrated in ‘13; enlisted in Co. L, 5TH Wis. Inf., WNG, Wautoma, WI in Jun. ‘17; assigned to Truck Co. No. 3, later Co. C, 107TH Sup. Tr., when 32D Div. was organized; unit departed Wautoma, WI on 17 Aug. ‘17; departed Camp Douglas, WI on 26 Sep. ‘17; arrived at Camp MacArthur, TX on 29 Sep. ‘17; sailed from Hoboken, NJ on 24 Jan. ‘18; MIA 5 Feb. ‘18, presumed KIA, at age 18 sinking of Tuscania (missing at sea); memorialized on Tablets of the Missing at Brookwood American Cemetery; not listed in 32D Div. in WW


Carps, Joseph


NoK Lawrence Carps, brother, Carnegie, PA (hometown); served with Co. B, 125TH Inf.; MIA 4 Oct. ’18, presumed KIA; memorialized on Tablets of the Missing at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery


Carr, Barnell C.


NoK T. R. Carr, Albany, KY (hometown); served with Co. K, 126TH Inf.; earned Silver Star Citation, posthumously, for his actions 22 Jul. ’18 on the Vesle River; the date of action for Silver Star might be erroneous, on 22 Jul. the Div. was in transit between the Alsace Sector and the Château-Thierry area, they went over-the-top 30 Jul. and reached the Vesle ca. 31 Jul.; also awarded Croix de Guerre, posthumously; WIA 22 Jul. ’18; KIA 28 Aug. ’18 (some references state DW 4 Aug. ’18); interred at Arlington National Cemetery


Carretto, Joe


NoK Umberto Carretto, Buttogno (Bottogno), Italy; hometown Floriston (Floston), CA; SN 2780908; served with Co. A, 362D Inf., 91ST Div.; KIA (DW) 2 Oct. ‘18 by artillery shell at ration dump at Véry; listed on 29 Nov. ‘18 casualty list; initially interred 200 yards SW of Véry on Véry-Cheppy Road; later re-interred Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery; not sure why he is listed in 32D Div. in WW, but, given that the 91ST Div. was relieved by the 32D Div. near Cierges on 3 Oct., it is possible that 32D Div. found him, buried him on the battlefield where he fell, and listed him in their casualty reports to record the approximate time and location of his battlefield death and interment


Carrico, Edd


born ’92; son of John F. and Emily Carrico, mother NoK, Davis City, IA (hometown); served with Co. A, 128TH Inf.; KIA 1 Aug. ’18; interred at Oise-Aisne American Cemetery; also memorialized at Miller Cemetery, Harrison Co., MO


Carroll, Frank J. (L.)


father R. F. Carroll, NoK, Lynch, NE (hometown); served with Co. G, 127TH Inf.; DW 14 Oct. (8 Oct.) ’18; namesake of Frank Carroll Post No. 204 of American Legion at Lynch, NE; interred at Arlington National Cemetery


Carter, Allen B.


NoK Mrs. M. J. Carter, 615 Kate Ave., Hattiesburg, MS (hometown); entered service from AR; served with Co. H, 126TH Inf.; KIA 9 Oct. ’18; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery; namesake of Allen B. Carter Post No. 24 of American Legion at Hattiesburg


Carter, George


NoK John Lysaght, friend, St. Joseph, MI (hometown); served with HQ Co., 126TH Inf.; KIA 4 Oct. ’18; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery


Carvounis, James J.


father John D. Carvounis, NoK, Souvilleas, Phiotidos, Greece (nativity); hometown Ramsey, MN; served with Co. M, 125TH Inf.; KIA 11 Oct. ’18; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery


Case, Frederick Thomas ‘Fred’


born ca. ’96; son of Philip Arthur and Jessie M. (Bratton) Case, Tomahawk, WI, mother preceded him in death, father NoK; NoK Thomas Bratton, Grand Rapids, WI; hometown Brokaw, WI; also had ties to Junction City and Grand Rapids, WI; served as a cook in Co. F, 2D Wis. Inf., WNG, from Oshkosh, during Mexican Border Crisis; served with Co. G, 128TH Inf.; Alsace, 2Marne, Soissons, Champagne, Montfaucon; KIA 4 Oct. ’18 at age 22; listed as MIA on 2 Dec. ’18 casualty list; interred at Arlington National Cemetery; brother, Pfc. Philip, WNG, served in same unit, earned Croix de Guerre


Casford, Earl Edgar


born 14 Sep. ’91 at Oshkosh, WI; son of Henry Richard and Nellie (Barden) Casford; NoK Miss Millie Casford, 237 Division St., Oshkosh, WI (hometown); WNG; served with Co. D, 120TH MG Bn.; KIA 30 Aug. ’18 at age 26


Cason, William LeGrande


born 18 Nov. ’94 at Ashley Co., AR; son of Rev. Albert Gallatin and Mary Carolyn (Berry) Cason, father NoK, Atlanta, AR (hometown); farmer; attending Fourth District Agricultural School (now U. of Ark.) at Monticello and member of Ark. NG when he entered active service; likely assigned to 39TH ‘Delta’ Div., which was designated a replacement div. when it reached France; served with Co. F, 125TH Inf.; KIA 9 Oct. ’18; interred at Flat Creek Cemetery, Fountain Hill, AR


Casper, Orvel Nazro


born 25 Aug. ‘93 (‘94) at Milwaukee, WI (hometown); son of Joseph H. and Anna Mary (Hansel) Casper, father NoK, 605 28th St., Milwaukee, WI; attended bus. college; worked as grain inspector for Milwaukee Assn. of Commerce; enlisted in WNG at Milwaukee, WI on 17 Jul. ‘17; assigned to Med. Det., 120TH FA Regt., when 32D Div. was organized; transferred to San. Sqd. 2, 107TH Sup. Tr.; KIA (DR) 5 Feb. ‘18 during sinking of Tuscania at age 24 (23); listed as MIA on 11 Feb. lists; interred at Port Ellen (Kilnaughton), Isle of Islay, Scotland, 9 Feb. ‘18; repatriated and reinterred at Calvary Cemetery, Milwaukee, WI, or St. Charles Cemetery, Fond du Lac, WI; memorial services held at St. Michael’s Church; buddy of Edward T. Lauer, same unit, who survived the Tuscania and documented much 32D Div. history


Cassens, Herman


born ’88; hometown San Francisco, CA; married Caroline Cassens; member of Order of Native Sons of Golden West, Castro Parlor 232, San Francisco; served with Co. F, 128TH Inf.; KIA 4 Aug. ’18; interred at San Francisco National Cemetery, San Francisco, CA


Cassidy, Hugh R. ‘Hughie’


born 4 Nov. ‘92 at IL; son of Barnard and Anna E. Cassidy, mother NoK, Rt. 1, Irving or Irvington, IL; R. F. D. 1, Filmore, IL (hometown); entered service 28 Jun. ‘18; served with Co. M, 127TH Inf.; DW 11 Oct. (12 Oct.) ‘18 at Brienne-le-Château at age 25; listed on 18 Nov. ‘18 casualty list; interred at St. Mihiel American Cemetery; not listed in 32D Div. in WW; brother served with same unit, Pvt. Leo


Cataneszii (Cantanszei or Cataneszwi), Domenic (Pometo)


hometown St. Ignace, MI; served with Co. I, 126TH Inf.; DW 29 (30) Aug. ’18; 126TH Inf. history states he was WIA 29 Aug. ’18 and DW 21 Sep. ’18; interred at Oise-Aisne American Cemetery


Catelini, Bambino L. (Catilini)


NoK Angelo Catelini (Catilini), brother, Crockett, CA (hometown); served with Co. E, 127TH Inf.; KIA 30 (31) Jul. ’18; interred at Oise-Aisne American Cemetery


Catlin, Samuel L.


NoK James H. Catlin, brother, Kingsburg, CA (hometown); served with Co. B, 121ST MG Bn.; KIA 3 Oct. ’18; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery


Catlow, Clarence Edward


born 18 Aug. ’93 at Barrington, IL; son of John Edward and Emma (Johnson) Catlow, mother NoK, Barrington, IL (hometown); worked as fireman for Chicago & North Western (C&NW) railway for 7 years; entered service Aug. ’17 at Libertyville, IL; may have served with Co. C, 127TH Inf. and transferred to HQ Co. at some point; MIA 16 Oct. ’18; family received telegram 6 Jan. ’19 informing them he had been KIA; brother Walter also served in France; interred at Evergreen Cemetery, Barrington, IL


Caton, Guy L.


born 15 Dec. ’92 at Jefferson Township, Elkhart Co., IN; mother son of Leander and Mary L. (S.) Caton, NoK, R. F. D. 1 (220 Wilden Ave.), Goshen, IN (hometown); entered service 26 Apr. ’18 at Goshen; trained at Camp Zachary Taylor, KY and Camp Beauregard, LA; assigned to 18TH Co., 5TH Bn., 159TH Dep. Bde.; overseas Aug. ’18 with Co. F, 154TH Inf., 39TH Div. (which was designated replacement div.); transferred to Co. F, 125TH Inf.; fought at Verdun and Meuse-Argonne; DW 12 Oct. ’18; family notified 3 Jan. ’19; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery


Caulkins, Clifford M.


born ’98; NoK Calvin Caulkins, grandfather, New Auburn, WI (hometown); served with HQ Co., 127TH Inf.; KIA 16 Oct. ’18 in the Argonne at age 19; interred at Auburn Cemetery, Auburn, WI


Cavanaugh, Peter Alphonsus ‘Alphonsus’


born 14 Aug. ’95 at Big Rapids, MI; son of Thomas Joseph and Bridget M. (Whalen) Cavanaugh, father NoK, 614 W. Bridge St. or 115 N. Warren Ave., Big Rapids, MI (hometown), both parents Canadian immigrants; member of Knights of Columbus, Big Rapids Council No. 1300; served with Co. C, 128TH Inf.; earned Croix de Guerre w/bronze star for his actions as a message runner; DD 9 Apr. ’19 at Coblenz, Germany at age 23; listed on 22 May ’19 casualty list; repatriated and re-interred at Mount Carmel Cemetery, Big Rapids, MI on 14 Aug. ’20; not listed in 32D Div. in WW as a casualty but his Croix de Guerre is listed


Cayo, Edward J.


born ca. ’96 (’92) at WI; son of Henry M. and Louisa Josephine (Rossenbach) Cayo; NoK Elsie Helen Cayo, 416 Steward Ave., Wausau, WI; hometown Schofield, WI; married; enlisted in WNG; served during Mexican Border Crisis, likely with Co. G, 3D Wis. Inf. from Wausau; assigned to Co. G, 128TH Inf. when 32D Div. was organized; Alsace, Champagne; KIA 17 Oct. ’18 at age 22


Celmer, Alexander (Calmer) (Alexandria)


NoK Stanley Celmer (Calmer), 4104 E. 7th St. (4106 E. 79th St.), Cleveland, OH; hometown in MI; served with Co. D, 128TH Inf.; KIA 30 Aug. (1 Sep.) ‘18; interred at Oise-Aisne American Cemetery


Cescato, Vittorio


born Jun. ’93 at Ciano, Italy (nativity); NoK Angelo Cescato, brother, Latauche, AK (hometown); entered service from WA; served with Co. F, 127TH Inf.; DW 13 Oct. ’18; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery


Chamberlain, Harry A.


born ca. ’96; NoK Roy Chamberlain, Mauston, WI (hometown); served with HQ Co., 128TH Inf.; Alsace, Château-Thierry, Soissons, Verdun; DW 7 Oct. ’18 at age 22; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery


Champagne, John C.

2d Lt.

born 17 Apr. ’91 at Breaux Bridge, LA; NoK Mrs. Rena Champagne, Elm St., Lake Charles, LA (hometown); served with Co. I, 125TH Inf.; 31 Jul. ’18; interred at Orange Grove Cemetery, Lake Charles, LA


Champagne, Wilfred J.


father Alfred J. Champagne, NoK, 53 Waterfille St., Waterbury, CT (hometown); served with Co. H, 127TH Inf.; KIA 4 Oct. ’18, initially reported as MIA; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery


Champion, Horace Robert (Robert Horace)


born 15 Oct. ’91 at St. Heliers, Jersey, England (nativity); son of William Stephen and Louisa Jane (De la Haye) Champion; NoK Mrs. Lillian Dale, sister, 7 Vauxhall St., St. Heliers, Jersey, England (mother listed as NoK in some references); enlisted in Royal Navy 1 Oct. ’07, 2 weeks shy of 16th birthday, served for 5 years; emigrated to U.S.; resided at Camden, NJ (hometown); enlisted in U.S. Army 5 Jan. ’16 at Ft. Slocum, NY; SN 246247; Co. I, 17TH Inf. 5 Jan. ’16 to 21 Aug. ’17; arrived overseas 12 Jan. ’18; 1ST Co., 1ST Inf. Tng. Bn. to 27 Mar. ’18; 10TH Co., 1ST Inf. Tng. Regt. to 31 Aug. ’18; Co. M, 161ST Inf., 41ST Div. to 8 Sep. ’18 (likely overseas with 41ST Div., then assigned to tng. units after it was designated replacement div.); transferred to Co. D, 127TH Inf. 8 Sep. ’18; KIA 10 Oct. ’18; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery


Chaney, Walter T.


NoK Mrs. W. E. Chaney, R. F. D. 4, Horse Cave, KY; hometown Three Springs, KY; served with MG Co., 125TH Inf.; MIA, presumed KIA, 9 Oct. ’18; memorialized on Tablets of the Missing at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery


Chaplain, Louis Henry


born 7 Sep. ’93 at St. Bernard Parish, LA; son of Frank and Agathe (Delacour) Chaplain, mother NoK, 2107 Art. St., New Orleans, LA (hometown); served with Co. E, 128TH Inf.; KIA 8 Nov. ’18; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery; brother John M. also served


Chapman, George W.


born 11 Oct. ’90; father Louis Chapman, NoK, Edgar, WI; hometown Frankfort Township, Marathon Co., WI; also had ties to Corinth, WI; served with Co. L, 127TH Inf.; KIA 4 Aug. ’18 at age 27; interred at Oise-Aisne American Cemetery; also memorialized at Colby Cemetery, Colby, WI; namesake of Chapman-Betler Post of American Legion in Athens, WI


Chapman, John Arthur

1st Lt.

born 15 Dec. ’89; son of Samuel Arthur and Mary Josephine (Wittenmyer) Chapman, Meigs Township, Adams County, OH (hometown); NoK Carlos Wittenmyer (Wintenmeyer), 44 Puritan Ave., Detroit, MI; may have been assigned to 125TH Inf.; served with Co. C, 120TH MG Bn. when he was WIA; DW 14 (12) Sep. ’18 at Paris, France; interred at Suresnes American Cemetery; also memorialized at Steam Furnace Cemetery, Steam Furnace, OH


Chapman, Leslie Kellogg


born ca. ’89; son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Lee Chapman, mother NoK, 18 Orchard St., Auburn, NY (hometown); graduated Auburn H. S.; graduated Cornell U. in ’13, member of Helios and Sphinx Head, varsity rower; attended Federal Military Training Camp at Plattsburg, NY 5 Jun. to 2 Jul. ’16, he was Cpl. in Co. A, 3D Training Regt.; served in Co. M, 108TH NY Inf., NYNG, during Mexican Border Crisis; discharged for disability when 108TH NY Inf. mobilized for WWI; drafted 23 Nov. ’17; went to France Jan. ’18 as replacement Soldier and assigned to Co. D, 128TH Inf. (one reference states he sailed to France with the unit); 32D Div. in WW lists regt. as 126TH Inf., not listed with Co. D in 126WwG, most references state 128TH Inf.; KIA 1 Sep. ’18 (31 Aug.) near Juvigny at age 29; repatriated and re-interred at Fort Hill Cemetery, Auburn, NY ca. 1 Jan. ’21


Chapman, Wilbur R.


NoK Mrs. A. R. Chapman, Mesa, AZ; hometown Ann Arbor, MI; also had ties to Hayden, AZ; Mich. NG; served with Co. E, 126TH Inf.; KIA 28 Aug. ’18; interred at Oise-Aisne American Cemetery


Chapman, William C.


born ca. ’95; NoK Mrs. Alvina Chapman, 1333 E. Wilson St., Madison, WI (hometown); served with 127TH Inf.; Alsace, Château-Thierry, Juvigny, Aisne-Marne, Oise-Aisne, defense sector; MIA, presumed KIA, 2 Sep. ’18 at age 23; memorialized on Tablets of the Missing at Oise-Aisne American Cemetery; not listed in 32D Div. in WW


Charpie, Samuel James ‘Sam’


born 20 Sep. ’90 in Kingman Co., KS; son of Alvin Benton and Sarah Ann (Maybelle) Charpie, Kingman, KS, father preceded him in death; father, born at OH, enlisted in Co. G, 51ST Ind. Inf. ca. 1861 at age 16 and served with that unit for duration of Civil War, uncle, Avery B., also served with an Ind. regt. during Civil War; graduated Kingman H. S. in ’10; junior at U. of Kans., School of Engineering, ca. ’13; resided at St. Paul, MN for a while, moved to Rhinelander, WI (hometown) ca. spring of ’17; musician, he was member of Rhinelander City Band; enlisted in Co. L, 2D Wis. Inf., WNG, at Rhinelander, WI; member of the unit when it departed Rhinelander for Camp Douglas, WI on 30 Jul. ’17; assigned to 127TH Inf., likely Co. L, when 32D Div. was organized; DD, anthrax, on 24 Mar. ’18, soon after landing overseas; mother, born at WI, was NoK and received telegram 28 Mar. ’18 while visiting daughter, Mrs. K. A. Perry, 1209 N. Dearborn St., Indianapolis, IN; interred at Suresnes American Cemetery; brother Alvin B., Jr., may have also served (about to enter service when Samuel died); not listed in 32D Div. in WW


Chatfield, Wallace


born ca. 1894-95; Native American, Chippewa; son of Peter and Sarah W. Chatfield, father NoK, St. Charles, MI (hometown); also had ties to Fergus, MI; may have had ties to Ashland, WI; attended Mt. Pleasant Indian School ca. ’03-’07; served with Co. G, 128TH Inf.; MIA, presumed KIA, 3 Aug. (6 Oct.) ’18 at about age 23-24; he, Sgt. Earl A. Goldsmith and Cpl. Grover C. ‘Casey’ Jones were in a ravine when a large shell landed nearby, a piece of shrapnel struck Chatfield in the side of the head, he died instantly, the other 2 were uninjured; listed as MIA on 20 Oct. ’18 casualty list; listed as “KIA, Previously Reported MIA” on 3 Apr. ’19 casualty list; memorialized on Tablets of the Missing at Aisne-Marne American Cemetery; brother, Pfc. Arthur, served with Co. K, 125TH Inf., WIA;


Chatterton, Iden E.

1st Lt.

born ’88 at OH; son of George Iden and Nora (Champion) Chatterton, mother NoK, 1112 Wellington Ct., Ann Arbor, MI (hometown); graduated Paulding (OH) H. S. in ’07; graduated U. of Mich. in ’11; Mich. NG; Sgt. in Co. H when 126TH Inf. was organized; 2d Lt. 4 Dec. ’17; assigned scout officer for 2D Bn. 1 Aug. ’18; WIA, gassed, 1 Aug. ’18; evacuated to hospital, returned to duty 2 Sep. ’18; KIA 6 Oct. ’18 at Bois de Emont near Cierges; interred at Live Oak Cemetery, Paulding, OH


Cherney, Jack


NoK Mike Cherney, brother, Podolskov, Huberni, Russia (nativity); served with Co. A, 125TH Inf.; DW 29 Aug. ’18


Cherry, Joseph F. (T.)


born 4 Jul. ’89; NoK Mrs. Olmar Crow, sister, Saratoga, TX (hometown); served with Co. M, 125TH Inf.; KIA 9 (11) Oct. ’18; interred at Oil Town Cemetery, Saratoga, TX


Chew, Lee Hong


hometown Locke, CA; also had ties to San Francisco; served with Co. B, 128TH Inf.; DW 13 Oct. ’18; not listed in 32D Div. in WW


Chipchase, Roy V.


NoK Mrs. Clara Chipchase, 455 17th St., Detroit, MI (hometown); served with Co. C, 125TH Inf.; KIA 30 Sep. ’18; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery


Chittick, George R.


born 19 Dec. ‘98 at Lawrence, MA; son of Frank W. and Linda T. (Thompson) Chittick, both English immigrants; hometown Methuen, MA; entered service 1 Jul. ‘17; assigned to 4TH Recruit Co., Gen. Svc. Inf.; transferred to HQ Co., 55TH Inf., 7TH Div., on 12 Jul. ‘17; transferred to Co. B, 162D Inf., 41ST Div., on 1 Aug. ‘18; overseas 16 Aug. ‘18; transferred to Co. K, 128TH Inf. Regt., on 9 Sep. ‘18; DW 16 Oct. ‘18 at age 19; listed on 17 Nov. ‘18 casualty list; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery; not listed in 32D Div. in WW


Chiurri, Enrico


born 16 Sep. ‘95 at Navelli, Italy (nativity); son of Nicola and Rubina Chiurri, Italy; hometown Leominster, MA; entered service 30 May ‘18; assigned to Btry. C, 14TH Bn., FA Repl. Draft; overseas 23 Jul. ‘18; transferred to Btry. F, 121ST FA Regt., on 2 Sep. ‘18; DD 27 Jan. ’19 at age 23; not listed in 32D Div. in WW


Choate, Hazael Stanley


born ‘97; son of William Henry and Harriet Amanda (Bingham) Choate, mother NoK, 202 N. Wisner St., Jackson, MI; graduated Albion H. S. in ‘16; hometown Liberty, MI; also had ties to Cement City, MI; enlisted in 31ST Mich. Inf. (likely Co. L or M), Mich. NG, in Jun. ‘17; assigned to Co. G, 126TH Inf., when 32D Div. was organized (some references list regt. as 125TH or 128TH); KIA 28 Aug. ‘18 at Juvigny ca. age 21; parents received telegram ca. 27 Sep. ‘18; listed on 3 Oct. ‘18 casualty list; interred at Oise-Aisne American Cemetery; also memorialized at Laurel Hill Cemetery, Liberty, MI; brother served during WWI, Sgt. Joe, 16TH Engr., France; brother served during WWI, Lester, Co. D, 40TH Inf.


Christ (Crist), Jesse (Jessie)


NoK John Allen, friend, 410 Michigan Ave., Detroit, MI (hometown); Mich. NG; served with Co. G, 126TH Inf.; WIA, gassed, 4 Aug. ’18; KIA 5 Oct. ’18; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery


Christanson, Toward


father Ed. Christanson, NoK, Soo Junction, MI (hometown); served with Co. M, 125TH Inf.; DW 3 Sep. ’18


Christensen, Jacob


born 30 Jul. ’88 at Kråa, Norway (nativity); NoK Miss Anna Christensen, R. F. D. 2, Hurley, SD (hometown); entered service 25 May ’18 at Parker, SD; served with Co. C, 126TH Inf.; KIA 11 Oct. ’18 by artillery fire near Romagne at age 29; interred at Bethania Cemetery, Turner County, SD


Christenson, Christ W.


born ca. ’94; father Martin Christenson, NoK, R. F. D. 1, Box 82 1/2, Gillett, WI; hometown Oconto, WI; served with Co. G, 127TH Inf.; MIA, presumed KIA, 4 Aug. ’18 near Fismes at age 24; memorialized on Tablets of the Missing at Aisne-Marne American Cemetery


Christianson, Charles H.


born 4 Sep. ’94; son of John and Karen (Dahl) Christianson, father NoK, Hamilton, TX (hometown); served with Co. K, 125TH Inf.; KIA 31 (5) Aug. ’18; interred at Old IOOF Cemetery, Hamilton, TX


Christie, Maynard Lee


NoK Mrs. Agnes Christie, 2 Park Ave., Helena, MT; hometown in MI; served with Co. L, 128TH Inf.; KIA 1 Sep. ‘18; listed on 17 Oct. ‘18 casualty list; interred at Oise-Aisne American Cemetery


Cincotta, Angelo


born 19 Mar. ’95 at San Francisco, CA (hometown); son of Antonio and Maria Concetta (Polverino) Cincotta; SN 2352670; served with Btry. B, 147TH FA; DD 18 Feb. ’19; interred at San Francisco National Cemetery, San Francisco, CA; not listed in 32D Div. in WW


Ciniglio, Andrew


son of Andrea ‘Andrew’ and Louise Ciniglio, father NoK, 21 Frederick St., Gray’s Inn Rd., London, England (nativity); hometown New York, NY; served with Co. H, 127TH Inf.; KIA 4 Sep. (30 Aug.) ‘18; listed on 29 Nov. ‘18 casualty list; interred at Arlington National Cemetery; brother served during WWI, Pvt. Albert E., British Army, KIA 15 Sep. ‘16


Cirwyski, Peter Paul


NoK Izydor Cirwyski, uncle, 46 Indiana Ave., Grand Rapids, MI (hometown); served with HQ Co., 126TH Inf.; DW 5 (6) Oct. ’18; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery


Ciszek (Clszek), Joseph Frank


born 19 Mar. ’95 at Detroit, MI (hometown); son of Jacob and Anna (Kubek) Ciszek; served with Co. F, 128TH Inf.; DD 14 Aug. (29 Nov.) ’18


Clancy, Dan B.


father John Clancy, NoK, 2210 Harvard Ave., Butte, MT (hometown); served with Co. H, 127TH Inf.; KIA 31 Jul. ’18; interred at Oise-Aisne American Cemetery


Clancy, John Francis Patrick ‘Jack’


born ca. 1899; son of John F. and Helen (Dempsey) Clancy, mother NoK, 1200 Wisconsin St., Racine, WI (hometown); enlisted in Amb. Co. No. 2 (Racine Amb. Co.), WNG, at Racine, WI on 2 Jul. ’17 at Racine, WI; assigned to 127TH Amb. Co., 107TH San. Tr. when 32D Div. was organized; DD, pneumonia, 21 Sep. ’18 at A. R. C. Hosp. 10 (Red Cross Hosp. 10) near Chaumont at age 19; Agnes M. Clancy, same address, served with K. of C. canteen service at Camp Mills; James D. Clancy, same address, served with Canadian army; not listed in 32D Div. in WW


Clark, Budd W.


NoK W. E. Clark, R. F. D. 2, Blanchard, MI; hometown Mecosta, MI; Mich. NG; assigned to Co. M when 126TH Inf. was organized; transferred to Co. M, 128TH Inf.; KIA 1 Sep. (30 Aug.) ’18; interred at Oise-Aisne American Cemetery


Clark, Grant W.


born 20 Feb. ’95 at Berlin, WI; son of Delos W. and Jennie R. (Spall) Clark, Rt. 7, Box 58, Wausau, WI; hometown Milwaukee, West Allis, Wausau, or Birnamwood, WI; worked as a painter; entered service at West Allis, WI; served with 126TH Fld. Hosp., 107TH San. Tr. (2D MP Co., 2D Div. or Med. Dep. 2D Div.); Somme, Marne, Argonne Forest; DW (KIA) 5 Oct. ’18 at age 23; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery; not listed in 32D Div. in WW;


Clark, Otis Ferguson


born ca. ‘97; NoK Mrs. Zetta Ferguson Clark, Wonewoc, WI; hometown Hub City, WI; enlisted in Co. A, 1ST Wis. Inf., WNG, Reedsburg, WI on 12 Apr. ‘17; assigned to Co. A when 128TH Inf. was organized; Pfc. 26 Nov. ‘17; landed in Europe on 18 Feb. ‘18; promoted Cpl. on 4 Nov. ‘18; 2Marne, Argonne; KIA 10 Nov. ‘18 at age 21; listed as WIA on 25 Nov. ‘18 casualty list; listed as KIA (Previously Reported MIA) on 22 Jan. ‘19 casualty report; namesake of Otis Clark Post No. 206 of American Legion, Wonewoc, WI


Clark, Roy F.


born 8 Jun. ’95 at Pineville, MO; son of Mr. and Mrs. C. G. (O.) Clark, father NoK, Moorefield, NE (hometown); enlisted shortly after war was declared; served with Co. F, 127TH Inf.; DD, bronchial pneumonia, 27 Oct. (27 Nov.) ’18; interred at Moorefield Cemetery, Moorefield, NE


Clarke, Bruce Walrath

1st Lt.

born 2 Jun. ‘90 at Augusta, WI; son of Frank L. and Georgia Clarke, mother NoK, Augusta, WI (hometown); graduated Augusta H. S.; graduated U. of Wis., law, Jul. ‘14; H. S. teacher in northern WI for 2 years; married; resided at 424 N. Francis St., Madison WI; completed First Officers Training Camp at Fort Sheridan, IL, assigned to 10TH Co.; commissioned 2d Lt.; served at Camp Custer, Camp Greene, Camp MacArthur, where he was assigned to Co. G, 127TH Inf.; sailed for France aboard USS George Washington; promoted to 1st Lt.; KIA 6 Aug. ‘18 by shell burst after capturing Fismes, age 28; cited for his actions at Aisne-Marne, “Maj. Bryan B. Beverage of Appleton, Wis., and Capt. William Smith of Madison distinguished themselves in the attack upon Fismes. In the same fighting Madison was also represented by Capt. Myron West, formerly an assistant principal at the high school there; Lieut. Basil Roberts, Lieut. Bruce E. Clark, a lawyer, and Lieut. Marion C. Cranefield, a third year man from the university, all of whom made records for pluck and endurance.” not sure which decoration he may have received, if any; interred at Oise-Aisne American Cemetery; also memorialized at East Lawn Cemetery, Augusta, WI


Clarke, James H.


father David C. Clarke, NoK, R. F. D. 1, Proctor, WV (hometown); served with Co. M, 128TH Inf.; KIA 8 Nov. ’18


Clarke, John Black (Clark)

1st Lt.

born 20 Oct. ’89 at Chicago IL; son of Charles F. and Louise (Black) Clarke; mother was Mrs. James H. Barnard, 1325 Astor St, Chicago, IL when John was killed; attended Pomona College, CA; manager of Milwaukee branch of Halsey, Stuart & Co.; NoK Miss Elizabeth Black, aunt, 143 Prospect Ave, Milwaukee, WI (hometown); started Second Officers Training Camp at Ft. Sheridan, IL on 27 Aug. ’17, assigned to 11TH Co., 11TH Regt.; completed training 28 Nov. ’17 and commissioned inf. lieut.; sailed for France Jan. ’18; initially assigned to 30TH Div. and fought in British sector; transferred to 127TH Inf.; 1 reference states he transferred from 30TH Div. to 42D Div. (not listed in Roster of the Rainbow Div.); DW (KIA) 18 (5, 14 or 17) Oct. ’18 at 165TH Fld. Hosp. at Baulny (Baslieux); family commissioned a stained glass window at St. John’s Cathedral in Milwaukee in his honor, all of the windows were destroyed in a devastating fire at the then nearly 100 year old cathedral ca. 27 Jan. ’35, the cathedral was rebuilt, not sure if those windows were; not listed in 32D Div. in WW


Clarke, Norman G.


born 1898; son of Arthur Hinkley and Catherine Elizabeth (Croft) Clarke; hometown Edgerton, WI; graduated Edgerton H. S. in ’17, class president, played football (state champions in ’16) and basketball, Orphelian Literary Society, Glee Club; enlisted in WNG before he graduated H. S., likely the “Edgerton Platoon” of Co. K, 4TH Wis. Inf. at Stoughton, WI; assigned to 128TH Inf., possibly MG Co., when 32D Div. was organized; Alsace, 2Marne, Soissons; WIA ca. 29 Aug.-1 Sep. ’18 near Juvigny; DW 11 Sep. ’18 at age 20; interred at Suresnes American Cemetery; also memorialized at Fassett Cemetery, Edgerton, WI; not listed in 32D Div. in WW


Clarkson, William


mother Alice Clarkson, NoK, South Euclid, OH (hometown); served with 308TH Trench Mort. Btry., attached to 32D Div. ( lists unit as Co. E, 308TH Ammo. Tr.); DD 13 Jan. ’19; interred at Arlington National Cemetery


Clegg, John Taylor


born 8 Jun. ’87 at Springville, UT; son of Walter Isaac and Deborah Wing (Smith) Clegg, mother NoK, Dubois, ID (hometown); served with Co. F, 127TH Inf.; KIA 10 Oct. ’18; interred at Dubois Cemetery, Dubois, ID


Cleightman, Paul C.


NoK Mrs. Minnie Cleightman, Albion, IL (hometown); may have also had ties to Grand Rapids, MI; assigned to Co. M, 126TH Inf.; transferred to Co. M, 128TH Inf.; KIA 6 Aug. ’18; interred at Oise-Aisne American Cemetery


Clemens, Ralph B.


father D. D. Clemens, NoK, 1625 Wyoming St., Dayton, OH (hometown); may have been Ohio NG; instrument sgt. assigned to 1ST Plt., Btry. A, 322D FA, attached to 32D Div.; KIA 11 Nov. ’18 at Ecurey by shell fragments; 1st and only Soldier of Btry. A KIA


Cline, David E.


father Leonard Cline, NoK, 2337 Cherry St., Port Huron, MI (hometown); may have had ties to Toledo, OH; served with Co. L, 125TH Inf.; KIA 31 Jul. (31 Aug.) ’18; interred at Oise-Aisne American Cemetery


Clinefelter, Clyde C.

Sup. Sgt.

born ’93; son of Alfred M. and Addie C. Clinefelter, mother NoK, 111 Elm St., Coldwater, MI (hometown); married, she preceded him in death, father of 1; Mich. NG; sup. sgt. for Co. A, 126TH Inf.; KIA 1 Aug. (31 Jul. or 4 Aug.) ’18 at age 25; “the first Coldwater boy to make the supreme sacrifice at the front”; brother Robert O. served in same unit and was WIA and captured by Germans a few seconds after Clyde was KIA right next to him; interred at Oak Grove Cemetery, Coldwater, MI


Coats (Coates), Archie F.


born 29 May ’95 at Barron Co., WI; son of William H. and Geneva Coats, mother NoK, 404 Hatten Ave., Rice Lake, WI (hometown); served with Co. A, 121ST MG Bn.; Fere-en-Tardenois, Hagenbach, Badricourt sec., drive from Château-Thierry; KIA 10 Oct. ’18 at age 22; interred at Orchard Beach Cemetery, Rice Lake, WI


Cochran (Cochren), Floyd B.


married Mrs. Floyd B. Cochren, NoK, 15 Central Ave., or 200 W. Main St., Batavia, NY (hometown); entered service 7 Sep. ’17; SN 2308829; served with Btry. B, 147TH FA, attached to 32D Div.; KIA 5 (8) Aug. ’18 by enemy artillery fire near Gilles; family notified ca. 26 Sep. ’18 that he had been killed 8 Aug.; interred at Oise-Aisne American Cemetery


Cody, Claude I. (T.)


mother Mrs. Florence E. Cody, NoK, Bowdoin (Bowdin or Bowdon), MT (hometown); served with Co. H, 126TH Inf.; KIA (DW) 30 Aug. (29 Aug.) ’18; interred at Arlington National Cemetery


Cody, Henry E.


mother Mrs. Agnes Valenzula, NoK, Billings, MT; hometown San Francisco, CA; served with Co. B, 125TH Inf.; MIA, presumed KIA, 4 Aug. ’18; memorialized on Tablets of the Missing at Aisne-Marne American Cemetery


Coffee, Robert L.


NoK Frank Coffee, Chester, WV (hometown); served with Co. M, 128TH Inf.; KIA 10 Nov. ’18; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery


Coffin, Hiram W.


NoK Mrs. Charles Bluett, sister, Steuben Ave., Herkimer, NY (hometown); served with Co. D, 125TH Inf.; KIA 29 Aug. ’18


Cofran, Edward


NoK Miss Alice Leitch, Silver Springs, MD (hometown); served with Co. G, 127TH Inf.; KIA 14 Oct. ’18


Cohen, Louis


mother Mrs. Anna Cohen, NoK, 63 2nd Ave., New York, NY (hometown); served with Co. A, 121ST MG Bn.; KIA 5 Aug. ’18; interred at Oise-Aisne American Cemetery


Cohen, Phillip


NoK Sam Ldowski, friend, 19 Henry St., New York, NY (hometown); served with Co. M, 125TH Inf.; KIA 11 Oct. ’18; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery


Colbert, Donald C.


born ’96; NoK Mrs. Laura Cross, godmother, Neoga, IL (hometown); served with Co. C, 126TH Inf.; KIA 1 Aug. ’18; interred at Neoga Memorial Cemetery, Neoga, IL


Cole, Elmer J.


sister Miss Alice Cole, NoK, Adrian, MI (hometown); served with Co. K, 125TH Inf.; KIA 30 Aug. ’18; interred at Oise-Aisne American Cemetery


Cole, Glenn

Sgt. Maj.

born ca. ’97; NoK Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Cole, 317 Roosevelt St., Beloit, WI; hometown Sparta, WI; Regtl. Sgt. Maj. for 128TH Inf.; Alsace, Château-Thierry, near Soissons, Argonne; KIA 7 Oct. ’18 at age 23


Cole, James M.


NoK J. M. Stafford, Marks, MS (hometown); served with Co. L, 128TH Inf.; KIA 6 Oct. ’18; interred at Marks Cemetery, Marks, MS


Cole, Paul Francis


born 18 Mar. ‘95 at Buchannan Valley, PA; son of Edward George (George Edward) and Rose Cecilia (Brady) Cole, Fayetteville, PA or Martinsburg, WV; hometown Fayetteville, PA, Adams Co., PA, or Martinsburg, WV; entered service 26 Jun. ‘18 at Martinsburg, WV or Camp Lee; trained at Camp Lee, VA; sailed for France 12 Aug. ‘18; assigned to Co. D, 127TH Inf.; promoted to Cpl.; seriously WIA 9 Oct. ‘18, artillery shell, lost a leg; DW 11 Nov. ‘18 at Base Hosp. 23, Vittel, at age 23; listed on 25 Dec. ‘18 casualty list; repatriated and re-interred at Corpus Christi Cemetery, Chambersburg, PA on 27 May ‘21; not listed in 32D Div. in WW


Coleman, Aron


father John Coleman, NoK, Adamstown, PA (hometown); served with Co. I, 128TH Inf.; KIA 11 Oct. ’18


Colenso, Herbert Henry


son of Capt. Edwin and Mary Elizabeth (Trathen) Colenso, father NoK, Lock Box 403, Houghton, MI; father was mining captain at Isle Royale Mine in Houghton; resided at 48 Isle Royale St., and worked as fireman at Isle Royale Roundhouse at Houghton, MI (hometown); served with Co. G, 125TH Inf.; KIA 7 Oct. ’18


Collins, Claude


NoK Ren Collins, R. F. D. 2, Fenwick, MI (hometown); served with Co. C, 128TH Inf.; KIA 7 Aug. ’18; interred at Clear Lake Cemetery, Fenwick, MI


Collins, Edward A.


born ‘97; mother Mrs. A. Bradley, 1522 12th St., Port Huron, MI (hometown); married Augusta M. Everett around the time of mobilization, NoK, 1207 Division St., Port Huron, MI; enlisted in Co. C, 33D Mich. Inf., Mich. NG, Port Huron, MI; promoted to Cpl.; assigned to Co. L, 125TH Inf., when 32D Div. was organized; promoted to Sgt.; KIA 31 Jul. ‘18 ca. age 21; family received telegram ca. 28 Aug. ‘18; listed on 5 Sep. ‘18 casualty list; interred at Lakeside Cemetery, Port Huron, MI


Collins, Edward A.


NoK Kate Collins, 760 11th Ave., New York, NY (hometown); served with MG Co., 126TH Inf.; KIA 29 Aug. ’18; interred at Oise-Aisne American Cemetery


Collins, Herbert B.


born ’96; father Bruce Collins, NoK, 222 Crapo St., Alpena, MI (hometown); served with Co. F, 125TH Inf.; SN 262593; earned Silver Star Citation for his actions 9 Oct. ’18 near Romagne; DW 9 Oct. ’18; interred at Evergreen Cemetery, Alpena, MI


Collins, Herbert Harmon


born 13 Aug. ‘94 at Belfast, ME ; son of Michael J. and Mary M. (Clark) Collins, Belfast, ME (hometown), father Irish immigrant; served with 127TH Inf.; died 4 Oct. ‘18, likely DW; listed as Severely WIA on 7 Jan. ‘19 casualty list; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery; not listed in 32D Div. in WW


Collins, Lawrence R.


father Mr. Roy W. Collins, NoK, 364 Vicksburg Ave., Detroit, MI (hometown); Mich. NG; served with Co. H, 126TH Inf.; KIA 4 Aug. ’18


Collins, William N.


NoK Mrs. Myrtle Dunn, sister, Moonshine Hill, Humble, TX; hometown in WY; served with Co. F, 127TH Inf.; KIA 7 Oct. ‘18; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery


Cologne, Julius A.


born 8 Apr. ’98; hometown Green Bay, WI; served with 121ST FA; Alsace, 2Marne,
Soissons front, Argonne; DD, typhoid, 28 Dec. ’18 at age 19; interred at Fort Howard Memorial Park, Green Bay, WI; not listed in 32D Div. in WW


Colotta, Frank


born ca. 1896; hometown Racine, WI; served with San. Det., 121ST MG Bn.; DW 4 Oct. ’18 at age 22; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery; not listed in 32D Div. in WW


Colvin, Delancy J.

2d Lt.

born 19 Oct. ’93 at Medina, MI; son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Colvin, Hudson, MI; graduated Hudson H. S. Jul. ’11; served with Mich. NG during Mexican Border Crisis; entered First Officers Training Camp at Fort Sheridan, IL; married 21 Jul. ’17 to Miss Harriet E. Young, NoK, 428 W. Mason St., Jackson, MI (hometown); after commission assigned to 160TH Dep. Bde. at Camp Custer; transferred to 337TH Inf. 1 Nov. ’17 and went to Camp Perry, OH; sailed for France Jul. ’18 with 85TH Div.; after arrival transferred to 127TH Inf., assigned as Intel. Officer of 1ST Bn.; KIA 10 (14) Oct. ’18 near Gesnes; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery


Combs, J. Sherman, Sr.


born 26 May ’87 at Bluff City, TN (hometown); son of William Worley and Emma Jane (Harkleroad) Combs; married Mrs. Lanna Combs, NoK; served with Co. F, 107TH Engr.; DW 24 Nov. ’18; interred at Morning View Cemetery, Bluff City, TN


Comiska, Charles Fred (Comska)


NoK Mrs. Anna Comiska, R. F. D. 2, Alpena, MI; hometown Grand Haven or Alpena, MI; enlisted in Co. F, 32D Mich. Inf., Mich. NG, 19 Jul. ’17 at Grand Haven, MI; assigned to Co. L, 126TH Inf. when 32D Div. was organized; KIA 28 Aug. ’18 by MG fire near Juvigny; earned Croix de Guerre w/palm, posthumously, Order No. 14.207 “D,” 10 Mar. ’19, GHQ French Armies of the East, “He displayed extraordinary heroism and great initiative near Juvigny, on [28 August] 1918. His platoon having been completely destroyed by the fire of machine guns, he, with two comrades, captured an enemy machine gun. He turned the fire of the latter against an important nest, attacking it in flank and succeeded in capturing several pieces and 47 Germans.”; Cpl. Ernest A. Sheer was 1 of the men, earned Croix de Guerre for his actions that day, was recommended for DSC but never received it, received Silver Star in ’74; Pvt. Donald H. Towler was the 3rd man, earned French Medaille Militaire for his actions that day; interred at Evergreen Cemetery, Alpena, MI


Compton, John N. (R.), Jr.


born ’95 at Kent Co., MI; John N., Sr. and Jennie Compton, father NoK, 2398 Clyde Park Ave., Grand Rapids, MI (hometown); Mich. NG; served with Co. K, 126TH Inf.; KIA 28 Aug. ’18; interred at Greenwood Cemetery, Grand Rapids, MI


Coniff, William M.


born ca. ’91; hometown Madison, WI; worked as a pressman at Madison Democrat; served with Co. F, 127TH Inf.; KIA 24 (25) Jul. ’18 at age 27; interred at Resurrection Cemetery, Madison, WI; first Soldier from Madison killed in the war; not listed in 32D Div. in WW


Conley, Earl James


born 11 May ’93 at Chippewa Co., WI; son of Peter and Ellen Conley, Apollonia, WI (hometown); enlisted in Trp. K, 1ST Wis. Cav., WNG, on 20 Jul. ’17; assigned to Btry. A when 120TH FA was organized; KIA 6 (5) Aug. ’18 by German shell at 0100 hours near St. Gilles (south of Fismes) at age 24; shell struck his quarters while he was sleeping; one reference states he was killed during German aerial bombardment; 1st Soldier from 120TH FA KIA; repatriated and re-interred at Apollonia Catholic Cemetery, Apollonia, WI on 22 May ’21; namesake of Earl J. Conley Post No. 268 of American Legion at Bruce, WI


Conley, John P.


NoK Mr. James Lewis Conley, Levi, WV; hometown Sutton, WV; served with Co. F, 126TH Inf.; KIA 9 Oct. ’18; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery


Conley, Leonard


NoK Mr. Viret E. Conley, 4211 S. 20th St., Omaha, NE (hometown); served with Co. C, 128TH Inf.; KIA 17 Oct. ’18


Conlin, Edward P.


born 20 May ’92 at Moultrie Co., IL; hometown Lovington, IL; served with Co. H, 125TH Inf.; KIA 14 Oct. ’18; interred Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery; also memorialized at Saint Isidore Cemetery, Moultrie Co., IL


Conry, George C. (Conroy)


born ca. 1880; NoK Mrs. Alice Ritsman, sister, Clinton, WI (hometown); served with Co. E, 127TH Inf.; Badricourt, Château-Thierry, Fismes, Sergy; DW 9 Aug. ’18 at age 38; 32D Div. in WW states 3 Aug. ’18; interred at Oise-Aisne American Cemetery


Conti, Ernest F.


mother Mary Machia Conti, NoK, Grottollela, Province Avellino, Italy (nativity); hometown Genesee Co., MI; served with Co. E, 125TH Inf. (possibly Mich. NG, unit was organized at Flint, MI); WIA by machinegun fire and artillery near Romagne; DW 9 Oct. ‘18; listed on 25 Nov. ‘18 casualty list


Cook, George


mother Mrs. Nettie Cook, NoK, Frankfort, KY (hometown); served with Co. F, 127TH Inf.; KIA 18 Oct. ’18; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery; ABMC lists date of death as 19 Oct. ’18


Cook, James J.


NoK Mrs. James Cook, 103 Wayne St., Pontiac, MI (hometown); served with 120TH MG Bn.; transferred to Co. H, 126TH Inf.; KIA 30 Jul. ’18 when a shell hit a house in Courmont that was CP of 110TH Inf. while leaders coordinating for a relief-in-place scheduled for that night; 1st Lt. Elmer E. Nelson, 120TH MG Bn., was also KIA and the 1ST Bn., 125TH Inf. cdr. and his staff were WIA; interred at Oise-Aisne American Cemetery; namesake of Cook-Nelson Post No. 20 of American Legion in Pontiac, MI


Cook, Lewis C.


NoK Mr. Lewis L. Cook, North Kansas City, MO (hometown); served with Co. L, 128TH Inf.; KIA 18 Oct. ’18; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery


Cook, Richard Eugene

2d Lt.

born 8 Jun. ’95 at Council Bluffs, IA; son of Ernest Eugene and Julia A. (Judson) Cook, Council Bluffs, IA (hometown); married Eva Rucker 4 Sep. ’17 at Howard Lake, MN; wife, NoK, resided at 204 E. 36th St., Minneapolis, MN; attended U. of Neb., Class of ’20; withdrew from school to enlist; trained at Ft. Snelling; commissioned 15 Aug. ’17; sailed for France 20 Nov. ’17 with Co. C, 168TH Inf., 42D Div.; transferred to Co. H, 126TH Inf. 20 May ’18; earned Silver Star Citation, posthumously, for his actions 4 Aug. ’18 near the Vesle River; also earned Croix de Guerre, posthumously, for his actions 4 Aug. ’18 near Fismes, KIA while providing aid to wounded comrades; KIA 4 Aug. ’18 near Mont St. Martin; interred at Oise-Aisne American Cemetery


Cooley (Colley), Jesse (Jess) Barton


born 31 Aug. ’96 at Milford, MI; son of William and Frances (Francis) Cooley, mother NoK, Brighton, MI (hometown); entered service 30 Sep. ’17; served with Co. E, 126TH Inf.; overseas 23 Feb. ’18; fought at Alsace-Lorraine, Château-Thierry; KIA 1 (2) Aug. ’18 just shy of his 22nd birthday; 1st casualty from Brighton during the war; repatriated and re-interred at Fairview Cemetery, Brighton, MI 17 Jul. ’21; namesake of Jesse B. Cooley Post No. 235 of American Legion at Brighton, MI;


Cooper, Abraham


born 16 Aug. ’87 at Russia (nativity); 712 Jackson St., Los Angeles, CA (hometown); served with Co. C, 127TH Inf.; KIA 3 Aug. ’18 near Fismes


Cooper, Albert Calven


born 9 Jan. ’86 at Chalk, KS; son of Isaac and Laura Cooper, Topeka, KS; hometown Bushing, KS; enlisted in Neb. NG on 14 Jul. ’17 at Freemont, NE; served with Co. K, 127TH Inf.; WIA Aug. ’18; DW 3 Sep. ’18; interred Suresnes American Cemetery; not listed in 32D Div. in WW


Cooper, Clare


born 1893; father Manford Cooper, NoK, R. F. D. 5, Birch Run, MI (hometown); served with Co. D (A), 128TH Inf.; KIA 1 Aug. ’18; interred at Pine Grove Cemetery, Millington, MI


Cooper, Jacob


born 25 Aug. ’96; son of Hemmo and Dowina Cooper, mother NoK, Ferrysburg, MI (hometown); enlisted in Co. F, 32D Mich. Inf. (Mich. NG); assigned to Co. L when 126TH Inf. was organized; transferred to Co. L, 128TH Inf.; KIA 7 Nov. ’18; interred at Spring Lake Cemetery, Spring Lake, MI


Cooper, Walter


NoK Joe Cooper, 1816 3rd St., Superior, WI (hometown); entered service from MI; served with Co. G, 126TH Inf.; KIA 3 Aug. ’18; interred Oise-Aisne American Cemetery; not listed in WGSL


Cooper, Willie (William) Brent


born 29 May ’92; son of Jason (Jay) Etter and Minnie Ellen (Gregory) Cooper, mother NoK, Cooper, KY (hometown); served with Co. K, 126TH Inf.; KIA 28 Aug. ’18; interred at Elk Spring Cemetery, Monticello, KY


Cooperider, Luke


NoK E. Cooperider, R. F. D. 1, Siloam Springs, AR; hometown Pea Ridge, AR; entered service from Genesee Co., MI; served with MG Co., 125TH Inf.; KIA 31 Jul. ’18; interred Oise-Aisne American Cemetery


Corbisier, Andrew


born May ’98; son of Joseph and Anaise ‘Anna’ (Sacotte) Corbisier; hometown Brussels, WI; served with 128TH Inf.; Alsace, Champaign, Montfaucon; KIA 14 Oct. ’18; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery; not listed in 32D Div. in WW


Cornell (Cornal), Earl Eugene


born 1892; mother Mrs. E. M. Cornell (Cornal), NoK, 2010 St. Charles St., Grand Rapids, MI (hometown); enlisted in Mich. NG; served with HQ Co., 126TH Inf.; DW 10 (9) Oct. ’18; interred at Oakhill Cemetery, Grand Rapids, MI


Cornice, Joseph


mother Mary Cornice, NoK, 506 Rhodes Ave., Akron, OH (hometown); served with 308TH Trench Mort. Btry., attached to 32D Div.; KIA 23 Oct. ’18


Corwell, Charles L.


father Frank Corwell, NoK, R. 1, Danville, AR (hometown); served with Co. K, 127TH Inf.; KIA 14 Oct. ’18


Coryell, Stanley


father D.J. Coryell, Browntown, WI (hometown); NoK John Coryell, brother, also of Browntown; WNG; served with Co. D, 128TH Inf.; WGSL states he served with 162D Inf., but that unit did not see combat, 41ST Div. became replacement unit; KIA 2 Aug. ’18


Cossette, Edward L. (I.)


born 6 Jan. ’94 at Chequamegon (Iron River), WI; NoK Prosper Cossette, Box 11, Pence, WI; hometown Ashland, WI; enlisted in Co. G, 6TH Wis. Inf., WNG, at Ashland, WI in Apr. ’17; assigned to MG Co. when 127TH Inf. was organized; DW 3 Jul. ’18 near Hagenback, Alsace at age 24; his co. cdr., 1st Lt. Thorwald Thorsen, was WIA at the same time and place; 2nd death, 1st combat death, from Ashland MG Co.; family notified 23 Jul. ’18; interred at Saint Agnes Cemetery, Ashland, WI; namesake of Edward L. Cossette Post No. 58 of American Legion at Hurley, WI


Costa, Joe


NoK Mrs. Armello Conom, sister, 314 21st St., Windber, PA (hometown); served with Co. B, 127TH Inf.; KIA 21 (19) Oct. ’18; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery


Costello, Michael J.


born 1893; hometown Marinette, WI; served with Co. F, 127TH Inf.; KIA 18 Oct. ’18; interred at Forest Home Cemetery, Marinette, WI; not listed in 32D Div. in WW


Cottrell, Erk M.

2d Lt.

born 24 Mar. ’92 at North Star, OH; NoK James A. Cottrell (could be father, who was J. A. Cottrell), 232 E. 4th St., Greenville, OH (hometown); commissioned 15 Aug. ’17; assigned to Co. D, 329TH Inf.; the 83D Div. became a replacement div. when it landed in France; transferred to Co. E, 126TH Inf. 16 Sep. ’18; transferred to Co. F, 126TH Inf. on 19 Sep. ’18; KIA 9 Oct. ’18 near Romagne while cdr. of Co. F; interred at Greenville Union Cemetery, Greenville, OH; namesake of Erk Cottrell Post No. 140 of American Legion at Greenville


Counter, Kenneth Edward


born 1 Apr. ’96; NoK Mrs. J. H. Powers, Alden, MN (hometown); served with Co. I, 127TH Inf.; DW 27 May ’18; 1st combat casualty in regt.; initially buried at Hagenbach, Alsace-Lorraine; his funeral is described by Chap. Gustav Stearns, 127TH Inf. Chaplain, in his book From Army Camps and Battlefields; repatriated and re-interred at Alden Cemetery, Alden, MN


Courtney, John E.


born 18 Apr. ’99 at Waukesha, WI; son of Thomas and Adelhaid ‘Ella’ (Etzel) Courtney, Hartford, WI (hometown); enlisted in WNG 18 Apr. ’17; assigned to Co. B, Motor Bn., 107TH Ammo. Tr. when 32D Div. was organized; DD (general carcinomatosis or tuberculosis of the spine) 24 (3) Mar. ’18 at General Hospital, St. McHenry, MD; namesake of John E. Courtney Post No. 19 of American Legion in Hartford, WI; interred at Saint Kilian Cemetery Old, Hartford, WI; not listed in 32D Div. in WW


Coutu, Joseph R.


father Champ Coutu, NoK, 298 Park Place, Woonsocket, RI (hometown); served with Co. G, 125TH Inf.; KIA 29 Aug. ’18; interred at Oise-Aisne American Cemetery


Covert, Richard L.

Mess Sgt.

NoK R. L. Covert, 540 Grand Ave., Grand Rapids, MI (hometown); Mich. NG; served with Co. K, 126TH Inf.; KIA 14 Oct. ’18; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery


Cowen, Earl


born 8 Oct. ’87 at Cooperstown, ND; son of Robert McClure and Linda (LeDoux) Cowen, NoK, Binford (Burford), ND (hometown); entered service from Riverton, WY; served with Co. C, 126TH Inf.; KIA 4 Oct. ’18; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery


Cowley, Joseph R.


born 10 May ’99 at MI; son of Joseph and Emma Cowley, mother NoK, 107 Van Dorn St., Jackson, MI (hometown); Mich. NG; served with Co. F, 126TH Inf.; KIA 2 (4) Aug. ’18; interred at Oise-Aisne American Cemetery; also memorialized at Woodland Cemetery, Jackson, MI


Cowperthwaite, Harold Frederick


born 12 Mar. ‘92 (‘91) at Westfield, NJ (hometown); son of James Frederick ‘J. Fred’ and Emilie A. (Hickok) Cowperthwaite, 249 Kimball Ave., Westfield, NJ; attended Williams College ca. ‘11; transferred to Columbia College, graduated in ‘15; enlisted in Co. M, 7TH NY Inf., NY NG, on 12 Apr. ‘17; promoted to Pfc.; transferred to 69TH NY Inf.; trained at Camp Mills, NY, Aug.-Oct. ‘17; assigned as Wag., Sup. Co., 165TH Inf., when 42D Div. was organized; sailed from New York on 30 Oct. ‘17; “detailed to Army Candidate’s School, Langres, in Apr. ‘18” (not commissioned); transferred to Co. C, 125TH Inf., in Sep. ‘18; WIA 10 Oct. ‘18 at Romagne; DW 25 Oct. ‘18 at age 26 (27); interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery; also memorialized at Fairview Cemetery, Westfield, NJ; posthumous recipient of the Williams Medal, commissioned by Williams College in ‘19 (designed by James E. Fraser), awarded to all alumni “in good standing who served in the Army, Navy or Marine Corps of the United States, or of any of its allies, in the Great War, and to those who served overseas, in the uniform of the United States, and attached to any of the auxiliary services of the American Expeditionary Forces; and to the next-of-kin of the forty-five Williams men who died while serving their country, in any of those capacities.”; Cowperthwaite Place, Westfield, NJ, was named in his honor, the street sign includes a Gold Star; not listed in 32D Div. in WW


Cox, Aubrey


age 19; father Sidney Cox, NoK, Greenwood, WI; enlisted in Co. A, 3D Wis. Inf., WNG, at Neillsville, WI prior to 15 Jul. ’17; assigned to Co. A when 128TH Inf. was organized; 2Marne; MIA, presumed KIA, 5 Aug. ’18; memorialized on Tablets of the Missing at Aisne-Marne American Cemetery


Cox, Hamer (Homer) Milton


hometown Wilmington, OH; served with Co. K; 128TH Inf.; KIA 7 Oct. ’18; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery


Cox, John W.


born ca. ‘96; son of Charles H. Cox, Chase City, VA; hometown Williamsburg, VA; served with Co. G, 6TH Inf., 5TH Div.; DW 15 Oct. ‘18 at age 22; listed on 23 Nov. ‘18 casualty list; not sure why he is listed in 32D Div. in WW, but, given that the 5TH Div. and 32D Div. fought side-by-side at the time, it is possible that 32D Div. found him, buried him on the battlefield where he fell, and listed him in their casualty reports to record the approximate time and location of his battlefield death and interment


Craidge, Robert E. (N.)


born Saginaw, MI; mother Mrs. Elinor Craidge, 1520 Taylor St., Bay City, MI (hometown); NoK Mrs. Mary Craidge, 611 Polk St., Bay City, MI; served with Co. I, 125TH Inf.; earned DSC, bestowed posthumously, for his actions 31 Jul. ’18 at Hill 212 near Cierges, France; also earned Croix de Guerre with palm, under Order No. 12.335 “D,” dated 15 Dec. ’18, General HQ, French Armies of the East, with the following citation: “Three of his men having been killed and another completely blinded he remained at his post with indomitable courage and served his piece until he was himself killed.”; KIA 31 Jul. (1 Aug.) ’18; interred at Oise-Aisne American Cemetery; namesake of Harding-Olk-Craidge Post No. 18 of American Legion at Bay City, MI (Pfc. John E. Olk, from Bay City and assigned to 128TH Amb. Co., 107TH San. Tr., was another namesake; the 3rd namesake may have been Cpl. Lloyd Harding, from Bay City and assigned to Co. I, 125TH Inf.; seems unusual to (possibly) find a post named in honor of 3 Soldiers from same div., and possibly all from NG)


Craig, Robert


born ca. 1889; mother Mrs. Robert Craig, NoK, Centralia, WA (hometown); served with Co. M, 126TH Inf.; KIA 5 (1) Aug. ’18 at age 29; Mountain View Cemetery, Centralia, WA


Crain, Albert C. (E.)


born 30 Jul. ’97; son of Joe and Della Crain, mother NoK, Elmwood, WI (hometown); enlisted in 3D Wis. Inf., WNG, at Eau Claire, WI in Jul. ’17; served with Btry. C, 120TH FA; DD, pneumonia, 10 Jan. ’18 at Base Hosp. at Camp MacArthur, TX at age 20; 2nd death in the Regt.; only Elmwood Soldier who died in the war; interred at Poplar Hill Cemetery, Elmwood, WI; namesake of Crain-Ottman Post No. 207 of American Legion at Elmwood, WI


Crane, Lester John


born 27 Apr. ’99; hometown Oconto, WI; enlisted in Co. M, 2D Wis. Inf., WNG, at Oconto, WI; assigned to Co. M when 127TH Inf. was organized; KIA (DW) 4 (1 or 10) Jul. ’18 at age 21; his funeral, on the 4th of July, is described by Chap. Gustav Stearns, 127TH Inf. Chaplain, in his book From Army Camps and Battlefields; repatriated and re-interred at Evergreen Cemetery, Oconto, WI; namesake of Lester J. Crane Post No. 3071 of VFW at Oconto, WI


Cranefield, Marion C.

2d Lt.

born 22 Mar. ’96 at Madison, WI; son of Frederic and Laura (Hinrichs) Cranefield, father NoK, 304 North Orchard St., Madison, WI (hometown); father was professor horticulture at U. of Wis.; graduated Madison H. S. in ’14; enrolled at U. of Wis. in ’14, finished 5 semesters before he entered active service; enlisted as Pvt. in Co. G, 1ST Wis. Inf., WNG, at Madison, WI; commissioned at Camp Douglas, WI; assigned to Co. G, 127TH Inf. when 32D Div. was organized; rode to France on USS George Washington; KIA 31 Jul. ’18 while leading his platoon at Bois de Grimpettes, near Ronchères, at age 23; he and 8 men who fell near him, were buried at Villier Dell Farm; cited for his actions at Aisne-Marne, “Maj. Bryan B. Beverage of Appleton, Wis., and Capt. William Smith of Madison distinguished themselves in the attack upon Fismes. In the same fighting Madison was also represented by Capt. Myron West, formerly an assistant principal at the high school there; Lieut. Basil Roberts, Lieut. Bruce E. Clark, a lawyer, and Lieut. Marion C. Cranefield, a third year man from the university, all of whom made records for pluck and endurance.” not sure which decoration he may have received, if any; repatriated and re-interred at Forest Hill Cemetery, Madison, WI 31 Jul. ’21; namesake of Lt. Marion C. Cranefield Post No. 1318 of VFW at Madison; twin brother Paul also served


Crawford, Henry B.


NoK Mrs. Ella Crawford, Fairmont City, PA; hometown Clarion, PA; served with Co. H, 126TH Inf.; KIA 9 Oct. ’18; interred at Salem Cemetery, Frogtown, PA


Crawford, Henry L. (J.)


NoK Mrs. John Crawford, Alpena, MI (hometown); served with Co. C, 128TH Inf.; KIA 17 Oct. ’18; interred at Arlington National Cemetery


Crawford, Walter J.


born 1888; son of Andrew Jackson ‘A. J.’ and Lucy E. (Stone) Crawford, father NoK, Corydon, KY (hometown); assigned to Co. K, 153D Inf.; 39TH Div. designated replacement div. when it reached France; transferred to Co. H, 128TH Inf.; KIA 5 Oct. ’18; brother Perry W. also served; interred at Corydon Cemetery, Corydon, KY


Creasey, Walter Henry


born 4 Jun. ’93 at Custer, WA; son of William and Elizabeth (Clayton) Creasey, father NoK, Custer, WA (hometown); worked for Great Northern Railway; entered service Oct. ’17 at Camp Lewis, WA; assigned to Co. A, 162D Inf.; the 41ST Div. was designated a replacement div. when it reached France; transferred to Co. A, 127TH Inf.; MIA, presumed KIA, 31 Jul. ’18 near Sergy; memorialized on Tablets of the Missing at Aisne-Marne American Cemetery


Creech, Phelix


born 24 Mar. ’88 in KY; son of John B. & Mary Jane (Blair) Creech; 32D Div. in WW lists mother as Mrs. Henry J. Creech, NoK, Paint Lick, KY (hometown); entered service 25 Jun. ’18; served with Co. F, 127TH Inf.; KIA 4 Oct. ’18; repatriated 17 Sep. ’21 and re-interred at Old Paint Lick Cemetery, Paint Lick, KY on 18 Sep. ’21; brothers Jonathon, Lawrence and Charles also served, Charles DD


Cripps, William Henry


NoK Mrs. Nola Caroline Cripps, wife, R. F. D. 3, Liberty, TN (hometown); served with Co. H, 128TH Inf.; KIA 10 Nov. ’18; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery


Crocos, Angel


age 24; NoK John Paper, cousin, 200 W. Johnston St., Fond du Lac, WI (hometown); WNG; served with Co. D, 121ST MG Bn.; Alsace; KIA 13 Jun.’18; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery


Croff, Clarence


born 10 Apr. ’92; son of Marone ‘Maro’ and Sarah ‘Sallie’ J. (Taylor) Croff, Osceola, AR (hometown); served with Co. D, 126TH Inf.; KIA 7 (20) Oct. ’18; interred at Ermen Cemetery, Osceola, AR; monument inscribed “First soldier from Osceola District killed in World War. A good soldier and a Christian.”


Croninger, Dewey C.


NoK Mamie Evans, sister, Washburn, ND; entered service from NE; served with Co. D, 127TH Inf.; DW 1 Sep. ’18; interred at Oise-Aisne American Cemetery


Crosby, Harry Raymond


mother Mrs. Ella Crosby, NoK, 26 Sunnyside St., Burnside, CT; hometown Waterbury, CT; served with HQ, 125TH Inf.; DW 8 Oct. ’18


Cross, Archie B.


born ‘89 at Saginaw Co., MI; son of Warren William and Anna (Martens) Cross, father Canadian immigrant, mother German immigrant; hometown Hemlock, MI; served with Co. C, 128TH Inf.; KIA 14 Oct. ‘18 ca. age 29; listed on 24 Dec. ‘18 casualty list; interred at Garfield Cemetery, Saint Charles, MI; brother served during WWI, William W.


Crothers, Gordon M.


born 26 May ’94 at Grand Rapids, MI; son of Oliver M. and Carrie L. (Casterline) Crothers; NoK Mrs. Hazel M. (Fisher) Crothers, wife, P. O. Box 374, Rockford, MI (hometown); Mich. NG; served with Co. M, 126TH Inf.; KIA 2 Aug. (1 Aug.) ’18 (a couple of references list date of death as 29 Aug., but that is day his brother was WIA); interred at Rockford Cemetery, Rockford, MI; brother Herbert D. was Sgt. in same unit and was WIA; Gordon’s wife later married Herbert; namesake Gordon M. Crothers Post No. 15 of American Legion at Dade City, FL (not positive it’s the same man, but photo looks like him, not sure why a post in FL would be named after a Soldier from MI)


Crowell, Fleming (Flemming) M.

2d Lt.

born 1894; NoK Mrs. Daisy M. Crowell, 2297 Baxter St., Los Angeles, CA (hometown); served with Co. G, 127TH Inf.; KIA 15 Oct. ’18; interred at Forest Lawn Memorial Park, Glendale, CA


Crystal, William Lloyd


born 26 Jun. ’96 at Holladay, UT; son of David and Mary Ellen (Sutherland) Crystal, mother NoK, Rigby, ID (hometown); enlisted in Idaho NG on 3 Apr. ’17 at Rigby, ID; trained at Ft. George Wright, WA; sailed for France with Idaho regt. in Jan. ’18; designated replacement unit when it reached France; transferred to HQ Co., 120TH MG Bn. (32D Div. in WW lists him with Btry. C, 120TH FA); DW 27 Jun. ’18; interred at Arlington National Cemetery; 1st casualty from Jefferson Co., ID; brother Gilbert S. also served; namesake of Lloyd Crystal Post No. 20 of American Legion at Rigby, ID


Cudworth, Alonzo Richards


born 6 May ’98 at Milwaukee, WI; father Dr. William H. Cudworth, NoK, 367 Prospect Ave., Milwaukee, WI (hometown); enlisted in Trp. C, 1ST Wis. Cav., WNG, in ’17; trained at Camp Douglas, WI; left for Camp MacArthur, TX on 11 Sep. ’17; assigned to Btry. C when 120TH FA was organized; Aisne-Marne, Oise-Aisne, defense sector; KIA 29 Aug. ’18 at age 19 when his howitzer exploded; Pfc. Everhart J. Van Eimeren and Pfc. Arthur C. Ryan were killed in same explosion; namesake of Alonzo Cudworth Post No. 23 of American Legion in Milwaukee; interred at Forest Home Cemetery, Milwaukee, WI


Cummings, Edwin L.


born ca. 1899; NoK Mrs. N. Cummings, 402 Vine St., Baraboo, WI (hometown); enlisted in Co. A, 1ST Wis. Inf., WNG, at Reedsburg, WI; assigned to Co. A when 128TH Inf. was organized; Aisne-Marne, Oise-Aisne, Meuse-Argonne; KIA 20 Oct. ’18 at age 19


Cunningham, Charles E.


born 31 Jul. ’92 at Grand Rapids, MI; mother Mrs. Augusta Pangburn (Bangbourne), NoK, 1317 LaFayette Ave., Grand Rapids, MI (hometown); became a Maccabee (a.k.a. Knights of the Maccabees), Crescent Star Tent. No. 152 at Grand Rapids, 1 Sep. ’15; Mich. NG; served with Co. K, 126TH Inf.; earned DSC for his actions on 27 May ’18 near Hecken, Alsace; also earned Croix de Guerre w/silver star, Order No. 302, 29 May ’18, 9th French Div., “He displayed valiant conduct at the head of a patrol which on encountering an enemy detachment in ambush succeeded in putting it to flight. Although twice badly wounded, he aroused the admiration of all by continuing to fire on the enemy until he fell exhausted and unconscious in the trench.”; WIA 27 May ’18; DW 3 Jul. ’18; interred at Greenwood Cemetery, Grand Rapids, MI


Cunningham, Walter


born 6 Sep. ‘88 at WI; father Thomas ‘Tom’ (Robert) and Mary Jane (Elliott) Cunningham, father NoK, Sturgeon Bay, WI (hometown); enlisted in Co. F, 5TH Wis. Inf., WNG, Sturgeon Bay, WI; unit departed Sturgeon Bay, WI for Camp Douglas, WI on 17 Aug. ‘17; assigned to Co. A, 121ST MG Bn., when 32D Div. was organized; SN 285858; Hagenbach, Badricourt, Château-Thierry, Valpriez Farm, Juvigny, Terny-Sorny, Verdun; DW 11 Oct. ‘18 at age 30, he was digging out a comrade, Pfc. Walter Ahlswede, who had been buried by the explosion of a large shell, then a gas shell landed nearby, he died soon after, Pfc. Ahlswede DW the next day (he sacrificed his life to save a wounded comrade, but does not appear to have been decorated); listed as KIA on 20 Nov. ‘18 casualty list; family received information about circumstances of his death ca. Apr. ‘19; repatriated and re-interred at Bayside Cemetery, Sturgeon Bay, WI, during a joint funeral and burial with his brother Pvt. Robert, on 23 Jul. ‘21; mother received $235.67 and 243.00 Wis. service recognition bonuses ca. ‘20; 2 brothers served with 6TH Marines during WWI, Pvt. Robert, DW 10 Jun. ‘18, Pvt. Leslie, WIA, POW


Cupust (Cupast), August John


NoK Mrs. Pezin, Box 39, Burnside, CT (hometown); served with Co. M, 128TH Inf.; KIA 15 Oct. ’18; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery


Curb, James M.


father J. W. Curb, NoK, Myra, TX (hometown); served with Co. I, 125TH Inf.; KIA 9 Oct. ’18; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery


Curran, John J.


NoK Mary Curran, aunt, 644 Henry St., Brooklyn, NY (hometown); may have been member of Knights of Columbus, John Loughlin Council No. 303, Brooklyn; served with Co. A, 121ST MG Bn.; KIA 4 Aug. ’18


Curwen, Harry T.


born 1896; son of Thomas and   Pauline R. Curwen, father NoK, R. F. D. 2, St. Croix Falls, WI; hometown Verona, WI.; served with Co. G, 127TH Inf.; KIA 3 Aug. ’18 near Fismes at age 22 (20); interred at Middleton Junction Cemetery, Middleton, WI


Cushing, Benjamin Drew


born 8 Oct. (24 Nov.) ‘91 (‘92) at Marion, MA (hometown); son of Caleb and Amy Rosella (Potter) Cushing, mother NoK, R. F. D. 2, Marion, MA; worked as fisherman; entered service 21 Sep. ‘17; assigned to Co. B, 301ST Engr. Regt., 76TH Div.; transferred to Co. B, 146TH MG Bn., 41ST Div., on 14 Feb. ‘18; overseas 12 Mar. ‘18; transferred to Co. C, 120TH MG Bn., on 18 Apr. ‘18; KIA 28 Aug. ‘18, near Juvigny, at age 26 (25); listed on 21 Oct. ‘18 casualty list; interred at Old Landing Cemetery, Marion, MA; namesake of Benjamin D. Cushing Post No. 2425 of VFW, Marion, MA


Cusick, Jay Nelson


born 6 Mar. ’93; son of   John Walter and Sarah E. (Johnston) Cusick, mother NoK, Tiltonsville, OH (hometown); member of Knights of Pythias, may have also been a Shriner; entered service 7 Sep. ’17; trained at Camp Sherman; overseas 27 Feb. ’18; served with Co. H, 128TH Inf.; WIA, gassed, ca. Aug. ’18; a couple of his letters home were printed Steubenville Herald on 26 Sep. ‘18; KIA 5 Oct. ’18; may have received battle field commission, listed as lieutenant on some casualty lists, but hometown newspaper article announcing his death lists him as Cpl.; repatriated ca. 29 Aug. ’21


Custer, Earl J.


mother Mrs. Margaret Custer, NoK, Bolivar, OH, hometown Akron, OH; served with Co. B, 121ST MG Bn.; KIA 10 Oct. ’18; interred at Arlington National Cemetery


Cutright, Amon


son of Job Albert and Rebecca Jane (Crites) Cutright, father NoK, Czar (Ozar), WV (hometown); served with Co. E, 128TH Inf.; KIA 5 Oct. ’18; interred at Arlington National Cemetery


Cutsinger, William


NoK Mr. Martin Cutsinger, Taylorsville, KY (hometown); served with Co. G, 126TH Inf.; DW 14 Oct. ’18; interred at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery


Cuza, ‘Nick’


born ca. 1891; NoK Vincenjo Cuza, Palaggo Adriano, Provingia Parlemo, Via Colcgio, Italy (nativity); resided at 248 (348) Alexander St., Chicago, IL (hometown); served with Co. D, 128TH Inf.; KIA 3 Aug. ’18 at age 27; interred at Oise-Aisne American Cemetery


Czyżewski (Czyziewski), Marian (Marion) Peter


NoK Mrs. Pollie Lysczewska, sister, 2 Wallicki Place, Detroit, MI (hometown); served with Co. E, 128TH Inf.; MIA, presumed KIA, 5 Oct. ’18; memorialized on Tablets of the Missing at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery