Command Sergeants Major of the 32D Red Arrow Infantry Division & Brigade

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The duty position and rank insignia for Command Sergeant Major (CSM) did not exist in the U.S. Army until 1968. Prior to that, the most senior non-commissioned officer (NCO) at the battalion level and above was a Sergeant Major (SGM). Some echelons had two SGMs, one fulfilling the role now associated with the CSM and the other serving as an operations NCO (a.k.a. operations SGM). The new CSM rank was created, in part, to differentiate between the different duties and responsibilities of various SGM positions. SGMs have existed in the U.S. Army at the battalion level and above since 1775. Prior to the creation of the E-9 pay grade in 1958, the SGM was normally the senior master sergeant in the organization with a pay grade of E-7 (the pay grades of E-8 and E-9 were created at the same time).

It will be a challenge to complete this list, in comparison to the list of ‘Red Arrow’ commanders. While the commanders are frequently mentioned in the history books and other references, the CSMs are often not. Any assistance in attempting to complete this list would be greatly appreciated.

‘Red Arrow’ Infantry Division Command Sergeants Major (CSMs)





SGM Carl J. Gieg

ca. 1961

Division SGM during the Berlin Crisis.





‘Red Arrow’ Infantry Brigade Command Sergeants Major (CSMs)

CSM Royal C. ‘Roy’ Schaal

ca. 1967 to 1969(?)

Quite likely the first CSM of the 32D Inf. Bde.; born in 1909; SGM of 3D Battle Group,
127TH Inf., during 32D Inf. Div. mobilization for
Berlin Crisis; retired in 1969(?); passed away in 1982.






CSM Lawrence W.

1973 to 1980



CSM John E. Zuelzke

1981 to 1984

Served as a SSG in HHC, 1-127TH Inf. during
Berlin Crisis.


CSM Richard J. Boye

1985 to 1989

Served as a SGT in Co. A, 1-127TH Inf. during
Berlin Crisis; BDE CSM during REFORGER ‘86.


CSM Richard

1990 to 1993



CSM James L. Wolff

1994 to 1998



CSM Reginald D. Fedro

1998 to 2000



CSM Frederick W.
‘Fred’ Emery, Jr.

2000 to 2003

SFC with HHC, 32D IN BDE during REFORGER ’86.


CSM Milton J. Grieser

2004 to 2006

CSM of the Brigade during its first deployment in support
of OIF/OEF (while the BDE did not deploy as a whole, all of its major units
deployed in support of OIF or OEF between Jun. 2004 and Feb. 2007).

CSM Edgar J. Hansen

July 2006 to 10 July 2010

He graduated from Manitowoc’s Lincoln High School and
Silver Lake College. His military education includes armor crewman and master
gunner classes plus the NCO Academy at Fort Knox, KY; basic and advanced NCO
courses; the U.S. Army Sergeant’s Major Academy at Fort Bliss, TX; and other
courses. He enlisted in the U.S. Army in 1968 and served 12 years on active
duty as an infantryman, mortarman and door-gunner, including more than 18
months in Vietnam. After leaving the Army in 1980, he resumed service in Feb.
1990, joining Co. E, 2-127TH Inf., where he served for more than
13 years and became the battalion’s CSM in April 2003. He deployed to
Afghanistan in Sep. 2003 as an embedded trainer and combat advisor to the
Afghan national army, demobilizing in Aug. 2004. He deployed and served as an
advisor to the Iraqi Army from May through Nov. 2005. In 2006 he was assigned
as CSM for the 32D IBCT, and served in that role during its 2nd
deployment in support of OIF from Feb. 2009 to Jan. 2010. His awards include:
CIB with star, Bronze Star Medal, Meritorious Service Medal with OLC, Air
Medal, Joint Service Commendation Medal, Army Commendation Medal with 2 OLCs,
Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry, Good Conduct Medal with 2 bronze loops, Army
Reserve Components Achievement Medal with 3 OLCs, National Defense Service
Medal with 2 service stars, Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal, Vietnam Service
Medal with 2 service stars, Global War on Terrorism Service Medal,
Afghanistan Campaign Medal, Iraq Campaign Medal, Korea Defense Service Medal,
Armed Forces Reserve Medal with “M” device, NCO Professional Development
Ribbon with numeral 4, Republic of Vietnam Campaign Medal, Wisconsin Service
Ribbon, Wisconsin National Guard Write Medal with numeral 9, and German Schützenschnur in Silber.


CSM Conde

10 July 2010 to ?