Surnames E through K

French Croix de Guerre Recipients Medal
The French Croix de Guerre, ‘War Cross,’ or literally ‘Cross of War,’ was established on 8 April 1915 to recognize acts of combat valor. There are four degrees of the decoration, determined by the echelon of French military command in whose dispatches the individual or unit was cited: bronze star for regiment or brigade, silver star for division, gilt (gold) star for corps, bronze palm for army (a silver palm denotes those awarded five bronze palms). The Croix de Guerre was often, but not always, bestowed upon U.S. service members for the same act of valor for which they were bestowed U.S. decorations. Additional recipients from WWI will be added to this roster as they are identified.

Read here of the deeds of these brave heroes and do not forget them!

The names which are preceded by an asterisk denote posthumous awards.



Edwards, Lester H.

Sergeant, U.S. Army
107TH Engineer Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 
Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:
General Orders:



Eleveld, Sidney Z.

First Lieutenant, U.S. Army
Company K, 126TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 1 June 1918
Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with silver star

Citation: Citation in History of the 126TH Infantry in the War With Germany reads: “On the 1st day of June they took part in a raid with troops from the 4th Infantry Regiment (French). They have shown, to the admiration of their comrades, fearlessness of danger when under fire for the first time.” Citation in Michigan in the World War reads: “Attached to a French unit on 1 June 1918, to execute a raid on the German trenches, he went to the attack with spirit, gaining the admiration of his French comrades.” The mission was a joint French and U.S. night raid near Ammertzwiller, Alsace.   Four of the twelve American participants were decorated for their roles in the raid, 1st Lt. Sidney Z. Eleveld, Sgt. Daniel Gerber, Sgt. Edward Horrigan, Sgt. Edgar C. Taylor.
General Orders: Order No. 311, 7 June 1918, 9th French Division
Born: circa 1888 at Michigan
Hometown: Grand Rapids, Michigan


Enlisted in Co. K, 2D Mich. Inf., Michigan National Guard, on 7 Mar. ‘04; promoted to Sgt. by ‘08; Sgt., later 2d Lt., John H. served with same unit ca. ‘08; served during Mexican Border Crisis; promoted to 1st Sgt.; commissioned 1st Lt. on 2 Apr. ‘17; SN 0185895; assigned to Co. K, 126TH Inf., when 32D Div. was organized; WIA 1 Aug. ‘18, “Shell shocked in action 1 Aug. ‘18 near Cierges. Evacuated to hosp. and did not rejoin.”; served with post-war Mich. NG; promoted to Capt. and Cdr. of Co. K, 126TH Inf., on 3 May ‘21; Plans & Tng. Off., HQ, 126TH Inf., ca. ‘27-‘30; promoted to Maj. in ‘29; promoted to Lt. Col. on 2 Aug. ‘40; also served during WWII; with HQ, 126TH Inf., on 15 Oct. ‘40; assumed cmd. of 126TH Inf. on 11 May ‘41; succeeded Lt. Col. John Benner; retired in Dec. ‘41; succeeded by Col. Matthias A. Wiesenhoefer as Cdr., 126TH Inf.; recalled to active duty in Mar. ‘42; Cdr. of an MP bn. at Camp Custer, MI ca. Jul. ‘42; Cdr., 740TH MP Bn., Camp Skokie (Camp Skokie Valley), IL (German POW facility), ca. ‘42-‘45; assigned Cdr., Area E, District No. 1, Sixth Svc. Cmd., HQ at Muskegon, MI, ca. Jun. ‘45; retired as Col. on 30 Sep. ‘49; attended U. of Mich. ca. ‘21; teacher residing at 308 Michigan NE, Grand Rapids, MI, ca. ‘22; married Fern I., father of 1, foster-father of 1; machine shop and mechanical drawing teacher at Ottawa Hills H. S., Grand Rapids, MI, ca. ‘33, and when mobilized 15 Oct. ‘40, returned to his teaching position during his brief retirement from the military, Dec. ‘41-Mar. ‘42; resided at 1050 Alte Ave., Grand Rapids, MI at ‘40 census.



Emerson, Harlow B.

Corporal, U.S. Army
Company K, 125TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 31 July 1918
Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with bronze star

Citation: “Heedless of danger and although wounded he administered first aid to three of his wounded comrades. By his prompt assistance he saved their lives.”
General Orders: Order No. 12.372 “D,” 16 December 1918, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East
Born: 1896 at Saginaw, Michigan
Hometown: Saginaw, Michigan

Death: 1971

Interred: Pine Grove Cemetery, Bridgeport, Michigan


NoK Mrs. Jessie Murray, sister, 1725 Lapeer St., Saginaw, MI; NoK Mrs. Clara Bushaw, Rt. No. 5, Lansing, MI; resided with aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Jacobs, at Fort Wayne, IN for a while, moved back to Saginaw, MI in ’16; also had ties to Detroit, MI; entered service Mar. ’18; earned Distinguished Service Cross for his actions 31 Jul. ’18 on Hill 212 near Cierges (near Sergy), continued leading his squad after he was WIA (arm/shoulder); he then returned to battle and was seriously WIA by machinegun fire to the leg/foot; returned to U.S. ca. Mar. ’19 and assigned to Army Gen. Hosp. No. 36 at Detroit, MI; awarded his Croix de Guerre in a ceremony at the hosp. in May ’19; married Bertha, father of at least 3.



Erhardt, Alfred A.

Sergeant, U.S. Army
Company C, 127TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 
Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:
General Orders:
Hometown: Chilton, Wisconsin



Erickson, Daniel Melvin

First Lieutenant, U.S. Army
121ST Machinegun Battalion, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 
Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:
General Orders:
Born: 21 January 1880 at La Crosse County, Wisconsin
Hometown: La Crosse, Wisconsin

Death: 19 March 1936

Interred: Oak Grove Cemetery, La Crosse, Wisconsin


He enlisted in Co. M, 3D Wis. Inf., Wisconsin National Guard, at La Crosse, WI; 1st Sgt. of that unit when mobilized for Mexican Border Crisis; commissioned 2d Lt. during the mobilization; 1st Lt. in that unit when mobilized 15 Jul. ’17; served with 121ST MG Bn.; attained rank of Capt.; resided at Vanderburgh Co., IN at ’20 census.



Erling, Arnold E., Jr.

Private, U.S. Army
128TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 
Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:
General Orders:
Born: circa 1899 at Wisconsin
Hometown: Milwaukee, Wisconsin


He graduated Milwaukee North Division H. S.; enlisted in WNG, not sure if before the war or after the war; served with 128TH Inf.; attended Marquette U.; earned degree in dentistry, practiced at Kenosha, WI (moved there between ’20 and ’30 census); married Margaret, father of 3; resided at 7731 7th Ave., Kenosha, WI at ’40 census; brother James served during WWII.



Evenson, Elmer

Sergeant, U.S. Army

Headquarters Company, 128TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:

Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:

General Orders:

Born: 15 March 1894 at Elkhorn, Wisconsin

Hometown: Elkhorn, Wisconsin

Death: January 1971



Also earned Distinguished Service Cross for his actions 30 Aug. ’18 near Juvigny.



Evins, Lawrence W.

Sergeant First Class, U.S. Army

Company B, 107TH Engineer Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action: 2 September 1918

Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with silver star

Citation: “In command of an engineer detachment assigned to clearing the streets of Juvigny on 2 September 1918, to permit the passage of the artillery and the ammunition to the positions east of the village, he performed his task under an intense bombardment. He inspired his men by his coolness and bravery and enabled the troops to move to the positions without delay.”

General Orders: Order No. 14.517 “D,” 16 March 1919, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East

Born: 7 May 1896

Hometown: Dollar Bay, Michigan

Death: 17 July 1977

Interred: Bath National Cemetery, Bath, New York



Ewing, James Percy

Corporal, U.S. Army

Company G, 128TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action: 1 September 1918

Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with bronze star

Citation: He displayed courage and great bravery on 1 September 1918. Wounded by shell fragments, he refused to be evacuated.”

General Orders: Order No. 14.383 “D,” 15 March 1919, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East

Born: 16 September 1894 at Michigan

Hometown: Ross, Michigan

Death: 3 February 1968

Interred: Winchester Cemetery, Byron Center, Michigan


WIA 1 Sep. ‘18; earned Purple Heart; married Frances (Francis) A., father of 3; resided at Clyde Park Rd., Byron, MI at ’40 census.



Ewing, John Dunbrack

Captain, U.S. Army
Company H, 128TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 31 August to 1 September 1918

Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with gilt star

Citation: “A remarkable and brave young officer, possessing true judgment and great energy. Detailed to assist the Colonel of his Regiment, throughout the campaign, he assisted his chief in the preparation and execution of operations often very difficult. Rendered important services in the engagement which led to the taking of Juvigny, August 31, 1918, and in the advance on Terny Sorny, September 1, 1918, when the Division was a part of the Tenth French Army.”
Orders: Order No. 14,382 “D,” 14 March 1919, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East
Born: 13 February 1892 at New Orleans, Louisiana
Hometown: New Orleans, Louisiana

Death: 17 May 1952

Interred: Forest Park East Cemetery, Shreveport, Louisiana


He graduated Virginia Military Institute in ’13 (3 of his brothers also attended); entered First Officers Training Camp, Fort Logan H. Roots, AR, 7 Apr. ’17, the day after war was declared, upon completion he was commissioned Capt.; assigned to 32D Div. staff in Sep. ’17; ca. May-Jun. ’18 he requested transfer to inf. co., assigned cdr. of Co. H, 128TH Inf. during Aisne-Marne and Oise-Aisne campaigns; after capture of Juvigny he was transferred to HQ Co., 128TH Inf. as ops. & intel. off. and cdr. of scouts and snipers; WIA, earned Purple Heart; sailed for U.S. in Jan. ’19; discharged at Camp Lee, VA on 15 Mar. ’19; 2 brothers Robert, Jr. and Toulmin also served; married Helen Hamilton Gray on 27 Dec. ’19, father of 2; journalist, editor and publisher at New Orleans Daily States, Shreveport Times, and Monroe News-Star-World; worked at KWKH radio at Shreveport, LA; president of Southern Newspaper Publishers Association ’38-’39; head of International Broadcasting Corp.; director of Kansas City Southern and Louisiana and Arkansas Railroads; delegate to ’40 Democratic National Convention; members of Founders Club of American Legion; cdr. of American Legion in LA.



*Falk, Oscar Thomas

Captain, U.S. Army
Company F, 125TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 31 July 1918

Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with palm

Citation: “Although sick he resumed his duties as second in command at the moment his battalion entered the action. He was mortally wounded by a shell during the combat in the Bois de Jomblets near Cierges on July 31, 1918.”
Orders: Order No. 12.335 “D,” dated 15 December 1918, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East
Born: 12 August 1863 at Stockholm, Sweden
Hometown: Janesville, Wisconsin

Death: 30 August 1918

Interred: Riverside Cemetery, Menominee, Michigan

Status: KIA


Married, father of (at least) 1; worked at Post Office in Menominee, MI; enlisted in Co. L, 33D Mich. Inf., Michigan National Guard, at Menominee, MI on 31 May ’89; 1st Lt. on 21 Nov. ’03; Capt. on 24 Feb. ’08; cdr. of Co. L, 33D Mich. Inf. during Mexican Border Crisis; cdr. of that unit when it guarded ore docks at Escanaba from 12 Apr. until 31 Jul. ’17; cdr. of that unit when mobilized for WWI; original cdr. of Co. L when 125TH Inf. was organized; transferred to Co. F, 125TH Inf. at Camp MacArthur, TX; landed at Brest, France 24 Feb. ’18; he was either slightly WIA, seriously ill, or both on 31 Jul. ’18 and was about to be evacuated by ambulance; he refused to be evacuated and returned to his unit to lead the attack; seriously WIA 31 Jul. ’18 when artillery shell exploded amidst a group of Soldiers in Jomblets Woods, near Cierges on the Vesle; evacuated to 125TH Fld. Hosp., where he DW 1 Aug. ’18 when the hosp. was bombed, 11 days shy of his 55th birthday; also earned Silver Star Citation, bestowed posthumously, for his actions 31 Jul. ’18; namesake of Oscar Falk Post No. 146 of American Legion, Menominee, MI.



Faulds, James

Private First Class, U.S. Army
Company M, 127TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 
Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with palm

Citation: According to newspaper accounts, Pfc. Faulds earned the Croix de Guerre when he “volunteered to lead a raiding party, suddenly came upon a German party and, with three other men, captured the guns and seventy-six Germans.”   Pfc. Alfred Swens was likely 1 of the other Soldiers, Sgt. Joseph G. Witeck’s citation suggests he may have been 1 of them too, both also earned Croix de Guerre.
General Orders:
Born: circa 1895 at Wisconsin
Hometown: Oconto, Wisconsin


He enlisted in Co. M, 2D Wis. Inf., Wisconsin National Guard, at Oconto, WI; assigned to Co. M, 127TH Inf. when 32D Div. was organized; married Regina, father of 1; resided at 510 Collins Ave., Oconto, WI at ’40 census.



Ferguson, Dougald

Sergeant, U.S. Army
Machine-Gun Company, 126TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 1 August 1918
Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with palm

Citation: “The progression of his company having been stopped by an enemy machine gun he picked up a rifle and bayonet and turned the enemy position. He killed the three enemy gunners.”
General Orders: Order No. 12.335 “D,” 15 December 1918, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East
Born: at Belding, Michigan
Hometown: Grand Rapids, Michigan


He earned Distinguished Service Cross for his actions as a Sgt. on 18 Aug. ’18 at Cierges, eliminated a machinegun crew; WIA, gassed, 29 Aug. ’18; promoted to 1st Sgt. at some point; married Maria V. Perrin, father of at least 1; also served during WWII; re-enlisted in Mich. NG at some point and was Pfc. in Svc. Co., 126TH Inf., at Grand Rapids, MI, when mobilized on 15 Oct. ’40; SN 20633771; son, Dougald, Jr., served in USMC in Korea.



Ferris, William E.

Private, U.S. Army
Supply Company, 125TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 
Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with bronze star

Citation: “Under a violent fire of machine guns and artillery he accompanied a wounded soldier to the first-aid station and carried messages across dangerous zones.”
General Orders: Order No. 14.426 “D,” 14 March 1919, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East
Hometown: Sumner, Michigan



Finkle, Robert S.

Sergeant, U.S. Army
Company H, 128TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 1 September 1918
Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with bronze star

Citation: “A very courageous noncommissioned officer who displayed energy and bravery in the accomplishment of his duty. Was wounded on 1 September 1918.”
General Orders: Order No. 14.251 “D,” 12 March 1919, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East
Hometown: Detroit, Michigan



Fisk, Russell I.

Band Sergeant, U.S. Army
Headquarters Company, 125TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 
Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with bronze star

Citation: “He carried orders from the front lines to the battalion post of command passing through terrible barrages of machine guns and artillery in order to accomplish his mission. Although very fatigued and ill he remained with his comrades until the end of the action.”
General Orders: Order No. 14. 251 “D,” 12 March 1919, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East
Born: 11 March 1896
Hometown: Manistee, Michigan

Death: 9 April 1981

Interred: Oak Grove Cemetery, Manistee, Michigan


He wrote the song “Boy City March”, for piano, copyright 1 Dec. ’10; married Esther.



Fiske, Harold Chamberlayne

Colonel (Engineer), U.S. Army
Headquarters, 107TH Engineer Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action:

Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with palm

Citation Needed:
General Orders:
Born: 1 March 1880 at Jamestown, New York

Death: 8 January 1942

Interred: United States Military Academy Post Cemetery, West Point, New York


Married Mary Mitchell on 8 Oct. ’10 in Chapel at USMA; graduated USMA at West Point (3rd in his class), commissioned 2d Lt., engineer, 11 Jun. ’03; served in Philippines 1 Nov. ’03-20 Oct. ’04; promoted 1st Lt. 23 Apr. ’04; stationed at Washington Barracks, D.C., on 22 Dec. ’04; served in Cuba 10 Oct. ’06-7 Sep. ’07; graduated Engr. School in ’08; instructor at USMA 22 Aug. ’08-10 Jul. ’11; promoted Capt. 27 Feb. ’11; asst. professor at USMA 10 Jul. ’11-24 Aug. ’12; stationed at Pittsburgh, PA 25 Aug. ’12-Sep. ’15; Dist. Engr., Vicksburg, MS Sep. ’15-1 Jun. ’17; promoted Maj. 12 Jan. ’16; promoted Lt. Col. (brevet) 5 Aug. ’17; landed in France 20 Aug. ’17; attended French Engr. School until 12 Sep. ’17; organized I Corps Engr. School at Gondrecourt until 7 Nov. ’17; Director, Army Engr. School to 21 Feb. ’18; promoted Col. (brevet) 20 Dec. ’17; assumed cmd. of 107TH Engr. Regt. on 21 Feb. ’18, succeeded Col. Paul S. Bond, led from training period to Army of Occupation; also earned Div. Citation and Officier de la Légion d’Honneur (French Legion of Honor) by Presidential Decree of 19 Apr. ‘19; assigned Corp Engr., III Corps, on 21 Jan. ’19; appointed Cdr. of Corps of Engineer’s Nashville District 19 Feb. ’23; Chief of TVA Power Survey ca. ’25-’27; resided at 14 Sargeant Pl., Munsey Park, NY at ’40 census.



*Flanery (Flannery), Leo E.

Sergeant, U.S. Army
Company M, 127TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 30 August 1918

Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with bronze star

Citation: “Sergt. Leo Flannery, 128 Reg. U. S. Inf. A very courageous soldier. Displayed great bravery and initiative, Aug. 30, 1918, by volunteering to lead a patrol [near Juvigny] to mark the positions of machine gun nests. Was killed after having accomplished his mission.”
Born: 1898
Hometown: Janesville, Wisconsin

Death: 30 August 1918

Interred: Oise-Aisne American Cemetery

Status: KIA


He enlisted in Co. M, 1ST Wis. Inf., Wisconsin National Guard, at Janesville, WI; with the unit when it boarded train at Chicago & North Western depot bound for Camp Douglas, WI on 2 Aug. ’17; assigned to Co. M when 128TH Inf. was organized; his father received Croix de Guerre via registered mail on 28 Apr. ’19.



*Florine, Paul Frank

Private, U.S. Army
Company D, 127TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 

Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with bronze star

Citation Needed:
Born: circa 1896
Hometown: Cold Spring, Wisconsin

Death: 19 June 1918

Interred: Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery

Status: DW


Father Gustav Florine, NoK, R. F. D. 4, Fort Atkinson, WI; enlisted in Co. B, 1ST Wis. Inf., Wisconsin National Guard, at Fort Atkinson, WI; served with Co. D, 127TH Inf.; DW 19 Jun. ’18 at age 22, listed on 19 Jul. ’18 casualty list; namesake of Paul Frank Florine Post No. 166 of American Legion at Fort Atkinson, WI.



Foglesong, Benjamin F. ‘Ben’ (Fogelsong)

Sergeant, U.S. Army
Company A, 126TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 

Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with bronze star

Citation: “A very brave sergeant who under a direct fire aided and cared for one of his wounded comrades and led him to a first-aid station through a violent artillery bombardment.”
Orders: Order No. 14.251 “D,” 12 March 1919, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East
Born: 29 October 1899 at Nebraska
Hometown: Bangor, Michigan

Death: 7 March 1980 at Midland, Michigan

Interred: Arlington Hill Cemetery, Bangor, Michigan


Resided at R. F. D. 3, Bangor, MI; Michigan National Guard; brother Cpl. Orlo A. served in France as bayonet instructor at I Corps School, brother George C., Jr. also served; married at Nellie M. Siersma, father of 3.



Foley, Harry J.

Private, U.S. Army
Company E, 125TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 31 July 1918
Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with gilt star

Citation: “At a critical moment when the ammunition was lacking on a part of the line he gathered ammunition from the dead and the wounded so that his comrades might continue their fire. Wounded in both arms, he refused to abandon his task which he had voluntarily assumed and continued until the order came to withdraw.”
General Orders: Order No. 12.334 “D,” 15 December 1918, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East
Born: at Detroit, Michigan
Hometown: Waterford, Michigan


He earned Distinguished Service Cross for his actions 31 Jul. ’18 near Cierges, although wounded, he collected ammo. from wounded and dead to distribute to comrades who needed it.



Ford, Jess

Sergeant, U.S. Army
128TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 
Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:
General Orders:



Foureman, Roy Bireley

Second Lieutenant (Artillery), U.S. Army
308TH Trench Mortar Battery, attached to 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 23 October 1918
Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with gilt star

Citation: “He displayed exemplary zeal and energy during the offensive operations in the Bossois Wood near Brabant-sur-Meuse on 23 Oct. ’18. On the morning of the 23rd, he gave a splendid example of calmness and courage under the intense fire of machineguns and field artillery. The four trench mortars of his platoon were disabled, two of them had been blown to pieces. Under the enemy barrage he went from piece to piece in his platoon, inspiring his men by his bravery and encouraging them to continual efforts until the last pieces were put out of action. He then occupied himself in the care of the wounded.”
General Orders: Order No. 13.039 “D,” 22 January 1919, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East
Born: 9 May ’95 at Franklin Township, Darke County, Ohio or Greenville, Ohio
Hometown: Greenville, Ohio

Death: February 1985


Son of Lazarus and Elizabeth ‘Bessie’ (Bireley) Foureman, mother NoK, R. F. D. 7, Greenville, OH; attended Miami U. ca. ’14; attended Ohio U. ca. ’16; public school teacher ca. ’15; he, brother Howard L., and Delton B. Sergent rode motorcycles from OH to San Francisco during summer of ’15, they took a tent and intended to sleep “wherever darkness catches them” along the way; completed First Officers’ Training Camp at Ft. Benjamin Harrison, IN, 15 May-15 Aug. ’17, assigned to 3D Btry.; commissioned 2d Lt.; assigned to 324TH FA Regt., 83D Div.; trained at Camp Sherman, OH; transferred to 308TH Trench Mort. Btry.; landed overseas 13 Jun. ’18; earned Distinguished Service Cross for his actions 23 Oct. ’18 near Brabant-sur-Meuse; returned to U.S. 5 Jul. ’19; discharged 10 Jul. ’19; married Cleo W., father of at least 1; graduated Ohio State U. in ’22; resided at Columbus, OH at 1940 census; re-entered service in Army and/or Reserve; Capt. assigned to Fort Thomas, KY ca. Sep. ’41; Maj. at Ft. Devens ca. ’48; retired from Army Reserve as Lt. Col. on 31 May ’55.



*Fowler, Arthur Vern

Sergeant, U.S. Army
Company B, 125TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 

Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with bronze star
Citation: “During the combat near Cierges on July 31, 1918, his platoon leader having been wounded he took command. His coolness, bravery and qualities of leadership enabled his men to hold fast under an intense fire of artillery and machine guns.”
General Orders: Order No. 12.372 “D,” 16 December 1918, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East
Hometown: Bay City, Michigan

Death: 29 August 1918


Status: DW


Mother Lillian Fowler, NoK, 605 N. Henry St., West Side, Bay City, MI; earned Silver Star Citation, posthumously, for his actions 31 Jul. ’18 on the Vesle River (some transcripts of citation list date as 28 Jul., the Div. didn’t enter front line in that sector until evening of 29 Jul., actual date is more likely 31 Jul., as stated in Croix de Guerre citation); listed on 18 Oct. ’18 casualty report.



Freese, Frank William

Private First Class, U.S. Army
Company L, 127TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 

Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:
Born: 17 February 1891 at Edmonds, Washington
Hometown: Edmonds, Washington

Death: 19 October 1918

Interred: Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery

Status: DW


He entered service 2 Nov. ’17 at Camp Lewis; assigned to Co. I, 162D Inf., 41ST Div. in Mar. ’18; transferred to Co. L, 126TH Inf. in Jun. ’18; battles include Château-Thierry and Meuse-Argonne; WIA 9 Oct. ’18, hip and right side; DW 19 (10) Oct. ’18; namesake of Frank Freese Post No. 66 of American Legion in Edmonds, WA; not listed in 32D Div. in WW.



Freidel, Edward

Private, U.S. Army
32D Military Police Company, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 1 – 4 September 1918

Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with star, not sure if bronze, silver, or gilt

Citation Needed: Pvt. Freidel earned the Croix de Guerre for rescuing wounded comrades 1-4 Sep. ’18 near Valpriez Farm.
Born: 8 January 1891 at Wisconsin
Hometown: Waterloo, Wisconsin

Death: 28 September 1970

Interred: Saint Joseph’s Catholic Cemetery, Waterloo, Wisconsin


Member of Knights of Columbus, Waterloo Council No. 1669; enlisted in Sup. Co., 4TH Wis. Inf., ‘Waterloo Supply Company,’ Wisconsin National Guard, at Waterloo, WI; served with 32D MP Co. (107TH MPs); received his Croix de Guerre on 13 Apr. ’19; brother Albert J. served in same unit; landed at New York aboard USS Louisiana on 13 May ’19; member of American Legion Post at Waterloo, WI; married May E. Porter 22 Jan. ’27, father of 3; resided at Van Buren St., Waterloo, WI at ’40 census; son Lt. John G. served in Army ca. ’52-’53.



Fuller, Lonzo L.

Private, U.S. Army
Company H, 128TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 1 September 1918
Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with gilt star

Citation: “On September 1, 1918, near Juvigny he kept up the liaison with the neighboring units under a violent fire of artillery and machine guns. He fulfilled his mission in spite of the danger and also located the emplacement of a nest of enemy machine guns which were inflicting heavy losses among our troops. He gave an accurate account of the emplacement of the machine gun, thus permitting our artillery to demolish it.
General Orders: Order No. 13.069 “D,” 23 January 1919, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East
Born: at Midland, Michigan
Hometown: Lansing, Michigan


He earned Distinguished Service Cross for his actions 1 Sep. ’18 as message runner near Juvigny.



Gariepy, Theodore T.

Corporal, U.S. Army
Company C, 125TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 1 August 1918
Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with bronze star

Citation: “On August 1, 1918, near Cierges, seeing a great number of wounded exposed on open ground, he directed their evacuation to a sheltered spot. He displayed the greatest coolness and an absolute indifference to danger.”
General Orders: Order No. 12.372 “D,” 16 December 1918, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East
Born: at Oscoda, Michigan
Hometown: Detroit, Michigan


NoK Roy C. Gariepy, brother, 348 Allendale Ave., Detroit, MI; earned Distinguished Service Cross for his actions 1 Aug. ’18 near Bois-des-Grimpettes, near Cierges, led a group of Soldiers to rescue wounded left exposed on the battlefield when unit was forced to relocate; member of Charles A. Learned Post of American Legion at Detroit, MI.



Garlock, Glenn William

Lieutenant Colonel (Infantry), U.S. Army

Headquarters, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 
Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with palm

Citation Needed: Lt. Col. Garlock earned Croix de Guerre for his actions as Div. Inspector.
General Orders: Order No. 14.207 “D,” 10 March 1919, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East
Born: 27 December 1877 at Koshkonong or Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin
Hometown: West Salem, Wisconsin

Death: 10 May 1939 at Winona, Minnesota

Interred: Neshonoc Cemetery, West Salem, Wisconsin


He graduated Fort Atkinson H. S. in ’96; married Anna Marie Landgraf on 3 Aug. ’05, father of 3; worked for Fort Atkinson Democrat; resided at 508 Milwaukee Ave. E., Fort Atkinson, WI, and worked as Post Office clerk ca. ’08; ran a poultry farm; moved to West Salem, WI ca. Aug. ’14, where he edited The Wisconsin Poultryman and The West Salem Nonpareil Journal; enlisted in Co. B, 1ST Wis. Inf., Wisconsin National Guard, at Fort Atkinson, WI in ’96; served during Spanish-American War; promoted Capt. on 13 Jan. ’04, assigned Cdr. Co. B, 1ST Wis. Inf.; promoted Maj. on 2 Nov. ’14; Cdr. of 1ST Bn., 1ST Wis. Inf., during Mexican Border Crisis; Lt. Col. and XO of 1ST Wis. Inf. when mobilized 15 Jul. ’17; assigned XO, 128TH Inf. when 32D Div. was organized; assumed temp. cmd. of 1ST Bn., 128TH Inf. ca. Jun. ’18 at Alsace; attached to HQ, 64TH Inf. Bde., on 1 Jul. ’18 and assigned Bde. Training Off., assigned Bde. Entraining Off. ca. 21 Jul. for Div. railroad movement from Alsace to its next staging area, assigned cdr. of the Bde. train during the Div. train’s march to Château-Thierry 27-28 Jul. ’18; returned to 128TH Inf. ca. 30 Jul. ’18; led attack of Bellevue Farm on 1 Aug. ’18, comprised of 1ST Bn., 128TH Inf. as well as 1ST and 2D Bns., 127TH Inf.; assigned Div. Inspector, HQ, 32D Div., ca. 21 Aug. ’18; Col. and Cdr. of 128TH Inf. when it received federal recognition 16 Apr. ’21 during post-war reorganization of 32D Div.; wrote Tales of the Thirty-second in ’27; passed away 10 May ’39 in hosp. at Winona, MN, after being injured in automobile accident at Minnesota City, MN.



Gaston, Paul J.

Sergeant, U.S. Army
Sanitary Detachment, 121ST Machine-Gun Battalion (Attached), 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 
Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:
General Orders:
Born: 1886 at Lexington, Kentucky
Hometown: Rhinelander, Wisconsin

Death: 1952

Interred: Greenwood Cemetery, Brookings, South Dakota


NoK Howard L. Gaston, Dysart, IA; earned Distinguished Service Cross for his actions as a medic (Sgt.) on 1 Aug. ’18 near Bellevue Farm, near Cierges; promoted to 1st Sgt.; married Fern Lucille Weigle; moved to SD ca. ’36.



Gauthier, Laurence B. (Lawrence)

Sergeant, U.S. Army
Company I, 127TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 

Degree of Award: unknown
Citation Needed:

General Orders:
Born: circa 1898 at Wisconsin
Hometown: Rhinelander, Wisconsin


NoK Mrs. Elizabeth Gauthier, 1108 Mason St., Rhinelander, WI; enlisted in Co. L, 2D Wis. Inf., WNG, at Rhinelander, WI; was Pvt. in that unit during Mexican Border Crisis; served with Co. I, more likely Co. L, 127TH Inf.; earned Silver Star Citation for his actions 30 Aug. ’18 near Juvigny, rescued a wounded comrade under fire; WIA, listed on 25 Nov. ’18 casualty list; commissioned at some point; served during post-war WNG; promoted to 1st Lt., Co. B, 127TH Inf., at Rhinelander, WI on 9 Jun. ’23; married Hannah B., father of at least 1.



Genicke, Raymond Joseph

Private, U.S. Army
Company H, 128TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 
Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with bronze star

Citation: “A very brave soldier who aided his wounded comrades and did not leave the battlefield until all were transported to the first-aid station.”
General Orders: Order No. 14.426 “D,” 14 March 1919, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East
Born: circa 1895 at Detroit, Michigan
Hometown: Detroit, Michigan


NoK Mrs. Anna (Martelle or Martiele) Genicke, wife, 499 3rd Ave. or 957 Kirby Ave. E., Detroit, MI; wife spent some time at 458 Granville St., Newark, OH (her hometown), while he was overseas; worked for Western Electric at Detroit, MI; Michigan National Guard; served during Mexican Border Crisis; assigned to Co. G, 126TH Inf. when 32D Div. was organized; transferred to Co. H, 128TH Inf.; earned Distinguished Service Cross for his actions 29 Aug. ’18 near Juvigny, accompanied an officer and assisted in capture of 85 of the enemy; also earned Italian Croce di Guerra; WIA, listed on 25 Nov. ’18 casualty list.



Gentino, Mike

Private First Class, U.S. Army
Company C, 128TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 
Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with bronze star

Citation: “In spite of a violent fire of enemy machine guns he advanced to the assigned objective. Under all circumstances he displayed an absolute contempt for danger and an admirable coolness.”
General Orders: Order No. 14.383 “D,” 15 March 1919, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East
Born: 23 March 1894 at Italy
Hometown: Negaunee, Michigan

Death: 13 December 1971 at Pleasanton, California

Interred: Forest Lawn Memorial Park, Glendale, California


Assigned to Co. I, 126TH Inf.; transferred to Co. C, 128TH Inf.; married Minnie, father of 1; resided at St. Joseph Co., MI at ’20 census; resided at 3405 Maceo St., Los Angeles, CA at ’40 census.



Geomo, Dominick

Private First Class, U.S. Army
128TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 
Degree of Award:

Citation Needed:
General Orders:



Gerber, Daniel Frank

Sergeant, U.S. Army
Company M, 126TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 1 June 1918
Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with bronze star

Citation: “On the 1st day of June they took part in a raid with troops from the 4th Infantry Regiment (French). They have shown, to the admiration of their comrades, fearlessness of danger when under fire for the first time.” The mission was a joint French and U.S. night raid near Ammertzwiller, Alsace.   Four of the twelve American participants were decorated for their roles in the raid, 1st Lt. Sidney Z. Eleveld, Sgt. Daniel Gerber, Sgt. Edward Horrigan, Sgt. Edgar C. Taylor.
General Orders: Order No. 43, 6 June 1918, 9th French Division
Born: 6 March 1898 at Fremont, Michigan
Hometown: Fremont, Michigan

Death: 16 March 1974 at Fremont, Michigan


Son of Daniel Frank (Frank Daniel) ‘Frank’ and Dora Pauline ‘Pauline’ (Platt) Gerber; attended St. John’s Military Academy, Delafield, WI, ‘13-‘16; worked for Fremont Canning Co., his father’s business, started in ‘12 as an office boy; enlisted in Mich. NG; assigned to Co. M, 126TH Inf., when 32D Div. was organized; SN 281436; transferred to U.S. after Oise-Aisne; married Dorothy Marion Scott on 18 Jan. ‘23, father of 5; attended Babson College of business administration ‘19-‘20; returned to Fremont Canning Co., his father’s business; promoted to asst. general manager in ‘26; he, along with his wife and father, made affordable, strained Gerber baby food available to the mass market, when his daughter fell ill, the doctor suggested a diet of strained peas, it was a labor intensive process for a mother to make strained peas, and at the time, processed, strained baby food could only be purchased from a pharmacy with a prescription, Dorothy wondered if Fremont Canning Co. could start making the baby food, the company started making sample batches and conducted testing and research in ‘27, they started large-scale production and mass marketing in ‘28, selling for about half of the price of that sold in pharmacies, Fremont’s product quickly became a successful endeavor; Fremont Canning Co. became Gerber Products Co. in ‘43; appointed president of the company in ‘45; member of Grocery Assn. of America, Mich. Canners’ Assn.; board member of Nutrition Foundation of New York and United Negro College Fund; some of his other civic and philanthropic interests included the Boy Scouts, Gerber Memorial Hospital, Fremont Civic Center, NAACP.



Gilson, James Wilder

Major (Artillery), U.S. Army
Headquarters, 57TH Field Artillery Brigade, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 
Degree of Award:

Citation Needed: Maj. Gilson earned the Croix de Guerre “for his skill and tact in maintaining liaison between the French and American headquarters.”
General Orders:
Born: 7 July 1871 at Saint Albans, Vermont
Hometown: Racine, Wisconsin


Sales manager, asst. secretary and treasurer of Mitchell Motor Car Co. at Racine, WI ca. ’09; resided at 1336 Main St., Racine, WI; advertising manager of L. P. C. Motor Car Co. ca. ’14, founded by William Lewis, Rene Petard and James Cram who had all worked at Mitchell-Lewis Motor Co. (a ca. ’10 reorganization of Mitchell Motor Car Co.), the company manufactured the popular Lewis Six automobile; commissioned 1st Lt. in Btry. C, 1ST Wis. FA Bn., Wisconsin National Guard, when it was organized at Racine, WI ca. 12 Jun. ’16; the unit didn’t deploy to Camp Wilson, TX for the Mexican Border Crisis, but some of its unit members did go and trained with Brty. A; promoted Capt. on 5 Jun. ’17; Cdr. of Btry. F, 1ST Wis. FA Regt., at Racine, WI when mobilized 15 Jul. ’17; assigned to HQ, 57TH FA Bde. when 32D Div. was organized; overseas 26 Feb. ’18; rode to France on USS George Washington; promoted to Maj. on 17 Sep. ’18 and assigned Adjutant, HQ, 57TH FA Bde.; returned to U.S. on 26 Apr. ’19; discharged 3 or 6 May ’19; Lt. Col. in AG Det., State Staff, Conn. NG, ca. ’30.



Gislason, Charles E. (Gislasson)

Sergeant, U.S. Army
Company G, 128TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 
Degree of Award:

Citation Needed:
General Orders:
Born: 25 September 1890
Hometown: Detroit Harbor, Wisconsin

Death: 6 October 1918

Interred: Island Cemetery, Washington, Door County, Wisconsin

Status: KIA


Son of John and Augusta (Barnason) Gislason (Gislasson), Detroit Harbor, WI (hometown), both Icelandic immigrants; NoK Lawrence Gislason (Gislasson), brother, Detroit Harbor, WI; enlisted in Co. F, 5TH Wis. Inf., WNG, Sturgeon Bay, WI, in the spring of ‘17; promoted to Cpl.; unit departed Sturgeon Bay, WI for Camp Douglas, WI on 17 Aug. ‘17; assigned to Co. G, 128TH Inf., when 32D Div. was organized; SN 284227; promoted to Sgt.; Alsace, 2Marne, Soissons, Champagne; listed on 21 Nov. ‘18 casualty list; namesake of Charles Gislason Post No. 402 of American Legion at Washington Island, Door Co., WI.



Glomski, Frank

Sergeant, U.S. Army
Scout Platoon, 2D Battalion, 127TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 

Degree of Award: unknown
Citation Needed:
General Orders:
Born: 26 April 1890 at Manitowoc, Wisconsin
Hometown: Eau Claire, Wisconsin

Death: 27 October 1965

Interred: Saint Patrick’s Cemetery, Eau Claire, Wisconsin


He enlisted in Co. E, 3D Wis. Inf., Wisconsin National Guard, at Eau Claire, WI on 2 Apr. ’17; assigned to Co. E, 127TH Inf. when 32D Div. was organized; transferred to Sct. Plt., 2D Bn., 127TH Inf.; earned Distinguished Service Cross for his actions 31 Aug. ’18 near Terny-Sorny, twice WIA while attempting to collect detailed information about machinegun emplacements and deliver the information to HQ; also earned Purple Heart; brother Cpl. Julius M., WNG, also served in Co. E, thrice WIA; sister Mary served as Red Cross nurse; married Grace E. Jones, father of Leona M.; worked as mailman for 30 years, retired in ’53; member of DAV, Catholic War Veterans, American Legion, Moose Lodge, Eagles, and Knights of Columbus, charter member of Post No. 305 of VFW at Eau Claire, WI.



Goldsmith, Earl A.

Sergeant, U.S. Army

Company G, 128TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 

Degree of Award: unknown
Citation Needed:
General Orders:
Born: 26 April 1896 at Amherst Junction, Wisconsin
Hometown: Mosinee or Wausau, Wisconsin

Death: 15 April 1978

Interred: Mosinee Cemetery, Mosinee, Wisconsin


He enlisted in Co. G, 3D Wis. Inf., Wisconsin National Guard, at Wausau, WI; was Pfc. in that unit during Mexican Border Crisis; assigned to Co. G, 128TH Inf. when 32D Div. was organized; witnessed death of Pfc. Wallace Chatfield on 3 Aug. ’18, he, Cpl. Grover C. Jones and Chatfield were in a ravine when a large shell landed nearby, a piece of shrapnel struck Chatfield in the side of the head, he died instantly and has been MIA since, the other 2 were uninjured; 1 of about 100 WWI veterans interviewed ca. ’78 by H. Berry and quoted in Make the Kaiser Dance, which is cited in numerous more recent works; married Katherine Parker at Mosinee, WI on 25 Sep. ’19, father of 3; retired from Mosinee Paper Corp. after 42 years; member of VFW and Last Man’s Club.



Graham, John G. (C.)

Captain, U.S. Army

121ST Machinegun Battalion, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 

Degree of Award: unknown
Citation Needed:
General Orders:
Born: 2 September 1875 at Tomah, Wisconsin
Hometown: Tomah, Wisconsin


Son of George and Gertrude Graham, Tomah, WI, father Scottish immigrant; father enlisted in Co. G, 37TH Wis. Inf. during Civil War, was Capt. and Cdr. of the unit when it mustered out, attained rank of Col. in WNG; graduated Tomah H. S. in Jun. ’93; earned law degree at U. of Wis.; practice law with his father in firm of Graham & Graham; Capt. and Cdr. of Co. K, 3D Wis. Inf., Wisconsin National Guard, Tomah, WI, during Mexican Border Crisis; served with 121ST MG Bn.; served with post-war WNG; Maj. and Cdr. of 2D Bn., 128TH Inf. ca. ’25; resigned 11 Nov. ’26; charter member of Elmer W. Grassman Post No. 201 of American Legion at Tomah, WI.



Grant, Oliver O.

Private, U.S. Army

127TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 

Degree of Award: unknown
Citation Needed:
General Orders:



Graves, Glenn

Corporal, U.S. Army
Company A, 126TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 29 August 1918, presumed

Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with bronze star
Citation: “He displayed superb courage in organizing the position which he with five comrades had just captured. Although wounded he did not leave his post until he received the formal order of his officer.”
General Orders: Order No. 14.383 “D,” 15 March 1919, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East
Born: 19 August 1892 at Coldwater, Michigan
Hometown: Coldwater, Michigan

Death: 25 January 1961 at Coldwater, Michigan



Son of George W. and Ida (Weldon) Graves, father NoK, Alden St., Coldwater, MI; Michigan National Guard; severely WIA 29 Aug. ’18; listed on 4 Oct. ’18 casualty list; married Nellie E.



Gregg, John Price

First Lieutenant, U.S. Army
Headquarters, 63D Infantry Brigade, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 

Degree of Award: unknown
Citation Needed:
General Orders:
Born: 8 September 1891 at Oregon
Hometown: Portland, Oregon

Death: 29 October 1952

Interred: Arlington National Cemetery


He or NoK resided at 1010 Yeon Bldg., Portland, OR; graduated Stanford U. in ’13; lawyer and/or school principal at Portland, OR; commissioned 1st Lt. 25 Aug. ’17; served with Trp. K, 15TH Cav. in France ca. Jun. ’18; assigned to HQ, 126TH Inf., 20 Aug. ’18; detailed to HQ, 63D Inf. Bde.; transferred to HQ, 63D Inf. Bde. on 22 Feb. ’19; promoted to Capt.; assigned to American Relief Administration and served throughout eastern Europe ca. ’20-’22, departed Riga ca. 24 Jan. ’22 for home; married Elizabeth, father of Lawrence; resided at 220 N. Royal, Alexandria, VA at ’40 census.



Griffin, Henry G.

Corporal, U.S. Army
Company M, 126TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 

Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with bronze star
Citation: “He left his trench in order to assist the wounded who were lying on the ground exposed to the fire of machine guns and artillery.”
General Orders: Order No. 14.383 “D,” 15 March 1919, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East
Hometown: Grand Rapids, Michigan


He resided at 1416 Terrace Ave., Grand Rapids, MI; also had ties to Holland, MI; Michigan National Guard; WIA 9 Oct. ’18; 126WwG lists him as DSC recipient in addition to Croix de Guerre, MWW just lists Croix de Guerre, I’ve found no information about DSC.



Gritzmacher, Arnold A. (Gritzmacker)

Captain (Infantry), U.S. Army
Headquarters Company, 127TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 

Degree of Award: unknown
Citation Needed:
General Orders:
Born: 16 August 1889
Hometown: Appleton, Wisconsin

Death: 16 February 1958

Interred: Saint Joseph Cemetery, Appleton, Wisconsin


Worked as a barber at Ed. Rifleman’s barbershop at Edgar, WI ca. ’06; worked as barber and resided at 610 Scott St., Wausau, WI ca. ’10; Sgt. in HQ, 2D Wis. Inf., WNG, Appleton, WI, during Mexican Border Crisis; when mobilized 15 Jul. ’17, he was in charge of HQ’s mounted orderlies, “he probably being the best posted in the regiment on riding horseback”; served with HQ Co., 127TH Inf.; commissioned at some point; severely WIA at Juvigny, listed on 15 Nov. ’18 casualty list; promoted to Capt. ca. Jan. ’19; received decorative recognition certificate, which Govt. intended to issue to everyone WIA, ca. 29 Nov. ’20; earned Purple Heart; Capt. in WNG Reserve ca. ’23; married Anna M. Reitzner 14 Apr. ’20, father of Robert; barber at 219 W. College Ave. (formerly 851 College Ave.), Appleton, WI ca. ’25; resided at 1017 W. College Ave. (formerly 1199 College Ave.), Appleton, WI ca. ’25.



Guilio, Venanzio

Private, U.S. Army
127TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action:

Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:



Gullickson, Francis Lynn (F. Lynn)

First Lieutenant (Dental Corps), U.S. Army
Medical Detachment, 128TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action:

Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:
Born: 7 February 1890
Hometown: West Salem, Wisconsin

Death: 15 April 1944

Interred: Neshonoc Cemetery, West Salem, Wisconsin


Sophomore at U. of Minn. College of Dentistry ca. ’10; graduated Marquette U. Dental School (Dental Dept. of Milwaukee Med. College) in ’12; practiced dentistry at West Salem, WI ca. ’14; married Rahel McEldowney 4 Aug. ’15; enlisted in Wisconsin National Guard; was 1st Sgt. (Drum Major), HQ Co., 3D Wis. Inf., during Mexican Border Crisis; 1st Lt., Dental Corps, WNG HQ, when mobilized 15 Jul. ’17; served with Med. Det., 128TH Inf.; earned Croix de Guerre; promoted Capt.; practiced dentistry at West Salem, WI ca. ’19; issued patent 1625537 for a toothbrush, 19 Apr. ’27; married Rachel; active in politics, to include chairman of Wis. Republican Party ca. ’40 and candidate for Gov. in ’42; passed away



*Guyton, Joseph W.

Private, U.S. Army
Company I, 126TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 24 May 1918

Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre, with silver star

Citation: “Killed by a machine gun bullet while on guard in the front line. Was the first soldier of the 32d American Division to fall fighting for the cause of right and liberty on the ground of Alsace by the side of his French comrades.”
Orders: Order No. 297, 25 May 1918, Headquarters, 9th French Infantry Division
Born: 10 June 1889 at Evart Township, Michigan
Hometown: Evart, Michigan

Death: 24 May 1918

Interred: Forest Hill Cemetery, Evart, Michigan

Status: KIA


He was KIA near midnight on 24 May ’18 by machinegun fire while he was a machine gunner at Petty Post 9, an OP; he was 1st from 32D Div. KIA in France; 1st U.S. Soldier KIA on German soil (Alsace was part of Germany when the war started); he was the 1st 32D Div. Soldier to be decorated; the award was forwarded to his wife by Maj. Gen. William G. Haan, 32D Div. cdr.; a duplicate of the award was given to the 126TH Inf., accepted by Col. Joseph B. Westnedge; initially interred in the cemetery of a nearby German church at Gildwiller, he was repatriated in 1921; in May of ’21, President Warren G. Harding placed a wreath on his flag-draped coffin during a ceremony for 5,000 repatriated American remains at the pier in Hoboken, NJ, where he said: “In the name of the republic, I bestow this tribute on the casket of the first soldier who perished on the soil of the enemy… I chose it because I am offering the tribute to the one returned whose death on enemy soil marked the day when our civilization went face forward and the assault on our present day civilization knew it had failed. May 24, 1918, is the date on which this soldier was killed, and the name is that of Joseph W. Guyton, Company I of the 126th Infantry, a resident patriot and hero of the State of Michigan of the United States of America.”; after the ceremony, he was transported to his hometown of Evart, MI, where he was re-interred at Forest Hill Cemetery; 10,000 people turned out for his funeral in that tiny community on 5 Jun.; the local VFW Post, a park, and a bridge were named in his honor.



Haan, William George

Major General, U.S. Army
Headquarters, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F. 

Date of Action:

Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with palm

Citation Needed:
General Orders:
Born: 4 October 1863 at Crown Point, Indiana
Hometown: Crown Point, Indiana

Death: 26 October 1924 at Washington D.C.

Interred: Arlington National Cemetery


He graduated USMA at West Point in ’89 (some sources state ’85 or ’86), commissioned 2d Lt., arty.; 1st Lt. Aug. ’96; served in Cuba during Spanish-American War; served during Philippine Insurrection; Capt. in Feb. ’01; Maj. in Apr. ’07; Lt. Col. in Dec. ’11; Col. in Jul. ’16; Brig. Gen. (brevet) and cdr. of 57TH FA Bde. in Aug. ’17; acting Div. Cdr. 19 Sep. to 7 Dec. ’17 while Maj. Gen. Parker was on special duty in France; assumed command of 32D Div. at Camp MacArthur, TX, and promoted to Maj. Gen. (brevet) on 8 Dec. ’17; commanded the Division during all of its WWI combat; promoted to permanent Brig. Gen. in Nov. ’18; assumed command of VII Corps on 20 Nov. ’18; resumed command of the Div. on 18 Apr. ’19 to bring it home and demobilize; after the Div. returned home he went on to other Army assignments; promoted to permanent Maj. Gen. Jul. ’20; retired in May ’22; he and his wife moved to Milwaukee, WI, after he retired; also earned DSM and Commandeur de la Légion d’Honneur (French Legion of Honor).



Hackett, Raymond West

Corporal, U.S. Army
107TH Engineer Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F. 

Date of Action:

Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:
General Orders:
Born: 5 August 1896
Hometown: Whitewater, Wisconsin

Death: 24 April 1934

Interred: Hillside Cemetery, Whitewater, Wisconsin


Married Myrtle Emma Kading, father of 3.



Hackin, Roland B.

Sergeant, U.S. Army
107TH Engineer Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F. 

Date of Action:

Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:
General Orders:



Hall, John

Private First Class, U.S. Army
128TH Field Hospital, 107TH Sanitary Train, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F. 

Date of Action:

Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with bronze star

Citation: “He always displayed the greatest bravery and unlimited zeal in lavishing his care on the wounded.”
General Orders: Order No. 14.383 “D,” dated 15 March 1919, GHQ, French Armies of the East
Hometown: Ironwood, Michigan



Hallenbeck, Harris Albert

Sergeant, U.S. Army
Company M, 128TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F. 

Date of Action:

Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:
General Orders:
Born: 1898 at Illinois
Hometown: Janesville, Wisconsin

Death: 1944

Interred: Oak Hill Cemetery, Janesville, Wisconsin


Cpl. ca. Nov. ’17; married Olive C. Hupil, Hupel, or Huppel at Winnebago Co., IL on 2 Jul. ’20; worked as a clerk and resided at 1328 Blaine Ave., Janesville, WI ca. ’23; worked as clerk for J. D. Woodman and resided at 822 Richardson, Janesville, WI ca. ’25.



Halter, Joseph James

Sergeant, U.S. Army
121ST Machinegun Battalion, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F. 

Date of Action:

Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:
General Orders:
Born: 24 September 1896 at Mount Calvary, Wisconsin
Hometown: Mount Calvary, Wisconsin

Death: 6 October 1974 at Pennsylvania

Interred: Our Lady of Seven Dolors Cemetery, Parkesburg, Pennsylvania


He enlisted in Co. E, 2D Wis. Inf., Wisconsin National Guard, at Fond du Lac, WI; was Pvt. in that unit during Mexican Border Crisis; served with 121ST MG Bn.; earned Croix de Guerre; brother Gregory A. also served; brother Richard C. served during WWII; attended Marquette U.; graduated U. of Wis.; married Lillian A. Bricker, father of 5; retired as a civil engineer for VA at Washington, D.C., in ’53; member of VFW.



Hamilton, William E.

Sergeant, U.S. Army
Company A, 126TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F. 

Date of Action: 28 August 1918, presumed

Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with silver star

Citation: “Marching behind the tanks he accomplished his mission with much courage. Was wounded during the course of the operations.”
General Orders: Order No. 14.559 “D,” 17 March 1919, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East
Born: 31 December 1892
Hometown: Coldwater, Michigan

Death: 4 January 1952

Interred: Lake View Cemetery, Quincy, Michigan


Resided at R. F. D. No. 4, Coldwater, MI (hometown); also had ties to Quincy, MI; Michigan National Guard; WIA 29 Aug. ’18; earned Purple Heart.



*Hammond, Charles Allan

First Lieutenant, U.S. Army
Company L, 125TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 31 July 1918

Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with guilt star

Citation: “On July 31, 1918, near Sergy, although wounded in the arm he refused to go to the first-aid station to be bandaged. He received two other wounds, the last being fatal. His courage, endurance and keenness were a fine example for his men.”
Orders: Order No. 12.334 “D”, dated 15 December 1918, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East
Born: 11 January 1887 at Port Huron, Michigan
Hometown: Port Huron, Michigan

Death: 31 July 1918 at Hill 212 near Sergy

Interred: Lakeside Cemetery, Port Huron, Michigan

Status: KIA


Son of Robert and Sarah Hammond, father Irish immigrant; NoK John J. Hammond, 785 15th St., Detroit, MI; NoK Robert A. Hammond, Port Huron, MI (some references list his as brother, others as father; resided at 2437 Gratiot Ave., Port Huron, MI; worked as machinist; enlisted in ‘10; Lt. with Co. C, 33D Mich. Inf., Michigan National Guard, Port Huron, MI by ‘15, he was capt. of unit’s marksmanship team at that time, they won ‘15-‘16 championship; served during Mexican Border Crisis; assigned to Co. L, 125TH Inf., when 32D Div. was organized; also earned Distinguished Service Cross for his actions 31 Jul. ‘18 at Hill 212 near Sergy; namesake of Charles A. Hammond Post No. 8 of American Legion at Port Huron, MI.



Hamstra, Dick

Private First Class, U.S. Army
128TH Ambulance Company, 107TH Sanitary Train, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 

Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with silver star

Citation: “Hearing calls for help, he voluntarily went out in front of the lines to seek the wounded and succeeded in bringing them in to a place of safety, displaying courage and coolness.”
Orders: Order No. 14.522 “D”, dated 16 March 1919, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East
Born: 1895
Hometown: Zeeland, Michigan

Death: 1940

Interred: Allendale Township Cemetery, Allendale, Michigan


Son of Anne and Grietje (Vellema) Hamstra; brother Jacob A., Newaygo, MI, served with 1ST San. Sqd., 107TH Sup. Tr.; married Nettie Ezubah Wilson, father of Raymond D., Donna A.; son served in Army during WWII.



Hanson, Floyd Clair

Corporal, U.S. Army
Company A, 128TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 

Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:
Born: 20 December 1896
Hometown: Neillsville, Wisconsin

Death: 14 November 1960 at the Naval Hospital in San Diego, California

Interred: Fort Rosecrans National Cemetery, San Diego, California


He enlisted in Co. A, 3D Wis. Inf., Wisconsin National Guard, at Neillsville, WI; was Pvt. in that unit during Mexican Border Crisis; assigned to Co. A, 128TH Inf. when 32D Div. was organized; commissioned at some point; promoted to 1st Lt. on 11 Oct. ’30 (not sure if WNG or Reserve Corps); worked as a barber at Neillsville; moved out west.



Hanson, Hjalmer

Private First Class, U.S. Army
127TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 

Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:

Death: 21 December 1936

Interred: San Francisco National Cemetery, San Francisco, California



Hanton, Carl

Captain (Infantry), U.S. Army
128TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 

Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with palm

Citation Needed: Capt. Hanton earned his Croix de Guerre for his actions at Meuse-Argonne.
Born: 19 Oct. 1884 (1888) at Superior, Wisconsin
Hometown: Superior, Wisconsin

Death: 15 June 1953

Interred: Fort Myers Memorial Gardens, Fort Myers, Florida


Attended U. of Wis. ca. ’04; withdrew to become reporter at Superior Telegram, later managing editor; Capt. and Cdr. of Co. I, 3D Wis. Inf., Wisconsin National Guard, at Superior, WI during Mexican Border Crisis; Capt. and Cdr. of Co. B, 6TH Wis. Inf., at Superior, WI when mobilized 15 Jul. ’17; served with 128TH Inf. and/or HQ, 32D Div.; earned Div. Citation, which may have been basis for Silver Star Citation; “official historian of the Division” at the time it was preparing to return home; author of 32D Div. in WW; Maj. in Officers’ Reserve Corps ca. ’20; Sports Editor of St. Paul Pioneer Press ca. ’21; moved to Fort Myers, FL ca. ’25 and became editor of Tropical News (later part of Fort Myers News-Press); retired as publisher of Fort Myers News-Press ca. ’47; member of American Legion, Chamber of Commerce, Associated Dailies of Fla., Fla. Press Assn., Associated Press Assn. of Fla.; appointed Col. on Gov. Fuller Warren’s staff.



Harper, Bert Anton

Private, U.S. Army
Medical Detachment, 127TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 

Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:
Born: 13 April 1889 at Appleton, WI
Hometown: Oconto, Wisconsin

Death: 1944

Interred: Forest Home Cemetery, Milwaukee, Wisconsin


He enlisted in Co. M, 2D Wis. Inf., WNG, at Oconto, WI on 3 Apr. ’17; served as medic with Med. Det., 127TH Inf., may have been attached to Co. C at some point; Alsace, Aisne-Marne, Oise-Aisne, Meuse-Argonne; severely WIA, listed on 7 May ’19 casualty list; discharged at Camp Grant, IL on 18 May ’19; worked as meat cutter at E. G. Shimmer Co. and resided at 799 Oklahoma Ave., Milwaukee, WI ca. ’20; married Theresa R.



Harrington, Garlon (Gordon) Ellise

First Lieutenant, U.S. Army
Medical Detachment, 127TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 

Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:
Born: 28 February 1888 at Ohio

Death: 4 January 1966

Interred: Memorial Gardens Cemetery, Hot Springs, Arkansas


Married, father of three; member of Grand Chapter Royal Arch Masons at Marshfield, WI ca. ’09; member of Grand Chapter Order of the Eastern Star at Marshfield, WI ca. ’09; Dental Corps, Wisconsin National Guard; rode to France on USS George Washington; WIA; earned Purple Heart; Capt., dor 28 Feb. ’20, in NG Res. after the war; dentist at Marshfield, WI.



Harrison, Allen S.

Lieutenant, U.S. Army
121ST Machinegun Battalion, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 

Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:



Harrison, Charles S.

Major, U.S. Army
Headquarters, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 

Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:
Born: 1879

Death: 1943

Interred: Fairlawn Cemetery, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma


Also earned Div. Citation.



Hart, Henry H.

Lieutenant, U.S. Army
Company B, 107TH Engineer Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 

Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:



Hart, John F.

Private, U.S. Army
127TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 

Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:



Hartman, William Albert

Sergeant First Class, U.S. Army
Company F, 107TH Engineer Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 
Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with palm

Citation Needed:
General Orders:
Born: 9 August 1895 at Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Hometown: Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Death: 6 November 1982

Interred: Arlington National Cemetery


He worked as farm hand for H. Schelleffer at Mayville, WI; enlisted in Wisconsin National Guard at Milwaukee, WI on 18 May ’17, likely 1ST Wis. Engr. Bn.; assigned to Co. F, 107TH Engr. Regt. when 32D Div. was organized; Alsace, Aisne-Marne, Oise-Aisne, Meuse-Argonne, Army of Occupation; earned Distinguished Service Cross for his actions 4 Aug. ’18, conducting bridge recon. near Fismes; his Croix de Guerre was awarded 15 Dec. ’18; discharged 29 May ’19; graduated U. of Wis., College of Agriculture, in ’23; also served during WWII; service included Army of Occupation in Italy and Japan; recommended for Legion of Merit; “decorated by Crown of Italy with Italy’s highest military award for his “driving force” in restoring agriculture”; attained rank of Lt. Col.; married Margaret Muscheid; resided at Red Arrow Ranch, R. F. D. No. 1, Box 188, Lilburn, GA ca. ’48; worked for US Dept. of Agriculture at Atlanta, GA ca. ’48.



Hawks, Arthur Edward

Supply Sergeant, U.S. Army
Company L, 126TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: circa 28 July 1918, same as Silver Star Citation
Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with palm

Citation: “While in charge of the supply near Mont-St. Martin, he volunteered to cross the bombarded zone and locate battalion headquarters. By his bravery and zeal he accomplished a dangerous mission and enabled his company to infiltrate toward the front without losing a single man.”

General Orders: Order No. 12.335 “D,” 15 December 1918, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East
Born: 11 November 1895
Hometown: Whitehall or Montague, Michigan

Death: 1 November 1963 at Texas

Interred: Fort Sam Houston National Cemetery, San Antonio, Texas


Was Mech. in Co. F, 32D Mich. Inf., Michigan National Guard, at Grand Haven, MI when mobilized; assigned to Co. L, 126TH Inf. when 32D Div. was organized; earned Silver Star Citation for his actions 28 Jul. ’18 on the Vesle River; recommended for Distinguished Service Cross by Capt. George L. Olsen for his actions at Aisne-Marne; transferred to Army Candidate School (ACS) ca. 26 Oct. ’18; married Delorise, father of 1; resided at Val Verde Co., TX at ’30 census; resided at Clifton, TX at ’40 census; worked in construction engineering; also served during WWII, CPO in Navy construction bn.



Hay, Ellsworth

Sergeant, U.S. Army
127TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 
Degree of Award:

Citation Needed:
General Orders:
Born: 1896 at Wisconsin
Hometown: Beloit, Wisconsin

Death: 1969

Interred: Oakwood Cemetery, Beloit, Wisconsin


Attended Beloit College, freshman ca. ’14; attended U. of Wis.; worked as an accountant and resided at 1125 Nelson Ave., Beloit, WI ca. ’22.



Hayes, Wilfred F. (Wilber B.)

Corporal, U.S. Army
Company F, 126TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 
Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:
General Orders:
Born: 1892 at Canada
Hometown: Chesterville, Ontario, Canada

Death: 1985



Alsace, Aisne-Marne, Oise-Aisne, Meuse-Argonne, Army of Occupation; WIA 29 Aug. ’18 and earned Purple Heart; soon after he was discharged, his medals were stolen from his hotel room in Detroit, MI; also served 26 years with Royal Canadian Artillery.



Heikkinen, John

Private, U.S. Army
Company G, 125TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 3 August 1918
Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with gilt star

Citation: “On [3 August], 1918, near Cierges, he transported the wounded under an intense and continuous fire of machine guns and artillery, returning several times to the front line. He particularly distinguished himself during the engagement near Mont St. Martin.”
General Orders: Order No. 12.331 “D,” 15 December 1918, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East
Born: 4 May 1889 at Calumet or Boston, Michigan
Hometown: Atlantic Mine or Houghton, Michigan

Death: 7 January 1946 at Atlantic Mine, Michigan

Interred: Atlantic Mine Cemetery, Atlantic Mine, Michigan


He earned Distinguished Service Cross for his actions 31 Jul.-3 Aug. ’18 as a stretcher bearer near Courmont and Mont St. Martin; married Mamie, father of at least 3.



Helgeson, Clyde O.

Sergeant, U.S. Army
Company G, 128TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action:

Degree of Award: unknown

Citation: “After his commanding officer had fallen he took command of his platoon and led it forward to its objective.”
General Orders:
Born: 1891 at Wisconsin
Hometown: Ephraim, Wisconsin


Son of Elias (Ellis) and Matilda I. Helgeson; enlisted in Co. F, 5TH Wis. Inf., Wisconsin National Guard, Sturgeon Bay, WI; assigned to Co. G, 128TH Inf., when 32D Div. was organized; also earned Silver Star Citation; also earned Div. Citation, which was likely the basis of the Silver Star; he was near Pfc. Earl O. Richmond when he was KIA 1 Sep. ‘18 and provided the 1st information about the death when he returned home ca. Apr. ‘19; he and Jesse R. Henry provided witness statements regarding the fate of Sgt. Jacob Tolsma, initially reported MIA 3 Aug. ‘18, later determined to have been KIA at Château-Thierry; severely WIA; landed at New York aboard George Washington ca. last week of Mar. ‘19; married Mildred T., father of at least 1 son; resided at Gibraltar, WI at ‘20 and ‘30 census; avid fisherman, numerous newspaper articles depict him with large gamefish; he and his brother-in-law, Leland A. Thorp, and their wives owned a couple of seasonal hotels, Sunset Hotel at 74th St. and Central Ave., St. Petersburg, FL as well as Chimney Lodge and Cottages near St. Petersburg in the winter months and Thorp Hotel and Cottages, Fish Creek, WI, in the summer months; member of Archie Lackshire Post No. 72 of American Legion.



Hemberger, Charles ‘Charley’ ‘Heimie’

First Lieutenant (Engineer), U.S. Army
107TH Engineer Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action:

Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:
General Orders:
Born: 25 November (25 October) 1882 at Golden, Colorado
Hometown: Red Cliff, Colorado

Death: 18 July 1968 at Gypsum, Colorado

Interred: Cedar Hill Memorial Cemetery, Gypsum, Colorado


Attended Golden H. S.; renowned football and baseball player, also later coached; graduated Colo. School of Mines in ’07; graduated Colo. U. at Boulder with chemistry degree in ’13; manager of ore testing plant of Colo. Iron Works Co. ca. ’06-’08; chemist at Evergreen Copper Co. ca. ’08; chemist at Success Leasing & Mining Co. ca. ’08-’10; Eagle Co., CO Clerk and Recorder ca. ’16-’17; resided at Red Cliff, CO ca. ’17; completed Second Officers’ Training Camp, Ft. Sheridan, IL; commissioned 2d Lt.; deployed to France in Feb. ’18; promoted to 1st Lt.; mailed a German helmet to his parents ca. Oct. ’18; bought a ranch near Gypsum, CO in ’19, named it the Red Arrow Ranch; divorced prior to ’20 census; Eagle Co. State Representative ca. ’26-’30; superintendent of Polar Star Mine ca. ’34-?; founding member of American Legion Post No. 150 at Gypsum, CO; member of 40 and 8.



Hemenway, Earl Lee

First Lieutenant, U.S. Army
128TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 
Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with bronze star

Citation: “He replaced his leader who was killed and went to the attack with the first wave, displaying an inestimable worth and great courage.”
General Orders: Order No. 14.251 “D,” 12 March 1919, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East
Born: 16 March 1894 at Peoria Illinois
Hometown: South Haven, Michigan

Death: May 1972 at South Haven, Michigan


Promoted to Capt.; married Freda M. Penoyar at South Haven, MI on 8 Jul. ’19, father of at least 1; graduated U. of Mich. in ’21; Asst. in Economics at Mich. Agricultural College ca. ’22.



Hendrickson, Clifford B. ‘Cliff’

Sergeant, U.S. Army
107TH Engineer Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 1 September 1918
Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with silver star

Citation: “On 1 September 1918, having been sent out on reconnaissance to the north of Juvigny he nobly accomplished his mission. In spite of the violent fire of machine guns and artillery, he brought back accurate information on our advanced elements.”
General Orders: Order No. 14.559 “D,” 17 March 1919, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East
Born: 2 January 1897 at Michigan
Hometown: Dollar Bay or Calumet, Michigan

Death: 15 May 1972 at Los Angeles County, California

Interred: Forest Lawn Memorial Park, Glendale, California


Attended Mich. College of Mines ca. ’20; married Ruth S., father of 1; resided at Los Angeles, CA at ’40 census.



Henry, Raymond D. ‘Ray’

Corporal, U.S. Army
Company E, 125TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 31 July 1918
Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with palm

Citation: “An admirably courageous soldier who, advancing against a violent barrage of machine guns and artillery, was wounded in the shoulder but continued nevertheless to move to the front. Not being able to use his rifle he threw it away and drew his revolver and led his men forward until he received six other wounds.”
General Orders: Order No. 16.046 “D,” 13 April 1919, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East
Born: at Flint, Michigan
Hometown: Flint, Michigan


He earned Distinguished Service Cross for his actions 31 Jul. ’18 near Cierges, WIA during an attack, he continued to lead his platoon until he was WIA again (6 more bullet wounds); also earned French Medaille Militaire, by Presidential Decree of 5 May ’19.



Heritier, Arthur J.

Private First Class, U.S. Army
Company I, 125TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 31 July 1918
Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with palm

Citation: “He risked his life to rescue a seriously wounded officer after two other comrades had been killed.”
General Orders: Order No. 12.335 “D,” 15 December 1918, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East
Born: 1894 at Linwood, Michigan
Hometown: Linwood, Michigan

Death: 20 Feb. ’73 at Flint, Michigan

Interred: Saint Anne Catholic Cemetery, Linwood, Michigan


He earned Distinguished Service Cross for his actions 31 Jul. ’18 on Hill No. 212, near Cierges, ran to the aid of a severely wounded Lt., after 3 others had tried and were killed or wounded; also earned; married Anna M. Blondin at Linwood, MI on 25 Jun. ’19, father of at least 2; resided at Pinconning, MI at 1940 census.



Hilbig, Joseph

Private First Class, U.S. Army
125TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 
Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:
General Orders:



Hill, Harry

Private, U.S. Army
Company G, 125TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 
Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with bronze star

Citation: “A brave and courageous soldier who kept up the liaison under a very violent bombardment and a very dense machine-gun fire.”
General Orders: Order No. 14.426 “D,” 14 March 1919, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East
Hometown: Painesdale, Michigan



Hilt, William Joseph ‘Joe’

Private, U.S. Army
Company M, 128TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 
Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:
General Orders:
Born: 29 August 1892 at Janesville, Wisconsin
Hometown: Janesville, Wisconsin

Death: 19 August 1971 at Janesville, Wisconsin

Interred: Oak Hill Cemetery, Janesville, WI


Married Sophia Mary Tyrolt in ’12, preceded him in death; married Vinnie Elizabeth Hull (Anderson) 8 Mar. ’41; father of 4; worked in Janesville’s engineering dept. for 29 years; member of VFW and Rock County Barracks, World War I Veterans; resided at 713 S. Jackson St., Janesville, WI ca. ’71.



Hinkle, Clarence Leroy ‘Roy’

Corporal, U.S. Army
Company I, 126TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 5 October 1918, presumed
Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with silver star

Citation: “Several enemy machine guns having rendered impossible the advance of our troops he went out alone into the shell holes and by his fire permitted the resumption of the progress.”

General Orders: Order No. 14.559 “D,” 17 March 1919, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East
Born: 28 April 1888 at Celina, Ohio
Hometown: Morley, Michigan

Death: 29 March 1980

Interred: Aetna Township Cemetery, Morley, Michigan


Farmer near Morley, MI; Michigan National Guard; earned Silver Star Citation for his actions 5 Oct. ’18 near Gesnes, singlehandedly reduced a machinegun; WIA 9 Oct. ’18; brother Jesse J. also served; married Emma Oliva Peterson, father of 1.



Hinkley, Milton Leroy

Major (Infantry), U.S. Army
Headquarters, 1ST Battalion, 125TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 30 August and 3 September 1918
Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with silver star

Citation: “He displayed great skill and bravery in brilliantly leading his battalion in the attack to the west of Juvigny on August 30, 1918, and against Terny-Sorny on September 3.”
General Orders: Order No. 14.483 “D,” 15 March 1919, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East
Born: 1881 near Morrice, Michigan
Hometown: Highland Park, Michigan

Death: 20 August 1940 at Elmira, New York



Married Hope M. Hopkins at Orchard Lake, MI on 17 Jun. ’06; graduated Orchard Lake Military Academy in ’00; attended U. of Chicago; attended U. of Mich. in ’03-’05; worked as purchasing agent for Grabowsky Power Wagon Co., 68-72 Champlain St., Detroit, MI, ca. ’09; resided at 67 Winona Ave., Highland Park, MI; enlisted as Pvt. in Colo. NG at Denver, CO in ’13; transferred to Mich. NG and commissioned 2d Lt. in May ’14; promoted Capt. in Jul. ’15; assigned Cdr. of Co. E, 31ST Mich. Inf., Mich. NG, at Detroit, MI; served during Mexican Border Crisis; assigned to Staff when 32D Div. was organized; sailed for France with Div. advance party in Jan. ’18; transferred to 125TH Inf. in May ’18; Cdr., as Capt., of 1ST Bn., 125TH Inf. at Château-Thierry, Juvigny, Soissons, Argonne; promoted Maj. 16 Mar. ’19; returned to U.S. in May ’19; discharged 5 Jun. ’19; served in post-war Mich. NG; Maj. and Cdr. of 1ST Bn., 125TH Inf. at Detroit, MI when it received federal recognition on 15 Dec. ’20 during post-war reorganization of 32D Div.; promoted Lt. Col. on 4 Jan. ’22; appointed Superintendent of Mich. Employment Institution for the Blind on 4 Jan. ’21.



Hoagg, Robert M.

Sergeant, U.S. Army
Company B, 107TH Engineer Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 30 August 1918
Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with silver star

Citation: “On the night of 30 August 1918, while on duty at Juvigny as a litter bearer he continued his duties in spite of a violent fire of machine guns and artillery. He brought back the wounded from the front lines, crossing on many occasions localities exposed to the fire of the enemy.”
General Orders: Order No. 14.559 “D,” 17 March 1919, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East
Born: December 1888 at Canada
Hometown: Grant, Michigan

Death: 1955

Interred: Chippewa Township Cemetery, Mount Pleasant, Michigan



Holmes, William Henry ‘Harry’

Major (Medical Corps), U.S. Army
Headquarters, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 
Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with gold star

Citation Needed:
General Orders:
Born: 1887 at Belfast, Ireland
Hometown: Chicago, Illinois


He graduated Northwestern U. Med. School in ’10; instructor of clinical pathology at Northwestern U.; attending physician at Wesley Memorial Hosp.; assigned Asst. Surgeon, HQ, 32D Div.



Holt, Frank Maurice

Sergeant, U.S. Army
Battery A, 120TH Field Artillery Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action:

Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:
General Orders:
Born: 31 July 1895 at Minneapolis, Minnesota
Hometown: Milwaukee, Wisconsin


He graduated Milwaukee’s West Side H. S.; attended U. of Ill.; salesman for Holt Electric Manufacturing Co. (founded by his father as Holt Electric Co. at 423 W. Pierce St. in 1892) at Milwaukee, WI; enlisted in 1ST Wis. Cav., likely Trp. A, Wisconsin National Guard, at Milwaukee, WI on 7 Jul. ’17; SN 2302277; assigned to Btry. A when 120TH FA Regt. was organized; earned Distinguished Service Cross for his efforts to rescue French soldier 4 Aug. ’18; WIA 6 (5) Aug. ’18 at La Petite Chezelle Farme, near St. Gilles; the chow wagon had just arrived when a shell exploded in the farm yard, seriously wounding him, killing Pfc. Harold E. Tanner and seriously wounding 2d Lt. Harold O. Little, 2d Lt. William G. Martin, Corp. Harry Kruegger, Cpl. Adolph C. Toupal, Cpl. Alfred F. Ethier (DW 17 Aug.), Mech. Frank P. Bohn, Pvt. Maurice F. Slaney (DW 6 Aug.), Pvt. Frank Kunkel (DW 21 Nov. ’18), Pvt. Joseph Krzykwa, and others; earned wound chevron, HQ, 120TH FA Special Order No. 176, 16 Sep. ’18; discharged 7 Apr. ’19; assumed the helm of then Holt Electric Motor Co. in ‘33 after father passed away.



Holzgrebe, William O.

Private, U.S. Army
Company K, 125TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 11 – 13 October 1918
Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with palm

Citation: “Private Holzgrebe, who was a runner of the 3d Battalion of the 125th Infantry, during the capture and occupation of the line near the Tuilerie Farm, received the orders to carry important messages back and forth through the LaMort Valley which was swept by the fire of machine guns. The ground offered absolutely no protection and required a perilous run of 500 meters over an open space before any shelter could be reached. It was only by this supreme courage that the messages were successfully delivered to the battalion.”
General Orders: Order No. 16.044 “D,” 13 April 1919, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East
Born: 4 February 1898 at Escanaba, Michigan
Hometown: Escanaba, Michigan

Death: 1 November 1951

Interred: Lakeview Cemetery, Escanaba, Michigan


He earned Distinguished Service Cross for his actions 11-13 Oct. ’18 as message runner near La Tuilerie Ferme; also earned French Medaille Militaire, by Presidential Decree of 5 May ’19; brother Clarence F. served with Co. M, 168TH Inf., 42D Div.; William resided at Racine, WI ca. ’30, at 1940 census, and in ’49; received his Croix de Guerre from Gen. Petain ca. 28 May ’39.



Hoover, Charles S.

Sergeant, U.S. Army
308TH Trench Mortar Battery, attached to 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 23 October 1918
Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with gilt star

Citation Needed:
General Orders:
Born: Lancaster, Pennsylvania
Hometown: Columbus, Ohio


He earned Distinguished Service Cross for his actions 23 Oct. ’18 near Brabant-sur-Meuse, continued to man the mortar after he was WIA by shrapnel.



Horrigan, Edward

Sergeant, U.S. Army
Company I, 126TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 1 June 1918
Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with silver star

Citation: Citation in History of the 126TH Infantry in the War With Germany reads: “On the 1st day of June they took part in a raid with troops from the 4th Infantry Regiment (French). They have shown, to the admiration of their comrades, fearlessness of danger when under fire for the first time.” Citation in Michigan in the World War reads: “An American noncommissioned officer attached to a French unit.   Taking part in a raid on 1 June 1918, he displayed a fine ardor and an absolute contempt for danger under the circumstances. He assisted a wounded Frenchman to return to our lines.” The mission was a joint French and U.S. night raid near Ammertzwiller, Alsace. Four of the twelve American participants were decorated for their roles in the raid, 1st Lt. Sidney Z. Eleveld, Sgt. Daniel Gerber, Sgt. Edward Horrigan, Sgt. Edgar C. Taylor.
General Orders: Order No. 311 ½, 7 June 1918, 9th French Division
Born: 9 June 1896 (1895)
Hometown: Big Rapids, Michigan

Death: 3 February 1960


Enlisted in Co. H, 32D Mich. Inf., Michigan National Guard, Big Rapids, MI; served during Mexican Border Crisis; assigned to Co. I, 126TH Inf., when 32D Div. was organized; SN 2305452.



Horvath, John Henry

Corporal, U.S. Army
Company E, 128TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action:
Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:
General Orders:
Born: 28 August 1897 at Austria or Hungary
Hometown: Corliss, Wisconsin

Death: 10 November 1996 at Milwaukee County, Wisconsin

Interred: Holy Cross Cemetery, Caledonia, Wisconsin


He enlisted in Wisconsin National Guard on 9 Apr. ’17; assigned to Co. E, 128TH Inf. when 32D Div. was organized; discharged 19 May ’19; married Edna Mary Hauch, father of 3.



Howard, John Hastings

Lieutenant Colonel, U.S. Army
Headquarters, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action:

Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with palm

Citation Needed:
General Orders:
Born: 2 March 1879 at Dayton, Ohio
Hometown: Dayton, Ohio, presumed


Son of William Crane and Anna (Keifer) Howard, father served as 2d Lt. in 17TH Ind. Btry., Ohio Vol. Lt. Arty. during Civil War; attended U. of Wooster and Miami U.; married Helen Chaffee in Nov. ’08; father-in-law was Lt. Gen. Adna R. Chaffee; Pvt., Cpl. and Sgt. in Btry. L, 7TH FA Regt. 27 Apr.-12 Oct. ’98; Pvt., Cpl., Sgt. and 1st Sgt. in Trp. M, 6TH Cav. 11 Feb. ’99-11 Oct. ’01; commissioned 2d Lt., cavalry, 9TH Cav., 2 Feb. ’01; 1st Lt., 8TH Cav., 2 Aug. ’08; transferred to 9TH Cav. on 15 Jan. ’10; graduated Mounted Service School in ’10; promoted Capt. on 1 Jul. ’16; promoted Maj. (brevet) on 5 Aug. ’17; Maj. and Adjutant, HQ, 32D Div. ca. Sep. ’17; promoted Lt. Col. (brevet) on 30 Jul. ’18 and assigned G-1, HQ, 32D Div.; departed to attend Gen. Staff College at Langres just before Meuse-Argonne, returned to his position in Jan. ’19; earned Div. Citation and Chevalier de la Légion d’Honneur (French Legion of Honor), by Presidential Decree of 16 Mar. ’19; assigned inspector instructor for Tex. NG on 12 Dec. ’19; promoted Maj. on 1 Jul. ’20; promoted Lt. Col. on 26 May ’21; graduated FA School, Air Service Observation School, and Air Service Pilot School in ’21; Lt. Col., assumed cmd. of Kelly Field, TX on 1 Feb. ’22; Cdr. of Mitchel Field, NY 2 Sep. ’29-4 May ’33.



Howell, Clyde E.

Private, U.S. Army
128TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action:

Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:
General Orders:



Hudson, Lewis (Louis)

Sergeant, U.S. Army
Company L, 126TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 
Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with bronze star

Citation: “His company having gone beyond its objectives and having received the order to withdraw, he displayed fine courage and much coolness in picking up a wounded man and carrying him a distance of 600 meters to a place of safety.”
General Orders: Order No. 12.372 “D,” 16 December 1918, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East
Born: 1896
Hometown: Traverse City, Michigan


He enlisted in Co. F, 32D Mich. Inf., Michigan National Guard, at Grand Haven, MI; was Pvt. in the unit when mobilized; promoted to Cpl. shortly before unit departed Grand Haven for Camp Grayling, MI; assigned to Co. L, 126TH Inf. when 32D Div. was organized; earned Silver Star Citation for his actions 1 Aug. ’18 in Bois Les Jomblettes (Les Jomblettes Woods); also earned Div. Citation, likely basis for Silver Star Citation; recommended for DSC by Capt. George L. Olsen for his actions at Aisne-Marne; WIA 5 Oct. ’18.



Huempfner, William J.

Sergeant, U.S. Army
127TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 
Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:
General Orders:



Hughes, Floyd Cornell

Sergeant, U.S. Army
Headquarters Company, 127TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 
Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:
General Orders:
Born: 12 May 1894 at Fargo, North Dakota
Hometown: Cambria

Death: 5 October 1967 at West Bend, Wisconsin

Interred: Cambria Cemetery, Cambria, Wisconsin



Hume, Donald Campbell

Private First Class, U.S. Army
121ST Machinegun Battalion, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 
Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with bronze star

Citation Needed: Pfc. Hume earned the Croix de Guerre for his actions as a message runner. One reference lists date of action as 14 Mar. ’18, but that is not possible.
General Orders:
Born: 30 March 1901 at Minnesota
Hometown: Superior, Wisconsin

Death: 31 March 1892 at Hawthorne, Nevada

Interred: Northern Nevada Veterans Memorial Cemetery, Fernley, Nevada


He enlisted in Wisconsin National Guard at Superior, WI, either in Jun. ’16 at age 15 or Jun. ’17 at age 16 (probably the latter), either Co. I or Sup. Co., 3D Wis. Inf., or Co. B or HQ Co., 6TH Wis. Inf. (probably the latter regt.); assigned to 121ST MG Bn. when 32D Div. was organized; WIA, gassed, during Meuse-Argonne; departed France in Feb. ’19; returned home in Mar. ’19; received his Croix de Guerre at home in Jul. ’19; married Isabelle Dora Child, father of 2; son Joseph W. served in Navy during WWII; resided at Reno, NV by ’35; worked in civil service.



Hunter, Clarence

Private, U.S. Army
125TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 
Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:
General Orders:



Hunter, Harry Louis (D.)

Private First Class, U.S. Army
Company C, 107TH Field Signal Battalion, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 
Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with bronze star

Citation: “Under an intense bombardment and a direct fire of the enemy machine guns he repaired the telephone lines, thus keeping open the communication between the various units taking part in the attack. Brave and courageous, he always acted with the greatest indifference to danger.”
General Orders: Order No. 14.523 “D,” 16 March 1919, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East
Born: 15 November 1894
Hometown: Detroit, Michigan

Death: 10 November 1964

Interred: Riverside Cemetery, Plymouth, Michigan



Hunter, William G.

Private, U.S. Army
Company F, 128TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 
Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with silver star

Citation: “A very courageous noncommissioned officer who was an example for the men under his command. He fearlessly passed through a terrible barrage, displaying the most absolute indifference to danger.”
General Orders: Order No. 14.559 “D,” 17 March 1919, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East
Hometown: Capac, Michigan




He was 1 of a small group in the unit nicknamed the “Blood Hounds,” of which Capt. Edmund P. Arpin noted, “I liked these boys, but for me they sometimes produced an acute attack of gray hairs.” and “constantly in trouble when we were back in the rear and incurable souvenir hunters anywhere near the front line”; also earned Silver Star Citation for his actions 14 Oct. ’18; promoted to Sgt.; he might be the same man as Pvt. William G. Hunter, an original member of Co. D, 125TH Inf. when it was organized.



Hurst, William E.

Private First Class, U.S. Army
Company G, 126TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 27 August 1918
Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with bronze star

Citation: “Sent with a message to his company commander who was wounded in front of the lines, he accomplished his mission and took care of his officer under an intense machine-gun fire.” The wounded officer may have been 1st Lt. Severne S. MacLaughlin or 2d Lt. James M. Halley.
General Orders: Order No. 14.383 “D,” 15 March 1919, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East
Born: at Detroit, Michigan
Hometown: Detroit, Michigan


Enlisted in Michigan National Guard; earned Distinguished Service Cross for his actions 27 Aug. ’18 near Juvigny, a message runner, he rescued the wounded platoon leader he was supposed to deliver the message to; WIA 1 Oct. ’18.



Hynan, John Lawrence

First Lieutenant (Infantry), U.S. Army
Company E, 125TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 31 July 1918
Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with palm

Citation: “Although severely shocked by a shell and wounded by a machine gun he refused to be evacuated and continued to lead his men to the assault near Cierges on July 31, 1918. A magnificent example of courage and contempt for danger. In spite of his wounds he remained at his post for eight days.”

General Orders: Order No. 12.335 “D,” 15 December 1918, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East
Born: 2 June 1886 at Genesee County, Michigan
Hometown: Mount Morris, Michigan

Death: 14 November 1953 at Genesee County, Michigan

Interred: Mount Morris Cemetery, Mount Morris, Michigan


Married Katherine Pearl Hackney, father of 2; farmer, R. F. D. 2, Mount Morris, MI; enlisted in Co. A, 3D Mich. Inf., ‘Flint Union Blues,’ Michigan National Guard, at Flint, MI, on 10 Jul. ’05; promoted Sgt. on 18 Apr. ’08; commissioned 2d Lt. on 2 Oct. ’11; unit redesignated Co. A, 33D Mich. Inf.; served during Mexican Border Crisis; served with Co. E, 125TH Inf.; earned Silver Star Citation for his actions 31 Jul.-8 Aug. ’18 near Cierges; WIA 31 Jul. ’18; also gassed at some point on the Ourcq River; listed on 30 Nov. ’18 casualty list; attained rank of Capt.; bestowed with Honor Sword by Flint H. S. Cadets on 4 Jul. ’19, he had been a member while he was in school.



Irwin, George LeRoy

Brigadier General, U.S. Army
Headquarters, 57TH Field Artillery Brigade, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action:

Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with palm

Citation Needed:
General Orders:
Born: 26 August 1868 at Fort Wayne, Michigan
Hometown: Chicago, Illinois

Death: 18 February 1931 aboard Virgilio at Port of Spain, Trinidad

Interred: United States Military Academy Post Cemetery, West Point, New York


Son of Bernard John Dowling and Antoinette Elizabeth (Stahl) Irwin, father Irish immigrant; father earned Medal of Honor for his actions as Lieut. and med. officer with 7TH Inf. on 13-14 Feb. ’61 at Apache Pass, Arizona Territory, also served during Civil War, attained rank of Brig. Gen.; married Maria Elizabeth Barker, father of 3; graduated USMA at West Point, Class of ’89; commissioned 2d Lieut., FA; served during Spanish-American War; promoted Capt. 28 Feb. ’01; served during Philippine Insurrection and Occupation of Cuba; assigned to 2D FA 6 Jun. ’07; attended Army War College ’09-’10; promoted Maj., 3D FA, 14 Jan. ’10; Asst. Director, Army War College, ’10-’11; assigned to 4TH FA 2 Jan. ’14; served during occupation of Vera Cruz, Mex. Apr.-Nov. ’14; promoted Maj., 4TH FA, 18 Nov. ’14; Post Cdr. at Corozal, Panama, Mar.-Nov. ’16; promoted Col., 4TH FA, 1 Jul. ’16; Cdr., Jefferson Barracks, MO Nov. ’16-Jul. ’17; Camp Cdr. and Cdr. of 8TH, 16TH, and 17TH FA at Camp Robinson, WI Jul.-Aug. ’17; promoted Brig. Gen. (National Army) 5 Aug. ’17; cdr. of 161ST FA Bde. at Camp Grant, IL Aug.-Sep. ’17; assumed Cmd. of 41ST Div. at Camp Mills, NY 10 Dec. ’17; landed in France 27 Dec. ’17; Cdr. of 2D FA Bde. 1 Feb.-5 May ’18; assumed Cmd. of 57TH FA Bde. on 10 May (28 Aug.) ’18, succeeded Brig. Gen. Chamberlain; earned DSM for his leadership during Aisne-Marne, Oise-Aisne, and Meuse-Argonne; also earned Officier de la Légion d’Honneur (French Legion of Honor) by Presidential Decree of 16 Mar. ’19; Cdr. of Saumur Arty. School 4 Nov. ’18-25 Jan. ’19 (when school was closed); resumed Cmd. of 57TH FA Bde. 17 Feb. ’19; returned to U.S. and assigned cdr. of Artillery School, Ft. Sill, OK; attained rank of Maj. Gen.; passed away 18 Feb. ’31 aboard Virgilio at Port of Spain, Trinidad, he was enroute to Panama to resume cmd. of Panama Canal Dept.; namesake of Ft. Irwin, CA; son Stafford L. also graduated USMA, also earned DSM as well as Silver Star, Legion of Merit for his actions as Maj. Gen. during WWII, attained rank of Lieut. Gen.



Isaac, Joseph

Private, U.S. Army
Company M, 125TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 31 July 1918

Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with bronze star
Citation: “During the passage of the Ourcq near Sergy on July 31, 1918, although wounded, he displayed great courage in crawling into our lines carrying a wounded comrade on his back.”
General Orders: Order No. 12.372 “D,” 16 December 1918, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East
Born: 27 May or 16 May 1890 (’88, ’91, ’94) at Manistique, Michigan
Hometown: Manistique, Michigan

Death: 19 February 1949 at VA Hospital at Wood, Wisconsin at age 58 (60, 57, 54)

Interred: Saint Ignatius Catholic Cemetery, St. Ignace, Michigan


Native American; son of Bert and Margaret (Beshigishik) Isaac (Assiginack, Signak, Siganok); NoK Miss Margaret Isaac, sister, Box 165, Manistique, MI; earned Distinguished Service Cross for his actions 31 Jul. ’18 near Sergy, after he was severely WIA (head wound), he carried a more severely wounded Soldier on his back as he crawled over 150 fire-swept yards back to friendly lines; earned Purple Heart w/OLC; married Adelia, father of at least 1; moved to St. Ignace, MI ca. ’39; worked as carpenter.



Jackson, Albert J.

Sergeant, U.S. Army
Company B, 107TH Engineer Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 30 August 1918

Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with bronze star

Citation: “During the night of 30 August 1918, as litter bearer he brought in the wounded from the first lines under a violent fire of artillery and machine guns.”
General Orders: Order No. 14.523 “D,” 16 March 1919, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East
Hometown: Houghton, Michigan



Janey, Philip R.

Mechanic, U.S. Army
125TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 

Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:
General Orders:



Jankowski, Mike F.

Corporal, U.S. Army
Company H, 128TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 

Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with bronze star

Citation: He led his men with much coolness. Although wounded he was not willing to be evacuated until the conquered ground was organized for defense.”
General Orders: Order No. 14.383 “D,” 15 March 1919, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East
Born: 7 July 1898
Hometown: Bay City, Michigan

Death: 3 August 1966

Interred: Camp Butler National Cemetery, Springfield, Illinois


Twice WIA; earned Purple Heart w/OLC; married Clara.



Janssen, Theodore, Jr.

Private First Class, U.S. Army
Battery A, 120TH Field Artillery Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 2 September 1918

Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with bronze star

Citation Needed: Pfc. Janssen earned the Croix de Guerre w/bronze star for his actions on 2 Sep. ’18 near Juvigny.
General Orders:
Born: 27 March 1894
Hometown: Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Death: 8 April 1993

Interred: Mount Olivet Cemetery, Milwaukee, Wisconsin


He attended business college and then worked as book keeper for Mechanical Appliance Co. at Milwaukee, WI; enlisted in 1ST Wis. Cav. (likely Trp. A), Wisconsin National Guard, at Milwaukee, WI 5 Jun. ’17; assigned to Btry. A when 120TH FA Regt. was organized; SN 2302357; Alsace, Aisne-Marne, Oise-Aisne; WIA 5 Aug. ’18, shrapnel and mustard gas, at St. Gilles (Courville); seriously WIA 2 Sep. ’18 near Juvigny by German counterbattery fire, remainder of his gun crew was seriously wounded by the same shell, Sgt. Myron J. Reiff (Chief of Section) DW 2 (3) Sep. ’18, Cpl. Edward J. Egan, Pfc. Leo J. Germershausen KIA 2 (3) Sep. ’18, Pvt. Charles A. Obey, Pvt. Alex Porte DW 2 (3) Sep. ’18; earned 2 wound chevrons, HQ, 120TH FA Special Order No. 176, 16 Sep. ’18; received his Croix de Guerre 21 Apr. ’19 at Camp Pontanezen, Brest, France; discharged 16 May ’19 at Camp Grant, IL; received Purple Heart ca. 11 May ’32, he worked at National Soldiers Home in Milwaukee at the time; brother William had also served in France.



Jenkinson, Joseph

Lieutenant (Infantry), U.S. Army
125TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action:

Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:
General Orders:


WIA 29 Aug. ’18 near Juvigny.



Jennings, Edgar Adair

Second Lieutenant (Infantry), U.S. Army
Company M, 125TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action:

Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:
General Orders:
Born: 30 September 1890 at Pocahontas, Virginia
Hometown: Owosso, Michigan

Death: 26 November 1963

Interred: Golden Gate National Cemetery, San Bruno, California


Son of Robert Henry and Lillian Evadne (Holley) Jennings, mother NoK, 712 E. Franklin St., Lynchburg, VA; NoK Mrs. W. S. Dyerle, sister, Atlee, VA; worked as brakeman for Ann Arbor Railroad at Owosso, MI; enlisted in Co. H, 33D Mich. Inf., Mich. NG, at Owosso, MI; served during Mexican Border Crisis; assigned to Co. M, 125TH Inf. when 32D Div. was organized; earned Silver Star Citation for his actions 29 Jul. ‘18 near the Ourcq River; praised by Lt. Robert B. Horine for when he and Sgt. Alfred Balyeat led their squads in flanking maneuvers which enabled Co. M to seize its objective on 31 Jul. ‘18; earned Distinguished Service Cross for his efforts, as Sgt., to rescue wounded comrades and reorganize the company after heavy losses on 31 Jul. ‘18 near Cierges; WIA, gassed, 24 Jun. ‘18; also earned Purple Heart and Belgian Croix de Guerre (Belgian War Cross); according to Campbell Chronicles…, “Lt. Edgar A. Jennings, Co. M, 125TH Inf., Congressional Medal of Honor” (I’ve no other information regarding the decoration); married Ida M., father of 2, resided at 241 Duboce Ave., San Francisco, CA at 1940 census.



Jensen, Emile

Private, U.S. Army
125TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action:

Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:
General Orders:



Jestila, Elmer John

Sergeant First Class, U.S. Army
Company B, 107TH Engineer Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 30 August 1918

Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with silver star

Citation: “Sent out on 30 August 1918, to make a reconnaissance in the woods to the right of Juvigny in line with and in front of our first lines he was caught under an enemy barrage, enveloped by gas and almost surrounded by a counterattack. In spite of all he continued his mission and returned to our lines with ample and precise information.”
General Orders: Order No. 14.317 “D,” 16 March 1919, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East
Born: 28 August 1890 at Michigan
Hometown: Houghton, Michigan

Death: 4 August 1986

Interred: Forest Hill Cemetery, Houghton, Michigan


Promoted to 1st Sgt.; married Ida B. M. Siegel, father of Elmer A.; resided at 309 Dakota St., Hancock, MI at ’40 census; son served in Army Air Force during WWII; retired as campus police officer at Mich. Tech. on 31 Oct. ’58.



Jewasinski, Stanley A.

First Lieutenant (Infantry), U.S. Army
127TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 
Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with gilt star

Citation Needed:
General Orders:
Born: 15 April 1895 or 1896 at Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Hometown: Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Death: 6 April 1982 at Milwaukee County, Wisconsin

Interred: Wisconsin Memorial Park, Brookfield, Wisconsin


Worked at Milwaukee Journal; enlisted in Sup. Co., 1ST Wis. Inf., Wisconsin National Guard, at Milwaukee, WI; was Wag. in that unit during Mexican Border Crisis; 1st Lt. in Co. B, 5TH Wis. Inf. at Milwaukee, WI when mobilized 15 Jul. ’17; assigned to Co. C, 127TH Inf. at some point before it departed Camp MacArthur, TX; when 127TH Inf. departed Camp Merritt, NJ for the trip to France, he and Lt. Ralph Grassold were left behind take charge of Soldiers who had been quarantined; on 5 Jun. ’18, he and Capt. Paul W. Schmidt received orders to report to Gondrecourt to attend First Army School, 4 week course; transferred to HQ, 127TH Inf. and assigned as Adjutant soon after completing the course; Alsace, Aisne-Marne, Oise-Aisne, Army of Occupation; “cited three times in general orders”; earned Silver Star Citation for his actions 31 Aug. ’18 at Juvigny, captured machinegun nest and 32 Germans (some transcripts of citation list date as 3 Aug., the Div. was not close to Juvigny on that date, actual date is more likely 31 Aug., the same as 1st Lt. Maurice J. V. Ritt’s DSC citation, the 2 worked together in the capture of the 32 Germans); earned Div. Citation, likely basis for Silver Star Citation; WIA at Soissons, gunshot wound; transferred to Co. B, 127TH Inf. at some point; discharged 5 Jun. ’19; married Anna, father of 3; returned to work as a reporter at Milwaukee Journal in ’19; graduated Marquette U. Law School in ’23; Maj. ca. ’31; resided at Wauwatosa, WI at ’40 census; worked in clerk’s office of Milwaukee Co. Civil Court when he left for military service in Sep. ’41; also served during WWII; reportedly served as a Lt. Col. in Gen. George S. Patton’s Third Army; appointed Civil Court clerk ca. 4 Nov. ’45, shortly after his discharge, the man who was temp. appointed during the war contested, not sure how it turned out, but he retired in ’66 as chief deputy clerk of Civil Court; appointed Wauwatosa alderman in ’49 to complete the term of 1 who passed away.



Johnson, Henry Grant

Second Lieutenant (Infantry), U.S. Army
121ST Machinegun Battalion, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: circa 28-30 August 1918

Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with silver star

Citation Needed: 2d Lt. Johnson earned the Croix de Guerre w/silver star for heroism at Juvigny circa 28-30 August 1918.
General Orders:
Born: 12 October 1894 at Minneapolis, Minnesota
Hometown: Pepin, Wisconsin

Death: 4 (5) October 1918 at Gesnes, France

Interred: Mission Covenant Cemetery, Pepin County, Wisconsin

Status: KIA


He graduated Pepin, WI H. S. with honors in ’13; attended a business college in Minneapolis in ’14; graduated State Normal School at La Crosse, WI in ’16; enlisted in Co. M, 3D Wis. Inf., Wisconsin National Guard, at La Crosse, WI on 4 Feb. ’16; attained rank of Cpl. in that unit during Mexican Border Crisis; unit returned to La Crosse 14 Dec. ’16; mobilized 26 Mar. ’17, his unit guarded ore docks at Superior, WI; promoted to Sgt.; to Camp MacArthur, TX in Aug. ’17; commissioned 2d Lt. 3 Dec. ’17; assigned to Co. C, 121ST MG Bn. was organized; sailed for France Mar. ’18; namesake of Henry G. Johnson Post No. 222 of American Legion at Pepin, WI.



Jones, Grover C.

Corporal, U.S. Army
Company G, 128TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 

Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:
General Orders:
Born: 31 July 1895
Hometown: Wausau, Wisconsin

Death: 27 November 1969

Interred: Pine Grove Cemetery, Wausau, Wisconsin


He enlisted in Co. G, 3D Wis. Inf., Wisconsin National Guard, at Wausau, WI; was Pvt. in that unit during Mexican Border Crisis; assigned to Co. G, 128TH Inf. when 32D Div. was organized; witnessed death of Pfc. Wallace Chatfield on 3 Aug. ’18, he, Sgt. Earl A. Goldsmith and Chatfield were in a ravine when a large shell landed nearby, a piece of shrapnel struck Chatfield in the side of the head, he died instantly and has been MIA since, the other 2 were uninjured; married Elizabeth Keller, father of 1; Marathon Co. Veterans Service Off. ca. ’56; member of Burns Post No. 38 of American Legion at Wausau, WI.



Junk, John

Corporal, U.S. Army
Company C, 128TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 

Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with bronze star

Citation: “He led his squad to the assigned objective encouraging his men by coolness and bravery.”
General Orders: Order No. 14.383 “D,” 15 March 1919, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East
Hometown: Stambaugh, Michigan



Kabat, Emil F. (R.)

Sergeant, U.S. Army
128TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 

Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:
General Orders:
Hometown: La Crosse, Wisconsin


He enlisted in San. Det., 3D Wis. Inf., Wisconsin National Guard, at La Crosse, WI; was Pvt. in that unit during Mexican Border Crisis; assigned to 128TH Inf. when 32D Div. was organized, likely Med. Det.


There were at least 2 men named Emil Kabat from La Crosse, WI, who served during the war, and they about the same age.


I believe the one who served with the 128TH Inf. was Emil Frank Kabat; born 26 Mar. ’93 at La Crosse, WI; son of Frank and Elizabeth (Vachota) Kabat; passed away 7 Jul. ’63 at La Crosse, WI; interred at Catholic Cemetery of La Crosse, La Crosse, WI.


The other was Emil Kabat (middle initial possibly W.); born 25 May ’96 at WI; son of Joseph and Anna (Stanek) Kabat, 957 Hood St., La Crosse, WI; served as Wag. in Btry. D, 333D FA Regt., 86TH Div.; reached France ca. Oct. ’18; married Lillian, father of 3; worked for G. Heileman Brewing Co. for 26 years; passed away 17 Aug. ’59 at La Crosse, WI; interred at Catholic Cemetery of La Crosse, La Crosse, WI.



Kain, Rancy Ray ‘Red’

Sergeant, U.S. Army
Company C, 126TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 1 August 1918
Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with palm

Citation: “All the officers of his unit having been disabled he took command of a platoon and led it to the assault of two machine guns, killing four enemy gunners. He silenced another machine gun displaying great courage and contempt for danger.”
General Orders: Order No. 12.335 “D,” 15 December 1918, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East
Born: 12 February 1890 at Cecil, Ohio
Hometown: Watervliet, Michigan

Death: 16 October 1934

Interred: Reese Cemetery, Springfield, MI


NoK Mrs. Alice Ferguson, 2013 Luella St., Kalamazoo, MI; enlisted in Co. D, 32D Mich. Inf., Mich. NG, at Kalamazoo, MI on 21 Jul. ’14; assigned to Co. C, 126TH Inf. when 32D Div. was organized; Alsace Sec., Aisne-Marne, Oise-Aisne, Army of Occupation; earned Distinguished Service Cross for his actions 1 Aug. ’18 near Cierges, led his platoon to eliminate 3 machineguns; also during Aisne-Marne, “gained fame in his company by standing erect in a hail of machine gun fire and dropping two Germans at 500 yards”; stationed at Gladbach, Germany with Army of Occupation; discharged at Camp Custer, MI on 23 May ’19; married Blanche Morse 21 Sep. ’19, father of at least 1; resided at Battle Creek, MI at 1930 census.



*Kalkbrenner, Fred W.

Private First Class, U.S. Army
Company I, 125TH Infantry, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 31 July 1918

Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with gilt star

Citation: “On July 31, 1918, near Cierges, he attempted to bandage a seriously wounded officer under a violent fire of artillery and machine guns. Was killed during the course of his heroic undertaking.”

General Orders: Order No. 12.334 “D,” dated December 15, 1918, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East

Hometown: Detroit, Michigan

Death: 31 July 1918

Interred: Oise-Aisne American Cemetery

Status: KIA



Kallies, Rudolph L.

Sergeant, U.S. Army
127TH Infantry, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 

Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:

General Orders:

Hometown: South Bend, IN


NoK Mrs. Augusta Kallies, 1701 Fassnacht Ave., South Bend, IN; severely WIA, listed on 5 Nov. ’18 casualty list.



*Kearn, Lester Wallace

Second Lieutenant (Infantry), U.S. Army
Company K, 127TH Infantry, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 30 August 1918

Degree of Award: unknown

Citation: “For extraordinary heroism in action while commanding 1st Platoon of Co. K, 127th Infantry, U.S. Army, on August 30, 1918. Lieut. Kearn led the 1st Platoon in the right of the attack on Juvigny, and when the Company was scattered, personally gathered them together under heavy machine gun and shell fire and re-organized and advanced to within a hundred yards of the enemy’s line, where they held. While moving about to choose better positions and strengthen the same, he was struck in the side and wounded so severely that he died within a very short time. Upon joining this Company, he expressed his satisfaction of being assigned to the 32nd Division because he knew of the good record it held. He died like a hero, while performing his duty in helping to crush the world’s greatest foe.”

General Orders:

Born: circa 1896
Hometown: New York, NY

Death: 30 August 1918

Interred: Oise-Aisne American Cemetery

Status: KIA


He attended St. Stephen’s College, Class of ’18, withdrew from seminary to volunteer for service soon after war was declared; assigned to Co. I, 306TH Inf., 77TH Div. at Camp Upton, NY; promoted to Sgt.; commissioned 2d Lt.; transferred to 132D Inf., 33D Div. in France; transferred to Co. K, 127TH Inf. on 29 Aug. ’18; KIA 30 Aug. (31 Aug.) ’18 at age 22, shrapnel, only his 2nd day with the unit.



*Keiser, Harry M.

First Lieutenant (Infantry), U.S. Army

Company H, 125TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:

Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:

General Orders:

Born: 12 March 1888 at Dubuque, Iowa

Hometown: Chicago, Illinois

Death: 31 July 1918 near Cierges

Interred: Oise-Aisne American Cemetery

Status: KIA


He spent some of his early years in Boston, MA; graduated Roxbury H. S. in ’08; worked as cashier for Hydrox Co.; served 5 years with Massachusetts National Guard (Mass. Vol. Militia); was Pfc. in 11TH Co., Coast Arty. Corps in ’08; entered First Officers Training Camp at Fort Sheridan, IL, assigned to 11TH Cav. Trp.; held over for Second Officers Training Camp, assigned to 21ST Co.; commissioned 1st Lt., inf., ca. Nov. ’17; married Irma McChesney Craw on 8 Dec. ’17 at Chicago, IL, she resided at Galesburg, IL and worked for YMCA while he was overseas; sailed for France 27 Dec. ’17 as casual officer; initially stationed at Langres; assigned as instructor to 125TH Inf. on 25 Apr. ’18; later assigned plt. ldr. in Co. H, 125TH Inf.; also earned Distinguished Service Cross.



*Kelly, Roy W. (Kelley)

Second Lieutenant, U.S. Army
Machine Gun Company, 127TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 31 August 1918

Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with silver star

Citation: “He displayed courage and bravery, and was killed at the moment he had placed his platoon in position and opened fire on enemy with machine gun he had just captured.”
General Orders:
Born: circa 1895
Hometown: Ashland, Wisconsin

Death: 31 August 1918 near Juvigny

Interred: Oise-Aisne American Cemetery

Status: KIA


Married; enlisted in MG Co., 2D Wis. Inf., Wisconsin National Guard, at Ashland, WI; assigned to MG Co. when 127TH Inf. was organized; sailed to France on USS George Washington; also earned Silver Star Citation, posthumously; namesake of Roy W. Kelly Post No. 90 of American Legion at Ashland, WI.



Kempinski, Michael

Private, U.S. Army
Company G, 128TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 

Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with silver star

Citation: “He volunteered to accompany a lieutenant on a patrol in search of machinegun nests and with this officer succeeded in capturing a nest and all its crew. After the death of his lieutenant he went alone to attack a second nest of machine guns and succeeded in taking it.”
General Orders: Order No. 14.517 “D,” 16 March 1919, General Headquarters, French Armies
Hometown: Hamtramck, Michigan



Keskey, Charles Anselm

First Lieutenant, U.S. Army
125TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 29 August 1918

Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with gilt star

Citation: “During the attack by his battalion on August 29, 1918, he displayed great courage in exerting himself to the utmost to administer first aid to his major as well as to a corporal and a man, all severely wounded by a shell burst. He fought with extraordinary energy and distinguished himself on two other occasions in cooperating in the reorganization and maintenance of the elements on the fighting line.”
General Orders: Order No. 14.381 “D,” 14 March 1919, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East
Born: 29 September 1893
Hometown: Hubbell, Michigan

Death: 29 September 1970

Interred: Fort Rosecrans National Cemetery, San Diego, California


He enlisted in Co. A, 33D Mich. Inf., ‘Union Blues’, Michigan National Guard, at Flint, MI; served during Mexican Border Crisis; served with 125TH Inf.; married Gertrude Holden, father of 4; served in post-war Mich. NG; 1st Lt. in Co. C, 125TH Inf., at Detroit, MI, when it received federal recognition 13 Sep. ’20 during post-war reorganization of the 32D Div.; attended Infantry School, Camp Benning, GA ca. ’21-’22; attained rank of Maj.; resided at Pasadena, CA at ’40 census.



Kick, Leo

Cook, U.S. Army
Company A, 127TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action: 

Degree of Award:

Citation Needed: According to History, Co. A, 127TH Inf., “while in action on the Soissons front received a severe shrapnel wound in the arm while cooking for the company, which was then in reserve. The dinner which Cook Kick was preparing was ready to be taken off of the field oven when the accident occurred and although the wound inflicted was very painful, he stayed with the kitchen and kept the beans from burning and thus saved the dinner for the men. Cook Kick was recommended for his gallantry and received the Croix de Guerre from the French government while with the Army of Occupation in Germany.”
General Orders:
Born: 9 September 1885
Hometown: Marshfield, Wisconsin

Death: 27 December 1945

Interred: Wood National Cemetery, Milwaukee, Wisconsin


Also had ties to Fond du Lac, WI; enlisted in Co. A, 2D Wis. Inf., WNG, at Marshfield, WI; was Cook in that unit during Mexican Border Crisis; earned Croix de Guerre; WIA, listed on 3 Nov. ’18 casualty list; returned home to Marshfield, WI on 2 Jun. ’19, after brief quarantine at Camp Merritt.



Kielpinski, Vincent Paul

Sergeant, U.S. Army

Company K, 127TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:

Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:

General Orders:

Born: 20 October 1889 at Chicago, Illinois

Hometown: Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Death: 16 May 1954 at Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Interred: Saint Adalbert’s Cemetery, Milwaukee, Wisconsin


He enlisted in Co. K, 1ST Wis. Inf., Wisconsin National Guard, at Milwaukee, WI in Nov. ’11; was Pfc. in that unit during Mexican Border Crisis; assigned to Co. K, 127TH Inf. when 32D Div. was organized; earned Distinguished Service Cross for his actions 31 Aug. ’18 near Juvigny; twice WIA; stationed at Herschbach, Germany with Army of Occupation; discharged 9 Jun. ’19; married Theresa F. Pietrzak, father of at least 1; worked as clerk for Richard Elsner, Milwaukee Co. Register of Deeds ca. ’20; Sergeant-at-Arms in State Senate, ca. ’21; Maj. and Aide-de-Camp (date of rank 20 Apr. ’27) on Military Staff of Commander-in-Chief, Gov. Fred R. Zimmerman, resigned ca. ’29 (I believe the commission may have been honorary, I have not found him on rosters of WNG officers around that time); clerk at Milwaukee Co. Sheriff’s Dept. ca. ’29; cdr. of Sgt. Leslie T. Knutson Post No. 2304 of VFW at Milwaukee, WI; member of DAV.



*King, Alanson Bartlett (A. Bartlett or Bartlett A.) ‘Bart’

Master Engineer, Junior Grade, U.S. Army
107TH Engineer Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action:

Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with silver star

Citation: “He carried out a very important mission and remained 48 hours without rest or food, searching for the necessary material for the construction of bridges, and carried this material into the lines. He became sick from overwork and died after a short illness.”
Orders: Order No. 14.517 “D,” dated March 16, 1919, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East
Born: 1894
Hometown: Marquette, Michigan

Death: 7 October 1918

Interred: Park Cemetery, Marquette, Michigan

Status: DD


*King, Alanson Bartlett (A. Bartlett or Bartlett A.) ‘Bart’

Master Engineer, Junior Grade, U.S. Army
107TH Engineer Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.
Date of Action:

Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with bronze star

Citation: “His brilliant achievement and bravery in bridging German tank traps thus contributing to prevent the retreat of American forces.”
Born: 1894
Hometown: Marquette, Michigan

Death: 7 October 1918

Interred: Park Cemetery, Marquette, Michigan

Status: DD


He graduated Northern State Normal School, Marquette, MI ca. ’14; one reference states he attended Mich. Agricultural College for 2 years, Class of ’19, but withdrew to enlist; another reference states he was a teacher in 1-room school at Thompson, MI for 3 years, then left to enlist; enlisted in 1ST Mich. Eng. Bn., Michigan National Guard, at Houghton, MI on 20 Apr. ’17; assigned to 107TH Engr. Regt. when 32D Div. was organized; twice offered commission to 2LT, twice refused; he definitely earned the Croix de Guerre but there is conflicting information about which version and the circumstances of the decoration; the information differs enough to suggest he may have earned 2 decorations, so he will be listed as such until proven otherwise; 1 may have been for his actions ca. 29 Jul.-5 Aug. ’18 near Château-Thierry, the other ca. 28 Aug.-5 Sep. ’18 near Soissons; the DAR established the A. Bartlett King Scholarship in ’20 for men attending his alma mater; a stone obelisk was constructed atop Sugarloaf Mountain, near Marquette, MI in his honor; the monument was constructed in 1921 by Boy Scout Troop No. 1 from Marquette MI, the 1st Boy Scout Troop in the U.S., of which he was a member and asst. scout master; the young scouts worked from Aug. through Nov., scouring the beach for 1,400 baseball-sized and shaped granite rocks, hauling the rocks, 100 bags of sand, 3,000 lbs. of cement, and lumber from the lakeshore up the steep mountain, completing 10-12 trips per day; not listed in 32D Div. in WW as casualty, but one Croix de Guerre is listed



Kirkpatrick, William J.

Private, U.S. Army

127TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:

Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:

General Orders:





Klein, Arthur R.

Sergeant, U.S. Army

128TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:

Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:

General Orders:





Knowles, Arthur

Captain (Engineer), U.S. Army

107TH Engineer Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:

Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with silver star

Citation: “He displayed bravery and energy and exerted himself to the utmost in keeping open the communications between Tartiers and Bieuxy. He demonstrated to his men a fine spirit of devotion to duty.”

General Orders: Order No. 14.438 “D,” 15 March 1919, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East


Hometown: Calumet, Michigan


Worked in insurance at Calumet, MI ca. ’07; Mich. NG, presumed; severely WIA, listed on 17 Dec. ’18 casualty list; Maj. in 107TH Engr. Regt. when mobilized 15 Oct. ’40; attained rank of Col.



Knutson, Adolph R.

Sergeant, U.S. Army

Company F, 128TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:

Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with bronze star

Citation Needed: “Has given proof of considerable courage in establishing communication service between various infantry elements, going over ridges constantly swept by machine gun fire in order to accomplish his task.”

General Orders: Order No. 14.251 “D,” 12 March 1919, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East

Born: 10 October 1890 at Kilbourn, Wisconsin

Hometown: Kilbourn, Wisconsin

Death: 21 April 1956

Interred: Newport Lutheran Church Cemetery, Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin


He enlisted in Co. F, 3D Wis. Inf., Wisconsin National Guard, at Portage, WI on 19 Jun. ’16; was Pvt. in that unit during Mexican Border Crisis; assigned to Co. F, 128TH Inf. when 32D Div. was organized; discharged 18 May ’19.



Koehler, William M.

Private First Class, U.S. Army

107TH Sanitary Train, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:

Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:

General Orders:





Komarek, Louis G.

Sergeant, U.S. Army

Company C, 107TH Field Signal Battalion, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:

Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed: Sgt. Komarek earned the Croix de Guerre for his efforts to establish a signal station ahead of the infantry at Juvigny.

General Orders:

Born: 16 September 1892 at Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Hometown: Milwaukee, Wisconsin


He enlisted in Wisconsin National Guard at Milwaukee, WI on 13 Apr. ’17; recommended for DSC, a newspaper article on 20 May ’20 stated he received it; earned regt. citation; discharged at Camp Grant, IL on 23 May ’19; married Theresa ‘Tessie’, father of 4; resided at Shorewood, WI at ’30 census; resided at St. Paul, MN at ’40 census.



Korth, Herman

Sergeant, U.S. Army

Company D, 121ST Machine-Gun Battalion, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:

Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:

General Orders:

Born: circa 1893 at Germany

Hometown: Fond du Lac, Wisconsin

Death: 20 Oct. ’36

Interred: Estabrooks Cemetery, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin


He enlisted in Co. E, 2D Wis. Inf., Wisconsin National Guard, at Fond du Lac, WI; was Pvt. in that unit during Mexican Border Crisis; served with Co. D, 121ST MG Bn.; earned Distinguished Service Cross for his actions 31 Aug. ’18 as artillery observer near Juvigny.



Koutnik, Carl Joseph

Corporal, U.S. Army

128TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:

Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed: According to a brevity in the Door County Advocate on 2 May ’19, Cpl. Koutnik earned the Croix de Guerre “for great bravery under fire in maintaining liaison under heavy bombardment.”

General Orders:

Born: 26 January 1897 at Wisconsin

Hometown: Town of Carlton, Kewaunee County, Wisconsin

Death: 23 June 1987 at California

Interred: Arroyo Grande Cemetery, Arroyo Grande, California


He graduated Algoma H. S. in ’17, football, baseball, basketball, track (high jump, hurdles, pole vault, 100-yard dash, broad jump), glee club, literary society, worked on yearbook; enlisted in Co. F, 5TH Wis. Inf., Wisconsin National Guard, at Sturgeon Bay, WI on 22 May ’17; assigned to 128TH Inf. when 32D Div. was organized; WIA 11 Nov. ’18, listed on 26 Dec. ’18 casualty list; discharged at Camp Grant, IL on 18 Apr. ’19; brother Cpl. Edward served with 1ST Bn. Repl. Training Center; married Anna R. (B.) Burkhart, father of 4; moved to CA between ’35 and ’40; resided at Nipomo, CA ca. ’84.



Kraft, Raymond H.

Sergeant, U.S. Army

128TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:

Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:

General Orders:





Kromer, Chester Henry

Corporal, U.S. Army

Company K, 128TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action: 30 August 1918

Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with bronze star

Citation: “A very courageous corporal who displayed initiative and firmness on August 30, 1918, in evacuating wounded during the advance on Juvigny and under bombardment and machine-gun fire.”

General Orders: Order No. 14.383 “D,” 15 March 1919, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East

Born: 15 February 1889 at Grand Rapids, Michigan

Hometown: Grand Rapids, Michigan

Death: 27 September 1947

Interred: Clinton Grove Cemetery, Clinton Township, Macomb County, Michigan


Many references list his middle initial as “C.;” enlisted in Michigan National Guard; Pvt. assigned to Co. K, 126TH Inf. when 32D Div. was organized; transferred to Co. K, 128TH Inf. (many references list unit as 125TH Inf.); earned Distinguished Service Cross for his actions 30 Aug. ’18 near Juvigny, rescued 4 wounded comrades; WIA; earned Purple Heart.



Krukar, Frank P.

First Lieutenant, U.S. Army  

Company K, 127TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:

Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:

General Orders:

Born: 23 March 1894 at Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Hometown: Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Death: January 1980



He worked as bookkeeper at Acme Auto Parts Corp.; enlisted in Co. K, 1ST Wis. Inf., Wisconsin National Guard, at Milwaukee, WI; was Sgt. in that unit during Mexican Border Crisis; 2d Lt. in Co. I, 5TH Wis. Inf. at Milwaukee, WI when mobilized 15 Jul. ’17; assigned to Co. K, 127TH Inf. when 32D Div. was organized; rode to France on USS George Washington; Alsace, Château-Thierry, Soissons, Meuse-Argonne; discharged 19 Aug. ’19 at Camp Grant, IL; brother Sgt. James J., WNG, served with Co. D, 128TH Inf. and was WIA; brother Sgt. Jacob also served; served in post-war WNG; Capt. and cdr. of Co. K, 127TH Inf. at Milwaukee, WI ca. ’22; transferred to WNG Res. by ’26; Col. on Governor’s military staff ca. ’33; married Estelle, father of at least 1 son; resided at 1615 S. 17th St., Milwaukee, WI at 1940 census; member Polish Council of Milwaukee; member of Woodrow Wilson Post No. 11 of Polish Legion of American Veterans; state cdr. of Polish Legion of American Veterans ca. ’43.



Krzykwa, Albert S.

Private, U.S. Army

Company M, 126TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action: 14 October 1918

Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with gilt star

Citation: “An admirably courageous soldier. His regiment having been checked by machine guns and grenades he volunteered for a combat patrol and crossing the enemy lines he captured 10 machine guns, killed and made prisoner 15 of the enemy and forced the others to surrender.”

General Orders: Order No. 16.103 “D,” 16 April 1919, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East

Born: 19 April 1891 at Grand Rapids, Michigan

Hometown: Alto, Michigan

Death: 8 November 1962

Interred: Rock Island National Cemetery, Rock Island, Illinois


He earned Distinguished Service Cross for his actions 14 Oct. ’18 as a member of a combat patrol near Romagne.



Kuehlthau, Wareham (Warham, Warren) Adam

Sergeant, U.S. Army

107TH Field Signal Battalion, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:

Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:

General Orders:

Born: 22 May 1896 at West Bend, Wisconsin

Hometown: West Bend, Wisconsin

Death: 18 December 1973 at West Bend, Wisconsin

Interred: Washington County Memorial Park, West Bend, Wisconsin


Attended U. of Wis. ca. ’13; brothers Carl and Earl also served; graduated U. of Wis. ca. ’23; member of Bernard A. Diedrich Post of American Legion at Wauwatosa, WI; sister Brunetta was an Army nurse and Lt. during WWII, stationed in Philippines when it fell to Japanese, held as POW at Santo Tomas prison at Manila for 3 years, returned home on 4 Mar. ’45.



Kuhlman, George Winfield

Second Lieutenant (Corps of Engineers), U.S. Army

107TH Engineer Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:

Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:

General Orders:

Born: 26 December 1893 at Algoma, Wisconsin

Hometown: Glidden, Wisconsin

Death: 14 January 1963 at Phoenix, Arizona at age 68

Interred: Wildwood Cemetery, Sheboygan, Wisconsin


He graduated Carroll College in ’17; earned Distinguished Service Cross for his action 5-6 Aug. ’18, conducted engr. recon. along Vesle River near Fismes; promoted to 1st Lt.; started with Heil Co. at Milwaukee, WI in ’19; transferred to NY in ’23; attained position of vice president; bestowed with honorary appointment to Wis. Governor’s Military Staff ca. ’42.



Kuklinski, Martin L.

Corporal, U.S. Army

128TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:

Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:

General Orders:





Kunath, Erwin

Cook, U.S. Army

Company F, 127TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:

Degree of Award: unknown

Citation Needed:

General Orders:

Born: born at Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Hometown: Milwaukee, Wisconsin


He enlisted in WNG at Milwaukee, WI on 27 Mar. ’17; discharged at Camp Grant, IL on 18 May ’19.



Kutschinski, Theodore Richard (Kutchinski)

Sergeant Bugler, U.S. Army  

Band, Headquarters Company, 126TH Infantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:

Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with silver star

Citation: “He worked for several hours on those parts of the battlefield where the combat was the most furious, bandaging the wounded and evacuating them. Was wounded during the course of the action.”

General Orders: Order No. 12.373 “D,” 15 December 1918, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East

Born: 1898 at Grand Rapids, Michigan

Hometown: Grand Rapids, Michigan

Death: 22 June 1946 at Grand Rapids, Michigan

Interred: Greenwood Cemetery, Grand Rapids, Michigan


Son of Fred and Amelia (Emilie) (Klein or Kline) Kutschinski, both German immigrants; resided at 836 Prospect Ave., N. E., Grand Rapids, MI; Michigan National Guard; served as cornet player with Band, HQ Co., 126TH Inf.; severely WIA ca. 5 Aug. ‘18; listed on 29 Aug. and 4 Sep. ‘18 casualty lists; earned Purple Heart; earned Silver Star Citation for his efforts to aid wounded comrades under shell fire 31 Jul.-5 Aug. ‘18 near Fismes; earned Div. Citation, likely basis for Silver Star Citation; listed as a DSC recipient in Detroit Free Press on 19 May ’19, haven’t found any other reference to it; married Frieda B. Zank at Grand Rapids, MI on 13 Apr. ‘17, father of 4; charter member of Earl R. Stewart Post of American Legion at Grand Rapids, MI; worked at Stahr Jewelry Co., Monroe Ave., N. W., Grand Rapids, MI, from age 14 until the day before his death; brother served with same unit, Pfc. Arthur E.; son served during WWII, S. Sgt. Theodore C., Army.



Kwiatkowski, Anthony L.

Sergeant, U.S. Army

Company K, 125TH Infantry, 32D ‘Red Arrow’ Division, A.E.F.

Date of Action:

Degree of Award: Croix de Guerre with silver star

Citation: “He placed himself at the head of his company and in spite of the fire of the enemy machine guns and artillery, he succeeded, although wounded, in reaching the designated objective.”

General Orders: Order No. 14.559 “D,” 17 March 1919, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East

Born: 28 June 1895 (’96) at Saginaw, Michigan

Hometown: Saginaw, Michigan

Death: 27 April 1951 at Saginaw, Michigan

Interred: Mount Olivet Cemetery, Saginaw, Michigan


Son of William G. ‘George’ and Mary (Donajewski) Kwiatkowski, mother NoK, R. F. D. No. 2, East Side, Saginaw, MI, both parents German immigrants (German Poland); worked for Chevrolet; WIA, listed on 4 Nov. ’18 casualty report; married Antoinette F. Nachtman at Saginaw, MI 28 Jun. ’21, father of at least 1.