Surnames L through R

French Croix de Guerre Recipients Medal
The French Croix de Guerre, ‘War Cross,’ or literally ‘Cross of War,’ was established on 8 April 1915 to recognize acts of combat valor. There are four degrees of the decoration, determined by the echelon of French military command in whose dispatches the individual or unit was cited: bronze star for regiment or brigade, silver star for division, gilt (gold) star for corps, bronze palm for army (a silver palm denotes those awarded five bronze palms). The Croix de Guerre was often, but not always, bestowed upon U.S. service members for the same act of valor for which they were bestowed U.S. decorations. Additional recipients from WWI will be added to this roster as they are identified.

Read here of the deeds of these brave heroes and do not forget them!

The names which are preceded by an asterisk denote posthumous awards.



LaFromway, Peter

Sergeant, U.S. Army

127TH Infantry, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:

Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:

General Orders:





Lamb, John Remington

Sergeant, U.S. Army

Company C, 107TH Field Signal Battalion, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action: 28 August – 4 September 1918

Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with gilt star

Citation: “The telephonic communications having been cut he went out on his own initiative under a violent fire and followed the line making repairs and reestablishing the communication. He worked night and day without stopping for seven days and refused to take rest or shelter while there remained work to do. He was finally forced by exhaustion to go to a hospital. His courage and bravery won the admiration of all.”

General Orders: Order No. 13.069 “D,” 23 January 1919, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East

Born: 29 June 1896 at Rockford, Michigan

Hometown: Rockford, Michigan

Death: 3 March 1986


Member of Sons of the American Revolution (SAR); earned Distinguished Service Cross for his actions 28 Aug.-4 Sep. ’18 near Juvigny, repaired commo. lines under fire for 7 days; his brother, Capt. Merritt U. Lamb, HQ Co., 125TH Inf., was KIA 28 Aug. ’18 by artillery shell near Juvigny; brother Clarence Ray also served; married Helen L., father of at least 2; charter member and first Commander of Merritt Lamb Post No. 102 of American Legion at Rockford, MI, named in honor of his brother (brother Clarence R. was also charter member, initial 2nd Vice Commander, later Commander).



Lance, Harold J.

First Lieutenant, U.S. Army

Headquarters Troop, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:

Degree of Award:

Citation Needed:

General Orders:





*Lander, Richard

Sergeant, U.S. Army
Company G, 126TH Infantry, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 2 October 1918

Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with bronze star

Citation: “Was always an example of zeal and courage. He rescued one of his comrades and was killed in action.”

General Orders: Order No. 14.383 “D,” dated 15 March 1919, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East

Born: at Cornwall, England
Hometown: Albion, Michigan

Death: 2 October 1918

Interred: Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery

Status: KIA


He attended Albion College; enlisted in Michigan National Guard, likely Co. G, 31ST Mich. Inf.; assigned to Co. G when 126TH Inf. was organized.



Langdon, Russell Creamer

Colonel (Infantry), U.S. Army

Headquarters, 127TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action: circa 30 August 1918

Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with palm

Citation Needed: Awarded for his actions at Juvigny and Terny-Sorny.

General Orders:

Born: 20 January 1872 at Brooklyn, New York

Hometown: Brooklyn, New York

Death: 3 November 1963 at New York

Interred: United States Military Academy Post Cemetery, West Point, New York


Langdon, Russell Creamer

Colonel (Infantry), U.S. Army

Headquarters, 127TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action: 4 August 1918

Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with gilt star

Citation Needed: Awarded for his actions 4 Aug. ’18 at Fismes.

General Orders:

Born: 20 January 1872 at Brooklyn, New York

Hometown: Brooklyn, New York

Death: 3 November 1963 at New York

Interred: United States Military Academy Post Cemetery, West Point, New York


Son of Loomis Lyman and Hattie (Creamer) Langdon, father graduated USMA and was an Army Col., ret. 25 Oct. ’94; married Adria Maude Semple; married Lois Langdon; graduated USMA at West Point in ’96; commissioned 2d Lt. and assigned to 8TH Inf. on 12 Jun. ’96; earned Silver Star Citation at Santiago de Cuba during Spanish-American War; issued Patent No. 611692 for Cartridge-holding Attachment for Belts, 4 Oct. ’98; promoted 1st Lt. on 20 Dec. ’98; served during Philippine Insurrection; promoted Capt. on 26 Jul. ’01; assigned to 3D Inf. 21 Jun. ’02; Capt. stationed at Camp Orenton, Mindano, Philippines ca. ’10-’11; Capt. and infantry instructor/inspector attached to N. Car. NG ca. ’11-’15; promoted Maj. 1 Jul. ’16; sailed for France as cdr. of 2D Bn., 16TH Inf., 1ST Div. on 14 Jun. ’17; promoted Col. (brevet) 5 Aug. ’17; assumed cmd. of 127TH Inf. on 12 Jul. ’18, succeeded Col. Wilbur M. Lee; awarded Distinguished Service Cross for his actions 5 Aug. ’18, personally led recon. of river crossing site on the Vesle; also earned Distinguished Service Medal, OLC to Silver Star Citation, Officier de la Légion d’Honneur (French Legion of Honor) 16 Mar. ’19, , Div. Citation (likely basis for Silver Star Citation); returned to U.S. with 32D Div., then assumed cmd. of 10TH Inf. at Camp Custer, MI; he had several former members of the 32D Div. serving with him in 10TH Inf. and sent Capt. Martin Ackerson, formerly WNG and 127TH Inf., to Milwaukee in Jul. ’19 to recruit more former members of the Div. for his Regt.; Adjutant Gen. of III Corps Area ca. ’24; commandant of Camp Custer, MI ca. ’33; cdr. of 2D Inf. and Ft. Wayne, MI ca. ’34, relinquished cmd. 31 Aug. ’34; Col. and cdr. of Army recruiting district of Western Penn. at Pittsburgh, PA ca. ’34-’36; retired 8 Jun. ’36 after 40 years of service; his monument lists rank as Brig. Gen.; member of Military Order of Loyal Legion of the U.S.

Aisne-MarneX, Oise-AisneX


Langham, George W. (Langhan)

Private, U.S. Army

Company H, 128TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:

Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:

General Orders:

Born: 12 June 1894 at Puzzletown, Pennsylvania

Hometown: Roaring Springs, Pennsylvania

Death: 3 May 1978

Interred: Watts Cemetery, Curwensville, Pennsylvania


Earned Distinguished Service Cross for his actions 29 Aug.-2 Sep. ’18 near Juvigny, remained on duty after he was severely gassed, later evacuated wounded under fire.



LaPlante, William J. (La Plante)

Corporal, U.S. Army

Company B, 107TH Engineer Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action: 30 August – 1 September 1918

Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with bronze star

Citation: “Acting as liaison agent from 30 August to 1 September 1918, between the advanced detachment and the company post of command he made several trips under a violent fire of infantry and machine guns displaying the greatest bravery. Remained at his post for four consecutive days.”

General Orders: Order No. 14.523 “D,” 16 March 1919, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East

Born: 8 November 1895

Hometown: Dollar Bay, Michigan

Death: 6 November 1962

Interred: Fort Rosecrans National Cemetery, San Diego, California


Also had ties to Holyoke, MA; entered service in Jun. ’17, possibly Mich. NG; married Gwendolyn.



Larsen, Carl H. (A.)

Mechanic, U.S. Army

Company L, 127TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:

Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:

General Orders:


Hometown: Rhinelander, Wisconsin, presumed


He earned Silver Star Citation for his actions 30 Aug. ’18 near Juvigny, rescued a wounded comrade under fire.



Larsen, William K.

Sergeant, U.S. Army

127TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:

Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:

General Orders:





Lassiter, William

Major General, U.S. Army

Headquarters, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:

Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with palm


General Orders:

Born: 29 September 1867 at Petersburg, Virginia

Hometown: Petersburg, Virginia

Death: 28 March 1959

Interred: Santa Barbara Cemetery, Santa Barbara, California


Lassiter, William

Major General, U.S. Army

Headquarters, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:

Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with palm


General Orders:

Born: 29 September 1867 at Petersburg, Virginia

Hometown: Petersburg, Virginia

Death: 28 March 1959

Interred: Santa Barbara Cemetery, Santa Barbara, California


He graduated USMA at West Point in ’89, commissioned 2d Lt., artillery; assigned to assist in creation of National Guard for Territory of Utah in Apr. ’95, served in that capacity until Aug. ’97 when he was promoted to Capt. and returned to 16TH Inf., at the time he was called “father of the [Utah] Guard”; served with 16TH Inf. in Cuba during Spanish-American War, earned Silver Star Citation; served during occupation of Vera Cruz, Mexico in ’14; military attaché to the U.S. embassy in London in ’16; promoted Brig. Gen 5 Aug. ’17; assigned cdr. of 51ST FA Bde., 26TH Div. on 19 Oct. ’17; assigned Chief of Artillery, I Corps, on 30 Apr. ’18; promoted Maj. Gen. on 8 Aug. ’18; assigned Chief of Artillery, IV Corps, on 20 Aug. ’18; assigned Chief of Artillery, Second Army, on 13 Oct. ’18; assumed command of the 32D Div. on 20 Nov. ’18 as it crossed the border into Luxembourg on the way to Germany; commanded the Div. during Army of Occupation duties; assigned cdr. of Panama Dept. from 1 Nov. ’23 to ca. Jan. ’26; succeeded Gen. Pershing as President of Tacna-Arica Plebiscite ca. ’26; cdr. of VI Corps Area ca. ’27; commanded Philippine Dept. in ’28; cdr. of VIII Corps Area ca. ’29; commanded U.S. Army, Pacific (Hawaiian Dept.) from ’30 until he retired on 30 Sep. ’31; awards include the Distinguished Service Medal, awarded by Gen. Pershing on 15 Mar. ’19 near Dierdorf, Germany, Gen. Pershing also reviewed the Div.; also earned Commandeur de la Légion d’Honneur (French Legion of Honor), Knight Commander of Order of St. Michael and St. George; married Mrs. Jeannette Fallon (Fallen) Johnson, British widow, at London on 5 Oct. ’35.



Lawton, Thomas Leonard

Private, U.S. Army
Medical Detachment, 128TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 

Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:
General Orders:
Born: 2 June 1900 at Portage, Wisconsin
Hometown: Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Death: 18 July 1943 at Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Interred: Wood National Cemetery, Milwaukee, Wisconsin


He enlisted in Wisconsin National Guard at Milwaukee, WI on 28 Jul. ’17; assigned to Med. Det., 128TH Inf. when 32D Div. was organized; earned Silver Star Citation (according to cemetery monument); WIA; earned Purple Heart; discharged at Camp Grant, IL on 28 Apr. ’19; worked as machinist apprentice for Milwaukee Road (MILW); married Delores C. Cotter, father of at least 1.



*Learned, Charles A.

Captain, U.S. Army
Company A, 125TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 5 August 1918

Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with palm

Citation: “During the advance from Courmont to the Vesle from July 31 to August 5, 1918, he displayed great courage, audacity and the finest qualities of leadership. He exposed himself regardless of his personal safety and retained command of his unit until he was killed.”
General Orders: Order No. 12.335 “D,” dated 15 December 1918, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East
Hometown: Detroit, Michigan

Death: 5 August 1918 near Fismes, France

Interred: Aisne-Marne American Cemetery

Status: KIA


Married; officer in Michigan National Guard when it mobilized 15 Jul. ‘17; cdr. of Co. A, 125TH Inf.; assumed command of 1ST Bn., 125TH Inf. on 30 Jul. ’18 after cdr. and his staff were WIA when a shell hit a house in Courmont that was CP of 110TH Inf. while leaders coordinating for a relief-in-place scheduled for that night; also earned Silver Star Citation, posthumously; namesake of Charles Learned Post of American Legion in Detroit.



LeFave, Louis N. (LaFave)

Private First Class, U.S. Army
Company M, 127TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 

Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with palm

Citation: According to newspaper accounts, Pfc. LeFave earned the Croix de Guerre after he “carried supplies to his comrades in the face of heavy artillery fire and captured nine Germans”
General Orders:
Born: 19 April 1893 at Wisconsin
Hometown: Oconto, Wisconsin

Death: 3 November 1959

Interred: Mountain View Memorial Park, Lakewood, Washington


He enlisted in Co. M, 2D Wis. Inf., Wisconsin National Guard, at Oconto, WI; assigned to Co. M, 127TH Inf. when 32D Div. was organized; WIA; earned Purple Heart; brother Pvt. Walter L., WNG, served in same unit; resided at Pleasant Prairie, WA at ’20 census; married Ora May Fredenburg.



Lefebvre, Joseph A. (Lefebre)

Sergeant, U.S. Army
Headquarters Company, 125TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 

Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with bronze star

Citation: “He continually kept up the liaison between his company and the post of command in spite of the terrible fire of the enemy pieces. He made several reconnaissances and went to the assistance of his wounded comrades.”
General Orders: Order No. 14.383 “D,” dated 15 March 1919, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East
Born: 6 April 1895 at Michigan
Hometown: Flint, Michigan

Death: 1 August 1984 at Flint, Michigan



Member of Knights of Columbus, Flint Council No. 695; served with HQ Co. or Co. E, 125TH Inf.



Legault, Alexander

Corporal, U.S. Army
127TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 

Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:
General Orders:
Born: 16 July 1898
Hometown: Marinette, Wisconsin

Death: 19 April 1951

Interred: Iron Mountain Cemetery Park, Iron Mountain, Michigan


Served with 127TH Inf., likely Co. I; married Maude M.



Lemon, Alfred Ernst

Captain, U.S. Army
Headquarters, 125TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 29 August 1918

Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with gilt star

Citation: “On August 29, 1918, near the Valpriez Farm to the north of Soissons, he cared for the wounded the entire day at the first-aid stations of the battalions and regiment. Although under a constant fire his coolness and contempt for danger were an example to the other surgeons and to the men under his orders, thus facilitating the saving of several wounded.”
General Orders: Order No. 14.382 “D,” dated 14 March 1919, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East
Born: 7 January 1875 at Caledon, Ontario, Canada
Hometown: Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan

Death: 15 August 1927 at Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan



He graduated Orangeville (ON) H. S.; graduated Battle Creek College in ’97; he and his wife graduated American Med. Missionary College on 25 Jun. ’01; married Carrie May Johnson at Battle Creek, MI on 26 Jun. ’01, father of 1; both went to work at Battle Creek Sanitarium; moved to St. John, Newfoundland in May ’02 to establish a branch of Battle Creek Sanitarium; moved to Sault Ste. Marie, MI in ’05 and established med. practice; member of Eagles, Maccabees, and other fraternal organizations; enlisted in Co. M, 3D Mich. Inf., Michigan National Guard in ’08, Sgt. and contract surgeon; member of Osborn Rifle Club and NRA, expert marksman, competed in several state, national and international military rifle matches, earned numerous medals and trophies, including the once coveted Ellis Trophy; commissioned Med. Off. at some point; served with 125TH Inf.; Chippewa Co., MI, Coroner ca. ’23.



Lepire, Frederick A. ‘Fred’

Private, U.S. Army

Company L, 125TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:

Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with silver star

Citation: “As a volunteer to carry an order of great importance, he had his shoulder broken during the trip but delivered his message before going to the first-aid station.”

General Orders: Order No. 14.522 ”D,” 16 March 1919, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East

Born: 18 Apr. ’99 at Michigan

Hometown: Detroit, Michigan

Death: 1 March 1981 at Warren, Michigan



Married Viola Gordon, father of 6; resided at 413 Ridge St., Sault Ste. Marie, MI at ’40 census.



Lewis, William Mitchell

Lieutenant Colonel, U.S. Army

Headquarters, 107TH Field Signal Battalion, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:

Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:

General Orders:

Born: 25 or 26 February 1869 at Racine, Wisconsin

Hometown: Racine, Wisconsin

Death: 14 February 1927 at Daytona Beach, Florida

Interred: cremated and interred at Orlando, Florida, may have been re-interred at Mound Cemetery, Racine, Wisconsin


Attended Racine H. S., McMynn Academy, Wayland Academy, Racine College, and Yale (member of their famous 1890 football team); married Edith Fontaine Rose, father of 4; formed partnership with his father and bought Beebe Manufacturing Co. (Beebe Wheel Works), ca. ’99, renamed it Wis. Wheel Works, bicycle maker which started making motorcycles; that company reorganized as Mitchell Motor Car Co. in ’04 (considered a pioneer in automotive industry); president of Mitchell-Lewis Motor Co., a ca. ’10 merger of Mitchell Motor Car Co. and Mitchell, Lewis & Co., which manufactured wagons and carriages since 1834; started making trucks ca. ’11; later sold the company to Nash Motors; owner and publisher of Racine Times Call ca. ’11-’15; ran for Gov. in ’10; organized Co. F, 1ST Wis. Inf., Wisconsin National Guard, at Racine, WI in ’98; Capt. and Cdr. of that unit during Spanish-American War; Maj. and Cdr. of 1ST Wis. Sig. Bn. when mobilized 15 Jul. ’17; assigned Cdr. of 107TH Fld. Sig. Bn. when 32D Div. was organized; earned Div. Citation; WIA, shot in neck; promoted to Lt. Col.; may have transferred to HQ, 32D Div.; member of 32D Div. Veterans Assn. and American Legion.



Lloyd, Wilfred

Private First Class, U.S. Army

Company L, 127TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:

Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:

General Orders:

Born: 1898 at Roscoe, Illinois

Hometown: Beloit, Wisconsin

Death: 1952

Interred: Roscoe Cemetery, Roscoe, Illinois


He enlisted Co. L, 1ST Wis. Inf., Wisconsin National Guard, at Beloit, WI; was Pvt. in that unit during Mexican Border Crisis; assigned to Co. L, 127TH Inf. when 32D Div. was organized; earned Distinguished Service Cross for his actions 4 Aug. ’18 near Fismes.



Lofstrom (Lafstrom), John M.

Sergeant Major, U.S. Army

Headquarters, 2D Battalion, 126TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:

Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:

General Orders:


Hometown: Detroit, Michigan


Served in Michigan National Guard; also earned Div. Citation.



Lolmaugh, Cecil Devere (L.)

Corporal, U.S. Army

Company C, 128TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:

Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with bronze star

Citation: He displayed courage and coolness in going over ground swept by machine guns, keeping up the liaison between the units on the right and on the left.”

General Orders: Order No 14.383 “D”, 15 March 1919, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East

Born: 11 March 1898 (1895) at Michigan

Hometown: Reading, Michigan

Death: 31 October 1949 at Michigan

Interred: Lakeview Cemetery, Whitmore Lake, Michigan

Married Irene E. Taylor, father of 1; resided at Coldwater, MI at ’20 census; resided at Jackson, MI at ’30 census; resided at Ann Arbor, MI at ’40 census.



Lorain, Sinclair Holt

Captain (Engineer), U.S. Army

107TH Engineer Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action: circa 29 August 1918

Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with silver star

Citation: “He gave a fine example of devotion to his men and encouraged them in keeping the communications open between Bieuxy and the Valpriez Farm. He pushed reconnaissances up to the front lines and maintain difficult liaisons.”

General Orders: Order No 14.483 “D”, 15 March 1919, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East

Born: circa 1896 at Pennsylvania

Hometown: Philipsburg, Pennsylvania


Resided at 301 S. Center St., Philipsburg, PA; attended Mich. College of Mines ca. ’14-’16; married Lillian, father of Mary; resided at Moscow, ID at ’40 census.



Loveland, Ralph Andrus

Major, U.S. Army

Headquarters, 107TH Engineer Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action: 28 August to 6 September 1918

Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with gilt star

Citation: “During the combat near Juvigny, from 28 August to 6 September 1918, he distinguished himself by his coolness and bravery while directing the difficult work entrusted to his battalion. Was an example of calm and coolness.”

General Orders: Order No. 14.382 “D,” 14 March 1919, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East

Born: January 1891 at Saginaw, Michigan

Hometown: Saginaw, Michigan

Death: 5 December 1966 at his home at Ann Arbor, Michigan



He graduated Mich. Tech. U.; commissioned 2d Lt., engr., in Michigan National Guard in ’15; served during Mexican Border Crisis; Capt. and Cdr. of Co. A, 1ST Mich. Engr. Bn., Michigan National Guard, at Calumet, MI when mobilized 15 Jul. ’17; Maj. assigned to 107TH Engr. Regt. when 32D Div. was organized; cdr. of 107TH Engr. Regt. when mobilized on 15 Oct. ’40 for WWII; cdr. of 107TH Engr. Bn. after “triangularization” of 32D Div.; sailed for Ireland aboard George F. Elliott on 18 Feb. ’42; succeed by Lt. Colonel Loren W. Jenkins as cdr. of 107TH Engr. Bn. ca. 8 Jun. ’42; Corps Engr. at V Corps in Jun. ’42; later cdr. of 354TH Engr. Regt. in France; cdr. of Supreme HQ American Expeditionary Force Engr. Construction Group, under Gen. Eisenhower, in ’45; promoted Maj. Gen. and cdr. of Mich. Nat. Guard ca. 8 Jun. ’48; retired 31 Jan. ’54 as Maj. Gen. and cdr. of 46TH Inf. Div.; honorary life member of 107TH Engr. Assn.



Luce, Albert Laurence

Corporal, U.S. Army

Company I, 126TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action: 28 August 1918

Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with bronze star

Citation: “On August 28, 1918, near Juvigny, he went to the aid of the wounded of the patrol to which he belonged and then brought them back under machine-gun fire to shelter within our lines.”

General Orders: Order No. 14.426 “D,” 14 March 1919, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East

Born: 26 June 1888 at La Grange, Illinois

Hometown: Reed City, Michigan

Death: 16 October 1962 at San Francisco, California

Interred: Oaklawn Cemetery, Fort Valley, Georgia


He attended Northwestern U.; resided at S. 6th St., El Centro, CA ca. ’15-’17 where he owned a Maxwell automobile dealership; hometown Reed City or Chase, MI; WIA 9 Oct. ’18; established a Ford dealership at Fort Valley, GA, on N. Macon St. (now N. Camellia Blvd.), after the war; later opened a 2nd Ford dealership, Houston Valley Motor Co., at Perry, GA; married Helen Tryphena Mathews 23 Jun. ’20, father of George E., Albert L., Jr. ‘Buddy,’ Joseph P.; established Blue Bird Body Co., built the 1st Blue Bird bus in ’27, constructed a body of steel, wood, and canvas and mounted it on a ’27 Ford Model T chassis.



Lucero, Nick

Private, U.S. Army

120TH Machinegun Battalion, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:

Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed: Pvt. Lucero reportedly earned his Croix de Guerre by destroying 2 enemy machinegun nests.

General Orders:


Hometown: Albuquerque, New Mexico


Hispanic American; it appears there were at least 2 men named Nick Lucero from Albuquerque, NM who served during WWI, I haven’t been able to determine which 1 served with 32D Div., first name is likely Nicholas or Nicanor.



Lurye, Alexander Jay ‘Alex’ ‘Alec’

Private, U.S. Army

127TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:

Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:

General Orders:

Born: 4 July 1898 at Lithuania, part of Russia at the time

Hometown: Superior, Wisconsin

Death: 2 Apr. ’74 at Tucson, AZ

Interred: Adas Israel Chevra Kadisha Cemetery, Duluth, Minnesota


Jewish; NoK Edward I. Lurye, brother, 1212 N. 12th St., Superior, WI; served with 127TH Inf. (not confirmed, but given his hometown and Regt., he may have enlisted in Sup. Co. or Co. I, 3D Wis. Inf., or Sup. Co. or Co. B, 6TH Wis. Inf., Wisconsin National Guard, at Superior, WI); sailed to France aboard USS George Washington, he helped print the ship’s newspaper, The Hatchet, while at sea; twice WIA, listed on 21 Mar. ’19 casualty list; earned Purple Heart w/OLC; married Edith G. Mark ca. 27 May ’22, father of 2; worked at Lurye Furniture and Carpet Co., 1208 Tower Ave., Superior, WI, his father’s store, founded as H. Lurye & Sons; later opened Alex J. Lurye Furniture Co., 214-216 Central St. (later moved to 12-14 E. Superior St.), West Duluth, MN; resided at 1527 2nd St., Duluth, MN at ’40 census; saved a German Jewish family from the Holocaust by sponsoring their immigration to Duluth, MN ca. ’38-’39, while serving with the Army of Occupation in Germany at the end of WWI, he decided to attend a service at the synagogue where he was stationed at Selters (accounts list the town as Seldes, I have not been able to locate such a town in Germany, it is similar to Selters, 1 of the towns in the 127TH Inf. AO), there was some apprehension when he walked in, given that he was an enemy Soldier and occupier, but he was befriended by Herr Rosenau who took him home for a traditional, home cooked meal after the service, after he returned home with his unit, he wrote a letter to thank Herr Rosenau for his family’s kindness and hospitality, for some reason the letter was unanswered and lay forgotten in a desk drawer until it was discovered by Herr Rosenau’s grandson, after reading it the boy’s mother, Herr Rosenau’s daughter, wrote to Lurye to ask if he would consider sponsoring their emigration to escape Nazi Germany, which he did, “A Simple Twist of Faith” is a musical based on the story; sons Jay A. and Robert L. served in Navy, the former during WWII; charter member and past cdr. of American Legion Post at West Duluth, MN; also member of Superior, WI Masonic Lodge, Duluth Consistory of Scottish Rite, Aad Temple of the Shrine, Jewish Fellowship Club, National Retail Furniture Assn., and past president of Ida Cook Hebrew School; retired in ’69; retired in ’69.



Luzenski, William

Sergeant, U.S. Army

Company H, 126TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action: 4 August 1918

Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with palm

Citation: “Although wounded during the assault near the Vesle on August 4, 1918, he retained command of his platoon and led it to its objective. He displayed great courage and endurance in remaining at his post until his commander gave orders for his evacuation.”

General Orders: Order No. 12.335 “D,” 15 December 1918, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East

Born: at Detroit, Michigan

Hometown: Detroit, Michigan


Enlisted in Michigan National Guard; earned Distinguished Service Cross for his actions 4 Aug. ’18 northeast of Château-Thierry, continued leading his platoon after he was severely WIA; WIA 1 Oct. ’18; awarded his Croix de Guerre in a ceremony while patient at Army Gen. Hosp. No. 36 at Detroit, MI in May ’19.



Machus, Frank Erwin

First Lieutenant (Dental Corps), U.S. Army

Medical Detachment, 128TH Infantry Regiment (Attached), 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:

Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:

General Orders:

Born: 14 February 1893 at Oconomowoc, Wisconsin

Hometown: Oconomowoc, Wisconsin

Death: 1958

Interred: La Belle Cemetery, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin


Married Effie M. Tweeden, father of 2; 1st Lt., Dental Corp., in Wisconsin National Guard, when mobilized 15 Jul. ’17; served with Med. Det., 128TH Inf.; practiced dentistry with his father at Oconomowoc, WI ca. ’19; member of American Legion at Oconomowoc, WI; resided at 126 Walnut St., Oconomowoc, WI at ’40 census.



Maciejewski, John F. (Maciejwski)

Corporal, U.S. Army

Company I, 128TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:

Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with bronze star

Citation Needed: One reference states that Cpl. Maciejewski earned the Croix de Guerre for “single-handedly capturing a German machine gun nest.”

General Orders: Order No. 14.383 “D,” 15 March 1919, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East

Born: 26 March 1897

Hometown: Menasha, Wisconsin

Death: 11 August 1973

Interred: St. Mary’s Cemetery, Town of Menasha, Wisconsin


Son of Albert F. and Mary Ann (Marion) (Galant) Maciejewski, 524 5th St., Menasha, WI, both Polish immigrants; enlisted in Co. I, 1ST Wis. Inf., Wisconsin National Guard, at Neenah, WI; served during Mexican Border Crisis; assigned to Co. I, 128TH Inf., when 32D Div. was organized; SN 284597; married Margaret Heup, father of 2; worked as electrotype operator for American Can Co.; retired in ‘48; member of American Can Co. quarter-century club, VFW, Lenz-Gazecki Post of American Legion, DAV, Military Order of Cooties, Holy Name Society of St. Mary Catholic Church; resided at 25 or 315 Tayco St., Menasha, WI; inexplicably went blind ca. age 50, doctors suspected it was related to his war-time injuries; lack of sight didn’t hinder his ability to rescue his son-in-law on 7 Jun. ‘59, Robert C. Steenis was overcome by insecticide fumes, John suffered numerous abrasions when he crawled under the house to pull Robert to safety.



Madden, Joseph A.

Private, U.S. Army

Medical Detachment, 125TH Infantry Regiment (Attached), 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action: 31 July – 4 August 1918

Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with silver star

Citation: “He displayed extraordinary bravery and zeal in administering first aid to the wounded during the advance from Cierges to Fismes from July 31 to August 4, 1918. Although exposed to an intense fire of machine guns and artillery no consideration of personal danger could keep him from rescuing his comrades.”

General Orders: Order No. 12.373 “D,” 15 December 1918, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East

Born: 9 March 1897 at Manistee, Michigan

Hometown: Manistee, Michigan

Death: 15 March 1920 at Manistee, Michigan

Interred: Mount Carmel Cemetery, Manistee, Michigan


He earned Distinguished Service Cross for his actions 31 Jul.- 4 Aug. ’18 as medic near Cierges and Fismes; brother Sgt. Edmund F. also served.



Malloy, Frederick Fagg

First Lieutenant, U.S. Army

Headquarters Troop, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:

Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:

General Orders:

Born: 16 October 1893

Hometown: Asheville, North Carolina

Death: 18 or 22 October 1918

Interred: Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery; also memorialized at Riverside Cemetery, Asheville, North Carolina

Status: DD


He was commissioned 2d Lt., cav., in ORC at Officers Reserve Training Camp at Ft. Oglethorpe, GA, ca. 20 Aug. ’17; Alsace, Château-Thierry, and the Argonne; also earned Div. Citation.



Marcinkowski, Kazimier (Kazimierz, Casimir)

Private First Class, U.S. Army

128TH Field Hospital, 107TH Sanitary Train, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:

Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with bronze star

Citation Needed: “By his example and his indefatigable energy at the most critical moments he contributed greatly to the evacuation of the wounded under violent bombardments.”

General Orders: Order No. 14.383 “D,” 15 March 1919, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East


Hometown: Detroit, Michigan



Marek, John (Mareck)

Mess Sergeant, U.S. Army

Company M, 127TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:

Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with palm

Citation: According to newspaper accounts, Mess Sgt. Marek earned the Croix de Guerre when he “passed through heavy enemy fire to bring food up to his company.” “It was so perilous an undertaking that only three out of eleven came back.” Cook Robert E. Norris earned the Croix de Guerre during the same event.

General Orders:


Hometown: Oconto, Wisconsin


He enlisted in Co. M, 2D Wis. Inf., Wisconsin National Guard, at Oconto, WI; was Pvt. in that unit during Mexican Border Crisis; Mess Sgt. in that unit when mobilized 15 Jul. ’17; assigned to Co. M, 127TH Inf. when 32D Div. was organized.



Markiando, Antone (Antonio, Anton) N. (Marchiando)

Private, U.S. Army

Company G, 125TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:

Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with bronze star

Citation: He volunteered for the attack and served as an example to his comrades.”

General Orders: Order No. 14.426 “D,” 14 March 1919, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East


Hometown: Mass, Michigan


He earned Div. Citation, which may have been basis for Silver Star Citation.



*Martin, Daniel J.

Captain (Infantry), U.S. Army

128TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action: circa 2 August 1918

Degree of Award: unknown

Citation: “He took personal command of his unit and displayed magnificent bravery . . . during the engagement which resulted in the occupation of Dravegny . . . The success was due to his initiative and his personal energy.”

General Orders:

Born: circa 1875 at Genesee, Wisconsin

Hometown: Waukesha, Wisconsin

Death: 13 November 1918

Interred: Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery

Status: DW


Married Hattie E., father of 6; worked at Waukesha Post Office and resided at 222 Carroll St., Waukesha, WI in ’99; later resided at R. F. D. 9, Box A1, Waukesha, WI; 2d Lt. in Co. A, 4TH Wis. Inf., ‘Waukesha Guards’, during Spanish-American War; Capt. and cdr. of Co. L, 4TH Wis. Inf., Wisconsin National Guard, at Waukesha, WI when mobilized 15 Jul. ’17; served with 128TH Inf.; WIA, gassed, 1 Sep. ’18 during capture of a hill near Juvigny; earned Distinguished Service Cross for his actions 1 Sep. ’18 near Juvigny; seriously WIA 10 Nov. ’18, bullet or shrapnel wound to spine; a 1st Sgt. Peterson, from Milwaukee and same bn., helped carry him to the aid station, medics told him Martin would likely survive; DW 13 Nov. ’18; unit was not informed of death or burial; his promotion to Maj. had been processed, but had not been presented to him before he died; interred at; namesake of Daniel J. Martin Post No. 8 of American Legion at Waukesha, WI; not listed in 32D Div. in WW as a casualty but his DSC is listed.



Martin, Darwin Denison

Sergeant, U.S. Army

Company C, 125TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:

Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with silver star

Citation: While keeping up the liaison with the company on the right he assumed command of a part of that company and succeeded in capturing a machine gun and its crew.”

General Orders: Order No. 14.559 “D,” 17 March 1919, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East

Born: 10 November 1899 at Detroit, Michigan

Hometown: Detroit, Michigan

Death: 13 March 1975 at Miami, Florida

Interred: United States Military Academy Post Cemetery, West Point, New York


He dropped out of high school at age 16 to enlist in Michigan National Guard and served during Mexican Border Crisis; assigned to Co. C, 125TH Inf. when 32D Div. was organized; earned Silver Star Citation; earned Div. Citation, likely basis for Silver Star Citation; returned home ca. May ’19 and went back to finish high school, prominent football player and graduated with honors; graduated USMA at West Point, NY in ’24; commissioned lieut., coast arty.; married Gay Kronberg on 14 Jun. ’24, father of 3; assigned to 7TH Coast Arty., Ft. Hancock; assigned to 65TH Coast Arty., Ft. Randolph, Panama Canal Zone; assigned to 52D Coast Arty. (Railway), Ft. Eustis, VA in ’27; attended Btry. Off. Course at Ft. Monroe, VA; assigned to 61ST Coast Arty., Ft. Sheridan; assigned to 91ST Coast Arty. (Philippine Scouts), Corregidor, Philippines; assigned Asst. Professor of Military Science and Tactics at Mich. State U.; completed Command and Gen. Staff College, Ft. Leavenworth, KS, 1 of the youngest captains selected; attended Air Tactical School, Maxwell Fld., AL; assigned cdr. of 8-in. railway btry. at Ft. Kamehameha, HI; promoted to Maj. and assigned to Hawaiian Sep. Coast Arty. Bde.; promoted to Lt. Col.; served during WWII; promoted to Col. and assigned Chief of Staff, Hawaiian Coast Arty. Command in ’41-’43, earned Legion of Merit for his actions there; assigned Director of Training, Camp Davis, NC in ’43-’44; assigned AA Off., Fourth Army, Ft. Sam Houston, TX; assigned Dep. to Special Asst., Far East Air Forces, Philippines, in ’45; assigned AA Off. and Air Defense Off., Air Force HQ, at the Pentagon; assigned Dep. Inspector Gen., Far East Command, Japan, in ’48; served during Korean War(?); assigned Cdr. of 19TH Group and 35TH Bde., Ft. Meade, MD in ’52; assigned Chief of Arty. Career Management; earned OLC to Legion of Merit at some point; retired 31 Aug. ’54 after 34 years of service; retired to Grosse Pointe, MI.



Martinson, Clyde Olaf

Corporal, U.S. Army

Company F, 125TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action: 29 August 1918

Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with bronze star

Citation: “On August 29, 1918, near Juvigny, he served voluntarily in the guard for the tanks and remained courageously at his post in spite of the fire concentrated upon them. Was wounded during the action and affected by gas.”

General Orders: Order No. 14.523 “D,” 16 March 1919, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East

Born: 19 April 1897 at Leer, Michigan

Hometown: Alpena, Michigan

Death: 30 January 1974 at Ossineke, Michigan

Interred: Evergreen Cemetery, Alpena, Michigan



Mateja, Frank A. (Mathea, Matia, Matea)

Sergeant, U.S. Army

Company C, 107TH Field Signal Battalion, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:

Degree of Award: unknown


General Orders:

Born: 10 March 1887 at Poland or Germany

Hometown: Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Death: 14 March 1960 at Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Interred: Wood National Cemetery, Milwaukee, Wisconsin


Family emigrated in ’92; enlisted in Co. D, 1ST Wis. Inf., Wisconsin National Guard, at Milwaukee, WI; was Pfc. in that unit during Mexican Border Crisis; served with Co. C, 107TH Fld. Sig. Bn.; earned Croix de Guerre; he had a brother John and there was a Pvt. John Mateja who served with Co. K, 1ST Wis. Inf., from Milwaukee, WI during the Mexican Border Crisis and served during the war (unit unknown), not positive if the same man or not.



Mathey, Maurice L.

Private, U.S. Army

Company F, 128TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:

Degree of Award: unknown


General Orders:

Born: 21 February 1896 at Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Hometown: Monroe, Wisconsin

Death: 2 October 1981

Interred: Wood National Cemetery, Milwaukee, Wisconsin


NoK Miss Viola Arnold, 829 4th St., Milwaukee, WI; also had ties to Stoughton, WI; enlisted in Co. H, 1ST Wis. Inf., Wisconsin National Guard, at Monroe, WI; served with Co. F, 128TH Inf.; earned Distinguished Service Cross for his actions 1 Sep. ’18 as message runner near Juvigny; returned home ca. 28 Mar. ’19, after lengthy hospital stays; received his DSC and Croix de Guerre during Memorial Day Ceremony at the Milwaukee Auditorium on 30 May ’19, pinned by Capt. Allen E. Mitchell, Cdr. of Co. H, 127TH Inf; married Dale A. (Adelade), father of at least 3; son, Maurice E., served in Army; worked as parking attendant; later worked for Square D Co.



Mattingly, Fred J.

Second Lieutenant, U.S. Army

32D Military Police Company, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:

Degree of Award: unknown


General Orders:

Born: 21 April 1892 at Pleasant Hill, Missouri

Hometown: Stoughton, Wisconsin

Death: 16 December 1976 at Tomah, Wisconsin

Interred: Roselawn Memorial Park, Monona, Wisconsin


He may have enlisted in Co. K, 4TH Wis. Inf., Wisconsin National Guard, at Stoughton, WI; served in post-war WNG; 1st Lt. in Co. L, 1ST Wis. Inf., at Stoughton, WI when it received federal recognition 21 Oct. ’20, this was a temp. unit during post-war reorganization of WNG and 32D Div.; 1st Lt. in Co. I, 128TH Inf., at Stoughton, WI ca. ’23; promoted Capt. and Cdr. 10 Dec. ’25; resigned 16 May ’39 and transferred to WNG Reserve; married Meryl Leila ‘Mary’ Newkirk 7 Oct. ’20; resided at 340 W. Prospect Ave., Stoughton, WI; worked for State Beverage Tax Dept., retired in ’57; served as 4th Ward Alderman at Stoughton, WI; 1st cdr. of American Legion Post No. 59 at Stoughton, WI; charter member of Stoughton Barracks; member of Kegonsa Lodge 73.



Mattrass, Joseph

Private, U.S. Army

Company E, 128TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action: 31 August 1918

Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with bronze star

Citation: “Although a wound disabled his arm he advanced making every effort to keep his automatic rifle in action.”

General Orders: Order No. 14.523 “D,” 16 March 1919, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East


Hometown: Detroit, Michigan


He was assigned as a gunner of a Chauchat, ‘sho-sho,’ automatic rifle in Co. E, 128TH Inf., his asst. gunner was Pvt. DeValois Ramm; the morning of 31 Aug. ’18 the two of them volunteered to run food and water to a group of comrades under heavy shell fire; later that day, about 1700 hours, their unit was supporting the attack on Juvigny when Mattrass was shot in the shoulder, he tried to continue on but could not fire effectively with 1 hand, he handed the weapon to Ramm and sought first aid, Ramm continued to advance and was KIA a few minutes later; WIA 31 Aug. ’18 at Juvigny, machinegun bullet to shoulder; later he provided information about Ramm’s death to Capt. Robert D. Christie for letter of condolence to his family.



May, Ray D.

Private, U.S. Army

32D Military Police Company, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:

Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:

General Orders:

Born: 4 October 1898 at Oregon

Hometown: Timber, Oregon

Death: 17 December 1951

Interred: Willamette National Cemetery, Portland, Oregon


He enlisted in Co. E, 3D Oreg. Inf., Oregon National Guard; served with 32D MP Co. (107TH MPs?); married Beatrice Crossen, father of Ray D., Jr.; son was T. Sgt. and tail gunner of B-17 43-30319, 97TH Bomb Group, 414TH Bomb Squadron, KIA 2 Jun. ’44 when his plane was shot down enroute to Debreczen (Debrecen), Hungary.



McAuley, Clyde (Claude) Burton (McAnley, McCauley)

Sergeant, U.S. Army

Medical Detachment, 128TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:

Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:

General Orders:

Born: 8 or 6 October or December 1888 at De Soto, Wisconsin

Hometown: De Soto, Wisconsin

Death: 20 March 1976 at Concord or Walnut Creek, California

Interred: Mountain View Cemetery, Oakland, California


He enlisted in San. Det., 3D Wis. Inf., Wisconsin National Guard, at La Crosse, WI; was Pfc. in that unit during Mexican Border Crisis; assigned to Med. Det., 128TH Inf. when 32D Div. was organized; married Olive (Cline) Openshaw, father of 2; resided at Alameda, CA from at least ’23 to ’40.



McCoy, Frank Ross

Brigadier General, U.S. Army

Headquarters, 64TH Infantry Brigade, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:

Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with palm (may have earned 2 others)

Citation Needed:

General Orders:

Born: 29 October 1874 at Lewistown, Pennsylvania

Hometown: Lewistown, Pennsylvania

Death: 4 June 1954 at Walter Reed Hospital

Interred: Arlington National Cemetery


Son of Thomas Franklin and Margaret Eleanor (Ross) McCoy, father was cavalry officer; married Frances Field Judson; graduated USMA at West Point, commissioned 2d Lt., cavalry, and assigned to 8TH Cav. on 11 Jun. ’97; assigned 7TH Cav. 11 Mar. ’98; earned 2 Silver Star Citations for his actions 22 Jun.-17 Jul. ’98 in Cuba during Spanish-American War, WIA; served during Philippine Insurrection; assigned Aide-de-Camp to Gen. Leonard Wood, Governor of Cuba, ca. ’00-’03, and later Governor of Philippines ca. ’03-’06; promoted 1st Lt. 2 Feb. ’01; promoted Capt. and assigned 3D Cav. on 16 Aug. ’03; military aide to President Theodore Roosevelt ca. ’06, who referred to him as “the best soldier I ever laid eyes on”; graduated Army War College ca. 1 Nov. ’08; served with 3D Cav. in action against Mexican rebels along the border ca. ’15-’16; promoted Maj. on 24 Mar. ’17; landed in France ca. 24 Jun. ’17, assigned to Gen. Staff; promoted Lt. Col. (brevet) 5 Aug. ’17; promoted Col. (brevet) 6 Feb. ’18; Cdr. of 165TH Inf., 42D Div. during Champagne-Marne and Aisne-Marne; promoted Brig. Gen. (brevet) 16 Aug. ’18; assigned Cdr. of 63D Inf. Bde. on 29 Aug. ’18, succeeded Brig. Gen. Louis C. Covell; transferred to trans. section of Service of Supply ca. 30 Nov. ’18, just before Div. crossed Saar River during march to Germany, succeeded by Brig. Gen. William R. Smedburg; earned Distinguished Service Medal, Companion of Order of St. Michael and St. George, Officier de la Légion d’Honneur (French Legion of Honor) by Presidential Decree of 11 Nov. ’18, Belgian Commandeur de la Ordre de la Couronne (Order of the Crown), 1 reference stated simply “Belgian Leopold,” which implies Order of Leopold I or Order of Leopold II, Grande Uffiale of Order of Prince Danilo I of Montenegro (Grand Officer II, 2nd class), Chinese Order of Chia Ho, 3rd grade (Order of the Precious Brilliant Golden Grain), Japanese Order of the Rising Sun, 3rd class; Chief of Staff for Military Mission (Harbord Mission) to aid Armenia in ’19; reverted to permanent rank of Maj. ca. ’19; promoted Col. 1 Jul. ’20; promoted Brig. Gen. in ’22; directed American relief efforts in Japan after ’23 earthquake; supervised Nicaraguan elections in ’27-’28, earned OLC to DSM for his actions there; led commission to settle Bolivia and Paraguay border dispute in ’29; promoted Maj. Gen. in Sep. ’29 and assigned Cdr., IV Corps Area, Atlanta; conferred honorary degree by Princeton U. on 20 Jun. ’30; appointed by President Hoover as U.S. member of League of Nations Commission of Enquiry for Manchurian dispute (Lytton Commission) in ’32; Cdr. of VI Corps Area, Chicago, mid-’30s; assigned Cdr. of II Corps Area, New York, ca. Apr. ’36; retired as Maj. Gen. ca. Aug. ’38; appointed president of Foreign Policy Commission ca. Jul. ’39; awarded Roosevelt Medal in ’39; recalled to active duty during WWII; served on Pearl Harbor inquiry board; presided at military tribunal of 8 alleged Nazi saboteurs ca. Jul. ’42; appointed U.S. member of Far Eastern Advisory Commission in ’47; gained reputation as ‘America’s Soldier-Diplomat.’



McCoy, Robert Bruce

Colonel, U.S. Army

Headquarters, 128TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:

Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:

General Orders:

Born: 5 September 1867 at Kenosha, Wisconsin

Hometown: Sparta, Wisconsin

Death: 5 January 1926 at Madison, Wisconsin

Interred: Woodlawn Cemetery, Sparta, Wisconsin


Son of Bruce Elisha and S. Allouva (Alluvia S.) (Bowker) McCoy, father was Capt. and cdr. of Co. G, 43D Wis. Inf. during Civil War; ancestor Elisha McCoy was Capt. during War with Mexico and Indian Campaigns; ancestor Alexander McCoy served during Revolutionary War and War of 1812; graduated Sparta H. S. in ’87; worked for Monroe Co. Democrat, father’s paper, also correspondent for Milwaukee Journal, Milwaukee Sentinel, Evening Wis., La Crosse Chronical; graduated U. of Wis. Law School in ’91, capt. and pitcher of baseball team, set college record for running broad jump ’88-’89; opened law office at Sparta, WI in ’94; married Lillian R. Riege on 13 Jun. ’94 (she preceded him in death), father of 7; elected Monroe Co. judge, took office Jan. ’98; helped organize, and enlisted in, Co. L, 3D Wis. Inf., Wisconsin National Guard, at Sparta, WI in ’95 (’96); commissioned Capt. in ’96 and assigned cdr. of Co. L, 3D Wis. Inf.; cdr. of that unit when it deployed to Puerto Rico during Spanish-American War; Maj. assigned to staff of 12TH Provisional Div. during Mexican Border Crisis; cdr. of 4TH Wis. Inf. when mobilized 15 Jul. ’17; assigned cdr. of 107TH Tr. HQ and MPs when 32D Div. was organized; landed overseas 10 Feb. ’18; assumed cmd. of 125TH Inf. after arrival in France; succeeded Col. John Turner as cdr. of 128TH Inf. end of Jun. ’18; evacuated, sick with high fever, ca. early Nov. ’18; he returned to duty in Feb. ’19 and assumed cmd. of 127TH Inf.; resumed cmd. of 128TH Inf. as it prepared for the journey home and demobilization; earned Distinguished Service Medal; also earned Officier de la Légion d’Honneur (French Legion of Honor); departed for U.S. on 5 May ’19; at least 5 of his 6 sons also served; Malcom C. enlisted in Co. L, 3D Wis. Inf. at Sparta, WI, was Pfc. in WNG during Mexican Border Crisis, commissioned 2d Lt. 15 Aug. ’17, assigned to 14TH Inf. at Vancouver Barracks, WA, and died of gunshot wound under suspicious circumstances on 20 Oct. ’17; Robert C. enlisted in Co. L, 3D Wis. Inf. at Sparta, WI, was Pvt. in WNG during Mexican Border Crisis, 1st Sgt. of Co. C, 107TH Ammo. Tr. in WWI, commissioned in WNG between the wars, and was Lt. Col. and cdr. of 1ST Bn., 128TH Inf. during WWII; Bruce R. enlisted in Co. L, 3D Wis. Inf. at Sparta, WI, was Cpl. in WNG during Mexican Border Crisis, 1st Lt. with 32D Div. in WWI, attained rank of at least Maj. in WNG between the wars; Harold D. served during WWII as Col. in Transportation Corps; Douglas D. was 2d Lt. when 32D Div. mobilized on 15 Oct. ’40 and served in Philippines during WWII; promoted Brig. Gen. on 20 Dec. ’20 (1 Apr. ’21) and assigned cdr. of 64TH Inf. Bde.; assumed cmd. of 32D Div. on 7 Jul. ’24, promoted Maj. Gen. about that time; mayor of Sparta, WI; ran for Gov. of Wis. in ’20; passed away 5 Jan. ’26 at Madison, WI; funeral officiated by Chaplain William F. Hood, 128TH Inf.; namesake of Gen. Robert McCoy Post of VFW at Sparta, WI; namesake of Ft. McCoy, WI, the installation he helped establish, also known as Sparta Maneuver Tract, was named Camp Bruce E. McCoy in ’10, in honor of his father, a Civil War Capt., who had originally owned some of the land, it was renamed Camp McCoy, in honor of Robert, on 19 Nov. ’26, it was renamed Ft. McCoy on 30 Sep. ’74; namesake of MG Robert B. McCoy Chapter No. 5902 of Assn. of the U.S. Army (AUSA).



McCulloch, William Alexander (McCulock, McCullock, McCullough)

Major (Infantry), U.S. Army

Headquarters, 119TH Machinegun Battalion, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:

Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed: Maj. McCulloch earned the Croix de Guerre “for brilliant leadership and absolute disregard of danger at Juvigny.”

General Orders:

Born: 10 February 1889 at Rensselaer, New York

Hometown: Rensselaer, New York

Death: 2 December 1959 at Asheville, North Carolina

Interred: Riverside Cemetery, Asheville, North Carolina


He graduated USMA at West Point on 12 Jun. ’13; commissioned 2d Lt., 1ST Inf.; promoted 1st Lt. on 1 Jul. ’16; transferred and assigned Bn. Adjutant, 32D Inf. on 7 Aug. ’16; promoted Capt., 11TH Inf. on 15 May ’17; landed in France 24 Mar. ’18; promoted Maj., brevet, 17 Jun. ’18; assumed cmd. of 119TH MG Bn. on 9 Jul. ’18 at Alsace; succeeded Maj. Frank Fowler; severely WIA 30 Aug. ’18 at Juvigny; succeeded by Capt. Edward S. Reynolds; returned to duty ca. mid-Sep. ’18; severely WIA 23 Sep. ’18 near Braibant (Brambant-en-Argonne); succeeded by Capt. Edward S. Reynolds; did not return to unit; married Florence A. Sumner 18 Jun. ’21, father of Florence T., William A.; also served during WWII; awarded Legion of Merit as Brig. Gen. and Asst. CG of Americal Div. ca. ’43-’44.



McCullum, John, Jr.

Captain, U.S. Army

Company A, 121ST Machinegun Battalion, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:

Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed: Capt. McCullum may have earned his Croix de Guerre for his leadership supporting the attack on Romagne on 14 Oct.’18, the same attack for which 1 of his Soldiers, Cpl. Jerry J. Jerabek, earned DSC.

General Orders:

Born: 3 January 1888 at Rice Lake, Wisconsin

Hometown: Rice Lake, Wisconsin

Death: 6 December 1949 at Hennepin County, Minnesota

Interred: Orchard Beach Cemetery, Rice Lake, Wisconsin


Police officer at Rice Lake, WI, also chief of volunteer fire dept.; enlisted in Wisconsin National Guard ca. ’04; commissioned 2d Lt. in MG Co., 3D Wis. Inf., Rice Lake, WI ca. Jul. ’15; served during Mexican Border Crisis; 1st Lt. in that unit when mobilized 15 Jul. ’17; Capt. and Cdr. of Co. A, 121ST MG Bn.; severely WIA, listed on 3 Dec. ’18 casualty list; married Mable Moon, father of 2.



*McFarling, George Theodore

Private First Class, U.S. Army

Company E, 125TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action: 31 July 1918

Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with gilt star

Citation: “Although seriously wounded he risked his life to go to the aid of a wounded comrade who was in an exposed and dangerous position. Was killed in the course of the mission for which he had volunteered.”

General Orders: Order No. 12.334 “D,” dated December 15, 1918, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East

Born: at Alpena, Michigan

Hometown: Flint, Michigan

Death: 31 July 1918

Interred: Oise-Aisne American Cemetery

Status: KIA


Also earned Distinguished Service Cross.



*McHugh, Edward James

Sergeant, U.S. Army
Company C, 125TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 1 August 1918
Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with bronze star

Citation: “Seeing two of his comrades wounded at the capture of Cierges on August 1, 1918, he crossed the town under a violent bombardment, thus displaying great courage, much audacity and contempt for danger.”

General Orders: Order No. 12.372 “D,” 16 December 1918, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East
Born: 1896
Hometown: Detroit, Michigan

Death: 7 August 1918

Interred: Saint Francis Cemetery, Superior, Wisconsin

Status: DW


Mother Mrs. Mary McHugh, NoK, 211 Field Ave., Detroit, MI; NoK Mrs. Edward McHugh, 385 Hillger Ave., Detroit, MI; earned Silver Star Citation, posthumously, for his actions 1 Aug. ’18 near Cierges (some transcripts of citation list date as 28 Jul., the Div. didn’t enter front line in that sector until evening of 29 Jul., actual date is more likely 1 Aug., as stated in Croix de Guerre citation); DW (KIA) 7 Aug. ’18, listed on 14 Nov. ’18 casualty list; not listed in 32D Div. in WW as casualty



McKenzie, Cyrus

Private First Class, U.S. Army
127TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 
Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:

General Orders:
Born: 16 September 1893 at Wallowa, Oregon
Hometown: Goshen, Washington

Death: 8 June 1922 at military hospital at Tucson, Arizona, reportedly due to his combat injuries

Interred: Bayview Cemetery, Bellingham, Washington


Family resided at Wallowa Co., OR at ’00 census; family resided at Whatcom Co., WA at ’10 census; resided at R. R. 1, Goshen, WA when he entered service; assigned to Co. A, 127TH Inf. at some point before Alsace; twice WIA; listed on 22 Jul. ’18 casualty list; resided at Van Wyck, WA at ’20 census.



McSivean, Burton G.

Private, U.S. Army

125TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:

Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:

General Orders:





Meadows, Roy

Sergeant, U.S. Army

Company C, 128TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:

Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:

General Orders:


Hometown: Hudson, Wisconsin


He enlisted in Co. C, 3D Wis. Inf., Wisconsin National Guard, at Hudson, WI in Jun. ’17; assigned to Co. C, 128TH Inf. when 32D Div. was organized; overseas in Feb. ’18; Alsace, Château-Thierry, Soissons, Meuse-Argonne.



Melger, William ‘Happy’

Private First Class, U.S. Army

Company C, 127TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:

Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:

General Orders:

Born: 1 September 1892 at Sheboygan, Wisconsin

Hometown: Sheboygan, Wisconsin

Death: 3 September 1970 at Sheboygan, Wisconsin

Interred: Lutheran Cemetery, Sheboygan, Wisconsin


He enlisted in Co. C, 2D Wis. Inf., Wisconsin National Guard, at Sheboygan, WI; was Pfc. in that unit during Mexican Border Crisis; assigned to Co. C, 127TH Inf. when 32D Div. was organized; seriously WIA by machinegun fire twice within a short span of time while seeking cover on 1 Sep. ’18 near Juvigny, Sgt. John C. Reinhardt ran out through the machinegun fire to drag Melger into a shelter; listed on 5 Oct. ’18 casualty list; earned Purple Heart; reportedly earned Croix de Guerre, but, so far, it appears the man who rescued him received no recognition; married Hattie, father of 2; resided at 1409 Martin Ave., Sheboygan, WI at ’40 census.



Mercord, Melvin A.

Private First Class, U.S. Army

Company H, 127TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:

Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:

General Orders:

Born: 15 June 1895 at Wisconsin

Hometown: Sparta, Wisconsin, presumed

Death: 22 October 1970 at Flathead County, Montana or Fort Meade, South Dakota

Interred: Conrad Memorial Cemetery, Kalispell, Montana


Family moved to Kalispell, MT when he was young; enlisted Co. L, 3D Wis. Inf., WNG, at Sparta, WI; was Pvt. in that unit during Mexican Border Crisis; served with Co. H, 127TH Inf.; earned Croix de Guerre; discharged 23 Apr. ’19; resided at King Co., WA at ’20 census; in hosp. at Ft. Lewis, WA at ’40 census.



Meyer, August C.

Sergeant, U.S. Army

Company M, 127TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:

Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with palm

Citation: According to newspaper accounts, Sgt. Meyer “volunteered to pass through the American barrage, which was falling short and killing and wounding his comrades, to notify the batteries of their error.”

General Orders:


Hometown: Oconto, Wisconsin


He enlisted in Co. M, 2D Wis. Inf., Wisconsin National Guard, at Oconto, WI; was Sgt. in that unit during Mexican Border Crisis; assigned to Co. M, 127TH Inf. when 32D Div. was organized; earned,; may have transferred to HQ, 32D Div. at some point.



Meyer, Eitel Frederick

Corporal, U.S. Army

Company C, 127TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:

Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed: Cpl. Meyer likely earned his Croix de Guerre for his actions as leader of a litter detail near Juvigny.

General Orders:

Born: 21 August 1895 at Sheboygan, Wisconsin

Hometown: Sheboygan, Wisconsin

Death: 6 December 1978 at Sheboygan, Wisconsin

Interred: Wildwood Cemetery, Sheboygan, Wisconsin


Son of Louis C. and Dorothy (Krueger) Meyer, both German immigrants; 829 Ontario Ave., Sheboygan, WI; Pvt. in Co. C, 2D Wis. Inf., Wisconsin National Guard, Sheboygan, WI when mobilized 15 Jul. ‘17; assigned to Co. C, 127TH Inf. when 32D Div. was organized; brother, Pvt. Bruno, served in same unit; promoted to 1st Sgt. at some point; served in post-war WNG; commissioned at some point; Capt. and Cdr. of Co. F, 127TH Inf. at Sheboygan, WI when it received federal recognition on 3 Jun. ‘20 during post-war reorganization of 32D Div.; attended Inf. School at Camp Benning, GA ca. ‘21-‘22; resigned his commission on 6 Sep. ‘23, succeeded by 1st Lt. Christ Reinhardt as Cdr. of Co. F; married Marie L.



Meyer, Elmer George

First Lieutenant (Signal Corps), U.S. Army

Company B, 107TH Field Signal Battalion, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:

Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:

General Orders:

Born: 16 October 1887 at Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Hometown: Milwaukee, Wisconsin


Married Nellie; worked as telephone engineer or lineman for Wis. Tel. Co.; enlisted in 1ST Wis. Fld. Hosp. (Wis. Fld. Hosp. No. 1), Wisconsin National Guard, a Milwaukee, WI on 24 Apr. ’14; Sgt. in that unit during Mexican Border Crisis; 1st Lt. in Co. B, 1ST Wis. Sign. Bn. when mobilized 15 Jul. ’17; assigned to 107TH Fld. Sig. Bn., likely Co. B, when 32D Div. was organized; Alsace, Aisne-Marne, Oise-Aisne, Meuse-Argonne, Army of Occupation; promoted Capt. 16 Apr. ’19 and assigned Cdr. of Co. B, 107TH Fld. Sig. Bn.; discharged at Camp Grant, IL on 10 Jun. ’19; recommended for DSC on 9 Nov. ’19; promoted Lt. Col. on 17 Jun. ’22; assigned to Sig. Section, HQ, 22D Cav. Div. ca. ’22; graduated Special Command and General Staff School in ’24; resided at 1095 1/2 3rd St., Milwaukee, WI; building inspector for W. D. Harper.



Meyer, Henry A., Jr.

Lieutenant Colonel (Cavalry), U.S. Army

Headquarters, 128TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:

Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed: Lt. Col. Meyer may have earned his Croix de Guerre while serving with a different unit.

General Orders:

Born: 15 July 1877 at Arkansas

Hometown: Crawford County, Arkansas


Jewish; graduated USMA at West Point (implicated in severe hazing while he was there), commissioned 2d Lt. in 13TH Cav. on 18 Feb. ’10; promoted 1st Lt., 14TH Cav. on 30 Jun. ’06; graduated Mounted Service School in ’07; promoted Capt. 1 Jul. ’16, assigned to 10TH Cav.; served with Punitive Expedition into Mexico; promoted Maj., brevet, on 5 Aug. ’17; assigned Cdr. of 1ST Bn., 352D Inf., 88TH Div. about the time it was organized; promoted Lt. Col., brevet, on 11 May ’18; assumed cmd. of 126TH Inf. on 6 Nov. ’19, succeeded Col. Joseph B. Westnedge; succeeded by Lt. Col. Elliot Caziarc as Cdr. of 126TH Inf. on 8 Nov. ’18; assumed cmd. of 128TH Inf. on 9 Nov. ’18, succeeded Lt. Col. John B. Schneller; promoted to Col., brevet (?), on 7 Apr. ’19; earned Croix de Guerre; succeeded by Col. George T. Smith during Army of Occupation; transferred to 15TH Cav. 28 Jul. ’19; retired ca. Jul. ’22, “incapacitated for active service on account of disability incident thereto.”



Michalka, Gustave A.

Corporal, U.S. Army

Company E, 125TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action: 31 July 1918

Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with palm

Citation: “With two of his men he captured a machine gun by assault and killed the crew. By his bravery and prompt action he avoided losses in his platoon.” One of the other two men may have been Pvt. John H. Mecom, given the similarity of their DSC citations. Some references suggest the other man was Sgt. Ivan H. Smith, but he acted alone according to his DSC.

General Orders: Order No. 12.335 “D,” 15 December 1918, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East

Born: at Cheboygan, Michigan

Hometown: Flint, Michigan

Death: 1 June 1946


He earned Distinguished Service Cross for his action 31 Jul. ’18 near Cierges, he and 2 of his men reduced a machinegun nest that was holding up their platoon; married Edna Caroline Loll or Lall, father of at least 2 (2 of his great-granddaughters are celebrities, if the info. at is accurate); worked as taylor for L. H. Cole and resided at 102 12th Ave., Flint, MI ca. ’22; resided at 1902 Chippina St., Flint, MI at 1940 census.



Milicki, Joseph

Private First Class, U.S. Army

127TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:

Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:

General Orders:


Hometown: Milwaukee, Wisconsin


Seriously WIA, listed on 12 Dec. ’18 casualty list.



*Millener, Harry A.

Private First Class, U.S. Army
Headquarters Company, 147TH Field Artillery Regiment, attached to 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 4 September 1918

Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with bronze star

Citation: “A courageous soldier, participated on September 4, 1918, in laying of a telephone wire of four kilometers in a very dangerous zone. Gave proof of the greatest ardor by carrying out different work for eighteen hours without food or sleep.”
General Orders:
Born: 15 October 1888 at LeRoy, New York
Hometown: San Francisco, California

Death: 26 September 1918 near Esnes or Malancourt

Interred: Holy Sepulchre Cemetery, Rochester, New York

Status: KIA


He was member of Rochester Lodge No. 24, B.P.O.E.; worked as billing clerk for Erie Railroad at Rochester, NY; moved to San Francisco, CA ca. 1911, resided at 364 Eddy St.; worked as chief statistical clerk for B. F. Goodrich Rubber Co.; entered service 15 Oct. ’17 at San Francisco, CA; SN 140271; trained at Camp Lewis, WA; sailed for France early Jan. ’18; Château-Thierry, Belleau Wood, 2Marne, and Meuse-Argonne; also earned Silver Star Citation, posthumously.



Mist, Morris D.

Corporal, U.S. Army
Company A, 125TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 31 July 1918
Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with silver star

Citation: “On July 31, 1918, near Cierges, seeing a soldier killed he searched him, found the message which had been entrusted to him and assured its delivery, thus manifesting his bravery under fire and his spirit of initiative.”

General Orders: Order No. 12.373 “D,” 15 December 1918, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East
Born: 15 March 1894 at Doomkerke, Belgium
Hometown: Detroit, Michigan


He worked as street car conductor for Detroit United Railway (DUR), Davison Line; earned Silver Star Citation for his actions as message runner 28 Jul. ’18 on the Vesle River (some transcripts of citation list date as 28 Jul., the Div. didn’t enter front line in that sector until evening of 29 Jul., actual date is more likely 31 Jul., as stated in Croix de Guerre citation); earned Belgian Medaille Militaire, “In recognition of faithful and meritorious service.”



Moore, Lewis Anning

Major (Medical Corps), U.S. Army
Medical Detachment, 128TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 
Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:

General Orders:
Born: 19 December 1875 (1876) at Illinois
Hometown: Monroe, Wisconsin

Death: 2 September 1965

Interred: Greenwood Cemetery, Monroe, Wisconsin


NoK Mrs. Catherine Walter Moore, wife, 418 E. Payne St., Monroe, WI (hometown), father of at least 2 daughters; attended U. of Mich. ca. ’96-’98; graduated Rush Med. College in ’00; residency at Presbyterian Hosp., Chicago, IL; established med. practice at Monroe, WI in ’07; commissioned 1st Lt., Med. Corps, Wisconsin National Guard, in or prior to ’12; Maj. with Med. Det., 3D Wis. Inf., WNG, during Mexican Border Crisis; same position when mobilized 15 Jul. ’17; assigned to Med. Det., 128TH Inf. when 32D Div. was organized; may have also served with HQ, 32D Div.; earned Silver Star Citation for his actions 11 Oct. ’18 near Bois du Chene, treated wounded under machinegun and shell fire even after being WIA himself; WIA, listed on 21 Mar. ’19 casualty list; earned Div. Citation, likely basis of Silver Star Citation; depicted with other Div. med. staff in Army Signal Corps photograph 49348 [3961D8]; upon return to U.S., detailed to Gen. Hosp. No. 28, Ft. Sheridan, IL ca. May ’19.



Moore, Paul A.

Private, U.S. Army

Machinegun Company, 125TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:

Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre, with silver star

Citation: “While making a reconnaissance to locate positions for his machine guns he discovered a wounded French soldier on enemy ground. In spite of the violent fire of artillery he succeeded in transporting the wounded man to the rear through a cloud of gas.”

General Orders: Order No. 14.522 “D,” 16 March 1919, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East

Born: 26 Jul. ’96 at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Hometown: Flint, Michigan

Death: 13 April 1974 at Flint, Michigan



Family resided in IN before moving to Midland, MI in ’07; graduated Midland H. S.; teacher at Crump, MI; moved to Flint, MI; served with MG Co., 125TH Inf.; WIA during Meuse-Argonne, lost an arm; married Loretto F. Fitzpatrick on 23 Dec. ’22, father of 2; worked for GM; later owned a service station at Flint, MI.



Morgan, William O.

Private First Class, U.S. Army

128TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:

Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:

General Orders:

Born: 27 December 1891

Hometown: Atterson, Kentucky

Death: 5 May 1960

Interred: Tabernacle Cemetery, Neatsville, Kentucky


NoK Miss Marie Morgan, Atterson, KY; served with Co. B, 126TH Inf. (128TH Inf.); severely WIA 29 Aug. ’18, listed on 14 Oct. ’18 casualty list; earned Purple Heart.



Morley, Roy

Private, U.S. Army

Company C, 128TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:

Degree of Award:

Citation Needed:

General Orders:

Born: 19 August 1893

Hometown: in Wisconsin, possibly Ashland

Death: 9 October 1965

Interred: Crown Hill Cemetery, Powell, Wyoming



Morris, Robert E. (Norris)

Cook, U.S. Army

Company M, 127TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:

Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with palm

Citation: According to newspaper accounts, Cook Morris earned the Croix de Guerre when he “volunteered to carry food to his company although repeatedly exposed to enemy fire in doing so.” “It was so perilous an undertaking that only three out of eleven came back.”   Mess Sgt. John Marek, WNG and in same unit, earned the Croix de Guerre during the same event.

General Orders:


Hometown: possibly Oconto, Wisconsin



Morrison, John Alexander Johnston

Second Lieutenant, U.S. Army

322D Field Artillery Regiment, attached to 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:

Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed: Likely awarded for his actions 14-15 October 1918.

General Orders:

Born: 24 April 1896 at Cincinnati, Ohio

Hometown: Cincinnati, Ohio

Death: 15 October 1918

Interred: Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery, also memorialized at Spring Grove Cemetery, Cincinnati, Ohio

Status: KIA


May have transferred to HQ Co., 158TH FA Bde., attached to 32D Div.; earned Distinguished Service Cross for his actions 14-15 Oct. ’18 as artillery forward observer and liaison officer near Molleville Farm, he was KIA during the event.



Morvant, Camille

Lieutenant, U.S. Army

Headquarters, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:

Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:

General Orders:





Mosier, Lloyd

Corporal, U.S. Army

128TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:

Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:

General Orders:





Motley, Robert Emmett

First Lieutenant (Dental Corps), U.S. Army

Medical Detachment, 125TH Infantry Regiment (Attached), 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:

Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:

General Orders:

Born: 17 October 1887 at Pittsfield, Illinois

Hometown: Verden, Illinois

Death: 21 October 1962

Interred: Arlington National Cemetery


NoK Dr. Ernest G. Motley, brother, Verden, IL; also had ties to New Salem, IL, Ann Arbor, MI, and Detroit, MI; attended Ann Arbor (MI) H. S. ca. ’06; attended Oberlin College ca. ’09; graduated U. Mich. School of Dentistry in ’16; enlisted in Co. I, 31ST Mich. Inf., Michigan National Guard, on 9 Mar. ’15; commissioned 1st Lt., dental corps, 20 Aug. ’16; likely served during Mexican Border Crisis; assigned to Med. Det., 125TH Inf.; overseas 18 Feb. ’18; earned Distinguished Service Cross for his actions 31 Jul.-7 Aug. ’18 near Château-Thierry, and 14-16 Oct. ’18 near Verdun; WIA and gassed 16 Oct. ’18; promoted Capt. 16 Feb. ’19; discharged at Camp Dix, NJ on 31 Oct. ’19; brother, Pvt. Joseph A., served with Med. Det., 77TH Inf. and died 9 Oct. ’18 at Camp Custer, MI; served in Regular Army after the war; stationed at Ft. McPherson, GA ca. Apr. ’22; opened a dental practice at Washington, D.C. ca. ’23; member of the Washington Art Club, painted landscapes; likely namesake of Robert E. Motley Scholarship at U. of Mich.



Moyse, Hermann

First Lieutenant (Infantry), U.S. Army

125TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:

Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with palm

Citation Needed: Likely awarded for his actions 31 July 1918.

General Orders:

Born: 11 September 1891 at St. Gabriel, Louisiana

Hometown: Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Death: 21 November 1985

Interred: Jewish Cemetery, Baton Rouge, Louisiana


Jewish; graduated La. State U. in ’10, member of corps of cadets, earned Alumni Award in ’08 and ’09, “given to the cadet … whose general standing in study and deportment is highest.”; earned law degree in ’12; junior partner with firm of Cross and Moyse at Baton Rouge, LA; entered service 6 May ’17; completed First Officers’ Training Camp at Ft. Logan H. Roots, AR on 15 Aug. ’17 and commissioned 2d Lt.; assigned to 32D Div. at Camp MacArthur, TX on 31 Aug. ’17; promoted 1st Lt. on 4 Sep. ’17; overseas as member of Div. advance party in Jan. ’18; served with 125TH Inf.; earned Distinguished Service Cross for his actions 31 Jul. ’18 near Cierges, led 5-man patrol to capture 2 machineguns which were hindering the operation; seriously WIA in chest and foot by machinegun fire in the event, refused evacuation until mission was completed; also earned Purple Heart (received it ca. 11 Nov. ’32); released from hosp. on 8 Nov. ’18; assigned as assistant to adjutant general of Service of Supply at Tours until 20 Apr. ’19; returned to U.S. with 125TH Inf.; discharged at Camp Shelby, MS on 21 May ’19; Capt. in Officers’ Reserve Corps; married Rosalie Gottlieb 30 Sep. ’20, father of Hermann, Jr. and Betty; also served during WWII (so did his son); attained rank of Lt. Col.; elected to state legislature ca. ’21-’24; worked as attorney for City National Bank at Baton Rouge; member of St. James Lodge No. 47, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons; past exalted ruler of Eaton Rouge Lodge No. 490, Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks; served as state cdr. of La. Dept. of American Legion.



Murphy, Frank F.

First Sergeant, U.S. Army
Company M, 128TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 
Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:

General Orders:
Born: 16 December 1897 (1898) at Janesville, Wisconsin
Hometown: Janesville, Wisconsin

Death: 26 March 1969 at Janesville, Wisconsin

Interred: Milton Lawns Memorial Park, Janesville, Wisconsin


He enlisted in Co. M, 1ST Wis. Inf., Wisconsin National Guard, at Janesville, WI; was Sgt. in the unit when mobilize 15 Jul. ’18; assigned to Co. M, 128TH Inf. when 32D Div. was organized; earned Silver Star Citation for his actions 13 Oct. ’18 near Romagne, assumed command of the company and led it to the objective; twice WIA, gassed at Montfaucon; earned Purple Heart; obituary states he was awarded “the distinguished service cross, purple heart and silver star by the U. S. in recognition of his war service as a captain during the siege of Juvigny, France.”; I have found no other indication of a DSC; discharged at Camp Grant, IL on 19 May ’19; married Rodella (Redella) Peich (Teich) at Janesville, WI in Aug. ’21, father of 1; joined Janesville Fire Dept. on 1 Aug. ’19, retired as Chief on 28 Feb. ’51; he had succeeded his father, Cornelius, as Chief in ’35; past cdr. of American Legion Post at Janesville, WI; resided at 522 S. Bluff St., Janesville, WI at ’40 census; resided at 724 Grove St., Janesville, WI ca. ’69.



Murphy, William P.

Private First Class, U.S. Army
Company B, 107TH Engineer Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 28 August to 1 September 1918
Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with silver star

Citation: “During the nights of 28 August to 1 September 1918, at Juvigny, he served seven hours each night as liaison agent between the reconnaissance detachments in the front lines and the company post of command. This service required him to cross nightly a zone swept by the fire of the enemy machine guns and artillery. His conduct was most praiseworthy.”

General Orders: Order No. 14.522 “D,” 16 March 1919, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East
Born: 22 November 1893 at Tamarack or Calumet, Michigan
Hometown: Kearsarge or Laurium, Michigan

Death: 30 August 1969 at Saginaw, Michigan

Interred: Roselawn Memorial Gardens, Saginaw, Michigan


Worked at Osceola Mine, North Kearsarge, MI; entered service 20 Sep. ’17; promoted to Cpl.; returned to U.S. on 18 May ’19; discharged at Camp Custer, MI on 27 May ’19; married Marie R. Walters, father of at least 1.



Neault, Albert J.

Corporal, U.S. Army

Company G, 125TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action: 29 August 1918

Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with bronze star

Citation: “On August 29, 1918, near Juvigny, he kept up the liaison between the units of the battalion, crossing a valley swept by a fire of the enemy machine guns. Displayed courage and complete indifference to danger.”

General Orders: Order No. 14.383 “D,” 15 March 1919, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East


Hometown: Houghton, Michigan



Needles, Webster G.

Band Master (Band Leader), U.S. Army

Headquarters Company, 128TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:

Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:

General Orders:

Born: 4 May 1887 at Monclova, Ohio

Hometown: Mauston, Wisconsin


He enlisted in HQ Co., 3D Wis. Inf., Wisconsin National Guard, at Sparta or Mauston, WI; was Mus. 2cl. in that unit during Mexican Border Crisis; served as Bnd. Ldr. or Bnd. Mstr., HQ Co., 128TH Inf.; Alsace, Aisne-Marne, Oise-Aisne, Meuse-Argonne, Army of Occupation; earned Croix de Guerre; commissioned 2d Lt.; discharged at Camp Grant, IL on 5 Jun. ’19; school band teacher/leader at Mauston, WI ca. ’32; married Arvilla Hoge at Winnebago Co., IL on 15 Jun. ’33, father of 2; resided at Pompano Beach, FL at ’40 census.



Nelson, John

Corporal, U.S. Army

128TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:

Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:

General Orders:





Ness, Albin C. (Alvin)

Private First Class, U.S. Army

Company C, 121ST Machinegun Battalion, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:

Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:

General Orders:

Born: 2 July 1897 at Wisconsin

Hometown: La Crosse, Wisconsin

Death: 29 July 1962 at Pima County, Arizona

Interred: Evergreen Memorial Park, Tucson, Arizona


He enlisted in Co. M, 3D Wis. Inf., Wisconsin National Guard, at La Crosse, WI; was Pfc. in that unit during Mexican Border Crisis; married Evangeline, father of 3; retired from La Crosse Rubber Mill; moved to Tucson, AZ ca. ’52.



Nicol, Alexander Lee ‘Alex’

First Lieutenant (Infantry), U.S. Army

Company L, 128TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:

Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed: Probably awarded for his actions on 30 Aug. ’18 near Juvigny.

General Orders:

Born: 13 March 1895 at Sparta, Wisconsin

Hometown: Sparta, Wisconsin

Death: 22 July 1967 at Sparta, Wisconsin at age 72

Interred: Woodlawn Cemetery, Sparta, Wisconsin


He graduated Sparta H. S. in ’16; enlisted in Co. L, 3D Wis. Inf., Wisconsin National Guard, at Sparta, WI in ’16; was Sgt. in that unit during Mexican Border Crisis; 2d Lt. in same unit when mobilized 15 Jul. ’17; assigned to Co. L, 128TH Inf. when 32D Div. was organized; earned Distinguished Service Cross for his actions commanding Co. L on 30 Aug. ’18 near Juvigny, continued to lead his company after being severely WIA and went forward to rescue several wounded Soldiers; spent 2 years in military hospitals, discharged Oct. ’20; married Ethel C., father of 3; Monroe Co. Clerk ’20-’39; served 10 years on Sparta School Board; elected to State Assembly in ’38, re-elected at least 5 times, elected speaker of same in ’49; resided at 319 E. Main St., Sparta, WI, at 1940 census; member of American Legion, VFW, Kiwanis, Masons, Scottish Rite of Eau Claire, Zor Temple Shrine of Madison; both sons served during WWII, both attained rank of Lt. Col., at least 1 of them served in Korea and Vietnam.



Niederpruem, William John

Captain (Infantry), U.S. Army

Headquarters, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:

Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with palm

Citation: “Thanks to his zeal and his excellent judgment he obtained much information of great value concerning the situation of the enemy. He constantly braved the dangers of war.”

General Orders: Order No. 14.207 “D,” 10 March 1919, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East

Born: 30 November 1888 at Rochester, New York

Hometown: Detroit, Michigan

Death: 22 August 1972 at Santa Clara County, California

Interred: San Francisco National Cemetery, Presidio of San Francisco, California


NoK address, c/o Adjutant General of the Army, Washington, D.C.; resided at 8 Hanor Ct., (hometown) when he entered service; completed First Officers’ Training Camp, Ft. Sheridan, IL, 15 May-15 Aug. ’17, assigned to 7TH Co., 10TH Regt.; served with HQ, 32D Div., may have been asst. to G-2; earned Div. Citation; sailed from San Francisco, CA on 5 Jan. ’22 aboard transport Sherman, bound for Manila, Philippines, as aid to Gen. Haan; resided at Ft. Clayton, Panama Canal Zone, at ’30 census; assigned to 4TH Inf., Ft. George Wright, ca. 8 Feb. ’32; Cdr. of 949TH Co., CCC, while they were encamped on Le Clerc Creek near Ruby, WA ca. Jun. ’33; resided at Ft. Benning, GA at ’40 census; also served during WWII, including Army of Occupation in Japan; GHQ Historical Off. ca, ’43-’44; attained rank of Col.; married Verna Alice Egan, father of 3.



Norman, Sever (Sever, Norman)

Mess Sergeant, U.S. Army
32D Military Police Company, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 

Degree of Award: unknown
Citation Needed:

General Orders:
Hometown: Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin


He enlisted in HQ Co. or Co. A, 4TH Wis. Inf., Wisconsin National Guard, Chippewa Falls, WI; was Cook in 1 of those units when mobilized 15 Jul. ’17.



Norris, Orra Lee (Oral)

Major (Medical Corps), U.S. Army
Medical Detachment, 126TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 

Degree of Award: unknown
Citation Needed:

General Orders:
Born: 16 July 1870 at Delta, Ohio
Hometown: Deshler, Ohio

Death: 11 September 1921 at Deshler, Ohio

Interred: Woodlawn Cemetery, Deshler, Ohio


Married Rose M. Waltz prior to ’00 census, father of at least 2; Capt. assigned to Med. Det., 126TH Inf. (128TH Inf.) on 1 Oct. ’17; assigned Regt. Surgeon on 15 Aug. ’18; earned Silver Star Citation for his actions as Med. Off. 31 Jul.-6 Aug. ’18 in the Ourcq valley; promoted Maj. on 11 Nov. ’18; Maj. in Officers’ Reserve Corps ca. ’20.



Norton, James A.

Wagoner, U.S. Army

Company A, Motor Battalion, 107TH Ammunition Train, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 4 September 1918

Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:
General Orders:
Born: at Houghton, South Dakota

Hometown: Columbia, South Dakota


Father James Norton, Columbia, SD; also earned Distinguished Service Cross for his actions 2 or 4 Sep. ‘18 at Juvigny; received DSC ca. 20 Mar. ‘19 in Germany (possibly by Gen. Pershing).



O’Connor, Frank J.

Sergeant, U.S. Army

Headquarters Company, 125TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 

Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed: According to the Manistee Daily News in Jul. ‘18, “Sgt. Frank O’Connor, of Manistee, one of the ‘fightingest Irishmen’ Uncle Sam ever got from western Michigan, whose feat of going over the top with Jack Anderson, another Manistee boy, has been awarded the ‘croix de guerre’ by the French government for gallantry in action.”
General Orders:
Born: 1892

Hometown: Grand Rapids, MI

Death: 11 October 1918

Interred: St. Andrew’s Cemetery, Grand Rapids, Michigan

Status: KIA


Son of James T. and Mary (Neilan) O’Connor, father NoK, 421 Sheldon Ave., Grand Rapids, MI, father Canadian immigrant; also had ties to Manistee, MI; worked as orderly at Mercy Sanitarium; SN 264192.



O’Connor, William Patrick ‘Father Bill’

Chaplain (Captain), U.S. Army

Headquarters, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 

Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:
General Orders:
Born: 18 October 1886 at Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Hometown: Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Death: 13 July 1973 at Madison, Wisconsin at age 86

Interred: Resurrection Cemetery, Madison, Wisconsin


Graduated St. Francis Seminary, Class of ’12; post graduate studies at Marquette U. in ’15 and Catholic U. of America in ’16; commissioned 1st Lt., Chaplain, 1ST Wis. Cav., Wisconsin National Guard, on 29 Jun. ’17; assigned Chaplain, 120TH FA Regt., when 32D Div. was organized; earned Silver Star Citation, likely for carrying a wounded French officer to safety under fire near Soissons; appointed Senior Chaplain, HQ, 32D Div., on 19 Nov. (11 Nov.) ’18, the youngest Senior Chaplain in the Army; departed 120TH FA Regt. for Div. HQ on 4 Dec. ’18; succeeded by Chaplain George P. Horst as Chaplain of 120TH FA Regt., he arrived on 24 Dec. ’18; promoted Capt. in Mar. ’19; stationed at Rengsdorf, Germany with Army of Occupation; discharged at Camp Upton, NY on 13 May ’19; earned doctorate at Catholic U. of America in ’21 (’20); taught at St. Francis Seminary for 20 years; appointed pastor of St. Thomas Aquinas Church in Milwaukee ca. May ’41; Bishop of Diocese of Superior, WI on 17 Mar. ’42; founding Bishop of newly formed Diocese of Madison, WI on 12 Mar. ’46; established Holy Name Seminary at Madison, WI in ’62; retired 22 Feb. ’67; Chaplain of Post No. 1 of American Legion, 32D Div. Veteran Assn., and Wis. State Council of Knights of Columbus.



O’Neil, Carl

Private First Class, U.S. Army

Company H, 125TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 31 July 1918

Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with palm

Citation: “Although wounded he continued on duty. Hit again in the arm and the leg by a machine gun he continued to fire as long as he was able. His heroic example inspired his comrades with contempt for danger in the course of their assault.”
General Orders: Order No. 12.335 “D,” 15 December 1918, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East
Born: 5 October 1895

Hometown: Engadine, Michigan

Death: 28 January 1963

Interred: Forest Lawn Cemetery, Detroit, Michigan


He enlisted in Michigan National Guard on 19 Jun. ’17; earned Silver Star Citation for his actions as an automatic rifleman 31 Jul. ’18 near Cierges; discharged 13 Mar. ’19.



*Ollrich, Harry John

Private, U.S. Army

Company E, 125TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action: 31 July to 4 August 1918

Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with gilt star

Citation: “He distinguished himself during the combat to the south of the Vesle from July 31 to August 4, 1918, in carrying messages through a barrage, displaying absolute contempt for danger. During a combat near Fismes he attempted to carry a message over a bombarded terrain and was killed in the course of the action.”

General Orders: Order No. 12.334 “D,” 15 December 1918, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East

Born: 2 September 1892 at Detroit, Michigan

Hometown: Mount Clemens, Michigan

Death: 4 August 1918

Interred: Clinton Grove Cemetery, Clinton Township, Macomb Co., Michigan

Status: KIA


He entered service at Camp Custer, MI on 6 Sep. ’17; also earned Distinguished Service Cross; namesake of Harry Ollrich Post No. 4 of American Legion at Mt. Clemens, MI.



Olsen, Olaf S.

Private, U.S. Army

Company I, 127TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:

Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:

General Orders:

Born: at Swift County, Minnesota

Hometown: Superior, Wisconsin


He enlisted in Co. I, 3D Wis. Inf., Wisconsin National Guard, at Superior, WI; served during Mexican Border Crisis; assigned to 2d Plt., Co. I, 127TH Inf. when 32D Div. was organized; earned Distinguished Service Cross for his actions 31 Aug. ’18 leading a squad near Juvigny; promoted to Sgt. at some point.



Olson, Erwin A.

Corporal, U.S. Army

128TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:

Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:

General Orders:


Hometown: Wausau, Wisconsin


NoK Mrs. Mary Lee, 301 2nd Ave. N., Wausau, WI; enlisted in Co. G, 3D Wis. Inf., Wisconsin National Guard, at Wausau, WI (hometown); was Pvt. in that unit during Mexican Border Crisis; assigned to 128TH Inf. when 32D Div. was organized, likely Co. G; WIA, listed on 28 Oct. ’18 casualty list.



Orr, Charles B.

Sergeant, U.S. Army

Company C, 125TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action: 29 August 1918

Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with bronze star

Citation: “On August 29, 1918, near Juvigny, he went to the aid of his company commander who had fallen in front of the lines, dressed his wounds and brought him in with great difficulty under a direct fire of the enemy.”

General Orders: Order No. 14.383 “D,” 15 March 1919, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East


Hometown: Detroit, Michigan



Padon, Harmon Charles

First Lieutenant, U.S. Army

Headquarters, 127TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:

Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed: (hand written citation, in French, could not zoom in to transcribe due to low resolution)

General Orders: Order No. 14.207 “D,” 10 March 1919, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East

Born: 5 May 1893

Hometown: Beloit, Wisconsin

Death: 14 November 1862

Interred: Willamette National Cemetery, Portland, Oregon


Family resided at Chicago, IL at ’00 census; Harmon resided at Ottawa, WI at ’10 census; enlisted in Co. L, 1ST Wis. Inf., WNG, at Beloit, WI; Pfc. in that unit during Mexican Border Crisis; served with HQ, 127TH Inf.; commissioned at some point; 1st Lt. in Off. Reserve Corps ca. ’20; married Margaret Rosenthal prior to ’20 census, father of 2, resided at Beloit, WI ca. ’20; resided at Portland, OR at ’40 census; son George H. served with Coast Guard during WWII.



Page, Wilfred (Willfred)

Lieutenant, U.S. Army

127TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:

Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:

General Orders:





*Palmer, James Shrigley

Private First Class, U.S. Army
Company I, 125TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action: likely 30 and 31 August 1918, see below
Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with silver star

Citation: “After the death of his platoon sergeant, he placed himself at the head of his comrades and led them to the attack with magnificent bravery. Was killed on the following day while again leading them to the attack.”

General Orders: Order No. 14.522 “D,” 16 March 1919, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East
Born: 8 June 1896
Hometown: Detroit, Michigan

Death: 31 August 1918 at Juvigny

Interred: Oise-Aisne American Cemetery

Status: KIA


He graduated Culver Military Academy in ’13; attended Mich. Agricultural College, engr. course; worked in cost dept. of Ford Motor Co.; SN 263346; applied for officer training, denied because he was too short; also earned Silver Star Citation, likely posthumously.



*Payson, Carl Frederick

Sergeant, U.S. Army

Company C, 125TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action: 1 August 1918

Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with palm

Citation: “During the attack of Cierges on August 1, 1918, although mortally wounded in the head he nevertheless succeeded in keeping his feet and in accompanying the assaulting wave until he fell. His example of indomitable will and bravery encouraged all his comrades.”

General Orders: Order No. 12.335 “D,” 15 December 1918, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East

Born: 14 June 1896 at Paulding, Ohio

Hometown: Monroe, Michigan

Death: 1 August 1918

Interred: memorialized on Tablets of the Missing at Aisne-Marne American Cemetery

Status: MIA


He worked as welder at Van Blerck Motor co.; enlisted in Michigan National Guard at Monroe, MI, the Monroe Light Guard, ca. ’14; also earned Distinguished Service Cross; MIA, presumed KIA, 1 Aug. (31 Jul.) ’18 at Cierges, machinegun bullet wound to his head; namesake of Carl F. Payson Post No. 60 of American Legion at Monroe, MI; he was one of Pershing’s 100, 1 of 2 from 32D Div.



Pearce, William N.

Second Lieutenant, U.S. Army
107TH Engineer Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:
Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:

General Orders:



Pearson, George A.

Private, U.S. Army
125TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action: 29 August 1918
Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with bronze star

Citation: “During the combats of August 29, 1918, near Juvigny, he displayed much coolness and courage in going to the assistance of several of his wounded comrades.”

General Orders: Order No. 14.426 “D,” 14 March 1919, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East
Hometown: Marquette, Michigan



Pearson, LeRoy Alfred

Captain, U.S. Army
Headquarters, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action: 28 August – 6 September 1918
Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with gilt star

Citation: “As liaison officer with the 10th French Army during the operations to the north of Soissons from August 28 to September 6, 1918, by his accurate judgment and constant initiative, he maintained the communications not only with the organizations of the division, but also with the French Corps and divisions on our right and left. He displayed much courage and coolness in the accomplishment of his duties.”

General Orders: Order No. 14.382 “D,” 14 March 1919, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East
Born: 12 October 1884 at Urban, Michigan
Hometown: Port Huron, Michigan

Death: 10 April 1969 at West Palm Beach, Florida

Interred: Lakeside Cemetery, Port Huron, Michigan


He graduated Sandusky H. S.; attended Dean Business College; married Mary Young; married Bertha Genevieve Conroy at Port Huron, MI in Apr. ’12, father of 1; worked in insurance; resided at 918 Howard St., Port Huron, MI; enlisted in Co. M, 1ST Mich. Inf., Mich. NG at Port Huron, MI on 17 May ’04; promoted Cpl., Co. C, 3D Mich. Inf., Port Huron, MI, on 5 Jul. ’05; promoted Sgt. on 29 Jul. ’06; commissioned 1st Lt. in Co. C, 3D Mich. Inf., on 24 Feb. ’08; promoted Capt. and Cdr. of Co. C, 33D Mich. Inf., on 10 Sep. ’12; served during Mexican Border Crisis; served with G-3 Section, HQ, 32D Div.; earned Div. Citation, likely the basis for the Silver Star Citation he earned for his actions at Juvigny; attended Gen. Staff College at Langres; served in post-war Mich. NG; promoted Maj. on 6 Dec. ’19, assigned S.Q.M. and U.S.P. and D.O. in QM Corps of State Staff; appointed QM Gen. of MI; promoted Lt. Col. in ’22; assigned G-4, HQ, 32D Div.; appointed Adjutant General of MI in Jan. ’43; promoted Brig. Gen. in Mar. ’43; retired ca. 30 Nov. ’47 after 43 years of service.



Pehrson, Arthur B.

Sergeant, U.S. Army
Company M, 126TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:
Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:

General Orders:
Born: 7 April 1893 at Michigan
Hometown: Virginia, Minnesota

Death: 1 April 1955

Interred: Fort Snelling National Cemetery, Minneapolis, Minnesota


Served with Co. M, 126TH Inf.; transferred to Co. H, 126TH Inf.; resided at St. Cloud Township, Stearns Co., MN at ’30, ’40 census; divorced after ’30 and before ’40 census.



Peralta, Albert

Private, U.S. Army
128TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:
Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:

General Orders:



Perry, Donald E.

First Lieutenant (Infantry), U.S. Army
Company A, 126TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action: 1 August 1918
Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with gilt star

Citation: “During the attack of Jomblets Wood near Sergy on August 1, 1918, he displayed great courage and fine qualities of leadership in assembling his platoon and in resuming the attack under a violent fire of artillery, machine guns and riflemen.”

General Orders: Order No. 12.334 “D,” 15 December 1918, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East
Hometown: Coldwater, Michigan


Enlisted in Michigan National Guard; Sgt. in Co. A, 126TH Inf. when 32D Div. was organized; commissioned 2d Lt. on 4 Dec. ’17 and assigned to Co. M, 126TH Inf.; attended First Army Corps School 4 Jun.-9 Jul. ’18; detailed as Scout Off., 3D Bn., 126TH Inf. on 10 Jul. ’18; earned Silver Star Citation for his actions 28 Jul. ’18 on the Vesle River (date may be typographical error, the Division’s first combat in the Aisne-Marne occurred on 30 Jul. ’18, date is likely 1 Aug. ’18, same as Croix de Guerre); WIA, gassed, 4 Aug. ’18 near Ville-Savoye; recommended for DSC by Capt. George L. Olsen for his actions at Aisne-Marne; returned to duty 12 Sep. ’18 and assigned to Co. A, 126TH Inf.; WIA 4 Oct. ’18 near Gesnes; promoted 1st Lt. on 15 Oct. ’18; returned to duty 28 Oct. ’18; evacuated to hosp., sick, 6 Nov. ’18; did not return to unit.



Peters, John

Sergeant, U.S. Army
Company G, 128TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action: 1 September 1918
Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with bronze star

Citation: “On 1 Sep. ‘18, he displayed bravery and energy under a violent machine-gun fire. His leader whom he was accompanying on reconnaissance having been killed he returned to the platoon and guided it out of the view of the enemy.”

General Orders: Order No. 14.523 “D,” 16 March 1919, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East
Hometown: Muskegon, Michigan



Peterson, Austin A.

First Lieutenant, U.S. Army
Company B, 121ST Machinegun Battalion, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:
Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed: 1st Lt. Peterson earned the Croix de Guerre for his actions at Juvigny.

General Orders:
Born: 1892
Hometown: Neillsville, Wisconsin

Death: 1987

Interred: Neillsville Cemetery, Neillsville, Wisconsin


He enlisted in Co. A, 3D Wis. Inf., Wisconsin National Guard, Neillsville, WI in ’15; was Cpl. in that unit during Mexican Border Crisis; his unit guarded industry and infrastructure at Two Harbors, MN after it returned from Camp Wilson, TX; 1st Sgt. of Co. A when mobilized 15 Jul. ’17; assigned Sgt. Maj. of 121ST MG Bn. when 32D Div. was organized; commissioned 2d Lt. at some point; assigned to Co. B, 121ST MG Bn.; promoted 1st Lt. in Aug. ’18; helped organize American Legion Post at Neillsville, WI; married Dorothy J. Martin on 30 Jun. ’20; Adjutant of Wis. Dept. of American Legion ca. ’22.



Peterson, Harry

Sergeant, U.S. Army
Company L, 128TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:
Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:

General Orders:
Born: 17 October 1894
Hometown: Rhinelander, Wisconsin

Death: 7 September 1972

Interred: Mount Hope Cemetery, Ashland, Wisconsin


He enlisted in Co. L, 2D Wis. Inf., Wisconsin National Guard, at Rhinelander, WI; was Pfc. in that unit during Mexican Border Crisis; assigned to Co. L or Co. I, 128TH Inf. when 32D Div. was organized; earned Silver Star Citation for his actions 31 Aug.-1 Sep. 18 near Juvigny.



Peterson, Walter Oscar Ludwig

First Sergeant, U.S. Army

Company H, 128TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:

Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with star (not sure if bronze, silver, or gilt)

Citation Needed:

General Orders:

Born: 4 December 1892 at Menominee, Michigan

Hometown: Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Death: 13 October 1976 at Detroit, Michigan

Interred: Woodlawn Cemetery, Detroit, Michigan


NoK Mrs. Edna H. Peterson, wife, 2122 Clarence Ave., Racine, WI, previously 1420 or 1530 Grand Ave., Milwaukee, WI; worked in office of Pine Lumber Co.; enlisted in Wisconsin National Guard at Milwaukee, WI on 19 Jul. ’17; served with Co. H, 128TH Inf.; overseas 19 Feb. ’18; earned Distinguished Service Cross for his actions 5 Oct. ’18 as 1st Sgt. near Romagne, led 2nd wave of attack due to officer casualties; commissioned 2d Lt.; departed France 27 Apr. ’19; arrived Camp Mills 7 May ’19; discharged at Camp Grant, IL on 19 May ’19; married Edna Hannah Marie Risberg, father of at least 2.



Phelan, Joseph B. (D.)

Sergeant, U.S. Army

121ST Machinegun Battalion, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:

Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:

General Orders:

Born: 11 December 1893 at Rice Lake, Wisconsin

Hometown: Rice Lake, Wisconsin

Death: 13 April 1922, pneumonia

Interred: Evergreen Cemetery, Menomonie, Wisconsin


He enlisted in MG Co., 3D Wis. Inf., Wisconsin National Guard, at Rice Lake, WI; was Sgt. in that unit during Mexican Border Crisis.



Phillips, William C.

Private, U.S. Army

Medical Detachment or Machinegun Company, 125TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:

Degree of Award: unknown

Citation: “For bravery in rescuing wounded comrades who had fallen between the lines.”

General Orders: Order No. 14.552 “D,” 16 March 1919, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East

Born: 8 February 1895

Hometown: Flint, Michigan

Death: 2 March 1964

Interred: Danby Cemetery, Mulliken, Michigan



Pichler, Paul

Sergeant, U.S. Army

Company E, 128TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:

Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:

General Orders:

Born: 14 September 1890 at Youngstown, Ohio

Hometown: Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Death: 17 June 1942

Interred: Wood National Cemetery, Milwaukee, Wisconsin


He worked as mechanic at Harley-Davidson; enlisted in Co. E, 1ST Wis. Inf., Wisconsin National Guard, at Milwaukee, WI on 23 Jun. ’16; was Pvt. in that unit during Mexican Border Crisis; assigned to Co. E (Co. G), 128TH Inf. when 32D Div. was organized; defense sector, Aisne-Marne, Oise-Aisne, Meuse-Argonne, Army of Occupation; WIA, gassed; discharged at Camp Grant, IL on 19 May ’19; brother, Sgt. Joseph, WNG, assigned to 128TH Inf., transferred to Co. G, 28TH Inf., 1ST Div.; hospitalized at Muirdale Tuberculosis Sanatorium at some point after the war; resided at Town of Wauwatosa, WI at ’40 census.



Pillow, Jerome Gray

Lieutenant Colonel, U.S. Army

Headquarters, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:

Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:

General Orders:

Born: 7 August 1875 at Columbia, Tennessee

Hometown: Helena, Arkansas

Death: 7 April 1956 at Atchison, Kansas

Interred: Mount Vernon Cemetery, Atchison, Kansas


Married Mary Louise Hetherington; graduated USMA at West Point, commissioned 2d Lt., cavalry, assigned to 14TH Cav. on 2 Feb. ’01; stationed in Philippines ’03-’05; promoted 1st Lt., 7TH Cav. on 16 Aug. ’05; transferred to 13TH Cav. 4 Nov. ’05; assigned Dept. of Luzon, 1 Mar. ’10-19 Jan. ’11; stationed at Ft. Riley, KS 4 May ’11-13 Sep. ’12; stationed on Mexican Border to 28 May ’13; transferred to 4TH Cav. on 3 Oct. ’14; promoted Capt., 4TH Cav., on 1 Jul. ’16; transferred to 13TH Cav. on 29 Jun. ’17; promoted Maj. (brevet) on 5 Aug. ’17; assigned Adjutant, 89TH Div., Camp Funston, KS, 28 Aug. ’17; landed at Liverpool, England, on 10 Mar. ’18; assigned to Gen. Staff College at Langres to 31 May ’18; promoted Lt. Col. (brevet) on 11 May ’18; assigned G-2, HQ, 35TH Div. at Alsace 4-27 Jul. ’18; assigned to 32D Div. on 29 Jul. ’18; assigned G-3 on 31 Aug. ’18; earned Distinguished Service Medal and Div. Citation; also earned Chevalier de la Légion d’Honneur (French Legion of Honor), by Presidential decree of 16 Mar. ’19; departed 32D Div. in Germany 13 Dec. ’18; promoted Col. (brevet) 7 Apr. ’19; promoted Lt. Col. on 20 Jul. ’20; graduated School of the Line in ’21; military attaché at Rome ca. ’34-’36; he and his wife sailed home aboard the Vulcania, which had a fire at sea near Naples ca. 19 Oct. ’36, the relatively small fire was extinguished by the crew, but 4 crew members died fighting it, the ship resumed the trip to New York under its own power; vice-president of a bank at Atchison, KS ca. ’50; member of American Legion and Rotary.



Plain, Frank

Corporal, U.S. Army
Company M, 127TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action: May 1918
Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed: Cpl. Plain earned Croix de Guerre for his actions in May ’18 at Alsace, accurate fire of his trench mortar battery repelled a German trench raid.

General Orders:
Born: 7 June 1895 (’96, ’98)
Hometown: Oconto Falls, Wisconsin

Death: 19 January 1959


He enlisted in Co. M, 2D Wis. Inf., WNG, at Oconto, WI; severely WIA, listed on 27 Nov. ’18 casualty list; suffered a broken neck when truck overturned in a shell hole; received his Croix de Guerre on 15 Apr. ’19 while a patient at the Gen. Hosp. No. 28 at Ft. Sheridan, IL, doctor was confident he would recover after surgery on his neck; married Gladys, father of 4.



Platt, Alfred N.

Sergeant, U.S. Army
Company A, 125TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:
Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with silver star

Citation: “He advanced with his platoon to protect the tanks against the attack of the enemy infantry. When the two tanks which he accompanied were disabled by the enemy fire he reorganized his platoon and marched it forward to the aid of other tanks. Although wounded he consented to leave his men only after having destroyed several nests of machine guns.”

General Orders: Order No. 14.559 “D,” 17 March 1919, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East
Born: 1899 at West Virginia
Hometown: Detroit, Michigan



Platt, Myrl Odd (Pladt)

Corporal, U.S. Army
Company F, 128TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:
Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with bronze star

Citation Needed: “Was an example of courage and bravery for all the comrades of his platoon during the operations to the north of Juvigny.”

General Orders: Order No. 14.383 “D,” 15 March 1919, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East
Born: 1899 at West Virginia
Hometown: Detroit, Michigan

Death: 1957

Interred: New Milford Cemetery, New Milford, Pennsylvania


He was a scout in Co. F, 128TH Inf.; 1 of a small group in the unit nicknamed the “Blood Hounds,” of which Capt. Edmund P. Arpin noted, “I liked these boys, but for me they sometimes produced an acute attack of gray hairs.”; captured 18-20 Germans singlehandedly in heavy fog on 5 Oct. ’18; WIA; listed as MIA for a while; status changed to “Returned to Duty, Previously Reported MIA” on 18 Oct. ’18 casualty list; married Martha E., father of at least 2 daughters; member of Masons and Shriners.



Plauman, Herman

Private First Class, U.S. Army

Company H, 128TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action: 3 August 1918

Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with gilt star

Citation: “An admirably courageous soldier. He had hardly returned from a perilous mission when he volunteered to carry a message to the company commander. Having almost reached his destination he saw this officer mortally wounded, gave him first-aid and delivered the message. Was himself wounded in the course of this action.”

General Orders: Order No. 16.103 ‘”D,” 16 April 1919, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East

Born: at Romeo, Michigan

Hometown: Detroit, Michigan


He earned Distinguished Service Cross for his actions 3 Aug. ’18 as a message runner near St. Gilles, found his company commander, whom he was to deliver his message, mortally wounded by artillery, administered first aid then reported back to the battalion commander, WIA during the event.



Pohl, George Henry

Corporal, U.S. Army

Company G, 126TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action: 28 August 1918

Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with gilt star

Citation: “He was severely wounded at the commencement of the advance and remained with his company until the objective was attained. The lack of an ambulance having caused a delay in his evacuation he returned to the front line and reported to his leader and requested to assist in the transport of the wounded to the rear. His heroic conduct was a stimulant for all those who saw him.”

General Orders: Order No. 13.069 “D,” 23 January 1919, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East

Born: 10 October 1889 at Mount Clemens or Detroit, Michigan

Hometown: Mount Clemens, Michigan

Death: 4 February 1926 at Mount Clemens, Michigan

Interred: Clinton Grove Cemetery, Clinton Township, Macomb County, Michigan


He earned Distinguished Service Cross for his actions 28 Aug. ’18 near Juvigny, continued in attack with his unit after he was severely WIA and rescued some of his wounded comrades; also earned Italian Croce di Guerra; WIA 9 Oct. ’18.



Poland, Joseph

Corporal, U.S. Army

128TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:

Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:

General Orders:





Post, Mathew

Sergeant, U.S. Army

Company M, 126TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:

Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with bronze star

Citation: “As runner between the company post of command and those of the advanced platoons, he kept up the liaison day and night while constantly exposed to the fire of artillery.”

General Orders: Order No. 14.251 “D,” 12 March 1919, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East


Hometown: Grand Rapids, Michigan


Enlisted in Michigan National Guard.



Powell, Joseph W.

Private, U.S. Army

128TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:

Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:

General Orders:





Pratt, Daniel

Cook, U.S. Army

125TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:

Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:

General Orders:





Prellwitz, Emil G. (Prellivitz)

Major, U.S. Army
Headquarters, 3D Battalion, 128TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 
Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed: Maj. Prellwitz received his first Croix de Guerre in Mar. ’19.
General Orders:
Born: 6 August 1887 at Green Lake, Wisconsin
Hometown: Ripon, Wisconsin

Death: 1 January 1941

Interred: Hillside Cemetery, Ripon, Wisconsin


Prellwitz, Emil G. (Prellivitz)

Major, U.S. Army
Headquarters, 3D Battalion, 128TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 
Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with silver star

Citation Needed: Maj. Prellwitz received his second Croix de Guerre on 10 May ’29 at Ripon, WI.
General Orders:
Born: 6 August 1887 at Green Lake, Wisconsin
Hometown: Ripon, Wisconsin

Death: 1 January 1941

Interred: Hillside Cemetery, Ripon, Wisconsin


Married Meta Hoffman, father of 1; enlisted in Co. D, 2D Wis. Inf., Wisconsin National Guard, at Ripon, WI ca. ’05; was Sgt. in the unit by ’11; Capt. and Cdr. of the unit during Mexican Border Crisis; same position when mobilized 15 Jul. ’17; assigned to Co. B, 128TH Inf. when 32D Div. was organized; promoted to Maj. and assigned Cdr. of 3D Bn., 128TH Inf.; earned Silver Star Citation for his actions 30 Aug.-1 Sep. ’18 at Juvigny, personally led his battalion against strong enemy machinegun nests; WIA several times; earned Purple Heart; served in post-war WNG; Maj. and Cdr. of 2D Bn., 127TH Inf. when it received federal recognition 10 Jul. ’20 during post-war reorganization of 32D Div.; retired as Lt. Col. and XO of 127TH Inf. ca. 22 Feb. ’30 after 25 years of service due to ill health, succeeded by Col. J. Tracy Hale, Jr.; served as quartermaster at Veterans’ Home at King, WI for 4 years; Ripon Post Master; owned a tavern near Ripon, WI; member of Order of Eastern Star.



Prescott, Floyd W.

Corporal, U.S. Army

Headquarters Company, 120TH Field Artillery Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action: 4 August 1918

Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with gilt star

Citation: “An admirably courageous soldier. He kept up the telephonic liaison between the battalion and regimental headquarters under a violent bombardment of artillery.” His brother, Pvt. Lee O. Prescott, served in the same unit and earned the Croix de Guerre for his actions that day as well.

General Orders: Order No. 16.103 “D” 16 April 1919, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East

Born: 23 August 1899 at Leslie, Michigan

Hometown: Lansing, Michigan

Death: 31 May 1970

Interred: Oak Hill Burial Park, Lakeland, Florida


He worked as a machinist; enlisted in Btry. B, 1ST Mich. FA Regt., Mich. NG; SN 2302159; may have been assigned to 119TH FA Regt. when 32D Div. was organized; served with HQ Co., 120TH FA Regt.; earned Distinguished Service Cross for his actions 4 Aug. ’18 at St. Gilles, repaired telephone lines during artillery barrage; WIA, gassed, 14 Aug. ’18 near Courville; married Marie ‘Mary’ Ethyl, father of at least 1; resided at 1823 Aletakee, Lansing, MI at 1940 census.



Prescott, Lee Otis

Private, U.S. Army

Headquarters Company, 120TH Field Artillery Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action: 4 August 1918

Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with gilt star

Citation: “An admirably courageous soldier. He kept up the telephonic liaison between the battalion and regimental headquarters under a violent bombardment of artillery.” His brother, Cpl. Floyd W. Prescott, served in the same unit and earned the Croix de Guerre for his actions that day as well.

General Orders: Order No. 16.103 “D” 16 Apr. ’19, GHQ, French Armies of the East

Born: 11 December 1896 at Spicerville, Michigan

Hometown: Lansing, Michigan

Death: 1 February 1966

Interred: Mount Hope Cemetery, Lansing, Michigan


He likely enlisted with his brother in Btry. B, 1ST Mich. FA Regt., Mich. NG; SN 2302171; served with HQ Co., 120TH FA Regt.; earned Distinguished Service Cross for his actions 4 Aug. ’18 at St. Gilles, repaired telephone lines during artillery barrage; married Rosemary ‘Mary’ Courtright on Christmas Day ’20.



Price, Okey

Private First Class, U.S. Army

Company A, 126TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:

Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:

General Orders:

Born: 6 September 1894

Hometown: Walker, West Virginia

Death: 26 October 1944

Interred: Kanawha Baptist Cemetery, Leachtown, West Virginia



Price, William H.

Private, U.S. Army

127TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:

Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:

General Orders:





Proton, Peter J. (Proten)

Private First Class, U.S. Army

107TH Field Signal Battalion or Headquarters Troop, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action: 30 August to 2 September 1918

Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with bronze star

Citation: “A very zealous soldier, courageous and very ready. On several occasions during the period from 30 August to 2 September 1918, he repaired the telephone lines in spite of the violent enemy bombardment.”

General Orders: Order No. 14.523 “D,” 16 March 1919, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East

Born: 2 October 1890 at Naubinway, Michigan

Hometown: Engadine, Michigan

Death: 4 January 1937 at Rapinville, Michigan

Interred: Garfield Cemetery, Engadine, Michigan


Resided at Florence Co., WI at ’20 census; resided at Garfield, MI at ’30 census; member of Hugh Allen McInnis Post of American Legion.



Quilliam, William J.

Sergeant, U.S. Army

Company G, 125TH Infantry, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action: 29 August 1918

Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with silver star

Citation: “During the attack at Juvigny on August 29, 1918, he displayed great bravery in voluntarily accompanying the French tanks under a violent fire of machine guns and artillery. He discovered several machine-gun nests and aided in destroying them.”

General Orders: Order No. 14.559 ”D,” 17 March 1919, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East

Born: 1893

Hometown: Dollar Bay, Michigan

Death: 1978

Interred: Holy Cross Cemetery, Trowbridge Park, Michigan



Raleigh, Walter J.

Private First Class, U.S. Army

Company A, Motor Battalion, 107TH Ammunition Train, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action: 4 September 1918

Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:

General Orders:

Born: 8 May 1896 at Chilton or Menasha, Wisconsin

Hometown: Menasha, Wisconsin

Death: 26 September 1966 at Menasha, Wisconsin

Interred: St. Margaret Cemetery, Neenah, Wisconsin


Son of Daniel and Elizabeth (Venn) Raleigh, father NoK, 430 Water St., Menasha, WI (hometown); enlisted in Co. E, 4TH Wis. Inf., Wisconsin National Guard, Menasha, WI; assigned to Co. A, Motor Bn., 107TH Ammo Tr. when 32D Div. was organized; also earned Distinguished Service Cross for his actions 2 or 4 Sep. ‘18 at Juvigny; received DSC ca. 20 Mar. ‘19 in Germany (possibly by Gen. Pershing); brother, Daniel J., served in Army during WWII; resided at 37 Main St., Menasha, WI, at ‘40 Census; member of Lenz-Gazecki Post No. 152 of American Legion, Menasha, WI.



Rand, Ralph

Corporal, U.S. Army

127TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action: 26 August 1918

Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed: Cpl. Rand earned the Croix de Guerre for his actions on 26 Aug. ’18 at Juvigny, he and 2 companions captured 45 Germans (actual date might be 28 Aug., the Div. didn’t occupy the trenches in that sector until the night of 27-28 Aug. ’18).

General Orders:


Hometown: Butte, Montana


He resided at 305 W. Broadway, Butte, MT; worked for Butte Electric Railway Co.



Rankin, William C.

Major (Medical Corps), U.S. Army

Sanitary Detachment, 126TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:

Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:

General Orders:

Born: circa 1877 on family farm at Fulton County, Illinois

Hometown: Keokuk, Iowa

Death: 18 December 1970 in his home at Keokuk, Iowa at age 93



His brother John M. served as Pvt. in 6TH Ill. Inf. in Puerto Rico during Spanish-American War; graduated Keokuk Med. School and College of Physicians and Surgeons in ’03; married, father of 2; 1st Lt., med. off., assigned to San. Det., 126TH Inf., on 1 Oct. ’17; promoted Capt. 4 Dec. ’17; promoted Maj. 11 Nov. ’18; attached to 324TH FA Regt. 1 Mar.-2 Apr. ’19; son John R. was med. off. in Navy during WWII; practiced med. at Keokuk, IA at least into his 80s; life member of Post No. 41 of American Legion at Keokuk, IA.



Rasmessen, Carl

Corporal, U.S. Army

127TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:

Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:

General Orders:





Rayburn, Harry R.

Private, U.S. Army

32D Military Police Company, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:

Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:

General Orders:

Born: circa 1899 at Oregon

Hometown: Portland, Oregon


Resided at 1706 E. 13th St., Portland, OR; served with Co. A, 107TH Tr. HQ & MPs (32D MP Co., 107TH MPs).



Raymond, Frank H.

Corporal, U.S. Army

Company M, 126TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action: 14 October 1918

Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with gilt star

Citation: “An admirably courageous soldier. His regiment having been checked by machine guns and grenades he volunteered for a combat patrol and crossing the enemy lines he captured 10 machine guns, killed and made prisoner 15 of the enemy and forced the others to surrender.”

General Orders: Order No. 16.103 “D,” 15 April 1919, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East

Born: at Kent City, Michigan

Hometown: Freemont, Michigan


He enlisted in Michigan National Guard; severely WIA 1 Aug. ’18; earned Distinguished Service Cross for his actions 14 Oct. ’18 as a Cpl. and member of a combat patrol near Romagne; WIA 18 Oct. ’18.



Redeker, Paul W.

Corporal, U.S. Army

Company M, 125TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action: 31 July 1918

Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with gilt star

Citation: “During the action near Sergy on July 31, 1918, he voluntarily carried messages through a violent machine-gun fire and an intense artillery barrage exposing himself to the greatest dangers. In broad daylight and in view of the enemy he carried some wounded men to shelter.”

General Orders: Order No. 12.334 “D,” 15 December 1918, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East

Born: 13 March 1897 at Manistique, Michigan

Hometown: Manistique, Michigan

Death: 26 July 1956

Interred: Fairview Cemetery, Manistique, Michigan


He earned Distinguished Service Cross for his actions 31 Jul. ’18 as message runner near Sergy, also volunteered for other dangerous missions and rescued wounded comrades; WIA, listed on 4 Nov. ’18 casualty list; promoted to Sgt.; attended Mich. College of Mines ca. ’20-’21; married Edith R. Ashford at Port Huron, MI on 26 Nov. ’20, father of at least 1; mining engineer; resided at Baltic, MI at 1930 census; resided at 1 Algoma St., Adams, MI at 1940 census.



Reese, Lester C.

Mechanic, U.S. Army

Company B, 125TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:

Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:

General Orders:


Hometown: McMinnville, Oregon

Death: 12 October 1918

Interred: Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery

Status: KIA


He also had ties to Newberg, OR; namesake of Lester C. Reese Post of American Legion at Newberg, OR.



Remington, Daniel Loomis ‘Dan’

Lieutenant Colonel, U.S. Army

Headquarters, 121ST Machinegun Battalion, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:

Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:

General Orders:

Born: 8 August 1876 at Wisconsin

Hometown: Mauston, Wisconsin

Death: 12 March 1961 at Mauston, Wisconsin



He graduated Mauston H. S. in ’96; worked as Railway Postal Clerk at Juneau Co., WI ca. ’01; enlisted in Wisconsin National Guard ca. 1893; 2d Lt. in , 3D Wis. Inf., Mauston, WI during Spanish-American War; promoted 1st Lt. on 26 Jul. ’02, assigned Bn. Adjutant, 3D Wis. Inf.; Capt. and Cdr. of MG Co., 3D Wis. Inf. at Rice Lake, WI during Mexican Border Crisis; also served on Staff, 1ST Wis. Bde.; Cdr. of MG Co., 3D Wis. Inf. when mobilized 15 Jul. ’17; served with HQ, 121ST MG Bn.; earned Croix de Guerre; served in post-war WNG; Maj. and MG Off., HQ, 1ST Wis. Inf. ca. ’22; Lt. Col. assigned to Gen. Staff, HQ, 23D Cav. Div. ca. ’23; assigned Div. Howitzer and MG Off., HQ, 32D Div. ca. ’24; assigned to Gen. Staff, HQ, 32D Div. ca. ’26; assigned to Chem. Warfare Section, HQ, 32D Div. ca. ’34; assigned to Inspector’s Section, HQ, 32D Div. ca. ’36; married Esther C. Schoephoester, father of 1; resided at 416 Juneau Ave., Mauston, WI at ’40 census.



Reynolds, Edward Storrs

Captain (Infantry), U.S. Army

Headquarters, 119TH Machinegun Battalion, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:

Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed: According to a brevity in the Door County Advocate on 2 May ’19, Capt. Reynolds earned the Croix de Guerre “for extraordinary bravery and capable leadership at Juvigny.”

General Orders:

Born: 21 June 1893 at Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin

Hometown: Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin

Death: 1987 at Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin



Graduated U. of Wis. College of Agriculture in ’15; he was manager of Reynolds Preserving Co., his father Edward’s co., ca. ’17; Scout Master of Troop 3, BSA, Sturgeon Bay, WI ca. ’17; Capt. and Cdr. of Co. F, 5TH Wis. Inf., Wisconsin National Guard, Sturgeon Bay, WI when mobilized 15 Jul. ’17; succeeded Capt. Edward O. Witt as cdr. of Co. B, 120TH MG Bn. on 20 Dec. ’17; rode to France on USS George Washington; transferred to 119TH MG Bn. at some point; assumed cmd. of 119TH MG Bn. on 30 Aug. ’18; succeeded Maj. McCulloch after he was severely WIA; assumed cmd. of 119TH MG Bn. on 23 Sep. ’18; succeeded Maj. McCulloch after he was severely WIA; Cdr. of the unit for remainder of war; succeeded by Maj. Pelham R. Bloom as Cdr. during March to the Rhine; unit stationed at Isenburg (near Neuwied), Germany with Army of Occupation; departed unit for U.S. on 20 Feb. ’19; Capt. in Officers’ Reserve Corps ca. ’20; married Jean Morgan Hadden, father of 3.



Rheaume, Isadore (Isidore) C. (Rheuaume, Rhesume)

Sergeant, U.S. Army

Company L, 127TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:

Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:

General Orders:

Born: circa 1899 at Rhinelander, Wisconsin

Hometown: Rhinelander, Wisconsin


Son of Anton (Antony, Anthony) C. and Maria Louisa ‘Louisa’ ‘Mary’ (Jensen) Rheaume, father NoK, 120 Thayer St., Rhinelander, WI (previously resided at 203 N. Stevens), father Canadian immigrant; enlisted in Co. L, 2D Wis. Inf., Wisconsin National Guard, at Rhinelander, WI; was Pfc. in that unit during Mexican Border Crisis; assigned to Co. L, 127TH Inf. when 32D Div. was organized; severely WIA, listed on 7 Oct. ’18 casualty list; brother, 1st Lt. Ralph A., WNG, also served in Co. L, transferred to Co. A, 127TH Inf., also seriously WIA; worked at Taylor Beverage Co. at Rhinelander, WI; attended Marquette U. ca. ’20-’22; married Leone M. Olson or Olsen, father of 3; game warden at Mercer, WI ca. ’28-’38; resided and worked at Madison, WI ca. ’45; son Richard served with 71ST Inf., 44TH Div., during WWII; retired as Supervisor of Law Enforcement of the Northeast Area of the Wis. Conservation Dept. in ’63; charter member of Abner Dahlberg Post No. 7 of American Legion at Rhinelander, WI.



Riley, Edward J.

Private, U.S. Army

127TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:

Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with bronze star

Citation Needed:

General Orders:


Hometown: Hudson, Wisconsin



Rinaldi, George

Sergeant, U.S. Army
Company H, 126TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 4 August 1918

Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with silver star

Citation: “On the banks of the Vesle near Fismes, on August 4, 1918, although gassed he resumed command of a patrol along that river. He successfully accomplished this dangerous mission, obtaining valuable information on the positions of the enemy machine guns.”
General Orders: Order No. 12.373 “D,” 15 December 1918, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East
Hometown: Detroit, Michigan




Soldier in Michigan National Guard when it mobilized 15 July 1917; SN 280408; gassed 4 Aug. ’18; WIA 9 Oct. ’18; earned Silver Star Citation; also earned Belgian Ordre de Leopold II (chevalier), Royal Decree of 27 Feb. ’20, “In recognition of meritorious service rendered the Allied cause.”



*Ritzert, Charles T.

Private, U.S. Army

Company G, 125TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:

Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:

General Orders:

Born: 14 July 1887 at St. Joseph or Chicora, Pennsylvania

Hometown: Chicora, Pennsylvania

Death: 4 August 1918

Interred: memorialized on Tablets of the Missing at Aisne-Marne American Cemetery; also memorialized at St. Joseph’s Cemetery, North Oakland, PA

Status: MIA


He worked as oil well driller; entered service ca. Dec. ’17; served with Co. G (D), 125TH Inf.; also earned Distinguished Service Cross.



Roberts, Claude R.

Corporal, U.S. Army

Company G, 128TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:

Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:

General Orders:

Born: 13 December 1893 at Racine, Wisconsin

Hometown: Wausau, Wisconsin

Death: 8 May 1968 at Wausau, Wisconsin

Interred: Pine Grove Cemetery, Wausau, Wisconsin


NoK Mrs. Anna Stubbs Roberts, wife, 802 10th Ave., South Wausau, WI; NoK Mrs. J. B. Baldwin, 802 10th Ave. S., Wausau, WI; enlisted in Co. G, 3D Wis. Inf., Wisconsin National Guard, at Wausau, WI; was musician in that unit during Mexican Border Crisis; assigned to Co. G, 128TH Inf. when 32D Div. was organized; earned Distinguished Service Cross for his actions 1 Sep. ’18 near Terny-Sorny, continued in attack with his platoon after he was severely WIA and eliminated several snipers with his rifle; commissioned at some point; served in post-war WNG; 2d Lt. in Co. G, 128TH Inf. before he transferred to WNG Reserve 30 Jun. ’23; helped organized Burns Post No. 388 of VFW at Wausau, WI.



Roberts, Irving

Sergeant, U.S. Army

128TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:

Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:

General Orders:





Rouchena, Mike

Corporal, U.S. Army

Company F, 128TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:

Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with silver star

Citation: “He displayed great courage and was a fine example for his men in advancing under a violent barrage, capturing several Germans.”

General Orders: Order No. 14.559 “D,” 17 March 1919, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East


Hometown: St. Johns, Michigan



Rogers, Verne Ernest

Second Lieutenant (Infantry), U.S. Army

104TH Infantry Regiment, 26TH ‘Yankee’ Division, A.E.F., later transferred to Company E, 128TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division

Date of Action: 13 September 1918

Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with gilt star

Citation: “A portion of his platoon having been stopped by the fire of a machine gun he reduced this resistance by attacking the piece on both sides with several men, taking three prisoners.”

General Orders: Order No. 17.468 “D,” 16 May 1919, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East

Born: 25 February 1891 or 1890 at Blissfield, Michigan

Hometown: Blissfield, Michigan

Death: 10 May 1966

Interred: Pleasant View Cemetery, Blissfield, Michigan


Father, W. J. Rogers, NoK, 236 State St., Blissfield, MI; also had ties to Tecumseh, MI and New Athens, OH; graduated Alma College, “all-state quarter back and all-around athlete”; attended U. of Wyo. ca. ’13, member of Cadet Corps; history teacher and athletic coach at Hastings, MI ca. ’14-’16, trained winning football and baseball teams; transferred to Decatur, IL, H.S. ca. Jul. ’16, history teacher and head coach; attended Second Officers’ Training Camp at Ft. Sheridan, IL, 27 Aug.-28 Nov. ’17, assigned to 22D Co., 11TH Regt., some comrade described him as “an athletic coach who could carry two packs easier than many of his comrades could lug one”; served with 104TH Inf., 26TH Div.; earned Distinguished Service Cross for his actions 13 Sep. ’18 near Avillers, led attack on German machinegun nest; transferred to Co. E, 128TH Inf.; served with Army of Occupation; promoted to 1st Lt. ca. Jan. ’19; 1st Lt. in Officers Reserve Corps ca. ’20; graduate student at U. of Mich. ca. ’25; married Marguerite Finlay Swanson, father of at least 3; son Harold served during WWII; resided at Ludlow, IL ca. ’50.



Rolain, Ray C.

Sergeant, U.S. Army

Company L, 127TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:

Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with palm

Citation Needed:

General Orders:

Born: at Rhinelander, Wisconsin

Hometown: Rhinelander, Wisconsin

Death: 27 February 1926


Rolain, Ray C.

Sergeant, U.S. Army

Company L, 127TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:

Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with star (not sure if bronze, silver, or gilt)

Citation Needed:

General Orders:

Born: at Rhinelander, Wisconsin

Hometown: Rhinelander, Wisconsin

Death: 27 February 1926


He enlisted in Co. L, 2D Wis. Inf., Wisconsin National Guard, at Rhinelander, WI in ’14; was Pfc. in that unit during Mexican Border Crisis; assigned to Co. L, 127TH Inf. when 32D Div. was organized; earned Distinguished Service Cross for his actions 31 Aug. ’18 at Juvigny, single-handedly attacked machinegun nest; served in post-war WNG; 2d Lt. in Co. B, 127TH Inf. when it received federal recognition 7 May ’20 during post-war reorganization of 32D Div.; promoted 1st Lt. on 25 May ’22; resigned in ’23; married Myrtle Roepcke 21 Mar. ’25.



Rondeau, Lester C.

Private, U.S. Army

127TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:

Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:

General Orders:

Born: circa 1899 at Wisconsin

Hometown: Marinette, Wisconsin



Root, Frank E.

Private First Class, U.S. Army

Company B, 107TH Field Signal Battalion, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action: 29 August to 3 September 1918

Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with bronze star

Citation: “A zealous motorcyclist. During the period from 29 August to 3 September 1918, while in charge of bringing on to the field the material necessary to keep the telephone in commission he accomplished his task under a continual enemy bombardment.” An interview of him in a later newspaper article provided additional information.   He had departed Div. HQ at Tartiers Cave to spool out telephone wire from his motorcycle to Juvigny. He was told it was occupied by U.S. troops; when he got there he found out the Germans still held the town. He had to hide in a hole under fire for five days without food or water and tapped out messages to HQ while awaiting relief.

General Orders: Order No. 14.523 “D,” 16 March 1919, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East

Born: 2 November 1888 at Swartz Creek, Michigan

Hometown: Detroit, Michigan


Attended Cleary Business College and Mich. State Normal School; worked as compositor for Scherf Tag and Box Co.; moved to Detroit, MI in ’09, resided at 210 Marston Ave.; worked in the printing plant of Parke, Davis & Co.; enlisted in Signal Corps (Regular Army?) at Ypsilanti, MI in ’13 “for service in Mexico”; returned to Detroit as a recruiter in ’17; “…posted a “No Officers Wanted” sign on his Cadillac Square office. “Everyone at that time wanted to be a general.” he said. “I had to do something to scare them away.”; discharged in ’19; married Lillian Kesterholt, father of 2; started his own printing business; assigned superintendent of Dodge Bros. Motor Co. printing plant ca. ’21; he left when they merged with Chrysler Corp. in ’29; assigned superintendent of Florist Telegraph Delivery Association printing dept. at 251 W. Lamed St.; resided at 5517 Drexel Ave., Detroit, MI ca. ’31; member of Ashlar Masonic Lodge No. 91, Red Arrow Club, Milburn-Hawkes Post of American Legion.



Rosencrance, Fred

Private First Class, U.S. Army

125TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:

Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:

General Orders:





Ross, Ernest E.

Private First Class, U.S. Army

107TH Field Signal Battalion, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:

Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with bronze star

Citation Needed:

General Orders:

Born: 4 November 1894 at South Lyndeborough, New Hampshire

Hometown: South Lyndeborough, New Hampshire

Death: 4 September 1943 at Nashua, New Hampshire

Interred: South Cemetery, Lyndeborough, New Hampshire


Entered service on 15 Mar. ’16; discharged 19 Jul. ’19; married Edith D. Sherman; resided at South Lyndeborough, NH at ’40 census.



Ross, Marion

Corporal, U.S. Army

125TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:

Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:

General Orders:





Rowe, George H.

Corporal, U.S. Army

127TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:

Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:

General Orders:





Rumary, Marshall H.

Corporal, U.S. Army

127TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:

Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:

General Orders:

Born: 4 May 1894


Death: 15 August 1983

Interred: Evergreen Cemetery, Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin


Most references, including his cemetery monument, list middle initial as H. but some references list middle name as Bronson; married Margaret L. Breuer, father of 4; worked as welder at James Manufacturing Co. and resided at 817 East St., Fort Atkinson, WI ca. ’38.



*Rust, William Henry

First Lieutenant, U.S. Army

Company K, 125TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action: 29 August 1918

Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with silver star

Citation: “The only remaining officer of the company, he led it to the attack with bravery and remarkable energy. Was killed near the objective which had been assigned to him.”

General Orders: Order No. 14.438 “D,” 15 March 1919, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East

Born: 27 March 1893 at Grand Blanc, Michigan

Hometown: Merrill, Michigan

Death: 29 August 1918


Status: DW


He attended Ferris Institute; attended Mich. Agricultural College; completed First Officers Training Camp at Fort Sheridan, IL, assigned to 9TH Co.; after commissioned, served at Camp Custer, then Camp Greene, then Camp MacArthur, where he was assigned to Co. K, 125TH Inf.; promoted 1st Lt. Jan. ’18; WIA (KIA) 29 Aug. at Juvigny; DW 29 Aug. (2 Sep.) ’18; also earned Div. Citation; reportedly earned Distinguished Service Cross but haven’t found positive proof.



Rutherford, J. Kenneth (James Kenneth, Kenneth F.)

First Lieutenant, U.S. Army

127TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:

Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed: 1st Lt. Rutherford likely earned his Croix de Guerre for his actions on 17 Jun. ’18, when he was severely WIA.

General Orders:

Born: 1891 at New York

Hometown: Yonkers, New York


He completed Officers’ Reserve Training Camp at Plattsburg, NY on 15 Aug. ’17, assigned to 3D Co.; commissioned 2d Lt., infantry, ca. 15 Aug. ’17; assigned to 53D Pioneer Inf. while NY NG was being reorganized to form 27TH Div. and other units; served with 127TH Inf.; severely WIA 17 Jun. ’18 at Alsace, listed on 6 Jul. ’18 casualty list; returned to U.S. ca. 21 Sep. ’18 to be detailed as an instructor, “returned to his home here wearing the Croix de Guerre and several wound stripes” (some references state he earned 2 wound chevrons); promoted to Capt. ca. Jan. ’19; Capt. in Off. Reserve Corps ca. ’20; member of Bodenstab-Thomas Post No. 884 of American Legion at Yonkers, NY; married Mildred, father of 3; resided at 161 Demott Ave., Hempstead, NY at ’40 census.